
Monday 7 October 2019

T sTands for a new Tag challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

We had a cold and very wet weekend. Yesterday it didn't stop raining all day, and was windy, too, which made my walks rather difficult. But I'm happy we got the rain, it was really necessary after the hot, dry summer, which seems like a faded memory as I sit here shivering in the cool, morning air!

It's time for a new challenge at Tag Tuesday - we always begin Monday evenings. This time our dear Sandie is back after having time off for her knee operation, so I'm sure you'll join with me in wishing her all the best. Her theme is 'autumn', and anything with autumn colours will make us happy.
I have 5 tags ready and lined up, and am starting with this hybrid tag made with elements from Serif, Mischief circus and me:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday gathering, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit.
On some days I still sat outside to drink my coffee:

But on others I needed to be inside:

This was on Saturday, at another cafe, and you can see me mirrored in the window, well wrapped up in my red fleece jacket:

My friend Nelya came one evening, and I baked this bread ( I made a complete dinner, but forgot to take photos!):

And made a blueberry cream-cheese cake:

And I have some more photos from my visit to Eindhoven  (Holland) with Nathalie:

Lots of bikes in Holland:

Under the railway bridge:

Statues on the bridge:

Another fun shop:

So true! ( Sorry, the pic is a bit fuzzy)

Waiting outside the changing room:

And back home with my new cardigan:

And some pics from the interior of the beautiful church of St Catherine:

That's all for today!
Have a great one, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I think I need to meet someone like you to make bookmarks for me, Valerie!

  2. Love churches like this, simply stunning. And your bread and cake look so yum!☺

  3. What a stunning tag - the pumpkin is the perfect symbol of autumn, and that swirl of leaves tumbling through the dramatically dark background is wonderful. Love it... and the words of course. So true for my craft table too, where I never play with orange/red except in Autumn! Hope to be along soon with a tag of my own.

    Great photos as always, and a lovely new cardigan. All those sayings in the shop are so great - especially the well-behaved women one.
    Alison x

  4. While Autumn isn't my favorite season, I think your tag captures it perfectly. The bread and cheesecake you made look fabulous. Looks like a fun shopping trip. Your new cardi should keep you nice and cozy for the season. The interior of the church is very beautiful especially the light coming through the stained glass windows in their Autumn colors. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ, sooner or later it will be summer again for you!

  5. Hi Val, just got home and saw you had posted. so here I am! The tag is gorgeous, as always, love the warm colours and the sparkly bits. It's easy to tell that you love autumn! Wonderful pics from Eindhoven and you and Nathalie. The new cardigan is great it suits you very well. Lovely pics from the church, too, and the art they are showing there. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks! My post published earlier that I expected, I put the wrong time on the schedule!

  6. Gorgeous fall tag, enjoyed your beautiful photos today. Your baking looks so good as do the drinks, inside and outside.

  7. A fabulous autumnal tag Valerie, lovely photos, the cheesecake looks delicious and you look lovely in your new cardigan.
    xxx Hazel

  8. Your bread and cheese cake have my mouth watering :) I like all those statues! The church is beautiful, and it would be a peaceful place for inspiration and meditation. I see by all the lit candles that other people find it so :) Happy T Day!

  9. Oohhh This is a wonderful tag Valerie !! The background is gorgeous and I love this little owl. Yes Autumn is.. there, with you, not yet here :) Send us some good rain please.
    Very pretty with your new cardigan Valerie, and beautiful coffees and mugs, I always like to see some hearts and cute figures in your coffees. Great shops, and lovely photographs of the church, thanks so much for sharing.
    I wish you a very nice new week, and send biiig hugs

  10. Wow your tag is absolutely fabulous Valerie! Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos of Holland. I would just love to visit there!!

  11. Wow, what a stunning tag! I love the owl and the swirl of leaves, you have captured autumn beautifully 😀. I so enjoyed exploring with you and seeing all the beautiful statues and the church, your new cardigan looks lovely too! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  12. I have been having a catch up on your posts that I have missed. As always I enjoyed seeing your lovely photos.
    Your new cardigan looks so cosy and warm
    The church looked wonderful, such beautiful stained glass windows.
    The tag looks fantastic with the owl and the autumn colours, Halloween will be here soon.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx
    You have been having delicious food as well, that cheesecake looks so tempting.

  13. This tag is great. And I loved all the photos!

  14. Hi Valerie. Your tag is stunning! And I love the sentiment about women on the wall.
    I will tell you again that you are a pretty lady and your new cardigan is super!
    Thank you for the statue photos you shared with us.
    The bread and the cake seem delicious! Happy T day, my dear friend.

  15. Wow, I lik the tag, especially all the little leaves falling. And you look like you've been having lots of fun lately. I not only like the view of you in the mirror at the coffee shop, but that is a cool mug too. And yummy looking cheese cake and bread. I do enjoy your photos from Holland too. I love being an armchair traveller. Happy T day Valerie. Hugs-Erika

  16. LOVE your tag art Valerie! Gosh, I can feel the cold just looking at you bundled up in the café... great photos of the fashions.
    And oh my, your bread especially looks SOOOO good!Great photo pf you in your new pretty sweater.
    And that church of St. Catherine- simply glorious!
    Have a great week and happy T day!

  17. Fantastic tag, wow, a lot of gorgeousness in this post. You and your friend sure have a wonderful journey together and looks like a few purchases made along the way.xx

  18. Your blog posts are always so awesome-love seeing your art, all these wonderful places you visit and walk by-thanks for sharing everything! Happy T hugs Kathy

  19. Love your owl tag, I also enjoyed your photos from Holland, that church is amazing. The photos of the meal you made look so earful too, like your new jumper.

  20. your tag is magnificent! you've inspired me to also do something with an owl! xo

  21. Love the owl!! And the big heart on the coffee.
    They should redo the "d", I at first read "Before I lie..." ;-)
    Great art and signs.

  22. What a gorgeous tag, stunning colours, it’s amazing.
    I love that you made your own bread, looks delicious, I gave up trying after several disasters, I stick to pastry!
    Have a great week

  23. Great photos and tag Valerie! The bird sculpture is fabulous! xx

  24. Hi Val! The tiny leaves on your tag are amazing! And I love that owl and the glitter. You look so pretty in your new cardigan. Here in Texas tonight I actually wore my flannel jacket to go sit outside. It will only last a few days but it was nice. xox

    1. Thanks Aimeslee. It's cold and wet here, we get lots of opportunities for jackets and warm clothes here!

  25. So much good stuff today. You look great in your new cardigan.
    LOVE the piece, purrfect for fall, and the Well Behaved Women. Heh.
    Enjoy the cool weather and please send the rain our way.

  26. Beautiful tag, Valerie. I love the phrase and how the leaves are swirling through the air. Your bread and cream cheese cake look delicious.

    Very cool shop with all those fun signs. "Well behaved women" - lol. Your cardigan looks lovely on you.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen! Those shops in Holland were really fun!

  27. I don't know which I like most -- your cute new cardigan or your great tag! You found some wonderful things to capture with your lens. That Cathedral is amazing.

  28. Your tag is gorgeous Valerie, so mystical, and that quote is so true. I love the photo's too, I think we need to go back to Holland again soon. Take care xx

  29. Hello Valerie! I had a busy weekend that left me without anytime for blogging. Went to the movies, to vote, and helped my sister with things around her flat. Oh, my, why do we keep so many things? About the movie, the best thing in it is Joaquin Phoenix. The story isn't that special but he makes it special enough. Great acting, as I expected. And violence, of course. I was expecting it because it comes with that comics character, the Joker. I watch movies all the time. Now, less, so I can keep up with reading. I liked the illustrations on the store! And that church looks fabulous. The tag with the owl is wonderful! So colorful. I like the orange color a lot, I like to wear it. But I already miss summer. We still have warm days but cold nights are here. You are so tall! :)

    1. I used to be taller, I have got smaller in old age!

  30. Your tag is gorgeous in those Fall colors. Your blueberry cheese cake looks yummy.
    You have some wonderful photos. I have a stamp that says "Well behaved women don't make history." Still makes me smile. Happy T Day!

  31. Fantástico post tus fotos urbanas son ideales, también el tag de estilo halloween encantan las calabazas.


  32. A Lovely autumn tag, Valerie. I love all the leaves blowing from the tree.
    Thanks for showing more photos of Eindhoven. The shops look great. I spotted a department store called De Bijenkorf (with the statue outside it) That used to be my favorite store when I still lived in Rotterdam.
    Your cardigan is gorgeous and it looks very nice on you.
    I like that saying 'well behaved women don't make history'.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  33. Who would have thought a pesky squirrel could have sidelined me for three days. Your autumn tag is beautiful. I always LOVE your tags and this one is amazing. The owl and the pumpkin are perfect examples of autumn.

    I can't believe it's that cold where you live. It's still quite warm here. Your cappuccinos look wonderful and the cookies are such a treat in your world. Nothing compares to your homemade bread and blueberry cheesecake, though. I'm drooling right now.

    Fabulous photos from Holland. LOVE the statues on the bridge and those shops. The one with kind people are my kind of people. LOVE the new cardigan, too.

    I bet Chris went ga ga over the church, too. It's a beauty. thanks or sharing your incredible tag, your cappuccinos, your shopping experience, and your visit to Holland with us for T this week.

  34. You always offer us so much with your post Valerie, finding and focusing on points of interest. I'm intrigued by the plaque under the railway bridge so thought provoking as people travel to destinations above. Holland is another place I would love to visit.
    You tag is beautiful, are the words underneath yours ?? Either way they speak so much to me. I'm looking forward to seeing each one that you bring to us this season.
    Creative Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! The quote is not from me, but I don't know who said it!

  35. I do like your new cardigan …

    The Church photographs are lovely, I always enjoy seeing stained glass windows.

    All the best Jan

  36. I like the Fall colors in your blog header image. Your tag is fantastic. Your cappuccino always looks delicious. Lovely assortment of photos. I especially like the ones of the church. Happy Belated T-Day!

  37. Stunning Tag Valerie..I just love owls..xx

  38. I had to come back as some of my comments have gone awol again- only because I keep forgetting to use chrome on my tablet! I love your tag and of course I love owls! Eindhoven looks fabulous - I remember seeing lots of bikes when we visited Alkmaar a few years ago! St Catherine's is very impressive - I spotted projected light on the wall! Were the birds part of a temporary exhibition? Hugs, Chrisx


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