
Friday 17 January 2020

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's been a wet and windy day here, but we had a wonderful day yesterday, with loads of sunshine so I'm not complaining, at least not too loudly....
Yesterday I went to art group again after a break of a few weeks and was able to do a bit of crafting. I used a Roy Lichtenstein image from an old calendar (from the 1970s). I hacked it into pieces with the big paper-cutter and then had fun re-arranging them. I haven't finished the piece yet, it is rather large - 17" x 24" - and will work on it again another time. But I magicked the pieces into my graphic programme and then played around with them on a red background. The sentiment is something important for me just now. I am linking to Jo's 'something new' challenge at Art Journal Journey, and to Paint Party Friday:

This is as far as I have got with the original - the pieces were glued on haphazardly and outlined with a wide. yellow calligraphy marker. I am looking forward to seeing what I will do next, at the moment I don't know:

Wednesday started off with a wonderful dawn and sunrise:

I walked long the Rhine into Düsseldorf, and took a quick detour into Nord Park and had a rest in the Japanese Garden, a beautiful and peaceful place in all seasons:

This is a restaurant at the Rhine, and I didn't go in for coffee!

The Relief on the wall shows how boats were rowed and towed along in the old days:

January flowers:

It's early even for the snow-drops:

Strange fungi:

This coil leads up to the bridge which I often walk over . this time I went under it:

Daisies everywhere:

Dark clouds but no rain:

And hundreds and hundreds of Canadian wild geese everywhere:

These Canadian visitors seem to love the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow,the sky on those photos looks so pretty!

  2. Hi Val, hope you are enjoying your day. Hi busy here, the kids are all running crazy today. Love your beautiful and colourful collage, it's gorgeous. Great idea! Love photos, too, as always, the sky shots are fabulous. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I can imagine those kids going wild!

  3. Wow that is allot of geese in one spot. I loved your art page-what a very cool idea I think it is awesome the way it is already.
    You have such a variety of places to walk-that would really make walking more interesting-I need to see if I can make my walk more interesting-I did start going up that steep hill instead of down it-and much easier for me to manage and more of a heart work out as well.
    enjoyed all of the photos-your sunrise photos are gorgeous Have an awesome weekend hugs Kathy

    1. oh and I wonder if those mushrooms on the trees are edible-here in the states there are many like this that are

    2. They are edible as far as I know.

    3. awesome-these are really delicious

  4. Ein grossartige Idee das Bild in Abschnitte in Szene zu setzen!
    Dein Spaziergang ist so schönund so manche Ecken erkenne ich wo ich damals war wie unter der Brücke mit dem Fahrrad bin ich schon geradelt. Durch das Wetter kommen lauter solche Pilze hervor udn wie gross die sind. Die Schneeglöckchen sind auch so früh schon dran. Was für eine Menge von Gänseschar da sind, die werden auch immer mehr.
    Herrlich war es mit deinen wunderschönen Wolkenbilder und Sonne dazu!
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. Such great words for the calender pieces that you cut up and arranged; and so true sometimes we do need to reorganize ourselves, don't we 😀. Your photos as always are beautiful, I always enjoy walking with you and we have been admiring snowdrops on our walks here as well. Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. ... so interested in your fabulous post that I forgot to say thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey too, thank you! Hugs, Jo x

  6. Ooohhhhh and wow!!! I love this piece so much. It feels very different from your other art and it is fabulous!

    1. Thanks Nicole, it's fun to do something different!

  7. The Japanese garden looks like a lovely visit - we have a beautiful one in the West hills of Portland. There is a clear view of Mount Hood, which resembles Mt Fugi, and is beautifully framed by placement of buildings, bridges, and bridges.
    We also have a delightful Chinese garden, so much magic and mystery in one city block!! The Lan Su Garden is preparing to celebrate the year of the Rat (which begins next week) with festivities.
    Happy PPF!

  8. Love your page. The quote and clever arrangement. I’m amazed to see flowers in the dead of Winter. We will be several months behind. As always gorgeous photos. I don’t blame the Canada Geese from hanging out at the Rhine. The scenery is gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks. The flowers are very early. And yes, the Rhine is a good place to hang out!

  9. Great art work. Very striking. Love your photos they are stunning. Have a great weekend.

  10. I think your art page looks fabulous Valerie, it is such a good idea to cut the pieces and rearrange them, the red background makes them pop off the page. Its a great page for Jo's AJJ theme.
    All the photos are lovely, the wild geese seem to like your part of Europe, I think they could be quite noisy with so many gathering together.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks. The geese are very noisy! But I love watching them!

  11. Lovely art and 'spring' photos! I see that the Invictus Games are coming to your area!

  12. Great start to your art work Valerie, I enjoyed your walk photos, so many geese, they certainly like your area.

  13. I am going to have to award you the Order of Canada, Valerie, for showing off Canada Geese so frequently! The sunrise is spectacular and the Japanese Garden looks tranquil and welcoming. I can't believe you didn't go for a coffee. If you were close by I would check your pulse!

    1. Don't worry, I was not ill! I went to a bakery for my coffee and snack - the place I showed here is beautiful, but too expensive!

  14. Very striking artwork Valerie and such wonderful photos too. Especially love the nature ones and I've never seen so many Canada geese in one place!
    So sorry to have been missing for so long and hope to stay in touch more this year. Have a great weekend,
    Fliss xx

  15. Can't wait to see your continue progress on your artwork ~ it is fascinating collage work ~ and gorgeous photography and your lovely walk ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Lovely artwork Valerie, it is fascinating how you have worked on that piece, and the sentiment - oh yes, definitely I can relate.
    Glad you had a beautiful day - they are always memorable in our crazy world-wide weather xx
    I've so enjoyed seeing all the geese photos as well as those pretty snow drops and other flowers. Happy PPF ~💙✨~

    1. Thanks Sue. The weather is indeed crazy all over the world just now. I just try to enjoy every scrap of good weather we have!

  17. What a cool art piece you are working on. Love it!

    Such beautiful pictures. The dawn is stunning and so many nice sights too. I love getting to travel around with you and see new places. :) Fabulous pictures!

    Happy weekend!

  18. I like how you arranged those bit of the Roy Lichtenstein image. And the quote works so well with it. I am really amazed at your spring weather. We have another snow storm coming tomorrow. No green grass of flowers budding here. Happy weekend.Hugs-Erika

    1. Have a great weekend in spite of the bad weather!

  19. wow love your awesome art here, stunning work. Now is it spring or your winter as it sure looks like spring flowers are popping up everywhere. I think the rain world wide has dried up, we have had some to wet the grass and put the fires out but otherwise nothing..xx

  20. Wonderful visual journey - I especially love the Japanese garden!! Such a beautiful place!

  21. Das passt sehr zu meinem Lebensabschnitt.
    Großartige Idee! Ich äffe dich bestimmt mal nach ;-)
    Schöne Fotos! Ich war nur zwei Mal in Düsseldorf - ein Mal schlimm, ein anderes Mal mit meinem Bruder, im Regen - auf dem Motorrad. Hm...
    Der Japanische Garten ist toll!
    Ein schönes Relief. Und so viele Gänse... verrückt - dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

    1. Der Japanische Garten ist eine Oase der Rühe - nur nicht Sonntags im Sommer wenn Eltern mit ihren ungezogenen Kinder einfallen und Höllenlärm verursachen! Und es gibt ein Spielplatz direkt um die Ecke!

  22. Monte is doing really well, he loves his walks and runs in the park every morning, then goes sleeping like a baby all afternoon. We know when he is tired as he gets crazy and naughty and keeps running around so we get out of his puppy way.xx

    1. Thanks Annie, so glad to hear he is dong well! Give him a hug from me!

  23. We've got some sunshine today after what feels like weeks of damp, grey gloom - such a relief! Your dawn photos really took my breath away today.

    There's a jagged dislocation in how you're working with that graphic image that already tells a story... looking forward to seeing where it goes next. Hope you're enjoying some more sunshine today and a lovely weekend.
    Alison x

    1. I'm having fun doing this just now, although the first cut is always very difficult!

  24. What a fun way to re-use that image. Your sky photos are gorgeous, and the Japanese garden looks like a peaceful place. Spring has sprung!

  25. I do love your walks with pictures - always inspires me!!
    Sandy xx

  26. Great photos from your walk, and I love your art Valerie! xx

  27. A great way to use that piece of artwork and I loved seeing the picture of the snowdrops, I always think they're the first sign of spring. We've had a nice sunny day today after lots of grey and windy days.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks, the first snowdrops are always a sight for sore eyes!

  28. Love your sunrise photographs …
    We had a beautiful sunset today - I should have taken photographs!
    The sky was a wonderful array of colours … pinks, blues, purples, and more!
    Gosh nature can be so wonderful at times :)

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Sunrise and sunset are often incredibly beautiful and colourful!

  29. What a fun idea and what gorgeous photos! So much eye candy...

  30. Good morning Valerie, which great walk and that sunset you saw it's amazing! Beautiful photos and gardens :)

  31. Woww Valerie !! How wonderful is your page !! this is an amazing idea to cut the image and "reorganize" it . Your photographs are wonderful, as always, I have enjoyed your walks. This japanese garden is really peacful, love the mushroom so strange, and I adore these Canadian geese. Hope you feel better. Cloudy and windy day today by there, and a big storm in Valencia too.
    Have a very nice afternoon,
    Big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks Caty, Stormy weather all over Europe!

  32. Great work and great walk! Beautiful place! :)

  33. Wow deine Roy Liechtenstein Collage gefällt mir sehr. So auf rotem HG und mit gelber Umrandung sieht das richtig peppig aus. Super Idee! Die Fotos sind auch wieder so schön, besonders die vom Japangarten mag ich sehr, da ich den ja auch schon besichtigen konnte und diese Gartenkultur liebe. Aber auch der knotige Baumstamm mit den Pilzen sieht super aus.
    Hoffe du hattest ein gemütliches Wochenende und es geht dir gut. Wir waren vorhin an der Mosel und hatten auf dem Weg dorthin in den Höhenlagen des Venns Schnee.
    Liebe Grüße

  34. What a brilliant idea Valerie! Love how bold and bright they are. They are cut so perfectly and are so striking. Love the sentiment! Gorgeous images today. Spring is trying its best to be sprung!!

  35. Wow I love your artwork Valerie, Roy Lichtenstein is definitely one of my favourite artists. Your photographs are fabulous, the sight of the first snowdrops always cheers me up! Take care, Sue xx

  36. Fabulous photos Valerie! Love seeing the geese! I love your cut up page - you have made me want to try this space! Hugs, Chrisx

  37. Valerie, oh those geese make me smile! So many ! They must be having a grand party :) Lovely art work you've done and such a great view of your little walk around town!

  38. Oh Valerie, I'm so glad you were able to go to your art group and do some crafting again. That's a good sign and I liked what you shared. And gorgeous photos, each and every one!


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