
Saturday 9 November 2019

Autumn weekend

Hi Everybody!

It's got very chilly here in Rhineland, winter is stretching its cold fingers out to remind us of what it has in store! Today was grey, but mostly dry and I was able to get out and about for my walks without getting wet, so it could have been worse!

Today we are remembering the 20th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the 80th Anniversary of the 'Reichs Pogrom Nacht' - often called 'Crystal night', which sounds rather harmless. The Nazis started pogroms in almost every town and village in Germany, the synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses were smashed, burnt and looted, and 10,000 people arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps, just on this one night.  The father of Erika, whose photo you saw on my tag yesterday, was one of them. His family was forced to sell their business, house and everything they owned to pay the fine levied on him for being Jewish, and were able to escape three weeks later to South America. Many others were not so lucky, and I think you all know what happened to 6 million others....

Today I have another tag for Michele's 'Seeds and plants' theme at Tag Tuesday
The harvest image is from Gecko Galz, the other images from Serif and me. The quote is from Ecclesiastes chapter 3:

Some more autumnal pics:

Enjoy your weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh Valerie, walls to keep people sad that is. Families divided and torn apart. Breaks my heart.
    Your lovely art and photos shows the beautiful world we could all live in. But our country builds walls, too. Very sad.

    Hugs ❤

    1. Yes, so many sad things have happened are are still happening, we can only hope and pray that things get better.

  2. The history of those brave families is always heartbreaking Valerie. Sad sad times and unfortunately some of it is still going on today. Will we ever evolve! Loving your beautiful photos today and that gorgeous tag. It has rained none stop here for 24 hours and more so fire is lit and we are watching the world go by.

    1. Yes, that's true, and in Ireland you have had your share of problems, too.

  3. Hi Val, another wonderful post. Happy memories and sad ones, and so many people still not able to accept that different colours, races and religions can live in peace together. Your tag is radiant and beautiful, as are the fantastic photos. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Thanks for reminding us of Kristallnacht, Valerie, that terrible night of terror for Jewish people that ended in the slaughter of more than 6,000,000 of them. Their only crime was the simple fact of being Jews, and they were mercilessly destroyed, man, woman and child. The world should never be permitted to forget this atrocity, although I am not sure that we have learned our lesson from it.

    1. You're so right, David. Even today, 80 years later, synagogues and Jewish schools, old people's homes and other buildings need to be guarded by armed police 24/7.

  5. Your gorgeous photos and art lightened the mood of that horrible time and those awful memories. What mankind does to itself.

  6. I wonder if the human race ever learns from the experiences of others thru history. My husband's grandparents came here is 1936, he a non practising stateless Jew and she a blond blue eyed German. They were lucky to get out . Lovely tag Valerie, and I am enjoying your autumn photos. Beautiful rainbow.

    1. They were indeed lucky, and that is something to be thankful for.

  7. Beautiful autumn photos and a timely reminder of the horrors of wars, will we ever learn

    Joan x

  8. Gorgeous tag and autumn photos Valerie, you are such a good artist and photographer
    Those were horrible years My husbands grandparents were Jewish one side fled Russian and the other grandparents fled Hungry horrible time in history.
    winter's bitter cold is coming in tomorrow night I guess we may be breaking old temperature records. stay warm-hugs

    1. Yes, it was a terrible time for all of the European countries. Stay warm!

  9. thank you for the important reminder of history, lest we ever forget. and thanks for the wonderful seeds and plants card, and all the marvelous photos! xo

  10. BEAUTIFUL. lOVEY autumn colours and photos. Days gone bye were hard for everyone. My parents were lucky to get to Australia from WW11 prison camp where they saw many of the poor Jewish being harmed, today any better?? [in a different way, no]

    1. Glad your parents were among the lucky ones who were able to escape to a better life.

  11. Oh each and every photo is a joy! I love your post about the memories and the anniversary. A very sad time in history indeed. Your autumn splendor are just gorgeous! I love the vibrant colors and it's just a burst of fall beauty!

  12. The holocaust was a horrible thing. After doing ancestry DNA I discovered a bit of Ashkenazi Jewish in my DNA, and it probably means that somewhere in my part of my family's past I had many relatives who were lost during that time. It is a sobering thought. But on a happy thought, I just love your latest tag (my art time is coming tomorrow) and those gorgeous fall photos. Hope it warms up a bit for you. Hugs-Erika

  13. I first read about that Crystal Night a few years ago after I read about it on your blog. The horror of the whole affair is almost unbearable. Then there's the WALL. I remember the day the wall fell. I had a friend ask "what's the big deal about a WALL?" How do you answer or respond to ignorance? Look at the mess we've created in the states because our president wanted a wall. Look at what Russia has done to Ukraine. Look at what Turkey has done to Syria and the Kurds. And much of this entire mess can be traced back to the guy who wants to build a wall in our country. In my opinion, we have learned little, if nothing of history. Sorry about my soapbox speech.

    Your tag is fabulous. It is hopeful and caring. And it echos the colors I see in your photos, too. It's beautiful. BTW, I finally took time to honor Michele's theme at Tag Tuesday myself.

    My favorite photos today are the ones of the leaves streaming over the wall. The wall presents a perfect back drop for the different colored leaves and the berries, too. Of course, I was most impressed with the rainbow shots, as well as the beautiful trees turning colors under the rainbow.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. History has a habit of repeating itself, and some people never learn.

    2. Yes. some people sadly never learn :-(
      But they have "power".

  14. Nic Pics, i love the autumn too. Im in my holidays in south tyrol and the colors here are great :)

  15. Ja, wir haben eine Platte installiert vor dem "Schloss" - nie wieder Bücher verbrennen.
    Glücklicher Weise kann ich sagen, dass mein deutscher Großvater nicht Soldat sein musste - er war der einzige Uhrmacher am Ort.
    Oh... ich trau mich fast nicht zu fragen... sind das Heidelbeeren?
    Wunderschöne Bilder! Der Regenbogen, die Tropfen...
    Hier ist es sonnig und wir werden nochmal die Mummemeile besuchen.
    Ich werde nochmal Schokoladenseife kaufen, aus Frankreich, hmmm, riecht lecker! Komisch, Süßes essen mag ich nicht!
    GlG und noch einen schönen Sonntag, Iris

    1. Ob Heidelbeeren oder nicht kann ich nicht sagen, ich hab sie nur in vorbeigehen fotografiert. Heute ist es auch hier sonnig, bin meilenweit gelaufen und es war schön!

  16. Historia Nocy Kryształowej powinna uczyć nas czym jest nienawiść do drugiego człowieka i brak tolerancji. Piękne są Twoje fotografie i cudownie,że mogę je podziwiać . Pozdrawiam serdecznie:)

    1. This is right, it is just so sad that some people never learn!

  17. Liebe Valerie
    wunderschön der Tag die Farben passen so schön zum Herbst!
    Die Regenbogen und all die anderen Fotos sind sehenswert!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  18. I never realized the the Fall of the Wall and Kristallnacht shared the same anniversary. A poignant remembrance that physical walls and social walls divide. And it seems we just don't seem to be able to learn lessons from the past. Your photos are just gorgeous. I especially love the crow. I wonder what or who he was calling to. Enjoy your day

    1. You are so right! The crow was shouting at the gulls, who outnumbered him!

  19. Lovely shots, all! I love the fall colours. Now, we are coloured white with snow.

  20. It's an important weekend of remembrance all round.

    I love the contrast of your harvest tag full of sunshine with the rainy photos - nature is still magnificent, no matter how damp!
    Alison x

  21. I saw many posts on Facebook yesterday observing the anniversary. I like your Autumn harvest art :) And your Autumn photos... those leaves, that rainbow... gorgeous!

  22. Very important date for us here in Europe, great you mentioned that in your post! Lovely work, colors are beautiful as always and your photos show such a beautiful Fall☺ Have a lovely week ahead☺

  23. Hi Valerie beautiful tag my friend,well done.
    Love your Autumn photos and the pics of the rainbow are beautiful,Thankyou for sharing them with us xx

  24. Your harvest photos are so beautiful but as I look at them and read your words I am reminded of Kristallnacht, and of all those after who never were able to experience these colorful autumns; who were never able to bring children into the world who could experience them. I'm so grateful you posted this. It is an unfortunate but important reminder and today we need that reminder more than ever.

  25. A wonderful harvest tag, and stunning photos Valerie!
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

  26. Valerie,

    I remember the day the Berlin Wall came down. What a momenumental historical event to see in my life time! It saddens me there is a divid in people. It's terrible to think of the horror Hitler and his SS did to millions of innocents all because they were Jews. I'll never understand that kind of hatred, ever! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos of your part of the world. Have a blessed day. ;)

  27. It was a very important weekend for Remembrance.

    Lovely selection of photographs you've shared.

    All the best Jan


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