
Monday 24 February 2020

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you all a great, new week. In my last post I boasted that we had 2 days without rain. Well, the weather gods made up for it, and the storm brought us gale force winds and very heavy rain all day. I tried to go to the Rhine yesterday morning, but had to turn back because the wind was too strong. I had to drink coffee instead! The wind was so strong that it blew 2 huge containers from a Rhine ship, which had to be rescued from the shore here by police and the fire-brigade!  You can see photos here. All of the carnival processions in Rhineland were cancelled, so many people were disappointed. I am not a fan of carnival, as so many use it as an excuse to get drunk and behave badly. Today there is less wind, so  the parades can take place.

On Monday evening we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time Sandie is our host, and has chosen the theme 'Paris', which will surely make many hearts beat faster!. She has some beautiful, inspirational tags on our blog, and I hope to see lots of people joining in. The challenge goes live Monday evening at 19:00 MET. And the winner of the prize from last week will also be announced!

My tag, made with elements from Serif and me, shows Paris in the spring. The girl is enjoying a glass of red wine - hope she doesn't drink too much and fall off her bike! And the tag links nicely to Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday gathering, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang.

I had lots of opportunities to visit cafes in the past week, and drank quite a lot of coffee - what else? Last week after an appointment in DΓΌsseldorf I saw this sign on my way back to the tram station:

So, I decided to take a photo through the window:

A lady sitting in front of the cafe said, 'Don't just take a photo, go in, the coffee's wonderful!' So I did just that - and she was soooooo right!

It's a small place,  simply furnished, with clean, clear lines:

 And the coffee really was the best I have had in a long time, so yes, I will be going there again!

And we often went for a coffee in 'our' ice parlous:

Here's Nathalie enjoying a cheese cake with her Latte:

And some cups and plates in our thrift shop here:

We had some nice sunrises this week:

My indoor garden is growing fast:

The trees and bushes outside are starting to go green:

And my daffodils are now huge:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. All the bad weather comes from the Netherlands and I feel guilty for that! LOL But ... the British are sending us this weather!πŸ˜…
    You have nice things there in the thrift store … I save the old cups and bowls, but my husband is going crazy because of my hobby!πŸ˜…
    You have a beautiful indoor garden!
    Wishing you a nice week!

    1. Thanks Ella! Yes, let's blame my countrymen in Britain as they have left the EU! I love the thrift store, always so many pretty things!

  2. Hi Val, another gorgeous post today. Love your tag, sitting drinking wine in a sunny Paris would be nice indeed! Lots of wonderful photos, too. I love that blue and white spotted jug in the window! You seem to have found a wonderful new cafe, too - have fun! Take care if it's stormy, and stay away from the Rhine! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Perhaps we'll make it back to Paris one day, that would be great!

  3. Beautiful tag! Glad you found a new coffee place!

  4. Hooray for the fire brigade for saving the day and also that no one got hurt. Those containers are huge! That must have been some wind. I love the new cafe and how the cream on your cappuccino looks like a tulip.Your Spring is way ahead of Spring where I am. Gorgeous tag. How lovely would it be to bike to a cafe and sit, read, and sip wine? I'd need to go on a tandem bike as one glass of wine makes me tipsy. The other rider would have to do all the work to get me home. 😺 Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ! I love your idea, but we can't go together as I get tipsy very quickly, too!

  5. Yesssssssssssssssssss! Thank you!

  6. Lovely! I spent 2 weeks in Paris (November 1969) and had a wonderful time. My camera broke so I could not take pictures. But, the memories! I enjoyed the crepes suzette made on a griddle out in the open air.

    1. Thanks a lot. Paris is indeed a fb place. And crepes....oh yes!

  7. Love the piece. So perky and springy.
    What a lovely window garden.
    You certainly did have winds!
    Glad you found a new coffee shop, with excellent brew.
    Have a great one.

    1. Thanks Sandra. It really has been windy, with a new storm every weekend!

  8. Sooo schΓΆn! Die Lady, die das sagte. Toll. Auch, dass es stimmte! :-)
    SchΓΆne Fotos! Hier drΓΆppelts nur. Die Pflanzen schlafen noch.
    Dir einen schΓΆnen Abend, GlG, Iris

  9. I love cheesecake and that looks delicious. Your thrift shop has real treasures! We're having so much rain I'm not getting out to see the gardens. I know the daffodils must be in full bloom. Your windowsill bulbs would be a help :) I like your tag. I can picture myself reading at that table in the inspiring scene. Such a strong wind! Wow! Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks! Who doesn't love cheesecake!? A holiday in Paris would be great, huh?

  10. Wow Valerie what a wonderful post. The coffee shop looks so inviting glad the coffee was good. The Paris art is perfect and the photos beautiful. Your inside garden looks great. Have a nice Monday.

  11. Your Paris tag is amazing!! I love it! We must be getting your rain now-it started last night and still raining.
    You find the neatest little spots for coffee-and you really have allot of spring already-things will be greening up here soon with all this rain and when we get warmer weather.
    always enjoys your lovely photos-hugs Happy T Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! Rain seems to be fashionable just now!

  12. Love your tag, great photos. I really love seeing your beautiful town.

  13. Paris, Eifelturm ach wie romantisch dein Tag gewordne ist und so schΓΆn udn dein Indoorgarten ist so allerleibst an zusehen!SchΓΆne Sonnenschein und wie das blΓΌht shcon bei euch.
    Bei mir hat es 1 Stunde heftig geschneit um 16 Uhr mit 1 Grad aber schon wieder vorbei es find dann an zuregnen spΓ€ter.
    Einen schΓΆnen Abend wΓΌnsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Das Wetter ist echt verrueckt momentan.

  14. A fabulous tag Valerie, you've used some fabulous images. Very strong winds indeed to blow the container off the boat, hopefully no one was hurt. Your window garden is so colourful and it's a beautiful orchid. Love the look of your new coffee shop and such a fabulous sign.
    Have a great week, Avril xx

  15. Your tag is gorgeous. And of course, I adore Paris, although I have never been there. If I ever get married (dream on), I want to spend my honeymoon in Paris. Of course, I won't be drinking wine, because I get zonkered very quickly. I've had friends tell me they will pay for my "drunk" any time, because one glass of beer or wine puts me under the table. My tolerance for drink is practically non-existent.

    Your lovely photos of your trips to town and that new coffee shop are wonderful. I'm sure Nathalie will want to go there one of these days, too. She sure likes to enjoy coffees and lattes with you. Your cappuccino looks beautiful in that new place, too.

    Those thrift store finds are beautiful. I have learned to stay out of thrift stores, because I hope to downsize, not add to my huge collection of cups, mugs, and such.

    Those were HUGE containers that fell into the river. I'm impressed with your river fire fighters and patrol. I know they practice for those sorts of events, but I'm sure that was a HUGE project to undertake in very windy circumstances.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful tag, your gorgeous sunrises, the link to the containers, the thrift store finds, your beautiful flowers on your window sill, and of course, your various cups of cappuccino with us for T this almost Tuesday. Hope your right hand fingers are better by now, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. If you ever get married in Paris I'll come along!

  16. Za oknem wiatr i deszcz i na Twoim blogu jak zawsze piΔ™knie i romantycznie. MiΕ‚ego tygodnia :)

  17. It was super reading your post and seeing the photos. The new coffee shop sounds like you will be visiting it again when you are in the area. I liked the thrift shop photos and I would be in the door to browse if they were open near me. I guess I would be temped as well, I love old crockery and books.
    Your tag looked fantastic, although it would be a bit to cold for me to sit outside at this time of the year. We have our first snow of the year today and its freezing tonight.
    Have a good Tuesday and rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I like browsing in thrift shops but try not to buy! Keep warm!

  18. Gorgeous tag! Nearly tells your own story Valerie! You are making me want to visit coffee shops more now lol. Isn't it awful how the weather dictates our lives. We have had a month of storms but the daffodils are really trying hard to get up and greet us!

    1. Yes, you've caught me out, I do spend a lot of time sitting in cafes and reading! We have had one storm after the other these last weeks, and hope the weather over Europe soon calms down.

  19. The weather around the world is really getting crazy. Where this will all end is a matter of great conjecture. But if you can use it as an excuse to frequent cafΓ©s and drink coffee there is obviously a benefit from it!

  20. Wow, that was some wind - to be able to sweep two containers off the decks. Glad you're safe and sound inside drinking an extra cuppa. I'm not a Carnival fan either.

    Beautiful tag. "Think spring" is a great mindset in the middle of winter.

    Your windowsill flowers are looking lovely.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen! Thinking spring always helps me get through cold weather!

  21. Your tag is such a celebration, Valerie - love it and your indoor garden - fantastic! Always good to find a place which serves great coffee! Have a lovely week.

    1. Thanks Wilma. Coffee and flowers make me happy!

  22. So many things to oh and ah over! Your tag is lovely. I followed the link to the container rescue. I would have thought they'd sink right away so that was very interesting. I wonder what was in them....
    Your indoor garden is beautiful. I wish I had a good sunny spot like that. I'd have to move my couch away from the window...and Marvin would be very sad about that and would likely take it out on my plants.
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Halle! Those containers were really huge, what a job to have to rescue them!

  23. fantastic tag ~ yummy coffee and I love to thrift shop too! I'll see if my store is photo worthy of anything tomorrow to post.

    1. Thanks. Thrift stores are always fun to look round and for taking pics!

  24. LOVE your Paris themed tag Valerie- pure delight!! So much fun to thrift shop/window shop, and I love how you found a new coffee shop to enjoy:) Gorgeous photos of the sky and blooming flowers. Wow- you are way ahead of us with the blooms. Have a great week, and happy T day!

  25. Love this, Paris is a world away so I enjoy seeing these on your posts...lovely scrummy looking coffee and wow what fun you girls must have together.xx

  26. Your Tag is gorgeous, love all the elements to make is so pretty.
    As always you have posted some fab photos on your those orange blooms are stunning.
    Like you we have had so much rain, fortunately where I am there hasn't been any flooding or snow like there is in many parts of the UK.
    Take care..x

    1. Thanks Sandie. The weather ist really crazy just now

  27. Wow! Those sure sound like some really strong winds! Now I want a cup of coffee, please(lol) You find the coolest places and the coolest things that I really enjoy so much! Hugs, RO

    1. Yes, those winds were strong! Coffee is always good!πŸ’–☕πŸ’–

  28. Such an uplifting post! I loved the quote from the coffee shop and it looked like a really lovely place to sit and relax too 😁. Looks like you've been busy visiting all those cafes too! Seeing your indoor garden made me smile, the flowers look so pretty and it must be wonderful seeing them everyday and watching them grow 😊. Stunning photos too! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Yes, that's my hard life, testing coffee and watching the flowers grow!☕πŸ’–☕πŸ’πŸŒΉπŸŒ·

  29. Other than the rain interfering with your walks it sounds like a good week. I love the new tag theme and the beautiful Paris one you made. Oh the days of sidewalk cafes can’t arrive soon enough. For me at least. And glad you found a new coffee spot. Perfect for T day. Hope yours is happy. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Hope you are enjoying your week πŸ’–πŸ˜πŸ’–

  30. I looked closely at the photos of the dishes in the shop windows. Very beautiful and I would try to pack them all! And I'm always so impressed with the foam on the coffee there. I don't even like coffee but I think I would buy some just to be able to look at that! I'm glad the rain and wind has eased. Stay safe during Carnival!

    1. I can imagine you struggling off with lots of packages! It is tempting, that's for sure 😁🐱😁

  31. Wonderful photography as usual Valerie, and I love your tag! xx

  32. I love your tag Valerie, it makes me want to go back to Paris! I definitely have coffee and plant envy, both look wonderful. You really can't blame us for sending you the bad weather, belive me we are keeping it all lol. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Hmmm, we've been getting this bad weather since Brexit, I thought it was a sort of revenge!🐱🐱🐱

  33. I do so love your Paris tag ...I will plan to join in soon! I'm pleased that you went in to the coffee shop or you would never have found out how good their coffee is! Lovely photos of the tableware and those super green leaves appearing! Some of the Hawthorn in the sheltered spots on the way along by the river are looking good here too! Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Sup will soon be here even if we still get some wintry days.

  34. So many beautiful photos! Love your Paris tag, it is so full of Spring beauty! I love thrift shops too, so it was fun to see the photo from there too. Happy T day, hope your weather clears!

  35. Lovely Paris tag. That's a great theme. Nice assortment of photos. Your Spring plant growth is about a month ahead of what it is here in Connecticut US. All of the bushes and trees are still dormant, and my Daffodils are still only about half way grown. (I think they flower in March.) I love how they put a heart shape in the coffees you get. Happy belated T-Day!

  36. Valerieyour Paris tag is beautiful, I love all the elements you’ve put on it, feels like a real scene with the girl drinking her wine.
    As usual some lovely photos and pottery, I love those fancy plates. I see the small biscuit on your saucer, is it one of those Almond ones, they have those where our son lives but we don’t like them, I take them home as our GS loves them and as they are small they don’t spoil his dinner!!
    Have belated T day
    Jan x

  37. Your Paris tag is gorgeous - it evokes that wonderful city so perfectly. The weather is indeed pretty terrible at the moment but it's nice to cosy up in a good quality coffee shop - it looks delicious!
    Diana x

  38. Lovely tag Valerie, your Paris lady is so deep in thought, maybe she will forget about the wine if her book is as gripping as it seems. Lovely signs of springtime I think we are all hoping for better weather and days we can drink (coffee) outdoors.
    What a treat to have found a new coffee shop, how nice of the lady to recommend it to you, bet you are very pleased you took her advise.
    Your indoor garden is thriving, i'm thankful that I do not have much indoor space for pot plants as i'm not very green fingered for house plants.. I can just about manage a few cactus hee hee.. Hugs TRacey xx

  39. Love your Paris tag.
    Great photographs too :)

    All the best Jan


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