
Thursday 11 July 2019

Strong women

Hi Everybody!

We have been enjoying some slightly cooler weather here, which is great, and we even got a few drops of rain in the night, but we badly need some real rain, the earth is much too dry.
I saw this old journal spread in one of my A3 journals and decided to re-show it, as it is one I like and with a good message. I remember making those little paper dolls, and tucked into the journal was an envelope with more pieces to make dolls,  which I then put together:

These are the ones I assembled from the bits I had forgotten:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin
and to Soma's wandering camera

I spent a lot of time roaming through the fields and along the Rhine this week, the fields are buzzing with bees and some less lovely insects which like to sting and bite:

The farmers have been busy harvesting the barley and rye:

It's always a feast for the crows and gulls:

I see the rabbits every morning when I go out, but mostly they are gone before I get my camera out - this time I caught them running:

Lots of  school groups have been out and about enjoying walks and picnics:

Blue skies above the castle ruins:

Another crow:

This butterfly was tiny, less than an inch across:

It is really refreshing to wander though the fields and enjoy nature:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So love this journey I have with your gorgeous photos. We, women, are strong in my eyes, mind body and soul.xx

  2. Your journal page is incredible. I simply adore those strong women and the message they convey. How fortuitous to find the extras.

    Your photos are fabulous, as always. I am always drawn to them. We have hay bales here, but ours don't have colored edges like yours. I wonder how they get them those colors. That surprised me.

    Hope your day is perfect in every way. I'm headed to bed so I can be up with the chickens (OOPS, children).

    1. The bales get wrapped by the machine in some sort of netting, and it's striped. They always look so pretty! I have a bad headache today, so I'm headed back to bed for an hour, too, and hope that it goes away again! Hope your chickens don't cluck too loudly!

  3. Hi Val, good morning. We even got some rain during the night, so I'm thankful for that, but we could do with more here, too. Love the strong women page, so true. We have to be strong so that mankind can survive! Beautiful photos, it always looks so peaceful, I can understand you loving your walks there. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  4. Truly empowering, love the idea and the potos are so lovely as always:)

  5. Your journals are treasures! It must be wonderful to browse through them, the light in the farmers harvested field is amazing! The sky in the castle photo, wow wow wow! Have a super day, I’m so glad it’s finally cooling down for you!

  6. Your strong women are completely brilliant - and I'm so happy that the forgotten ones now get to come out into the light and celebrate too. What a great post full of summer sunshine and strength. (Though I hope you get the rain you need soon.)
    Alison x

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Really like these strong women and your photographs. Greetings:)

  9. How true. Strong women are the people who hold up the world, aren't they? Nice art page. And I love seeing all the flowers and views from your walk. I got back from my walk a little while ago and we had lots of deer flies out this morning. They drive me crazy, but you can tell it is a little bit humid. Happy end of the week. Hugs-Erika

    1. I don't know deer-flies, but we have lots of other sorts here which drive me crazy!

  10. Your paper dolls journal page looks great. I like the additional paper dolls you made. They are lovely. Beautiful series of photos. It's nice when the cooler weather returns after hot days. We had about one or two days of nicer weather, but now we're back into hot and humid again. That bird I photographed (for the first time) is a Killdeer, and it is part of the Plover family. (I updated my first post to include links to Audubon's information about it. I also discovered it was doing a "broken wing act" for me: I didn't know what it was doing, but now I do. :-) I updated that on my second blog post, too.)

    1. Thanks so much for the explanations. I looked up plovers onthe net, they are fascinating birds. Great that you got such good shots of it.

  11. I like your strong women art, such an inspiration. The landscape there is different than here, and we don't have castles ;) but I love crows and thistle flowers and bees :) Your flower photos are wonderful!

  12. We are lucky to have lots of castles and castle ruins around here, even several in walking distance! But we don't have moose or bison or alligators or wild turkeys!

  13. Love your page and the paper dolls you made. Glad the weather turned cooler and you were able to take us on your walk. Beautiful scenery.

  14. Why did the rabbit cross the road? Heh.
    Isn't it the truth about strong women. Purrfect times for a purrfect piece.

  15. A good reshowing is always worth it! And boy, that photo of the bee on the bee balm is wonderful. I love the fields with the rolled hay, too. It reminds me of impressionist paintings! Glad the weather is a bit better for you.

  16. Fantastic art, I adore your strong women Valerie! X

  17. Such great countryside scenes, beautiful photographs … and another great header photograph.
    Hope you may get a decent amount of rain soon.

    All the best Jan

  18. Always enjoy a wander with you , looking at nature and the buildings you pass. Love your strong women. Hope some rain comes for you soon.

  19. Love your pages and those photos are so beautiful!

  20. Your journal pages are really wonderful, love the message. Beautiful paper dolls and love what they stand for. Gorgeous background. Such beautiful photos! I love hay bales, so of course those are my favourites from this set. Hope you get some rain. We are deep inside hot and dry weather now.

    Thanks so much for linking up this wonderful post on Wandering Camera! :)


  21. Indeed we need strong woman, so glad those forgotten girls came out to play, a message to us all. Lovely walk amongst the flora and fauna seeing the glory of nature in all shapes and sizes, that white flower is one I have never seen before how beautiful.
    Hope you get some rain to water it all soon, we have had very heavy rainfall over night the sun is strong today but the surface water is still evident so we must have had quite a bit. Happy PPF Valerie, sadly no time to play again this week but I will wish you a beautiful one all the same. Have a super weekend Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Those white flowers are seed heads from some thistly-looking flowers, do't know what they're called.

  22. I love the new paper dolls you made, and also the message of your journal page. I loved the ramble thru the I am rather city-bound! Happy PPF.

  23. Such a beautiful page and sentiment! I love how you made the paper dolls using the different shapes - wonderful 😀. It looks like you have had the right weather for baling hay with all that sunshine too. Wishing you a happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  24. I love your strong women! And yes, we do need more of those! Such gorgeous photos! Love the hay rolls!

  25. Wonderful landscape and nature shots ~ love the haystacks and your Strong Women are divine !

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. def. worth another visit- your goddesses are wonderful Valerie. Gorgeous photos as always! happy PPF!

  27. As a grandson, son, husband, and father to very strong women, I couldn't agree more with the sentiment on your art journal page. As usual, I love your photos, especially the one of the butterfly on the flower. Happy PPF!

  28. It's fun to see how other people do journals. Mine are more text than pictures, but I am just starting out. - Margy

  29. your pictures are just awesome. I like the crow looking right at the camera...

  30. That's a great journal page. I like strong women. I mean strong in character not muscles. Sometimes muscles and fitness is good too (women's football and me kneading bread).
    I enjoyed the walk along the river as always. I suppose you never tire of it. The nature photos are beautiful. (amazingly you got a photo of rabbits!)
    Have a lovely weekend,

  31. Purrfects shots of the bee and butterfly.
    Hope it stays cool for ya.

  32. Going out and enjoying nature is one of my favorite things to do. I try to get out and walk in the woods or a field every weekend. I usually get home from work too late during the week. Love the photos of the bees, flowers, birds and hay. :)

    Also- great message in your journal. How fun you were able to make a few more dolls too.

    Here's hoping you get some rain.

  33. Lovely artwork and photographs today Valerie. We've had a very outdoorsy 10 days too. We've been to the Lake District with my sister and her dog so it's been walking all day every day and all of it uphill lol. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Sounds great, I would have enjoyed it, too!😁

  34. Sorry its been a while since I visited.
    Looks like you are having great days out enjoying the wonderful wildlife and fabulous scenery - I always adore the photos you share.
    Your paper dolls are really lovely and inspiring and such a great message too.
    Have a great new week.... Gill x

  35. Glad to hear that it is cooling off a bit! Send some of that cooler air my way. ;) I loved seeing your paper dolls, as well as the beautiful photos. I really loved the flowers and especially that little butterfly. Hope you guys see some rain soon! We had quite a bit in June, but now things have heated up and it is dry.

    Take care, have a great week and Happy PPF!

  36. Your strong women piece is gorgeous! I love it and I love all the little woman you created! So beautiful! Amazing photos! I love the field pictures! I love the crows!!! Big Hugs!


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