
Monday 20 May 2019

T stands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good - have a great week, too. I had a very good weekend. The weather was good, except for a few thunder storms and some heavy rain, but I managed to dodge the rain and still spent a lot of time outside walking and having fun. I didn't manage any housework, but I did cook a very tasty veggie stir-fry so didn't go hungry.

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at Tag Tuesday - gardening, chosen by Joan. She has made 2 lovely tags to inspire you on our blog, and this hybrid tag is from me. I used photos, painted elements, and some floral images from Mischief Circus and Serif on a collaged background:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday link party, so here a hearty welcome to all of the wonderful ladies who join in. I enjoyed my coffee one day in the Altstadt of Düsseldorf:

It's on the street where the famous Uerige Brewery and lots of eateries are situated:

There is a Lindt chocolate shop opposite, but I didn't go too near, just in case!

I love the drunken reveller weather-vane at the Uerige:

I took photos of some of the older and newer buildings:

Then I walked through the quiet park of the old Standes Haus (County Parliament), which is now the K21 Art Museum:

Loved this roof garden on top of a house near the bridge:

Then I walked through Carl Platz Market:

But I'm always happy to get back to my peaceful world here:

I'll be back with some more 42s soon!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, love your beautiful tag, great idea to fill your head with wonderful flowers. Love the photos, too. It was good to see the pics of so many places that I know. I think we had ice at that cafe quite often. Have a great week, take care, hugs, Sarah

  2. Your tags are beautiful, your photos always bring me joy, the history and beauty, amazing!

  3. OM-Goodness! Your tag is gorgeous and I love the saying!!! You are so talented Valerie!
    You photos are wonderful as always. I, too, love the view from the roof garden. I would be out there every chance I had and enjoy the view and read a good book in the fresh air :)


  4. Beautiful garden tag, the coffee looks good too. Thanks for this lovely tour today.

  5. Your garden tag is beautiful. You find the coolest spots for a cup of coffee. Enjoyed your walk, wow the roof garden is special-Loved and enjoyed everything-thank you

  6. I love the gardening theme :)

    Coffee out on a great patio like that looks delightful! Such interesting sights and people-watching opportunities. The architecture is varied, isn't it! giving you such different views. And I'm always a fan of public art, so those sculptures would definitely attract me. Somebody put in a lot of thoughtful work on that rooftop garden :)

    Happy T Day

  7. Gorgeous tag! The Altstadt looks like a fabulous section to visit. So much to see and so much color! I loved the waffle ice cream cone advertising the waffles. I would have made a bee line to the Lindt chocolate shop. Loved how the Japanese maple on the roof top garden matched the color of the house. Can't wait to see the 42s. Enjoy your day!

    1. I don't trust myself to go inside shops like that - toooooo much temptation!

  8. Your tag is beautiful. And I always enjoy seeing the coffee cup at the outdoor cafe. The area around it looks nice. I would've avoided the Lindt shop too, to avoid the temptation inside. Great weather vane. (I always forget to look for those when I'm out with my camera.) There was a lot of beautiful blue skies in your photos. I love the architecture of the older buildings. The museum grounds are lovely. Great assortment of plants for sale in that market. And the photos of that white horse are magical and stunning. Happy T-Day!

  9. It is an absolutely gorgeous tag Valerie. I always love how you create these wonderful heads and add all the super images. In this one the flowers look beautiful.
    Your photos all look great, it was good to see some of the newer building, but for me I love the older ones best. The vegetable stall in the market looked very tempting and the produce so fresh.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie, your coffee looked delicious.
    Yvonne xx

  10. An absolutely gorgeous tag Valerie and I really enjoyed my journey through those fabulous photos which really bring the place to life.
    So sorry to have not been to visit for so long and hope that it won't be so long before I come over again.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  11. Boy, I sure can relate to that first artwork. In my mind, my garden is truly a wonderful fancy. It is soooo much fun to plan how gorgeous it will be. But in reality? It is way too hot and buggy for the endeavor to hold nearly as much fun for me as it once did. Now, I'm perfectly happy admiring the fruits of other people's labors.

    Great pics! I like that vane, too, but I'm not sure it's wise believing directions provided by a discombobulated drunk... :)

  12. Elizabeth's power is off. She wants you to know that the TSFT post will be up as soon as she is back online. I will try to let rest know. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for letting me know Sharon. Poor E!

  13. Nice theme and I do really like your tag. Of course, it has one of your wonderful heads. And it is so nice to see the city greening up. I think a rooftop garden would be a great thing to have if you didn't have lots of green space. And you are smart to avoid the LIndt chocolate shop. The LIndt US headquarters isn't far from me and they used to have a nice little shop near school, and I only allowed myself to visit for holidays. I hope you have a happy T day Valerie. Hugs-Erika

  14. Hi Valerie wow your tag is awesome ,I love it ,you are such an inspiration my friend,well done,as usual love your pics,thankyou for sharing with us Valerie xx

  15. Your tag and your photos are gorgeous, I enjoyed them all. xoxo

  16. Such a clever stunning tag Valerie x I too have a head full of floral fantasies !!!
    Your photographs are amazing as always and it sounds like you had a good weekend too x
    Apologies for my lack of visits but life as you kow can get in the way xx

    SEnding my best wishes to you
    Huge hugs
    Annie xx

  17. It's been sunny here although the wind made it a bit colder 😀. Your tag is beautiful, I love how you arranged all the pretty flowers and the bird. I'm loving your photos too, the drunken reveller and stunning Acer tree caught my eye 😊. Wishing you a Happy T Day! Jo x

  18. beautiful garden themed tag! And oh what amazing photos of Dusseldorf-such a gorgeous looking town!!! I would love to have a drink at that large outdoor cafe and people watch before sight seeing. Thanks for sharing another lovely adventure. Happy T day!

    1. Yes, it's a great place for people-watching!

  19. Beautiful gardening tag, Valerie. Lovely photos of Düsseldorf. The drunken reveler weather-vane is amusing, especially because it was put there by the brewery! Your photos of the architecture are stunning!

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  20. What a lovely stroll, filled with many wonders.
    LOVE the piece and the saying that goes with it. Purrfect.

  21. Stopped by to let you know the T Tuesday post is now live. As soon as I notify everyone and make a pot of much needed coffee, I will be back by to share a drink with you. Hope to see you at TSFT.

  22. Love your flower head, looks so beautiful. Amazing photos too.
    Big Hugs

  23. Your tag is beautiful and it shows what a loving and creative mind you have.

    I had a cappuccino last night. It was bottled, but I was desperate for caffeine. Your coffee looks so much better than mine, though.

    I love those old buildings and the statues. One thing I noticed was all the lights that hung over the street between buildings. Very different than in my world.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely art, your always creative and enjoyable photos, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, that Lindt store would tempt me, too.

    1. I know that feeling of being desperate for caffeine!

  24. What a lovely tag with all those pretty blooms. Some beautiful old buildings and statues from this weeks pictures. But that roof top garden is so pretty. I think that there is something very magical about a garden on top of a building.
    Happy Tea Day,

  25. I absolutely adore your tag Valerie! I finished making my samples today so I will be making a tag tomorrow i hope! Altstadt always looks beautiful, and on a sunny day even better! I think I might have been tempted to have a waffle - difficult to find waffles on menus here! I loved seeing the market stalls but I do understand how you must feel as you near home ! Happy T day ! Chrisx

  26. OOhhh Valerie !! This is a so so Gorgeous tag !! I love it, love the background, the colours you have chosen, every detail!! Just Amazing. as amazing are the wonderful photographs you have shared with us, they are great. I love the red tree on the roof, unique! But, your "world" is fantastic and peaceful! Happy T-day !
    I wish you a very nice afternoon,
    Big hugs, Caty

  27. I do like your tag and I just love your photographs.
    Another amazing collection. I really feel that I'm seeing and enjoying the sights when I look at them … isn't the sky an amazing blue :)

    Have a lovely week.

    All the best Jan

  28. Wow! Your tag is stunning Valerie! xx

  29. Fun tag. I love your photos. What camera/lens do you use?
    Happy T day!

    1. I used a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-WX500 for these pics, it's small enough to put in my pocket.

  30. Fabulously gorgeous tag, love your pics. My daughter and husband are in Europe at the moment and enjoying the beautiful life there.xx

  31. Beautiful backdrop for your fabulous snapshots of surroundings and amazing architecture but I have to agree no matter how blue the sky it's good to be in close proximity to nature and the freshness of all that green. Love your tag and how you've framed the flowers. There's a lot to read into it's design.
    Still in and out of online stuff and it will be like this for 2/3 weeks so sorry if i've missed any posts Valerie, you know how it is sometimes but i'm here whenever I can you know that. Creative Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Don't worry Tracey, just look after yourself!

  32. Hi Valerie, made it at last, a lovely tag, very pretty and colourful.
    Beautiful photos of Dusseldorf, it looks a lovely town and I do love looking around different markets to see the different things they sell.
    Have a great week
    Jan x

  33. I love that you take us on wonderful walks and visits to spots I'll probably never get to see. And of course, your home base is always so beautiful. Loved each and every image in this post!

  34. Wow another fab head, and your photo's are amazing, so happy and colourful. Have a wonderful week, Sue x

  35. I love your art piece! It is so beautiful! Your photos are magical! I love the statues, the buildings and your animal photos! You capture everything amazingly! Big Hugs!

  36. Love the head, the quote and all the beautiful flowers!!


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