
Tuesday 17 September 2019

Mid week post - And the winner is.....

Hi Everybody!

It's the middle of the week already, time is flying again!
The weather here is cooler than it was at the weekend, but still good for walking. Today we had a cool start and then a mix of clouds, sun and a very gusty wind, so I had to hang onto my cap again this afternoon, or it would have landed in the Rhine!

Thanks to all who entered my little giveaway last week.  I wish I could send something to all who entered. I wrote the names and put the folded papers in one of my caps.

Then I asked a neighbour to pull a name without looking. The first one he pulled was YVONNE - congratulations!! She will be getting the promised tag-book.

Then, as I was enjoying myself I told him to pull another one. This time
it was CATY!! Congratulations! She will receive another little tag book showed recently.

And then one more wanted to come out of the hat, and this time it was
SUE the IRON!! Congratulations! I have another little altered journal for her.

The cap used for the draw:

 And I will include a tag with each of them. Please let me have your names and postal addresses ASAP so that I can get your post off to you. You can contact me under  bastelmania(at)

Yesterday evening the pigeons gathered in the tree behind the garden:

On Sunday I visited the Botanical Gardens of the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf with Nelya. We had a fun time admiring - and sometimes sampling - the good things growing there:

Love this idea for collecting seeds:

Lots of wonderful veggies:

The teasels must have been 3 yards high:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, hope you have had a good evening. Congrats to the winners of your draw, I am sure they will all be happy when they read the news. So kind of you to give three prizes. Love all the wonderful photos you have shared, those cabbages in the HHU look so wonderful, and the flowers, too. It's a beautiful place! Time for bed here, so I wish you a good night. Hugs, Sarah

  2. How sweet you are to include extra winners in your draw - they are all very fortunate to receive your beautifully made pieces. I'm sure you've made their day!
    Loved the pigeons in the trees - perfect perches :D)
    The botanical gardens are wonderful - thanks for all your photos... how about those tassles - I love their look.
    It is a great way to collect seed, and while they're doing so they look so decorative.
    Beautiful bright and sunny flower to close your post. Cheers and enjoy the rest of your week xx

  3. Hi Valerie wow what great prizes congrats to the lucky winners.
    My daughter would love the hat that you drew the names from its very funky.,i have enjoyed your garden pics ,hope you have a lovely day Valerie xx

  4. Congratulations to Yvonne, Caty, and Sue. They are lucky. And thanks for NOT including me in the draw. I'm super happy that I'm able to play with what you sent me. Yes, I've already started to play, even though it's too hot to stay in my craft room for any length of time.

    WOW, those veggies are out of this world. What I could do with that large cabbage (grin).

    I've been harvesting my dill seeds, but never thought to collect the seeds like that. What a great idea and I'm glad you took photos so I could see how they did it. Hope your week is going great, dear.

  5. There are days when I think I'm having sometimers (sometimes I have a DUH moment and sometimes it goes over my head). I finally figured out, those are the gossamer bags they used to collect the seeds.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one with such problems!

  6. What generous prizes Valerie so glad I got to see them in this post, the winners are very very lucky. Amazing photography from those stunning birds in the tree shots to those incredibly beautiful botanical gardens, what a magical place that must be to visit. It always makes me so happy to take a walk with you just sorry i've been unable to get here as often as I would have liked. Thanks for your kindness and visits Valerie I appreciate it all so much, hoping time will be kinder to me soon and give me chance to get back up to speed. Creative Hugs Tracey xx

  7. Not one but three winners? Wow! You made 3 ladies really happy, Valerie. Lovely handmade books for all of them. They are veeeeeeeeery lucky!!!!!!!!
    Lovely photos too, my friend. I llllllllove the idea with the organza bag to collect seeds! Kisses!!!!!!!

  8. How wonderful and generous of you Valerie...three winners and three fabulous prizes!
    Gosh your photos are fantastic!!!
    I mean it...they are all outstanding!!!

    Hugs xxx ❤

  9. Replies
    1. Forgot to congratulate the winners of your win, lovely ladies too and thanks for giving everyone the chance to win...xxxx

  10. Very generous of you to give something to three people Valerie. Y9ur Botanical garden is wonderful, they must do a lot of seed collection there. Great veges growing too.

  11. Thank you so much Valerie, I had a lovely surprise seeing my name with Caty and Sue's had been picked to receive your beautiful books.
    It has been another great post to read and the photos as always are great, those vegetables look lovely, I imagine how they would taste freshly harvested.
    Have a super day.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Congrats to the lucky winners! Enjoyed your beautiful photos today!

  13. Congratulations to your winners! You have lovely treats for them; I know they'll be excited!

    I love that botanical garden and am especially enjoying the sunny yellow flowers. I have a fall-blooming sunflower that's not in bloom yet and a black-eyed Susan that's all faded out, so your photos come at just the right time for me :)

  14. Lovely flowers. Yummy veggies. Wonderful birds. AND...lovely gifts for the drawings.

  15. Oh wow, thank you so much, I am one of your lucky winners! What fabulous end of Summer photos. We are on holiday at the moment down in Kent and it's still in full bloom down here, and the different coastal birds are wonderful to see. Take care, Sue xx

    1. You're welcome! Have fun. I'd love to see those birds!

  16. It does my heart good to see those CANADA Geese!

  17. Congratulations to the winners. Awesome art and I love your cap. Beautiful photos of the botanical gardens. I love the sunflowers and the pigeons in the tree branches, too.

  18. Three cheers to all the winners. Your garden photos are especially beautiful but then, your photos always are.

  19. Congratulations to all the winners! Woohoo! Your photos are gorgeous!

  20. Great idea for the seeds!
    Hm, so it´s not Cologne. My Brother once took me from there to Düsseldorf. On his motorbike (a Ninja, argh!). In the rain. Heeeelp ;-)

    Can´t wait for Grünkohl and Brussels Sprouts!

  21. Thank you sooooo much Valerie !! You are so generous for including two more winners for your so so Gorgeous tag books!! I´m so honored to be one of them, Congratulations to Yvonne and Sue ! We shall keep your books like great treasures! ♥ They are all wonderful!! Thank you!
    Your photographs are always very beautiful, and I love pigeons and ducks. What a great idea to recollect seeds with those little sachets. this botanical garden is fabulous.
    I wish you a very nice day, and send big hugssss

  22. Congratulations to all the winners - what lovely little notebooks will be on their way to each of them. Your garden produce is looking absolutely amazing!
    Alison x

  23. Many congratulations to the lucky winners.

    That is such a great idea for the seeds, I did enjoy your photographs, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  24. I missed the giveaway! Darn it!! LOL! Congrats to all the winners! So generous of you!! Truly love the photos! I love the way they are collecting the seeds too! Big Hugs!


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