
Friday 6 December 2019

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

We had some lovely days during the week, cold and frosty, but dry and crisp at the same time, so I did a lot of walking. Today it's grey and wet and not very inviting outside, so I'm glad I made good use of those days.

Recently I visited the Art Düsseldorf Fair in an old steel works in Düsseldorf, we had a fab day there. you can see the pics here  and here if you want to. We got lots of freebies and handouts there, and I used this A2, poster sized, (17" x 24") folded advert as basis for a mixed media collage. The circles were painted with diluted acrylics. The figures were cut-outs from other freebies, as were the small portraits. I added the black lines and some green washi tape. Now I have a great memory of a wonderful day out.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey, words and numbers.

The photos were taken on one of my walks this week. I walked through Königs Allee, the most exclusive street in Düsseldorf, and of course, also the most expensive. And no, I didn't buy anything. Looking is fun, spending my money there would be foolhardy! A lot of people who shop here evidently have more money than sense....But I do enjoy the extravagant window decorations in the big-name shops:

I am hoping the EU regulations about not showing faces without permission does not apply to shop-window mannequins!

The entrance to one of the arcades:

I see lots of fashionable men wearing their bags like this these days. This is another fashion trend I don't understand:

Looking along the canal, which was originally part of the fortifications of Düsseldorf in the good old (bad old?) days:

That's all for today, the tour will be continued in my next post.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ein tolles fantasievolles Journal von deiner Ausstellung! Düsseldorf mal wieder zu sehen wie es dort ist gefällt mir auch sehr.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes 2.Adventwochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  2. Wow an amazing post and so classy is that wonderful shopping lucky lady.xx

  3. Good Morning Val, love your Art Düsseldorf poster, really fantastic, great colours and a fantastic way to remember your day there. Fun photos of the Kö, I loved walking though and looking at the windows, but never bought anything there, either! Have a great day, wrap up warm! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Wow, die Damen in weiß sind ja... groß!
    Ganz ehrlich, diese Regulation ist affig. Wer kontrolliert das denn.
    Ich war externer Mitarbeiter bei VW, Kameras durfte man nicht mitnehmen, später mussten bei Smartphones die Kameras versiegelt werden.
    Und? Es gibt Uhren und was weiß ich mit Kamera, wer kontrolliert das?
    Mein Blog ist so klein, da muss ich nichts verpixeln. Wer kontrolliert oder merkt wann andere ein Photo von einem selbst schießen? weiß man doch nie...

    Datenschutz und dann haben Leute diese Karten, die jeden Einkauf speichern...

    Aber wenn dich so eine Puppe besucht und schimpft, na, dann weisste Bescheid ;-)

    Ist das rote ein Hase oder Hund? Süß auf jeden Fall! :-)
    Tolles Bild auf den Kanal! Und das Pferd!!! "Da steht ein Pferd auf´m Flur" - da gabs doch mal ein Lied!

    Dir einen schönen Nikolaustag und GlG, Iris

    1. Die EU Regelungen sind einfach saublöd!😁🦁😁

  5. Another beautiful creation and love all the wonderful photos.

  6. I guess that was a tour to see how people with more money than they know what to do with live. Maybe even your beloved coffee would have been three times the price it is elsewhere,

    1. Too true, I can buy a kilo of coffee beans for the amount they charge for 1 cup!

  7. Journal pages are such a good way to keep hold of those special memories of great days out and visits, looks vibrant and fun. Love window shopping probably more than shopping itself. Beautiful displays to look at but not touch.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, we've had rain overnight and more forecast for today but at least the temperature is back up to where is should be.
    Happy PPF & Take care Hugs Tracey xx

  8. Your journal page is such a fun way to capture your outing at the Art Fair. The window displays are gorgeous, Hmm, you think if someone wanted to carry their bag so their hands would be free, they would carry a (smaller) cross-body bag or wear a backpack? The pastel colors of the Anthropologie? shop has me thinking of Spring and warmer weather. If only!

  9. I can feel how desperate you are for spring!

  10. Wonderful mixed media. Thanks for shari ng your museum visit.
    Happy you dropped by my blog today


  11. Beautiful art! I'm loving those colourful circles and your photos are fabulous too 😁. So nice to look around the shops at the Christmas window displays and the canal looks amazing too! Wishing you a happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  12. I love those bold circles. You always inspire me.

  13. Imagine my joy at seeing this mixed media gem and then seeing you had shared it with us at Art Journal Journey. What a beauty, and a great way to remember the day and all the freebies you got. You know me. I LOVE freebies and this was simply fabulous.

    I have to admit, I liked some of the shoes at Stevens. I bet I wouldn't like the prices, though. The entrance was over the top, too. It's amazing that we in the states think of Black Friday as our own invention, but obviously other countries take advantage of the internet and in-store bargains on this special day, too.

  14. Wonderful art and some interesting window displays Valerie! I'm not sure about that red rabbit with Bag Man! :-D xx

    1. Tastes are different, but this is really hard!

  15. Looks like a fun city to window shop. I have seen those bags on men on the tv-they are kinda cool but I think they look better worn on the backside-they probably fit those large smart phones or other electronic devices.
    Happy weekend Hugs Kathy

  16. Window shopping _is_ fun :) "More money than sense" is an expression I remember Daddy using :) I've never seen bags worn that way. Odd, but fashion is sometimes odd ;)

  17. Lovely larger collage. Nice to see the expensive shopping district if only to look!

  18. Hi Valerie oh what wonderful mixed media pages it certainly is a wonderful memory for you.
    What lovely shops you see on your walk ,beautiful pics my friend,Thankyou for sharing them with us xx

  19. I love your collage Valerie, and what a great way to recycle your poster. Those expensive shops look very interestingbut I don't think this way of carrying the man bag will catch on! Have a great weekend, Sue xx

    1. I hope you are right, it looks so daft. I've seen a few young men carrying their bags like that. Awful!

  20. Your collage is so bright and eye catching and the pictures are excellent. Loving all your window shots! Have a great weekend Valerie!

  21. Wonderful collage Valerie, I spied two Tomte in the shop window there, could have taken them home happily!! Have a great weekend.

  22. A fabulous mixed media page Valerie and great that you were able to use some of your freebies, A super way to store your memories and record the date of the visit. I am so happy you shared the page over at Art Journal Journey as well.
    Those shops looked 'posh' and 'expensive', it would be window shopping only for me as well. The folk who dress the models and windows are quite clever to catch peoples attention with the hope to tempt them to go into the store.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Oh what a festive and creative post ~ great artwork and photography ~ ^_^

    Happy Thoughts to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. Interesting about the EU rule. I don't think we have that here. I love the all white mannequins. They're quite lovely!

  25. Valerie, thank you for taking us along on your tour!
    I had a wonderful time!
    Also loved your colorful art work.
    I was just browsing and stopped by.

    Hugs 🎄❤🎅

  26. Very good photos, I like Hermes:)

  27. I love the big colorful dots. That is a great artsy memory page. And obviously a lot of people shop in those stores. Some people have just too much cash I guess. Hope you get lots of walk this weekend. Hugs-Erika

  28. Hope the weather improves enough for walking. Love the colorful dots in your background. I'm with you when it comes to window shopping in expensive locals:)

  29. Hi Valerie :) I hope your mannequins don't report you lol! ;) That mall looks so shiny and pricey! I love the horse in the window too! The canal shot is magnificent!

    1. I hope so too! Shiny and extremely pricey is a good description.

  30. Came back! I haven't seen that men bag trend around, yet! But when abroad I sometimes wear my backpack on the front for security as for example in the metro. Maybe men who use it that way are afraid of being robbed! Who knows? Our world is getting a bit crazier everyday!

  31. As always I am amazed with vibrant, lively colors, great weather for a walk you have there, in here it's been raining for two days!

  32. Your art is so colourful, I like it.

    Window shopping can be fun and you see so many different things …
    I thought the Christmas trees in the shopping mall looked nice.

    All the best Jan

  33. Love your collage. Also I love the stunning cloud array on your header!!


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