
Saturday 1 June 2019

2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Tomorrow is Sunday and the 2nd of the month, so time for Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd where we re-show posts made in the past. I have 2 Modigliani knock-offs made and posted  back in April 2014:

Some miscellaneous photos from the past few days.
Ducks in DĂĽsseldorf:

The evening sun at the Rhine:

A cormorant:

Masked horses - we had a lot of little flies:

My walking buddy Harry having a rest:

I found another swing:

 Lots of geese:

This horse was very friendly:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your piece from 2014 is beautiful, very serious yet not all in the same frame, beautiful photos, a purple pigeon? I love that!

  2. Hi Val, love your beautiful post today. I remember your lovely Modigliani paintings, they are wonderful. Great photos again. I liss the Rhine very much. And so glad you found a swing for a little play time, you look really happy. Have a lovely Sunday, it's supposed to be very warm tomorrow. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely art, glad you are out and about enjoying the weather.

  4. A super revisit Valerie, they were fantastic paintings.
    Its a nice photo of you on the swing you look like you were having fun.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Beautiful artwork: I like both of them. Wonderful assortment of photos. The friendly ducks and horse made me chuckle. I love swings!

  6. You look lie you are having so much fun on your walks Valerie. It is nice to find someone to walk with I think. Love the photos and also the review of your art. I remember these well! And I think they are as good for this second view as they were back originally. Hope June has started off well for you. nd that you got lots of steps today. I hit over 19,000. Hurrah. Hugs-Erika

    1. Well done on those steps. I get plenty in each day, motivated by the thought of a small bitter-choc ice if I do more than 19000! Mostly it's round 23000, that ice tastes soooo good!

  7. Beautiful art. I really enjoyed your walk and photos, always great to have a swing.

  8. Gorgeous photos, Beautiful piece of artwork. Looks like you have a lovely walking buddy, like wow, to enjoy the beautiful surrounds.xx

  9. Always enjoy seeing your art, and as usual a great selection of photographs too - love the friendly horse, he made me smile :)

    Enjoy the weekend.

    All the best Jan

  10. The Modigliani portraits are a fun style. Your first one reminds me of Charlie Chaplin. The evening sun picture of the Rhine is just stunning. You have such a good eye for taking photos. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  11. wow your repost pieces are really awesome-loved them thanks for sharing.
    enjoyed all the photos you are such a good photographer Happy second on the 2nd and happy weekend-Kathy

  12. It's been a long time since I last visited, but I enjoyed my visit today!Your Modigliani pieces look incredible, well worth showing again. Great photos too, and goood to see you having fun on the swing!! Happy Sunday!

  13. Your "Modiglianis" are wonderful... I especially love the first one. The colours seem to glow and his face has such character. And there's something about the inclusion of the tissue tape which is so magical.

    Great photos as always (leaf silhouettes against the sky - wonderful!), and fun on the swings too. We have a pair of ducks which are always perched on the roof of the house opposite. The other day when it was very wet they were down on our driveway enjoying the puddle-ponds created and looking so happy!
    Alison x

  14. Wonderful artwork and you look like you were having a lot of fun on the swings. Have a lovely day.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. I absolutely LOVE your Modigliani faces. They are really inspiring and amazing. Your knowledge of the artist shows in your work and it's an absolutely PERFECT second look on the 2nd. Thanks so much for sharing it.

    Birds and horses! What could be better this Sunday. The photos are absolutely wonderful. Thanks for sharing them along with your second look, dear friend.

    1. Thanks. Birds and horses are my faves. And sheep, and cows and....

  16. Your walks always look enjoyable, and the animal variety is interesting. I get a kick out of seeing animals we have here (mallard ducks, for example) and animals I never see when I'm out and about (like the cormorant).

    1. I always enjoy seeing the different species in other countries, too.

  17. So many wonders today. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Valerie, I love your photo on the swing and the pretty friend horse.
    As for Mondigliani, he is one of my favorite artist! Amazing creations, my friend.

  19. These are fabulous, always great to see them again. I love the horse, he looks like he's from a shampoo ad - because he's worth it lol. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  20. Your knock-offs are fabulous, Valerie. I've seen a few others, but not this one, before. What is that beautiful bird in the last photo? Eileen xx

  21. Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing...I loved looking through your eyes!

  22. Your artwork is intense and lovely! It's been a long time since I sat in a swing, but you remind me of the fun of it, dear Valerie! Hugs...RO

  23. Hi Valerie! I absolutely love your re-posted art work! WOW! They are both stunning! And I totally enjoyed seeing your photos. I especially liked the one of you on the swing! Thanks so much for sharing your love of art and photography with all of us! HUGS!!!!

  24. These paintings are simply stunning valerie and those photos look amazing too x Yu look like you love a wee swing xx

    TFS and hugs
    Annie x

  25. I am a fan of Modigliani so I really love the knock-offs! And your walk looks fun. There's nothing better than a swing!

  26. I absolutely ADORE this art!!!


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