
Monday 22 April 2019

T sTands for a new challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a happy holiday weekend and were able to enjoy time with family and friends. Here we are enjoying hot and sunny weather, it feels like summer. It won't last long, so that makes it precious. But I am not feeling so happy today. It is the 30th anniversary of my husband's death and would have been  my  47th wedding anniversary, so lots of memories which have been keeping me awake.

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Michele is hosting and has chosen 'faces' as her theme. She has several wonderful and inspirational tags on our blog, so hope to see you joining in, too.
I made a hybrid tag using a hand-painted background, a doodled bird, a face from Dezinaworld and some elements from Serif:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, so here I would like to welcome all the lovely ladies of the T Gang. It is also Elizabeth's birthday, so here's wishing her a happy one. I made an extra tag with a face you will recognise and a cup. I used a stencil from Stencilry combined with a photo from me, naturally a large mug of cappuccino:

Last week I visited this 'Porcelain clinic', a place where they repair, and sell, vintage porcelain, glass and ceramic. There is an electric train in the window carrying broken pieces of crockery:

Cappuccino served with Easter chocolate:

My walking buddy Harry:

I have visited Hofgarten several times:

The black swan is still sitting alone on her nest, but is being cared for. She looks sad:

I had another long walk home along the river. Saw this at the 'art palace' museum:

Photos along the way back:

Another advertising column sculpture:

Circus Flic-flac is on the other side of the Rhine in Oberkassel:

The sheep grazing:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, love both of your tags today. The first one is gorgeous and the second one so funny. Wonderful photos, too, you see so many things on your walks and all so beautiful. Lovely pic of you as well. I'm off for an afternoon nap. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Sorry for the sad day. I would feel the same, and days like that are always hard to get through, no matter how many years go by. It is nice to see photos of you and your walking buddies. I just got home from mine, which is something I am waiting for retirement for so I can continue to take a morning walk. And nice tags. The Dali one with the coffee cup made me smile. He would make some kind of large cup statue, wouldn't he, if he did T day? It's looking wonderfully like late spring there and that means so much to enjoy outside. Hope your day goes well, even if you are feeling a bit blue. Would some blue art help? Hugs-Erika And happy early T day too.

  3. I am sorry you are having a sad time. It doesn't matter how long our loved ones are gone we miss them just as much. As always no matter how you are feeling you brighten the day of others with your beautiful art and the wonderful photos you share with us. Thank you and hugs my dear friend.

  4. I'm sorry you're struggling with these anniversaries. It can still be so hard even after many years have passed.

    I love your T Tuesday tag :) Your walking environment to so different from ours. Sheep! What a treat to see :)

  5. A virtual hug to ease your sorrow. Loved the porcelain repair shop and all those pretty teacups. I so enjoy the pictures from your walks. You area has it all. City, country, modern, old, flowers and all so colorful. Enjoy the warm weather for me! Happy T Day.

  6. Sorry for your sad memory today Valerie. Your artwork and photos are great as always.
    Have a good week.
    Alison xx

  7. Sending you a big hug, I can understand how you feel. It just doesn't matter how long ago loved ones passed away we still miss them, and some days more than others.

    Once again you've given us so much to look at, your photographs are just lovely, I especially liked the porcelain repair shop.

    All the best Jan

  8. Oh my gosh. That advertising sculpt is amazing.
    The tags are great. I especially love the first one.
    Poor Mrs. Black Swan:(
    Great photos.

  9. I love your photo, my beautiful friend.
    Your tag is fantastic, and I love the theme.
    As for the page, it is absolutely fabulous!!!!!!!!!
    Great photos from your walk, Valerie. I especially love the sheep!

  10. I am so sorry for your loss. Your tag is gorgeous and I love the idea of a porcelain repair clinic. Your photos are also so charming.

  11. May your departed hubby rest in peace, gone too soon! That last statue looks so real. Enjoyed today's art challenges!

  12. I love the marching duck in your header, Valerie. Perfect shot!

    It's hot and sunny here too. 91 F today (almost 33 C). Your husband must have died quite young. And on your anniversary; I'm so sorry.

    A face I will recognize? Hmm - I'm not good at facial recognition. Dali?

    Thank you for sharing a lovely picture of you, as well as your walking buddy, Harry. I shared one of me at T today too ;-)

    To me, the black swan looks expectant and thoughtful. She's beautiful.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  13. I remembered that this was your wedding day and also the death of your husband. He was SO handsome and looked like a very caring person, I can understand why you still miss him,even after all these years. Time dulls the pain, but never heals it, I fear.

    Both your tags are fabulous today. I really, really LOVE them both. The cappuccino was genius, and perfect for T this Tuesday.

    I feel so sorry for the female black swan. I wish she could tell us what happened to her mate.

    I love your latest selfie and what a great photo of Harry, your walking buddy.

    I tried to use html mode to correct the link, but it didn't work. Bless Eileen for figuring it out. I still have no idea what happened and why it doesn't work for me. At least I got the date and time right!

  14. Sorry for the loss of your husband-too soon- but may the memories you shared together help you through a difficult day.
    Your tags are gorgeous! Love the first one especially. Nice to have Harry as a walking partner, and my dear you look great! Fun and fantastic photos of your walk again. Happy T day!

  15. Sending you a big hug!! It doesn't matter how many years we have lost loved ones, it still very much hurts! Know your friends are here for you!!!
    I love your flower tag! Happy Birthday Elizabeth!
    Great photos! Truly amazing!!! Love the sculptures! Love the photos of you and Harry!
    Poor Black Swan!!! So sad!
    Big Hugs!

  16. i'm sorry for the sadness in your heart upon your anniversary. i send love and care to you. along with my admiration for your stunning art. xoxo

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. schöne bilder heute uind das tag ist ja super.
    schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  19. Sorry I am late calling , it must have been a really difficult day for you. In the sadness I hope you were able to remember the good times as well.
    A good post to read Valerie. All the photos you shared are lovely and your art pieces are fantastic.
    Thank you for the beautiful e card you sent .
    Sending you hugs and T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx.

  20. Such a beautiful tag! The weather looks as though it's been glorious where you are and your photos look fabulous 😁. That's a lovely photo of you too! Wishing you a happy T Day! J 😊 x

  21. I love your tags today, especially the one with that zentangle bird. I love the name of the "porcelain clinic." And such a lovely display of teacups.
    I am always amazed at the beautiful sites that you pass on your walks. I love seeing the pictures of the wild life and the foliage. It certainly looks like summer is there.
    Happy Tea Day,

  22. You've created an uplifting post, despite the sadness of your anniversary day. sorry for your loss. Love your tags...the image of Dali always makes me smile. Beautiful photos of your walks...always enjoy seeing the sights you share. Happy T day!

  23. I'm sorry to hear it's the anniversary of your husband's death. Your tags are lovely. I like the shop with the train carrying the broken porcelain. Your trees are further in leaf than mine in the Northeast US. In a week or two more, all of the trees here should be in full leaf. I got excited when I saw the photo of two black swans, but was then sad when I got to your next photo of the lone female, that said she is still alone. (I had hoped her mate returned since the last time you were there.) I think swans mate for life, so this is sad. (I have a link on my blog that explains which birds mate for life, and what that actually means.) Your photos of the area look nice. I also like the hawk / eagle statue. You live in a beautiful area.

  24. Your art is amazing! Your photos are my "art candy" always so beautiful I enjoyed everything. so sorry for the loss of your husband's anniversary
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  25. Sending you hugs! I am sure it is a hard time for you with lots of memories.

    Your walk looks like it had lots of fun sights. I love the black swan and the ducks. The rainbow colored art piece you saw at the museum is quite fascinating. Thanks for sharing.

  26. So sorry to hear of the loss of your husband, such a sad day for you but must be full of happy memories too.
    I love to see your photos, reminds me of living in Detmold, we used to visit HermannsDenkmal, hope that's the correct spelling! and we lived near a Spa town and lovely lakes too.
    I love all that china but I would be too scared to use it!
    Sending you Hugs
    Jan x

  27. Love the Easter Chocolate with the coffee:)
    How are your hands?

  28. So sorry that you're having such a sad day Valerie. it must be so hard having both anniversaries on the same day. Your artwork is fabulous, and it's great to see photo's of you and your walking buddy. I'm sorry I've not been around lately but real life is a bit stupid at the moment. Take care, Sue x

  29. I hope you see this Valerie, because I am now back on my original blog. SO happy.

  30. That will be a fun challenge! And I love window shopping with you -- wonderful photo of you as well! So content and happy!

  31. Cherish you memories and create new ones - the best way to honour someone very special... a big hug for you from afar, Valerie. Beautiful tag - love the elements and of course just love all these stunning photos. Take care, Wilma

  32. (((Valerie))) So sorry to read your opening paragraph and sad that I did not see it earlier but as you know I had a little break from blogging this week trying to catch up with things that have been neglected. I hope the good times together and treasured memories help you get through this sad time in April.
    Another fabulous theme, your tags are superb. I say again and again I must join in but you know what life is like right now. Hoping for some happier times now, gosh we all could do with some. The porcelain Clinic is a wonderful idea how clever to have a dedicated shop to mend things precious that are broken, it seems very symbolic within your post dear Valerie. Big Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Lets hope the Black Swan will soon be Happy again x

  33. Awesome Tags Valerie..fabulous photos too..xx

  34. Hi Valerie. I am so very sorry for your loss - it never matters how long ago it was - the pain and loss are still there. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. The photos of the black swan really touched me, too. She does look so sad . . .
    Thank you for always sharing your beautiful art work and wonderful photos with all of us.


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