
Monday 10 February 2020

T sTands for a new challenge aT Tag Tuesday and more....

Hi Everybody!

Hope nobody was blown away by the wind over the weekend! Some places were really badly hit by the storm and had a lot of damage. Here it was not too bad, but the storm alarm is still on and it could get nasty in the course of the day. No planes are flying from the airport, trains, trams and buses are not running, and many schools are closed. People have been advised to stay home. I am going to see how it develops and then decide if and where I go for my walk.
Update, Monday 12:00  We've had snow, rain, sleet, thunder, lightning and hailstones in quick succession. Then I used a break in the weather to get out. There's not a lot of damage to see, just some branches and twigs etc which have fallen from the trees. Lots of bikes have been blown over, and there are
'run-away'  garbage containers here and there. The wind is bearable but the gusts are  powerful. Transport is up and running again.

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time I am hosting. My theme is 'Spring is in the air'. I think we are all looking forward to spring and Easter here.  I love the soft colours of spring flowers, fresh green leaves and grass, the first buds and blossoms, lambs, birds making their nests and singing in the trees. On your tags I would like to see everything and anything which gladdens your heart in spring. Our challenges run for 2 weeks, and tags of all formats are allowed - large, small. digital, hybrid, 'real' - just have fun!

I painted an A3 sheet of paper with left over paints at art group and textured it by pulling a scraper over it. then I chopped it up into 6 pieces and made 6 tags using a tag die from TH. I sewed each of the tags to a coloured background and then went to work on them, and got 6 tags finished. By the time I brought them into the living room to take pics, one had disappeared, and hasn't yet showed up. I hope I will find it somewhere under my mess when I clear up, and I will be showing the tags bit by bit over the next 2 weeks. I needed longer than usual to make the tags as my fingers are still not very cooperative, but I am at least managing some simple things, so I'm contented with that!

The first one has been stamped with stamps by Catherine Moore and TH (sentiment). I love this little bird girl. I coloured in the flowers on her dress and added some hearts and a bunny clip:

This was the painted paper I used as master board:

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T gang who visit here. I made a digital journal page which I am linking to Elizabeth's 'hearts' theme at AJJ. The cups and coffee pot are die cuts made with my own sunrise photos some time back. The sentiment and BG are from Serif:

And now for some of the real stuff:

Lavazza is a very good make of coffee, and was on offer last week, so I bought 2 huge bags to tide me over the next weeks. This way I get top coffee beans at the same  price as a cheaper coffee from the Discounter:

Saw this in the Altstadt, but did not go in for breakfast - perhaps another time:

Unusual decorations at this cafe:

It's getting near to carnival time here, which means it's donut season. Just for you I tried a donut filled with eggnog - yesssssssssssssssss!

At the market last week I bought myself 2 primulas for 99 cents each:

And I got a big bunch of daffs for 1,85:

Recently I went with Nathalie to visit a castle from the middle ages. I visited there some time back, perhaps you remember the peacocks there. We enjoyed walking through the beautiful grounds:

I always love these rusty musicians:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Adorable tag with the little, birdie girl and her new Easter dress. The flowers you bought are so pretty, and outside everything is so green. After all that walking around, the donut filled with eggnog would be a deliciously perfect ending. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks! Yes, things like that are sometimes tempting!

  2. Hi Val, glad the storm didn't do too much damage. It was loud here, and a tree next door ell down, but luckily it only damaged a part of the fence and nobody was hurt. Love your tag with that sweet little bird-girl, little S loves it, too! Mum is here now, and so far behaving herself, she's just having a nap right now! Love the coffee page, too! Great photos as always! Have a nice afternoon and take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Hope your mum continues to play nicely!

  3. What a beautiful castle you visited, Valerie. Thank you for the beautiful photos you share with us. I am glad that the storm did not hit your place hard. But please be careful, my friend. As for the tag, it is GORGEOUS. Lovely stamp, great coloring and the bunny peg is a wonderful add. Thank you so much for the inspiration, my dear friend. Kisses!

    1. Thanks Mia. The castle is indeed a wonderful place to visit.

  4. Enjoyed your post today, oh that donut and I love that Lavazza Crete coffee. Beautiful Valentine tag and a lovely page. Glad you are surviving that storm, wonder how England did. Heard they were expecting hurricane force winds.

  5. Thanks Laurie. There have been enormous storms and hurricanes over Great Britain and Europe, and some places were hit quite badly.

  6. Wow Valerie, another awesome post-loved everything. Your tag is so cool, I loved the cut out hearts for the coffee page, and I always enjoy all of your photos. Sounds like some rough weather there-we are in for more ice snow and very very cold temperatures for a few days. then the following week it will warm up. Happy T wishes hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. The weather everywhere seems to be chaotic just now.

    2. Hi Valerie-I answered your question about niddy noddy's on my blog post-I updated it with a photo

    3. Thanks a lot Kathy, much appreciated!

  7. Your tag is absolutely adorable. I think the bunny is so clever. Super adorable, and the hearts on the tag are wonderful, too. Although spring is over a month away, I am ready to join you in welcoming it. Your cute bird and her spring dress is absolutely beautiful. I wish your fingers were better, but you have made a fabulous tag to welcome spring.

    Your photos you shared today are beautiful. I loved the rusty musicians, and the pampas grass behind the sculpture, too. That would be a great place to walk on a sunny day with a friend.

    Your digital coffee page puts anything I could make to shame. I simply adore it. It's truly a great addition to my theme at Art Journal Journal and for that, I am truly grateful.

    Of course, you were out and about and got some shots of real cappuccino, too. Thanks for sharing your great tag, your journal entry, your beautiful photos with Nathalie, and your coffee choices for T this almost Tuesday.

    1. Thanks E. I think we are all looking forward to spring.

  8. You did get a storm! We got (and are getting) steady rain soaking the ground but no ice or wind. I love your spring colors and that bird girl. I also like your coffee page. Those sunrise colors are perfect for the coffee. We used to get Lavazza coffee sometimes, but I'd actually forgotten it. I'll have to look for it and get some. Thanks for the reminder :) Your flowers are wonderful reminders that spring is almost here. What a lovely outing. I'm struck by those bird nesting boxes and that -what is it, a site for bees, maybe- triangular piece in the tree. Interesting! Happy T Day :)

    1. Thanks. Lavazza coffee is gooood! The triangular thing is n insect hotel, and they have boxes for birds and for bats

    2. An insect hotel sounds like a good idea!

  9. Love the little bird girl in her pretty dress and the morning coffee page is fabulous. Lovely photos from your visit to the castle. We had the same variety of weather yesterday, some snow/rain showers today but mainly very windy. Stay safe.
    Avril xx

  10. Your walk looks great Valerie, and I love your artwork. Your tag background is beautiful.
    Alison xx

  11. Hello, Valerie, so happy to know you weathered the storm. I've become very overwhelmed, read back through to the beginning of this year as I was intent on finding out what's caused your injured fingers. All of your wonderful art and photos in one sitting is a little excitably dangerous! haha But no laughing when I finally read that you have lupus. My heart sank. Since I have my 5 Arthurs and Autoimmune Disorder, I have learned about it. I am so relieved that you are under good medical care! And you look after yourself so well. Autoimmune diseases suck! You will be in my prayers, Val. And extra wishes to survive the steroids. I've been there and it's a crapshoot of no fun, guess it's like chemo, just another kind of poison. ANYway, I am inspired by your positive attitude and stubborn tenacity. You will be the boss of it, girl! Now, I wanna ask you a question: just how many bakeries are there in your Kaiserwerth???? Seems like a dozen or more! I am sooooooo jealous. I spied that eggnog donut, that's pretty cool, but just the coffee and tea selection alone must be staggering! Hugs and healing thoughts! XOX

    1. Thanks for the kind words and sympathy, Aimeslee, that means a lot to me. Kaiserwerth is atiny place, but we have 6 bakeries, several cafes, lots of restaurants and pubs and 2 ice parlours....but only one supermarket!

  12. I love your tag Valerie, and she looks so pretty against her pink background - your masterboard is stunning. We had the storm yesterday, with just the tail end and lots of rain today. I hope the week picks up for us both! Take care, Sue x

  13. A super post to see all the lovely photos you shared from your walk and of course the delicious looking cake looked very tempting. I could be even tempted to drinking a coffee occasionally after seeing your photos, the cafe's look very welcoming .
    Your tag and Art page look fantastic. The image on the tag is so cute. The digital page with your own images is awesome we are happy that you have added it to AJJ.
    Take care in all this stormy weather.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Hope you all got through the storm safely, too.

  14. Da hast du wirklich viel Spass gehabt beim werkeln deinee schönen Tag und Seite so kunstvoll gesaltet. Das Kaffeebild ist ja cool. Da war was los bei euch und bei mir, bei mir kommen jetzt noch die Sturmflut dazu paar Tage lang und nochmal Sturm und Regen mit Kälte.
    Komm gut durch die Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Es ist kalt und ungemütlich hier aauch, aber ohne Sturmflut! Pass gut auf dich auf!

  15. Hi Valerie: I haven't really followed this storm very closely, but from what I read it has been quite vicious in places. Stay safe and don't go out for a walk if it dangerous to do so. If you miss a day it is not serious - and you have lots of Lavazza at home to take care of your coffee needs!

    1. Yes, the storm was nasty. And I really have enough Coffee here to see me through a few months!

  16. We had strong winds and a lot of rain yesterday, but many areas in the UK had flooding.
    Better today (Monday) …

    I love your tags, and I did enjoy seeing all of your photographs, the primulas and daffodils look lovely.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  17. Glad you survived the weird stormy weather without much incident. LOVE your painted paper and your tags!!(and I have already added mine to the link:) And how cool are your die cuts with your sunrise photos...
    love seeing the beautiful, vibrant blooms. But, that castle- oh how I would love seeing it in person- wow- just spectacular to me! Thanks for sharing and happy T day!

    1. The castle is really lovely, like a fairy tale, you would enjoy it. And there's a restaurant there with good food!

  18. Great tags and love your art work. Photos are a bonus and look fabulous.xx

  19. A bit of gust, hail, thunder and lightning over here - still very windy, no run-away garbage, luckily.
    Hmmm das Kaffee-Tag is super - und ich schätze, ich kann mein "Spring"-sign hervorholen!
    Knusperflakes in dunkler Schokolade? Ach. Trotzdem zu süß ;-)
    Frühstück mit Cola?! "Coffee & Kuchen" - aua. Ach, lass uns Sprachen mixen!
    Ach ja, au wei, du sitzt ja mittendrin! Mein Bruder hat in Köln studiert und ist zu dieser Zeit immer nach Hause "geflüchtet"!
    Wir haben übrigens das größte Karneval Norddeutschlands - aber... ich bleib zu Hause ;-)
    Gib´s aber auf NDR.
    Schöne Blumen! GlG und Happy T-day, Iris

    1. Karneval ist nicht mein Ding, da meide ich Düsseldorf!

  20. Morning Valerie, beautiful photos again , donut with egg nog, ha,ha, my Mum and Grandma used to drink that at Christmas with lemonade, they called it a snowball!
    Your journal page is lovely, I like the way you’ve used the scenery in the tea cups and coffee pot.
    The storm blew down next doors fence, luckily the bins were ready for collection otherwise it would have damaged our new car! Have a great T Day
    Jan x

    1. I remember that drink, too, but I've never tried it! Glad you didn't have too much storm damage.

  21. Great tag, love the background. Glad you are safe, it was and still very windy here. Thankfully no major damage here. Be safe.x

    1. Glad to hear there was not too much damage, that's good.

  22. Fantastic post, it makes me feel like spring is on its way! We still have high winds here and had torrential rain on Sunday and hailstones yesterday too, hopefully it will be calmer tomorrow 😁. I'm loving your master board and tag, the colours are so cheery and spring-like and I'm in love with the little pink bunny with the pom pom tail 😉. Those coffees and sweet treats looks yummy too, you always visit the best places! I enjoyed your walk and seeing the bright skies as we have grey here at the moment. Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! Still very windy here, thought I would get blown away at the Rhine today - it has to get better sooner or later!

  23. Glad your storm damage wasn't horrible. I saw that on the news and it looked scary. And your photos look like spring. Oh I am jealous. But I shall make a tag to compensate for our winter weather. It is that time of year for flowers of any kind. Love the latest tag and the challenge and the coffee themed art for T day. Hope yours is going well my friend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Storms are really scary. I'm looking forward to a Tag from you!

  24. Happy T-day ( well it is here anyway)
    I dropped my jaw when I say your T-day tag!!! THAT is so awesome!!
    Of course I admire all your photos, you live in such a picturesque country, so I REALLY enjoy seeing all of them.

    1. Thanks Krisha! I wanted to make some happy tags this time!

  25. I'm glad the storm wasn't too bad. I saw your header photo and thought that the river was quite high...
    Yes, lavazza is the best! Good for you to stock up on good coffee.
    I always love your cafe visits, and I'm beginning to do it myself now a bit more often. Only they don't sell cappuccino here. I wish....
    The castle is beautiful and your photos are amazing.
    Your tag is lovely and you used your own sunset/rise photos. That is so cool.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, long live Lavazza! I didn't realise you couldn't get cappuccino where you live.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I'm glad to hear the storm didn't hit you as hard as expected. I can't believe you still managed to get an outdoor walk in, Valerie! You're an inspiration.

    Aww, your spring tag is adorable. (Who doesn't giggle at a bunny butt?) So are the gummy bears in your header.

    Yummy looking donut. Beautiful photos of the old castle and grounds.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  28. Wow, you had some wild weather just like I did. Your tag is lovely. I like the pink bunny at the top. And Mardi Gras (Carnival) is 2 weeks from today. Your coffees always look delicious. That eggnog filled donut sounds great. Your primulas are beautiful looking plants. I love that castle. I wish we had that type of architecture to be able to visit here in the US. Happy T-Day!

  29. Yikes. I've heard of the storms hitting England this week but didn't know Germany was getting its share too. Do take care. It sounds pretty dramatic over there. I love your pieces but most of all those cheery daffodils. Big smiles here!

  30. Ooh, I did enjoy the photos from your visit to the castle. It looks a lovely place to spend a sunny afternoon in winter when you can be all wrapped up and briskly walking. How lovely to see all those nesting boxes and clustered together like that. We have just bought another nesting box for the back garden after seeing a poor bird struggling in a sudden hailstorm to fly to shelter on Monday. So important to keep our birds visiting our garden and hopefully nesting there.
    Now to the eating! That looks ever so tasty but tell me, was it real egg nog?
    Love the flowers you bought too, daffodils are very special to me and always remind e of my mum.
    Absolutely love the digital page you made, so warm and inviting in those rich oranges and browns that fit so perfectly with the word 'coffee' and your tag is so pretty with the little bird wearing a dress and the cute bunny at the top.
    Stay safe and take care in this oh so changeable weather.
    hugs, Neet xx

  31. The weather turned wild here in the UK too, it was worse in some places than others! I hope it's calmed down now! I love your tag and the masterboard is fabulous! I can't imagine anything better than your sunrises in your coffee pot and cups! Thats valiant of you to test that donut! Spring flowers are always good for chheering us up! Lovely photos of you outing too! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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