
Tuesday 17 December 2019

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We had a dry day here, and it's very mild - 14°. Crazy for this time of year. The birds were happy, and busy singing all day, they probably think it's spring. I'm wondering how it's going to be in the last days of the year!

I have another tag for Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday, a vintage and masculine one, as it is meant for a neighbour who likes taking photos. The background images are from an ancient Sear's catalogue which is slowly but surely disintegrating. The other images are from C.I:

 Isn't this sweet?

The Rhine is very full:

I went for a walk along the Rhine and through our little town just as it was getting dark. The photos are not so good, I just took them with my phone:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a grand piece and glorious pics.
    Our water table is up too. Just crossed over the lake and it was surprisingly close to the road.
    Have a good one.

  2. Hi Valerie love your tag its striking with the camera,beautiful work my friend ,well done.
    Thankyou also for sharing your beautiful pics with us,they are always a joy to see,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

  3. Hi Valerie :)) I LOVE the big anchor and that pathway with the lit lanterns is so beautiful! Your piece is so lovely, the pretty girls and the Sears catalog! Oh I remember we used to have the Sears catalog coming in the mail every year and I'd look through each page and dream of having those things! Nice memories! See you on Thursday!! :)

    1. Catalogues used to be fun to look through. But I think this edition of Sears is older than both of us together!

  4. Hi Val, just caught your post before I fall into bed. Love the tag, those old images are all collector's pieces in the meantime! Lovely photos, too, I love the look of Kaiserswerth in the evening. At other times, too, but evenings with the pretty lights it's really gorgeous. Goodnight, sleep tight! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Ah, the old Sears catalog. I remember it well. Window displays are lovely this time of year. Your night-time photos with those lights are beautiful!

  6. Love the tag.

    I think the night-time photographs showing the lights are lovely … they create such a nice atmosphere.

    Happy mid-week wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. LOve the tag and the evening photos. Lights in the dark at this time of year for some reason look so much more beautiful than they do on a summer night. Maybe because we have so much dark or the cold air does something. Happy id-week. Hugs-Erika

    1. That's true. I love walking around and looking into the lit windows!

  8. What a fun tag! And I really love your early evening walk. The river and the lights are so very beautiful.

  9. beautiful tag, hope the Rhine doesn't swell too much, enjoyed your photos.

  10. Spectacular post, love the tag and gorgeous photos.. I know I say this each comment but they always are of great interest.xx

  11. That tag is amazing. I love what you did with the Sears magazine and how you paired it with the camera and film strip of women.

    As I've said before, there's just something magical about Christmas lights at night. The homes look so warm and inviting, too. You live in a lovely area.

  12. Ja, gestern war Frühling! Heute 8-9C, brrr.
    Tolle Arbeit! Wow!
    Oh, ja, sieht fast nach Hochwasser aus... Schöne Abendfotos, dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

  13. Interesująca kartka dla fotografa. Poznaję miasto w którym mieszkasz dzięki Twoim fotografiom.

  14. Such lovely photos! I wish I'd known you when we went to Rhine Valley and stopped in Bophart.

    1. That would have been great, it's not too far from here

  15. Perfect piece to go with your photos. I love all the lighted windows. Every place looks so warm and cozy.

    1. Yes, the lit up windows are really warm and cosy looking.

  16. Wie schön nostalgie schwelkt im Tag! Süss das Plüschvogel im Schaufenster und dein Spaziergang am Abend wieder so tolle Fotos davon!
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  17. Lovely photos as the light was going from the day. the tress look magical all lit up.
    Its a beautiful vintage stvle tag as well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. It#s a beautiful time of day to be out and about!

  18. Lovely tag. What a find that old catalogue is for an artist like you. Merry Christmas, Teresa

  19. Wow,what a great tag, your ideas are always so cool!

  20. Oh wow that tag is so gorgeous Valerie, pure perfection!! Your photos are amazing! You either have a brilliant phone are it's just your keen eye but I do love the light you have captured them in. We are in the midst of a really back storm here at the minute. Lashing rain and 70 mile an hour winds and building up to worse!! Batten down the hatches lol.

  21. Lovely tag Valerie. Great photos along the Rhine, and on your walk.

  22. Repeating myself but I just love the 'light in the dark' pics.

  23. Pretty works :) Last year we also had -14, but now it's quite warm :)

  24. Your vintage tag is gorgeous and I love the sweet glittery emu with the crown 😁. Your night time photos are amazing, the glow of the lights is so magical - perfect! Wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

  25. Great photos & lovely art Valerie! It's been very wet here too xx

  26. I really love your vintage...x

  27. I love the tag!!!! Gorgeous photos! I love the stuffed animal! Very sweet! Big Hugs!


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