
Monday 11 March 2019

T sTands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

This has been a very stormy Sunday here in Rhineland, as storm 'Eberhard' has been causing a lot of disruption. We had heavy rainfall, hail-stones and gale-force winds which blew down trees, roof-tiles and more, and all trains had to be halted from midday on. I stayed home and enjoyed a lazy day here, doing a bit of crafting and a lot of reading.

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Wilma is hosting. Her theme is 'Hares and rabbits'. Sadly, this will be Wilma's last challenge as she is leaving Tag Tuesday to have more time to cope with her tasks in real life. I wish her all the best, and am sorry she is going.

My first idea was Alice in wonderland, and my tag has been made using a collage sheet from Gecko Galz with the images placed on a water-coloured background. There's also a tea-cup on it, which links nicely to Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party:

And here I would like to welcome all of the lovely ladies of the T gang.
I drank my coffee again in Dulce

Dianne asked last week about the carnival dress I was sewing for my neighbour. We had to cope with the jealousy of Lily, the cat, who did not understand why we were wasting time playing around instead of stroking her, and she jumped from the table onto Gabi's shoulder while we were sewing the hoop into the dress:


And I think she positioned herself here to imitate Gabi's hat:

And this is the finished cocktail-glass dress:
The weather was changeable all week:

First blossoms are always precious:

We had a wonderful rainbow:

The stormy weather has not stopped spring from springing:

The shops and the town-hall all have their spring decorations, too:

The tiny snack-bar by the Rhine is open again:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That costume you made is fabulous, you are so talented! Cute Alice tag and enjoyed your spring photos.

  2. I love that image of the White Rabbit as the Herald.I think your tag captures all the fun images of Alice in Wonderland, one of my favorite stories. Lily is too cute and that costume is amazing. So clever. Your pictures are always a joy. The rainbow pics especially. Seeing the beautiful flowers in the window boxes, might inspire me to plant flowers in my window boxes this year.

  3. Hi Val, another wonderful post! Love the Alice tag, I watched the film recently with the kids and they loved it. Your photos are fantastic, as always, and that dress is a gorgeous creation. I hope Gabi appreciates your talent. Poor Lily, she must have felt very neglected. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  4. OH Val, I'm so homesick! We lived 5 years in Ulmen and visited the Rhine so often - and I love the coffee shop! Your Alice in Wonderland is beautiful - that is my new granddaughter's name! What a fun post and I loved your colorful, wonderful pictures!

    1. I know Ulmen, it's a very pleasant place. But Florida probably has better weather....

  5. I love your Alice tea party art! You are quite talented in sewing, I see. That looks like a fun costume :) Your photos of the spring flowers are delightful. Such a lovely sight! Happy T Day

  6. Amazing costume, Valerie! And beautiful photos with the rainbow!
    I llllllove Alice in Wonderland, so I really lllllllllove your tag.
    Kisses, my dear friend.

  7. I love your Alice tag Valerie, and that fabulous costume!
    Wishing you a happy week.
    Alison xx

  8. The weather yesterday sound very scary. So pleased that you stayed safe.

    Wonderful Alice tag for the new TT theme.

    Such amazing photographs today with the beautiful area you live in and the amazing costume you made. The cat looks so furry and warm so I hope you got time to stroke it,.

    I always love it when you take photographs of shop windows and they always look like great shops to look at

    Have a very happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Great tag Valerie and what a fantastic carnival dress ! We had snow,sleet and gale force wind too yesterday but we did venture out for a little while to join in the Big Breakfast which is a yearly event in our village. We settled for the later sitting and made it our brunch.


  10. Wonderful artwork and fantastic costume. I like the jealous cat photos. Seeing the flowering trees and other signs of Spring is great. It's been unseasonably cold where I am in the Northeast US, but today the temperatures are finally getting close to normal. Happy T-Day!

  11. waue very inspirering, lovely photos, you have sweet cat to

  12. I love your tag-so fun and your kitty had me laughing lol great costume!
    Spring has sprung in your area for sure-we have no flowers blooming as of yet but finally some warmer weather.
    Loved your rainbow photos!!
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  13. It is a great tag and Alice seems so tiny beside the fantastic white rabbit image.
    The photos of your neighbours costume looked great. I like how the cat managed to get your attention as well.
    The shop window photos were really good, I like to see what is on sale in other countries and how folk display their goods.
    Stay safe Valerie, we have the gales and the forecast of worse to come during the week.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  14. aw such a sweet post Valerie. The rabbit and Alice is a lovely theme and your tag is pretty.
    I loved seeing the adventures of Gabi and Lilli! A fun costume.
    Yummy coffee!
    How gorgeous are those spring blossoms.
    What a sweet little coffee shop and the shop window peeks - all delightful.
    Your posts are such fun - hope those bad storms have passed. Hugs xx

  15. I love the tag. That's a great idea for the challenge. And even your blog header would work too. And wow, what a super costume. It looks so fancy. And cats are silly sometimes, aren't they? Lily is quite a pretty girl though. An a rainbow is always good to see. It makes me happy if I get to see one. Happy T day Valerie. Hugs-Erika

  16. Love your photographs, and your blog header.
    The blossoms, flowers and windows are beautiful.

    Some parts of the UK have had snow, and many areas high winds, I think we now have another storm on the way …
    Stay safe

    All the best Jan

  17. Rainbows are some of my favorite things to see. :) Beautiful!

    Love your Alice in Wonderland art. How fun!

    What a great costume and cute kitty. ;)

  18. love your new header- and the rabbit art too! That costume is fab, and I love the pics of Lily too:) despite that very stormy weather Spring has sure sprung by you. Fun window shopping, but I really want a pair of the red sneakers! Great photos-and the rainbow-such a treat. happy T day!

  19. Your bunny header is gorgeous, your art is spectacular, and your costume sewing and model, even the fury one is magnificent, your nature photos are on top of the world...YOU are amazing. hugs.

  20. Spring looks beautiful on your town. I spied a beautiful tea pot and tea cup that I like. Your Alice tag is beautiful. A perfect reminder that spring is coming.
    Happy Tea Day,

  21. Delightful post! I think that Alice and Wonderland tag was perfect for your T Day post!
    Happy T Day!

  22. Hi Valerie what an awesome post,love the down the rabbit hole tag and the page you made is awesome how funny the cat jumping on your friends shoulder,lol, and the cocktail dress is amazing,hope you have a wonderful day my friend xx

  23. I'm having trouble keeping my internet going tonight, so sorry if I am brief.

    I love the new blog header, the tag is FANTASTIC and SO Alice, too. It's perfect for T this Tuesday, as is the restaurant.

    Love the rainbow and the shop windows, too. Thanks for making this a very special T this Tuesday.

  24. I'm loving the new header too matching well with your Rabbit/Hare Tag theme. He's a wonderful character is the Rabbit and almost looks as dashing in his outfit as your friend in her cocktail dress, what a fab creation. I'm not sure I could walk straight in it though, just stand and spin a lot hee hee!!
    Looks like the shops are all ready to tempt us with the new fashions for the season. Shop front displays are always so exciting.
    Happy T Day Valerie that Cafe looks so clean and tidy.
    Big Hugs Tracey xx

  25. Valerie the costume is amazing, you are very talented, Your tags are lovely and so colourful, I'm not very good at colouring unfortunately.
    I love the photos, lovely shop windows, we lived in Germany when we were first married and I always loved the bakeries as they always looked so beautiful.
    Enjoy your week, Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan. The bakeries here are always a constant source of temptation!

  26. Wow. Love so many things today. The header. Your Alice Rabbit. The rabbit in the store. The buds. The rainbow.
    The sun just shines through in your pictures.
    Glad you survived the storms.

  27. A new blog header and a fantastic tag! All rabbit/hare themed! Great!
    I love the blossom and the rainbow. Spring is on its way.
    That coctail glass costume is such fun. Well done you for making it. Good to see your cat 'enjoying' the procedures.
    How nice to go back to Dulce. I would too if I lived any closer.
    The magnolia and the daffodils are gorgeous.
    I enjoyed the window shopping. All very nice stuff. Probably out of my price range, but it's nice to watch.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Out of my price range too but nice to look at. The shops here are all very expensive

  28. I'm glad you stayed inside safe and sound while the storm raged, Valerie. Very cute tag. I love everything Alice especially the Cheshire Cat quote, “We’re all mad here.”

    Fabulous costume! Wow, that was a lot of work.

    Great rainbow and spring bud shots. The town and all the shops look lovely. Ahhh, spring ...

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  29. Beautiful tag, I love the Alice theme! Wow, the cocktail dress is amazing and Lily looks so sweet 😁. It sounds like our weather has been similar here, sunshine then rain, then a rainbow and stormy weather which means it's time to hibernate again 😉. It's so nice to see the spring blossom and window displays around your town too! Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  30. I love your tag! I loved reading Alice.. as a child but didn't enjoy the film so much! How brilliant that outfit looks, your helpers look so gorgeous! Great photos once again- the rainbow is a good outcome after the storm! We have had strong gusts of wind today and lots of rain yesterday! Coffee at Dulce looks good and Thanks once again for a peek in the shop windows! Happy T Day! Hugs, Chrisx

  31. A great tag, the rabbit looks fabulous. How wonderful is tha costume, I think Lily must have been jealous.
    Lovely photos and the shops look really colourful with their Sring decorations.
    Avril xx

  32. Love your Rabbit tags!!!! Your Spring photos are beautiful also! We seem to have finally gotten out of Winter here and started warming up but mo Spring flowers yet. Soon ♥
    It's very windy and raining here today.So I'll be staying inside and working on some of the housework I've neglected this month.
    Happy Very Late T DAy!!!

  33. I love your rabbit tag! So cute! I hope the weather is better for you!
    Your pictures are amazing! Love that little place to eat! Your rainbow photos are amazing!
    And speaking of amazing I LOVE that costume you made and I LOVE that cat! Priceless! Big Hugs!

  34. a perfect alice rabbit tag! i love that sweet kitty cat too. happy week! xo

  35. Redbud trees and rainbows. Oh, I long to see both! And cats, too! And then the wonderful March hare! Perfection. I love that illustration and fabulous with the colors. So much to love in this post, Valerie. It simply makes me smile!


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