
Thursday 27 February 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - Leaps and Bounds

Hi Everybody!

After a winter without a single flake of snow, it snowed today, and we got a light dusting even here. By the time I was ready to go out it was already gone, and it was back to our wet and drizzly weather of the past days. But we might get a few more snow flakes in the next days, we shall see!

When I read the theme for Rain's art date, my first thought was to have an early night and forget it. But I put on my thinking cap and found a few things which just about qualify!

I made this journal page today and want to link it to Elizabeth's hearts challenge at AJJ as well. I used elements from Mischief Circus, Serif and me:

And I made another one for the dog-lovers under us:

This page with the jumping kids was made some time back:

Here the people are jumping over my home town, London:

And the dancing queen can jump and spring too, perhaps with help of the little mushrooms....

And here my Nanas, inspired by the beautiful figures of Nikki de St Phalle are leaping around and having fun:

And here photos  (from Pexels) full of leaps:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

I hope that you are not all tired out after all these leaps and bounds!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Art, artistic and all looks this post and those pics are incredible..xx

  2. Your new header is fantastic, Valerie. It's amazing that you were able to come up with so many pictures for your jump theme, and I am exhausted just looking at them!

  3. Wonderful take on leaps and bounds!

  4. Stunning leaps and bounds photos, but your art is my favorite. I've ALWAYS loved the jump over London. Of course, I simply adore the cat with the heart leaping for the stars. This is wonderful. Thanks for yet another entry you have shared with us using my theme at Art Journal Journey, dear friend.

  5. Oh wow! Amazing artwork and just super fun - the challenge at splitcoaststampers this week was leaping! I guess for Leap Year :) These are just so fun and I'm loving your bushy tailed friend - the squirrel! Beautiful colors and just fabulous!

    1. Thanks Kelly. Yes, it's a leap year, one day extra to have fun and be creative!

  6. Eine *wow* oder *boah* spring ich mit dir jetzt Valerie in deine tolle Art der Kunst, wunderschön hast du das Thema im Posting umgesetzt. Eine wahre Pracht ob Tier oder Mensch! Deine eigene Seiten sind wunderschön.
    Leider regnet es schon wieder bei mir...
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Dir einen schönen Tag trotz Regen. Hier ist es grau und kalt. Aber Regenwetter ist immer gut um kreativ zusein Zuhause!

  7. Hier hat´s auch geschneit, ist aber netter Weise auch gleich geschmolzen :-)

    Ich hab gestern einen neuen Streuner gesehen, schwarz weiß! Und ganz schön propper!
    Das Kinderbild ist toll! Wenn man bedenkt, wie manche heute aufwachsen...
    Danke. Ohrwurm!!! ;-) Warum hast du ausgerechnet London verlassen?

    Tolle Fotos, man möchte direkt loslegen, trotz des wieder trüben Wetters, dankeschön! GlG, Iris

    1. Danke Iris! Manchmal vermisse ich London und England, bin aber glücklich hier. Ich sag mir immer, 'Home is where I am'. Kalt und trüb ist es hier auch, da müssen wir durch!

  8. Wonderful pages , I love the cat ones best. lol We are just getting our first snow. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks! Now, why doesn't that surprise me?! Enjoy the snow!

  9. We woke to a winter wonderland this morning but I don't think it will last although one never knows and more is forecast. It is beautiful and sunny too so the trees are dripping as the snow is melting.
    Wow, where did you manage to find all those pictures? You have certainly shown lots of leaping in your post today with all that human and wildlife but I must say the first picture of the cat is my favourite. What an adorable feline she is as she reaches for the stars. I love how you have done the background, the orange part at the base is beautiful. Saying that I also love how you have done the background on the Dancing Queen and I would love to know how you did the London bit. So much to see and admire here.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. I found the photos on Pexels, they can be used freely and free! Glad you like my leaping cat. I love painting backgrounds and often have a pile which I then use when I need them. The London pagewas a hybrid one, using the stenciled figures and doodled circles over a digital, vintage map of London. The other embellishments were also added digitally.

  10. Oh heck! Forgot to say I love your new blog header.
    N xx

  11. I love your drawings! Gorgeous!
    I also draw ... but I can't do without a model ... you will see in one of these days! Very nice pictures, Valerie!
    Here is gray and cold today!
    No more snow ... I hope that after the weekend Spring will come ... but is only a hop! Wishing you a nice day!
    Hugs! 🤗

    1. Thanks Ella. It's grey and cold here, too, just got back from my morning walk!

  12. My favorite is the Nanas but the dogs really make me think. All your creations are wonderful, the pictures make me feel inspired for the day, and I love your map of London and dancing queen. Fun stuff. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! I love the Nanas, too, and that the artist didn't use skinny models and discriminate others.

  13. Wszystkie prace bardzo mi się podobają bo są radosne i piękne oczywiście kot jest najpiękniejszy:) Miłego dnia:)

  14. Wonderful assortment of artwork and photos.

  15. Great Nanas -- I am a big fan of Niki de St. Phalle, especially the fountain near the Beaubourg museum in Paris and some of her work in San Diego. I especially love a pizza oven that she decorated for her friends' restaurant in La Jolla. It's very low-key.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. Glad you are a fan of Niki de St Phalle, too. We have a wonderful fountain, the 'lifesaver' in a neighbouring town. I often go there for my coffee on a Sunday. You can see a little video I made here:

  16. Valerie,

    Great fun! I like all of your photo selections of jumping activities and critters. I'll be jumping for joy when DH gets off from work because he's off tomorrow. Yay!!

    Check out my art work on Curious as a Cathy!

    1. Thanks Cathy. Enjoy your jump and leap into the weekend!

  17. Wonderful interpretation of the theme. You know my favorite piece is the happy cat with the fish. Heavy rains for us tapering off, and the weekend is supposed to get colder. AT least no snow. I don't care if I never see a snowflake again. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks. I had a sort of feeling that the cat might just be our fave this time! I prefer warm sand to snow anyday!

  18. I like all the enthusiastic leaping in your art today :) I'm smiling :)

  19. Wow, you are so prolific and creative. I didn't know you were from London. Aloha from Hawaii.

  20. Of course I'm in love with your cat, as you might expect! Such fun and whimsy! But also your London (as you might expect) and every glorious photo! Lots of jumping for joy!

    1. Thanks Jeanke! Cats and London are your themes!

  21. Awesome art, stunning photos-loved it all-hugs

  22. Wonderful pieces and photos, especially the first piece and the white horse.

  23. What amazing, fun artwork Valerie! I'd definitely have had an early night with this theme but you've certainly risen to the challenge. Hope your snow has gone now, our fell for about 2 minutes then the rain washed it away again! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Themes sometimes seem daunting, but I think it's good to give it a go!

  24. A wonderful post to read and see the photos. Fantastic happy art pages. I hope the leaping cat keeps tight hold of the fish, this was my favourite today and we are thrilled you linked it to AJJ. Of course I have to mention that I love the page with the dogs as well. Have a super rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks! I love cats and dogs, we always had both and they got on well as long as the cat was respected as the queen!

  25. Have an early night and forget it ... Ha! You can't pass up an opportunity to express yourself and we are all so grateful that you do. What a fun set of leaping and bounding. I, of course, love the cat as I have a big boy cat who looks just like that and I also have a leaping dog so there you go ... you had already made me happy, then there was more and more and more. You are loaded with great pictures to choose from and what fun we have when you share them. So I guess now you can go to sleep, knowing that you have fulfilled all of our wishes :) Thank you, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  26. Thanks Andrea, it's always fun watching cats and dogs and other animals hopping around and enjoying themselves.

  27. Love your artwork Valerie and all the pages are fabulous. What a lot of leaping and jumping going on and I don't know where they all get the energy from! I always get tired from my tai chi though I do try to run upstairs as much as I can.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss, running up and dwn stairs is always a good exercise!

  28. Love the cats and dogs, the first cat is my favourite.

  29. Your art pieces are lovely and so expressive! The photos are very fun too.

  30. Wow, I love these works, co cute and fun!

  31. Tired of all the leaps and bounds? I think not! Some of those pictures express the epitome of joy and exuberance. Just seeing them makes me feel good. :)

    The message in your doctor's office about waiting is fabulous. (And very true, I think!) Perhaps it's worthy of making it into one of your art pieces ones of these days.

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear lady.

    1. Thanks. It's a good message, that's for sure! I will try to use it on a journal page!

  32. Hi Valerie :) I'm glad you put on your thinking cap lol! :) I love your cat, he somehow looks a little mischievous! And I love the dogs playing footie! :)Lots of beautiful leaping photos!! :)

    1. Thanks Rain, keep leaping! Hope you are getting on well with the house!

  33. So much fun so very creative. I luv the surfer best
    Happy PPF and thanks for dropping by my blog today Valerie


    much love...

  34. Such a fun packed post of art and photos! Happy PPF!

  35. I love these! All the jumping and leaping and colour makes me feel more energetic :) Happy PPF from No 16 :D

  36. Your post is so full of life!! I love your awesome cat - his pose and personality are beautiful!!

  37. You nailed this challenge. Good thing you put your thinking cap on. It was very enjoyable to read. I don’t know if your snow was good or bad but at least your winter wasn’t totally snow free. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. On day of snow! Well, actually it was perhaps an hour....

  38. Hey Valerie this is a fabulous post. Pretty amazing you have not had snow all winter. Enjoy your weekend.

  39. Beautiful images and I love your animal art Valerie! xx

  40. Hello Val! Yes, I'm a lil tired after leaping through all of those awesome creations. I had to go over to Rain's and tell her I'm a Leapling born 2/29/56 and have just turned Sweet 16! LOL Now she knows someone! Hope you get another snow! XOX

    1. Happy belated 16th birthday, have fun leaping!

  41. What fun!
    A fabulous assortment here!

    All the best Jan

  42. Ha! Ha! Great art and photos...except for the frogs!!! Hugs, Chrisx


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