
Thursday 13 February 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - love

Hi Everybody!

Another week is racing by and it's already time for Rain's Thursday Art Date, and this time her theme is


There are many verses, quotes, sayings and books about love, but it would be too much here to bring them all together. Here are a couple of my fave quotes:

"Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one’s house for love, it would be utterly scorned." ~  Song of Solomon 8:6

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." I Corinthians 1-3
    "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."  I Corinthians 13
    Last week I made a journal page with the quote, 'Love me, love my dog', and a few of my readers said they would like to see something similar with cats. 
    So here, especially for Elizabeth,CJSandra, and all cat lovers out there, is a cat page. The adorable cats are from Pexels. I am linking to AJJ, hearts, Rain, and to Paint Party Friday:

And here some more pieces with a love theme from previous times:

Love in the family:

An altered photo with a Shakespeare quote Twelfth Night):

A sunrise photo together with an image from Gecko Galz:

Love in the family - my husband as a little boy with his adored grandma:

More cats:

Art with heart:

And a book to fill with love:

Flowers are often given to those we love, so here some pics from the garden centre I visited last week with my neighbour:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Love is an appropriate topic with Valentine's Day coming up. We have actually been invited to an old friend's house for lunch, along with other old friends, and it seems to me that's a pretty generous expression of love. It will be fun with lots of laughter, I can assure you of that. And while we are on the topic let me send love from Canada. David

    1. Thanks David, enjoy your lunch. Meeting up with old friends is always good.

  2. As I am a cat lover, Valerie, I really enjoyed this entry. I especially love your colorful painted cats. And the frog in the garden center! Ha ha! Hugs, my dear friend.

    1. Thanks Mia. Cats and frogs are a strange combination, but both are fascinating!

  3. Oh these cat ones are fun. I remember some of these pieces, especially those modernistic cats. You really went all out with love. Which are of course so appropriate for this time of year. And I am so glad you linked that fun kitty page up to AJJ. It is perfect and made me smile, especially that heart shaped tree. Hope your Valentine's Day is a nice day. hugs-Erika

  4. Beautiful post on Love for Rain's theme, wow those flowers are spectacular.

  5. I never know where to start as the cats, hearts, flowers and oh everything is just gorgeous.xx

  6. Wow you have out done yourself-Love all of your art can't choose a favorite-and with 5 degrees f coming in tonight and tomorrow I so enjoyed all those pretty flowers-Kathy

  7. I'm so glad you shared these wonderful hearts with us. They are lovely. I looked on AJJ, so hope you will link there, too. After all, your "Love me, love my cats" hearts are a great entry for my theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I not only LOVE your cats, I own some that look similar. They always make me smile. And of course, I always say that phrase, because cats are SO special, as your art has shown over and over and over. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I have linked now, the post was scheduled for midnight, when I was in bed!

  8. Un post muy interesante! Espero tu opinión en mi reciente entrada! Feliz día! ♥️♥️♥️

  9. Liebe Valerie, was für wunderschönes Posting mit deinen ausdruckstarken Kunstwerken zur Liebe und die Sprüche und Zitate.
    Herrliches Blumenmeer, ich liebe sie auch!!!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  10. Ohhhh!!!
    Das Banner!
    Die ohne Zucker mag ich gern. Trocken. Wir hatten eine Packung. Geöffnet. Hingelegt. Und sind 6 Monate weggefahren.
    Ingo´s Oma hat die natürlich gefunden, gegessen und eine geschlossene Tüte hingelegt. Ahhhhhrgh!
    Wir haben uns so auf die getrockneten gefreut und dann das.
    Danke für den Lacher/die Erinnerung (Ingo´s Oma starb 2008).

    Liebe... das war vermutlich Oma´s Liebe, frische Gummibärchen. Und selbstgestrickte Socken.
    "Love never fails", das stimmt.

    Und eines Tages: Katze(n)!!!

    Eine schöne Kollektion!

    Dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Die Saure Bärchen waren ein Geschenk von der Kleine Tochter einer Freundin, die mir ihr allerliebste Bonbons geschenkt hat. Deshalb das Banner als Dankeschön und Anerkennung!

  11. I love your kitty art! Have a great day. x

    1. Thanks Anesha, I know you love your cats, too!


  12. Love and kindness are the most beautiful feelings. I love cats and everything that is associated with them. Have a nice Valentine's Day :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Cats are indeed wonderful creatures.

  13. It looks so cute, pretty works:)

  14. Valerie,

    I l❤️ve your artwork! We're sorta on the same creative wave length, both of us referencing music and love. The art with heart project with the key is charming. Thanks for sharing your inspiration and creativity, my dear!

    The Power of Love through music and art with Rains Garden love prompt

    1. Thanks Cathy, always good to sail along on the wave of love!

  15. Oh WOW the love is showing in all of your art pages and photos. I adore the cats, who could resist them with their sweet faces looking so cute.
    Elizabeth and everyone who has ever owned a cat will adore how you created the page. Thank you for adding these to AJJ Valerie and I hope you have a rest of the day.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Cats are really very pretty creatures, and don't they know it!

  16. Such a creative spirit :) The variety in this post is a delight! Love is all its aspects :)

  17. Beautiful flowers and artwork Valerie, and I love those wonderful bible verses! xx

  18. I love your cute jelly bears header too! :-) x

  19. So many wondrous photos and pieces, especially the love my cats! Thank you:) Big smile!

  20. Beautiful art work Valerie, cute cat pictures. Very colourful garden centre, that frog with binoculars is cute too.

  21. A post with love, color (lots of it!) and great beauty. Add me to the list of cat fans. That one looks a lot like Lizzie!

  22. Oh goodness Valerie, you've created the loveliest blog-post ❤️💐❤️

  23. wow so cute way to celebrate the LOVE :)

  24. Love your "love" themed post! Beautiful art and lovely valentines - and that giant green frog is fabulous! What a great addition for a garden!

    1. Thanks. The frog was unfortunately too expensive, so I couldn't take it home with me!

  25. You've overflowed our hearts today Valerie, so much shared love. Words of beauty Corinthians 13 is always a beautiful read. You've put a wide smile on many cat lovers faces today, so adorable. I'm so glad you revisited all those projects again, we get to love them once again. Sending hugs your way have a fab weekend Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. The verses are indeed wonderful.

  26. Such wonderful inspiration on this day of love! The cats are just lovely!!

  27. A sumptuous sharing of love Valerie, i am sated
    Happy you dropped by my blog today

    Happy you dropped by Valerie

    much love

  28. those flowers!!! the frog and binoculars! Your artwork collage paintings are so touching. What a talent, and they show your soft heart sentimentally. Me too... soft heart.
    Love, happy V-day, LeeAnna

    1. Better a soft and loving heart than one that's too hard and uncaring!

  29. Happy Valentine's Valerie!! :) "Love me, love my cat" lol...that is funny to me because when I first met Alex, he had two cats and I was NOT a cat person! But Alex and the cats were a package and of course, I grew to love them and we got a third one too! Your pieces are all so beautiful, I especially love the key to your heart! :) Oh the flowers are so pretty!!! I can't wait until spring. I laughed so hard at that frog statue ha ha ha, that's great!!

    1. Thanks Rain. I wanted to buy that frog for my balcony, but he was just tooooo expensive:(

  30. A gorgeous post full of love for sure!! And oh, the flowers look so beautiful. can't wait for spring to arrive! Happy PPF!

  31. That makes two of us longing for spring. Enjoy your weekend!

  32. What wonderful quotes, and I love your artwork, especially the cats. Take care, Sue xx

  33. Thanks a lot. Take care of the weather gets bad!

  34. How did I miss this one! 😻the cats. The page you created with the picture of your husband as a little boy and his grandmother is just beautiful. So precious. I'd love to go poking around the garden center. Such glorious colors. The frog statue made me laugh. I might have to look for a Froschkönig for the Zensical garden.

    1. Thanks! The garden centre here is truly wonderful - huge, and so full of temptation!

  35. So much love - happy Valentine's and PPF!

  36. An awesome post! Lots to take in and admire. I do love the 2 kitty's...'love me, love my cat'.

  37. This is truly a lovely love post. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole, you have a wonderful weekend, too!

  38. There is no end of love in your heart. I just recently did a reading of the Song of Solomon at the wedding I stood up for. It is indeed beautiful. And you have so many other ways of expressing love and I too am a Cat lover so I was thrilled with your kitties. And your flowers ... yes, it is hard to think about flowers when it is 1 degree outside and the yard is gleaming white with snow ... but I do look forward to the fresh and sweet smell of a flower garden even with a bug eyed frog looking over it, Ha! Lovely post Valerie ... I know I am late and perhaps you won't even read this because you will not be looking for it anymore, but I enjoyed every minute of my journey to your place :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks so much, Andrea. I do indeed read all my comments, even late ones, and always keep the 'comments' page open on my computer so I don't miss any. I hope you will soon have warmer weather and be able to enjoy your flower garden again, with or without frog! Have a great weekend!

  39. Love your pillows and living room. There ya go with the dogs again:) Heh. Wondrous photos. Loved the first piece. It has it all. A nod to spring, Valentines Day and Easter.
    Hope those fingers are behaving.

    1. Thanks Sandra, my fingers are still sore but I'm hopeful they will sooner or later get better!

  40. A great post, and the flowers are just beautiful to see.
    Many thanks for all your lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  41. Tolle Werke
    und sehr schöne Bilder!


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