
Monday 1 July 2019

T stands for new Theme aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good. Here it was extremely hot again, but from today it is hopefully getting cooler. Last week I spent part of my days walking through the big department stores in town, where they have air conditioning, and sometimes even free ice-water dispensers. And I discovered that by walking over the Rhine bridges you always get a good breeze....And on Thursday the Kunstpalast art museum offers free entry, so was able to spend some happy hours there cooling down. It was just too hot here to stay home! But I am hoping to get back to more normal pursuits this week, and to be able to take my walks at normal times and not either in the very early morning or late at night.

Our new host at Tag Tuesday is the lovely and talented Michele and her chosen theme is 'here comes the sun' (Rather ironic for me after these past hot weeks!) She has created some lovely tags to inspire you and you can see them on our blog. My first one was made using some cut-outs made from a sunrise photo on a hand painted background:

The second one is made from stamped and cut out pieces placed onto a painted background:

You have 2 weeks to enter the challenge, so hope to see you there!

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies who visit.  My tag above has a cup of coffee, my morning sunshine, and I drank lots of coffee this week, too - here a colourful example:

 And tomorrow will also be Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, so here a repeat piece from 2015:

And here are some of my early morning and late evening photos taken with my cell phone on my walks here:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good evening Val, I wish you a happy July! Lots of gorgeous goodies today, love your tags and the beautiful journal page with the glowing face. Great idea with the cup full of sun! Beautiful photos, too, the evening scenes are so atmospheric. Hope it cools off for you this week. It's still hot here but supposed to cool off in the course of the week. Have a great one! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Uwielbiam kawę szczególnie o poranku. Bardzo piękne fotografie i prace . Kubek z zachodzącym słońce to świetny pomysł. U nas też gorąco , pozdrawiam serdecznie:)

    1. Thanks, and you are right, coffee in the morning is so necessary!

  3. I love your tag with the cup. What a wonderful cup that would be to add to my coffee ritual :) Happy T Day!

    1. I had mugs made with this motive some years back at Xmas to give to friends.

  4. The 2015 piece is stunning and so are your photos, Valerie. We're suffering from the heat here too. We don't have air conditioning in the house and neither do any local restaurants. The only place to cool down in our area is in our air conditioned car - lol.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. I would sit in the car all day if I had one!

  5. I feel for you, dear Valerie. It was 105 F (40,56 C) here yesterday. That didn't include the heat index, either. If I didn't have AC, I would DIE. I'm serious. I suffered from heat stroke about 15 years ago, the ER doctor said I got there just in time, and it makes me even more vulnerable to the heat.

    I think your two tags are great, but of course, I love the coffee tag. It's a great way to add sunshine to your day.

    Your photos are amazing. I'm with you on early morning, but can't walk in the evening here, because the mosquitoes are really out looking to bite some unsuspecting sucker at that time of day. It's all because of the standing water in my area, but my plants are shriveling due to heat and lack of water.

    I adore your colorful cup of coffee and the heart that adorns it. It is certainly colorful and looks yummy, too. Thanks for sharing all this coffee with us for T this Tuesday. You KNOW I would gladly join you any early morning (in an air conditioned shop).

    I'm in awe of your Second look this month. I always love your beautiful profiles and this one is special in such a unique way. I love how you brought Paris into this woman who is only concerned with the present. Great second look, dear.

    1. The mosquitoes have been busy here, too, especially along the Rhine each evening, and the anti-insect spray doesn't seem to worry them at all! And now we have some sort of new, biting fly, very very nasty!

  6. YES let the sunshine in please as it's cold down under. I love your fabulous post and photos.xx

  7. Love your sunshine tag art Valerie. Must get one in myself:) Nice that you can spend some time in cooler places during such a heat wave. Beautiful coffee and photos. happy T day!

  8. A very colorful drink! I love the heart on top.
    Your tag is lovely especially the sunset. Beautiful!
    Some gorgeous pictures this week.
    Happy Tea Day,

  9. Wonderful tags. Cup of coffee morning sunshine. Just the way I feel about that first cup of tea. I hear on the news the extreme heat much of Europe was going through. Good that you can find ways to cool down. I always enjoy the pictures you take. I hope things have cooled down for you. Happy T Day.

    1. Today is cooler, with some clouds, and my apartment is slowly cooling down, too.

  10. awesome article.
    thank for sharing & have a nice day

  11. Fabulous tags Valerie and I love the idea of the cup of sunshine to start the day. The face painting is stunning. The heat does sound very oppressive so I hope it does cool down soon. Lovely photos from your walks but i don't think youll see many folk about so early. The UK has had some decent weather apart from our NE coast where we still have a chilly wind coming off the sea. Wishing you a good week. Avril xx

    1. I was surprised to see so many people about so early in the morning, perhaps they were doing the same as I was, trying to get a walk before the heat got too brutal!

  12. I sympathise with you and the overwhelming heat you have been experiencing Valerie, we have had high heat but not constant for days on end. You certainly have your days planned finding those cool spots. As Avril said above a cup of sunshine is a lovely way to start the day, fabulous and imaginative tag and a well versed Tag Tuesday theme for Summer.
    Your profile lady is beautiful a piece I try and see more into because of the look on her face. Thank you for sharing her again. I hope the days are soon a little cooler so you can get back to your routine and walks.
    Take care and stay safe, the heat can be exhausting Hugs Tracey xx

  13. Oh wow, that is so pretty, those kind of works I always admire! Have a lovely day:)

  14. I don't envy you Valerie with all that heat. I was in Holland and it is unbearable. Admittedly it is much hotter here but it is a dry heat and it doesn't bother me. We don't have air conditioning but we have the ceiling fans and when it gets really hot, also standing fans (but they seem to blow hot air). There aren't many places that have air conditioning here, due to the high electricity prices in our area. Even the (Santander) bank has them installed but doesn't use them.
    Your tag is beautiful, and also your 2nd on the 2nd tag. I love that 'golden' lady. (and the quote too)
    I'm not an early morning person (I'm a night bird) so to me your sun rises are awesome. I never get to see those in real life.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. The heat here is always humid, and especially here by the Rhine. I know what you mean about the standing fans just blowing hot air!

  15. I agree. Letting the sunshine in is a wonderful positive message, and the artwork is lovely. I just wish we could get the sun and positivity without the excessive heat to go with it(lol) Hugs, RO

    1. Now that is an idea that I like very much!!!

  16. Lovely artwork, both current and from the past. I'm glad your temperatures will be cooling off. The sun looks hot in those photos. Happy T-Day!

  17. Love the tags today and that beautiful
    Looking cup of coffee. Even if I don’t drink coffee. Finally figured out this to comment from my phone. Last day and tomorrow we fly home. Guess I am ready. At least I am to see the dogs. Hope all has been well and happy t day. Hugs Erika

  18. So glad that you managed to stay cool with all that heat 😀. Your tags are fabulous, the one where you layered the squares and circular papers with the stamping on top is a beautiful design! Your colourful coffee looks amazing and I love the heart on the top 😀. Nice photos of your walks too! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Jo x

  19. Wonderful tags and beautiful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  20. Love your tag art Valerie, especially the second one, and lovely to revisit your other art. Great photos too.
    Alison xx

  21. Glad it's going to be cooling down.
    Loved the tags and your piece.
    That coffee shot is great.
    Stay cool.
    Sandra (On a different 'puter. Mine is sick. Ack)

  22. Wowwww those tags are absolutely Gorgeous Valerie !! Loooove them, yes, I also want to have a sunshine like this in my cup of coffee !! Amazing !!
    It´s very very hot here too, althought we live by the sea, so, we always are looking for shadows :) Wonderful photographs always, thanks so much for sharing. Love your colourful coffee... Very Happy T-day !!
    I wish you a nice afternoon, and send big hugs.

  23. Very beautiful and delightful tags! So many beautiful colours!

  24. Fabulous tags, I love the saying on the second one. Great photos, and your coffee looks delicious.
    Hugs Wendy

  25. I love that you used a real photo, it is my favorite. It is so hot here, we stay in at home where our a/c makes it cool. I do walk early before the heat. 6:30 or so, I walk for an hour, home by 7:30 or 8:00 then stay in! Happy T Day!

  26. I love your tags and especially the one with the photo inside the cup, speaking of cups, what a colourful coffee, gorgeous.
    We only have A/c in the bedroom so it can get pretty hot in the evenings, when we arrived home last night at 9.30 we went straight to bed to cool off and read for a while.
    Have a good week
    Jan x

  27. Walking through stores makes a LOT of sense! All of your art seems to reflect the feeling of heat!

  28. I do hope your weather this week is cooler for you.

    I do like your tags, your coffee does look colourful, and your photographs are always enjoyable to see.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

    PS Enjoyed the video too :)

  29. I love your artwork Valerie, you can almost feel the heat of the sun, and your silhouette is so beautiful. Your early and late picturees are fabulous - lovely light effects. I hope it cools down for you soon, have a very happy week, Sue xx

  30. Oh, Valerie, I love the tags you made, especially the second one with the bright colors!! Both are very pretty!

  31. Beautiful tags, love the one with the photo cut out as a mug. I enjoy seeing the photos of where you walk, was food to see the tractor at work, that farmer will have good feed for the winter. Hope you have some cooler weather this week.

  32. Please take care of yourself in the heat! The temperatures you're getting are crazy! I love both tags! They are so beautiful! And, I love the face one from before!! Your coffee looks so good! Love your photos! Love the tractor video! Big Hugs!

  33. awesome article..
    have a nice day


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