
Saturday 26 October 2019

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! From Saturday evening on we are expecting cold, wet and windy weather again, but the few days with sunshine have been great, and I was out and about lots to make the most of it. Autumn and Halloween are my fave seasons!

Today I am sharing another A3 Mixed media spooky piece to get us into the Halloween spirit. This has been painted, sprayed, dripped, doodled and stamped. The gold parts were stamped using a glue pad and a special gold foil:

 The hawk  again:

And being mobbed by a crow and a magpie:

The woodpecker who loves to eat my feeders empty:

Some beautiful morning scenes:

And more fungi:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. BEAUTIFUL photos of the sky and the hawk, Valerie.
    Your A3 page is REALLY STUNNING!!!!!!! Hugs, my dear friend.

  2. Ghostie Goodness. Love the color. As usual, your photos are amazing. Had to smile at the toadstool at the end. Right out of Fantasia. Have a good weekend.

    1. Yes, I'm always taken back to fairy tales when I see one like that!

  3. Hi Valerie wow such awesome mixed media piece amazing work my friend and wow those pics are stunning those fungi pics are amaing xx

  4. We've hardly got any mushroom this year and you have so many cool ones. I also love the spooks in today's art. It has a modern feel and certainly is perfect for Halloween. Happy weekend again. Hugs-Erika

    1. We have more fungi this year than I have ever seen.

  5. Your art is very spooky! Beautiful early morning scene, love the mushroom.

  6. Your mixed media piece is great! I love the ghostly figures and the spider web!! The photos are lovely. Those crows can really talk a lot can't they lol? The sky shots are great and I LOVE your red and white toadstool! What a wonderful photo!

    1. Thanks so much Rain, I am having great fun with Autumn and Halloween!

  7. Wow, das sieht aus wie ein fliehender Vorhang!!! Supergruselig-schön :-)
    Eigentlich eher fast freundlich...
    Ja, sieht so aus als ob die Krähe herunterschimpft :-) Der andere Vogel lässt es über sich ergehen, ich musste wirklich lachen...
    Leider sind wir von Häusern umgeben, danke für die schönen Sonnenaufgangsbilder.
    Pilze habe ich noch gar nicht gesehen, aber "wir hüten das Haus", immernoch Grippe... GlG und ein schönes WE, Iris

  8. Good Morning Val!. Thanks for another lovely post. Just rolled out of bed here, the kids let me sleep for once, what a treat! Your ghostly congregation in the sky is fantastic, I will be watching the sky on Halloween to see if I can spot them. Wonderful photos, too, you always find the best ones. Have a great day, Hugs, Sarah

  9. The two little girls from next door came to visit yesterday and were so excited telling us about their Halloween costumes, and asking us to make sure we had "good treats" for them! I think they wanted to make sure that we would know it was them dressed up in their spooky clothes. Your skies look very appropriate for a night filled with hobgoblins and witches - and that doesn't take into account a few sinister politicians that come to mind!

    1. Those politicians wouldnt need to dress up to be scary!

  10. Good morning, I love your art page very much-the gold just really completes it. Enjoying your fall photos so much-my favorite time of year too. enjoyed the birds-I have only seen one woodpecker here at the lake and that was just after we got the keys last December.
    enjoy your weekend hugs Kathy

  11. Its an awesome spooky, ghostly page. I think I would be keeping my windows and doors locked if any of them came to call.
    Lovely photos again today, again I loved the sun rise ones.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Your mixed media page is wonderful. It even had me a bit shaken when you shared a few close-ups. Those ghosts packed quite a punch.

    Enjoyed seeing the raven and the crow. It also seems like everywhere I go, I see lots of fungi. It must be THE year for it with all the rain everyone's had. Great shots today.

  13. The mixed media you created is fabulous. Love the colors and the feel of the piece. Perfect for this time of year. Awesome!

    Wow- those sky photos are just stunning. I always love seeing fungi- fascinating for sure. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  14. I just bought some felt mushrooms at IKEA like that red one with the dots! I love your spooky goblins and the wonderful photos. It's a beautiful fall for you there!

  15. I love this time of year, too. Your spooky art and seasonal nature photos are perfect! Our woodpeckers have returned now that we've put the suet feeder back out. I enjoy seeing a variety of bird life :)

  16. Definitely spooky! :)
    Oh my gosh, these pictures are breathtaking. That last one is wonderful. And would make all kinds of wondrous fairytale backgrounds.

  17. That sure is a spooky piece of art!! The hawk does not seem overly bothered by the other birds. Really enjoyed your sunrise photos. You have so many different fungi there.

  18. I know I always say this, but your posts make me so happy! I LOVE your art piece! So cool! I love how you drew everything! Love the bird photos! WOW! Gorgeous nature photos too! Big Hugs and enjoy the season!

  19. How wonderful and amazingly beautiful your art and photos are...and in today's art, also spine tingling spooky!


  20. The zombies on your spooky page look quite scary! I don't think I want o be around when they're about.
    Loved the photos again - don't think I've ever seen a red toadstool like that in real life. wonder if the fairies were near. Beautiful sunrise pictures.
    Avril xx

  21. The photos of the sky are incredible! And I think woodpeckers are so cute, I wish I could see them in reality more often☺

  22. Your Autumn and Halloween photos in this and the previous post are wonderful! I love your collage effects in the A3 painting.

    best... mae at

  23. I think it's been a good year for fungi, loved seeing your photographs.
    Talking of photographs, you've included another great mix, thank you.

    I did enjoy seeing your spooky art.
    We spent some time with our two youngest grandchildren today .. they are so looking forward to 31st October:)

    Enjoy the remainder of Sunday and have a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  24. Such a spooky page! The hawk looks amazing and I love how you captured those beautiful morning scenes too 😀. Those fungi look spooky too 😉. Wishing you a happy new week! Hugs, Jo x

  25. Very spooky - love it!! Brilliant photos of the hawk and OH MY!! Those morning shots! Brilliant ! Chrisx

  26. Ooh, that is a really spooky page - those elongated figures are very strange and eerie - brilliant! Amazing nature photography as always - great bird pictures, and the fungi are fabulous (though some of them are pretty strange too!), as are those magical skyscapes.
    Alison x

  27. wieder so im Gruselmodus huhu klasse und auch so wunderschöne Fotos gerade dieser Vogel ist spannend und auch die anderen. Die Pilze was für eien Vielfalt bei dir gibt.
    Der Himmel ist so toll bei dir gewesen!
    Lieben Gruss Elke


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