
Monday 14 January 2019

T sTands for Mail, posTmarks and posTage sTamps

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend, and here's wishing you a good, new week. Thanks to all who left well wishes on my last post. I have another hospital appointment on Friday, and hope then to find out what is causing the problems with my fingers and toes.

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Sandie is hosting. She chose a great theme- mail, postmarks and postage stamps, so all those hoarded stamps can be brought out to play, and I'm looking forward to seeing what You make. You have 2 weeks to join us.

I made a 12" mixed media tag on canvas paper, using paints, collage, stamping, washi tapes and sewing, I think I got a bit carried away, but did remember in the end to add the required stamps and post marks etc:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday tea party, so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies of the T gang.

Last week was mostly grey, but on one day we had some sun in the morning and for short intervals in the course of the day. I showed this picture last week, Cafe Burghof, next to the castle:

The decorations inside are always rather strange, but very interesting :

But I prefer to take my cappuccino outside and watch the Rhine:

This was the beautiful sunrise from Saturday, but the sun disappeared after that and the rest of the day was just grey and dismal:

Hope your day will be filled with sunshine!
Have a great one, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, this is lovely, what a fantastic tag with gorgeous colours and textures. Great photos, too, as always. I don't think we had any sun here last week, you were lucky! Burghof always looks a bit strange, but it's certainly something different. Perhaps that's why everybody always sits outside! Look after yourself, take care, hugs, Sarah

  2. Such beautiful sunsets, and please feel free to send a cup of coffee this way!(lol) Hugs...RO

  3. Love the tag. I thought it would make great upholstery fabric for comfy, old chairs. As always beautiful sunrise photos. We've had quite a few sunny days, but it's been very cold. Too cold to take a hot beverage outside to drink. Take care, and Happy T Day

    1. Hmmm, I have a lot of tags, perhaps I should sew them together to cover my shabby, old chairs! It would certainly be something different!

  4. hope they can figure out your health problem soon Valerie. Beautiful tag and your cappucino looks delicious. Lovely sunrise.

  5. Hello dear Valerie!
    Your mixed media tag is a truly artwork! Love it!!!
    I always enjoy your wonderful sunrise pictures with the breathtaking colors in the sky!
    Hope you solve your health problem .Take care! Hugs!

  6. WOW! you tag is GORGEOUS! I love the rich colors and all the textures you created.
    Since I'm an avid fan of your know I'm fascinated with all your pictures.
    It is still early Monday morning here, no T-day post on my blog yet, but I will wish you an early Happy T-day

  7. I love the texture in your tag. I can't imagine how you've managed to get such depth with paint. You've found the perfect spot for a cuppa. I'd love to join you overlooking such a view :) Happy early T Day!

    I wish you well in your search for medical answers.

  8. I want to have tea with you RIGHT THERE! Looks delightful!

  9. Never thought of working stamps or postage when into an art projects
    Coffee is on

  10. I love the collage work and colour and texture too. Your photos are fab too. Looks lovely

    Hugs June x

  11. Your tag is simply gorgeous Valerie, and I love your photos too!
    Alison xx

  12. Hello Valerie, firstly... good wishes for your fingers and toes issues xx
    Your tag is full of lovely things and has a very exciting feel to it.
    The cafe puts a lot into its decorations but, yes, to have your coffee outside watching the water would be my choice too. There's such a good feeling sitting outdoors whenever we can.
    Beautiful sky photos again - always a joy to see. All the best :D)

  13. Wow, that is an amazing tag. there is so much to see and enjoy looking at, its fantastic.
    The cafe looks really interesting, but I like where you decided to have your coffee, it is a lovely view of the Rhine.
    I hope you get help with your problems with the fingers and toes when you have your next appointment.
    Happy T day wishes for tomorrow as well.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Your tag background is gorgeous, Valerie. I'm glad you remembered the postage stamps and such in the end. I think I would have stopped at the background myself. The close ups are gorgeous.

    Good luck with the hospital appointment. I hope it's something simple to set right. May your day be filled with sunshine too.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  15. fabulous tag Valerie, always a pleasure to share your walk and cappuccino too. And that sunrise- glorious!!! Happy T day!

  16. Absolutely amazing post, love your gorgeous work.xx

  17. Your new header is amazing! As is your tag. I really love the colors, and anything with stamps and postmarks are always so much fun to play with. January is the time we all need some color in our lives. And that was some interesting decor. But getting a little sunshine and fresh air is always good, even in winter. Have a wonderful T day and good luck with your diagnosis! Hugs-Erika

  18. Hi Val I really love your tag this week-lots of elements love everything-very awesome
    You are right some strange decorations in the restaurant-nicer to enjoy sitting outdoors.
    Lovely sunsets-we have been very grey and dreary here too
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  19. a truly stunning collaged tag Valerie! sending love and wishes for your health and well-being! xo

  20. I am in love with your new blog header. I've made postage people before, but the person who made an art of them is Halle.

    Your tag is wonderful. So many layers, so much to look at. I must have looked at it three times and STILL found things I had missed before.

    What a fabulous view you had while drinking your cappuccino. Simply lovely, even if it was cold. I remember you showing that restaurant before, and it was rather unique then, too.

    Beautiful sunrise shots today. I hope the doctors learn what is wrong with you, so you can get better very, very soon.

  21. Holy cow. I forgot to thank you for joining us for T this Tuesday. Too many things to admire, I guess!

  22. guten morgen valerie,

    WOW! dein tag ist spitzenmäßig geworden,es gibt soviel zu endecken,und die farben sind auch klasse.
    deine bilder vom sonnenaufgang sind bildschön,und einen caffee am wasser draussen trinken ist bestimmt toll,ich hoffe ich kann das irgendwann auch wieder.
    ich war gestern im kh,da wurde die maske fürs gesicht angefertigt,die muss ich dann bei jeder bestrahlung tragen.
    das war schon ein komisches gefühl,als das gemacht wurde,das wäre schon mal geschafft,jetzt hab ich richtige angst vor der bestrahlung,weil sie in augennähe bestrahlen und in seltenen fällen kann man erblinden.
    bitte drück mir ganz fest die daumen,das alles gut geht.
    einen schönen tag dir noch.

    hugs jenny

    1. Klar mache ich das Jenny, bleib positiv, und ich hoffe für dich dass es bald besser wird.

  23. It’s good to hear you have a hospital appointment this Friday. I hope they find what is wrong with you.
    You problems haven’t prevented you from creating the most amazing tag! And I also love your new header. You know I love all things ‘postal’.
    Your sunrise pictures are amazing! And it must be lovely to sit outside with a view over the river. But I’m afraid it would be too cold for me.
    Happy T day,

  24. I hope your hospital appointment goes well! I love your beautiful tag, the layers of images and colours looks amazing 😁. You have created so much beautiful detail - stunning! It looks like you had fun at the castle too. Thanks for your comment on my blog - the shop only sells tea not coffee, although there are some coffee places in Arundel for you to purchase coffee from, I didn't go in them as like you don't drink tea I don't drink coffee 😉. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊 x

    1. I was in Arundel some years back and had some delicious coffee!

  25. Watching the Rhine go by while sipping Cappuccino. I love it.

    And that piece....beautiful!

  26. Your mixed media tag is absolutely amazing! I love all the details from the stitching and stamping. Not to mention that the paints make a wonderful bit of texture. Beautiful, Valerie.
    and your choice to watch the Rhine while drinking your coffee looks like a wonderful way to spend the day. Hope that your Hospital visit is a success and that it is an easy fix.
    Happy Tea Day,

  27. Wow I love your tag, so colourful! Postage is a favourite theme of mine, and you've really done it justice here. Good luck at the doctors this week, I hope all goes well, Sue xx

  28. Your tag is stunning. I love all of the details you have on it. And I also enjoyed your photos. But having that cappuccino outside looked a little chilly.

  29. I certainly hope the Drs can sort out your health problem soon.

    Your tag is just lovely, as are all of your photographs.
    Even though I'm a tea drinker your cappucino does look nice.

    All the best Jan

  30. What a pretty place to have your cappuccino, looking over the Rhine. To me, that is like a romantic movie! Lovely tags! I wasn't here last week so didn't know about the medical problems. I hope they find out what is causing it and can resolve the issue. Happy T Day!

  31. Love the art today!!!! So to her you haven't been feeling well. Hope they get things straightened out for you!!!! Your sunrise photos are so beautiful. I miss seeing the sunrise but just don't manage to get up early enough any more.
    Happy T Day!

  32. Val your tag is gorgeous. I love going to your site as you always have such beautiful and interesting photos on it. Wishing you well.

  33. And T also stands for Terrific, my friend! This is such a bright and vivid work of art! I love your use of color! And your photos are always so relaxing and serene - you can come here with a cup of coffee and sit for a few minutes, scrolling and sipping and just SMILE! Big hugs!

  34. What a fabulous tag! Love those vibrant colours! Your photographs are fascinating and I loved that you drank your coffee outside! What a shame that the day turned grey after that glorious sunrise!Hugs,Chrisx

  35. I hope your fingers and toes are ok! Thinking of you!
    I really love your tag! I think it's so pretty!! I love the sayings you put on your art! Touches my soul!
    Truly love all the photos! Thank you!
    Big Hugs!

  36. Wow...just look at all those awesome colours and images. Your tag is absolutely stunning, I adore it..x


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