
Friday 18 January 2019

Sun, moon and mail art

Hi Everybody!

Today the sun is shining over frosty fields and the grey mist is beginning to lift. I had a hospital appointment much too  early this morning, and it was very dark and icy when I went out. The worst part was going down the frozen steps from the tram station to the path - 22 steps!. I wanted to hold onto the hand-rail, but my glove froze onto it straightaway. I was rather terrified, so went down step for step like a toddler, and arrived safely at my destination.  After this post has been written I'm heading back to bed to catch up on my missed sleep!

I made this mixed-media journal spread last week at art group, using stamps, stencils and some tissue paper that Sue sent me at Christmas - thanks again- over a gessoed and water-coloured background The tag is an old one which has been recycled. I stripped all the embellishments off it, added some tissue, lots of stamping and a stamp-image, also from Sue, and fixed it to the page. The string was also recycled from a birthday parcel. I am linking to Tag Tuesday - mail, postage stamps etc, Paint Party Friday, and Simon Monday challenge, recycle something.

The moon photos were taken a few days back:

Winter sunrises are always spectacular:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Sleep well Valerie. Awful for you having to go out so early. Very cold and icy here today as well.

    Just love the spread with the amazing tag. So much thought went into both to make them special.

    Great sky pictures and the close up of the moon. Winter is definitely the best time for sunrises but we would have to get up very early and walk a little way to ever see them.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Hi Val, this is another wonderful post with fantastic art and sky shots! Well done for NOT slipping on the ice! Glad you got there and back safely My kids love turning the path into an ice-rink. Will ring you this afternoon, hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Valerie wow those moon shots are awesome and i really love your tag and page,well done my friend xx

  4. I know what you mean about walking on ice so I can picture it exactly. Love this page today. I can't wait to play with some postage. We have lots of snow coming this weekend so I am planning on some extensive art time. :) Nice post today my friend and I hope you got your extra sleep. Hugs-Erika

  5. So glad you made it home safely, maybe get later appointments in this weather. Beautiful work for the challenges, love your moon photos.

    1. At the hospital the appointments are always so early, definitely not my time!

  6. Wonderful eye candy. I really like the fountain pen and quill/inkwell stamps. You were up very early to catch the sunrise. The moon photos are awesome. Have a good day

  7. A lovely page, Valerie. I love the vintage style.
    And what a great full moon!!!!!!!! Fantastic photos, my friend. Kisses!!!

  8. Such a fun page filled with wonderful textures and papers! Your photography skills are amazing!

  9. As always, your artwork is thought-provoking. It's interesting how you can go with a theme and use such a wide array of images in juxtaposition to support it. Great job! We have a bunch of old postage stamps around here. Some of them are reeeeally beautiful in their own right, so I'm thinking they could be combined somehow to make a unique and lovely piece of art...

    LOVE your shots of the sky, but it's a shame you had to get up so darned early and fight the cold and ice to take the sunrise picture.

    Have a super weekend!

  10. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your mixed media page with the beautiful tag! Great artwork indeed!
    Great close up of the moon and awesome pictures of the gorgeous sunrise!
    I’m afraid of the ice,glad you got back safe! Have a lovely weekend! Hugs!

    1. Thanks dear Dimi. I, too am scared of the ice. I slipped some years back and broke my arm, ouch!

  11. Luv your moon photos. And very interesting collage.Thanks for dropping by my blog today

    Much 👑 love

  12. Fantastic moon shot and very creative collage art ~ divine works!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. The steps sound like a traumatic experience! I can picture myself in tears on those stairs after realizing I wouldn't be able to use the handrail. I'm glad you made it safely. Your sky colors are beautiful, and that moon! How did you get that perfect moon shot? Gorgeous!

    I hope you get some good rest and recovery time from your stressful morning :)

  14. You have captured some awesome photos-so sorry about the super scary steps-I would have been terrified as well--
    I love your mixed-recycle piece very much-hope you rest well hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks, it was really scary on those stairs.

  15. Love your collages and your moon!!!!!!!!
    Be careful on that ice!

  16. I love your journal page/tag with all the collage. So colorful with various lovelies for my eye to look at.
    Your photos of the Sunrises are SO beautiful!!
    Ice scares me. I know way too many people that have broken bones slipping on ice. Having your glove frozen to the railing also sounds scary. I am glad that you made it down without incident. Just one more excuse to stay in and enjoy warm drinks.

  17. That sounds like a very scary experience, I'm glad you made it safely. I love the colors in your art, they feel so delicate. Lovely photos too!

  18. A fabulous journal spread and tag Valerie, I love all the additions and details you included on the pages.
    I hope you got a good rest after your early start to the hospital The ice must have been quite scary, I stayed home today we have snow and ice as well.
    Super photos, I especially liked the close up of the moon.
    Stay safe and warm in these icy conditions.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Oh Valerie, going down those stairs ... and that ice sticking to your gloves, well done for you. I too hope you rested well. Thank you for your beautiful post. Your work is lovely, all those little details. It's always good to see the closeups to really appreciate what they include. Take care dear blogfriend :D) xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I'm staying home today, another icy day here.

  20. Don't you just hate early Dr. or early hospital appointments, especially when the weather is so cold and frosty. Pleased you made it there and back safely.

    Another beautiful post both your art and photographs.

    Have a lovely weekend, stay warm :)

    All the best Jan

  21. Moon picture are lovely. I just get a little older so I can retire and have a little more time for art and such.
    Coffee is on

  22. I hope by now you are over the scary trip to the hospital and have had much needed sleep. Seems I can find ice the size of a 50 pence and slip and fall on it. I would NOT have been happy to go down those tram steps.

    I WAS happy to see your moon and sunrise shots, though. They are lovely. I was also happy to see your latest tag and mixed media entry. It is stunning and very inspiring.

  23. Thank God you are okay, I can't even begin to imagine the cold and gloves sticking to rails, but you arrived there and back safely...hope all is ok with you...lovely post and most stunning

  24. Fantastic collage and picture of the moon - and by golly, you made my heart jump! I'm glad you made it safely down the steps and as I read, I kept whispering please don't fall, please don't fall! Beautiful post - hugs!

  25. wow,fantastische mail art seiten,gefallen mir mega gut.
    tolle bilder hast du wieder gemacht,das ist heute ein toller post von dir.
    einen schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  26. Beautiful photos, and I love your collage arty page Valerie!
    Keep warm and toasty!
    Alison xox

  27. Hi Valerie, Its scary going out in the ice like that. I don't blame you for being afraid and taking it carefully. Hope your appointment went well. What a gorgeous spread, love the layers and colours too. Your photographs today and stunning too. Have a nice weekend my friend.

    Hugs June x

  28. Oh I love your collage Valerie, and so happy that you like the tissue paper. I do not envy you those icy steps at all, I always walk down steps like a toddler 'cos I can (and do) fall over my own shadow! Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  29. I love mail art, so this was right up my street! I love this spread and the tag is such a great addition, it really captures the eye! (Love the new blog header too)...
    Would love to know where you got those stamps with the vintage ladies?

    Glad you got down those steps safely, sounds scary indeed. The sky/moon photos are stunning!!

    Have a good week!

    1. The stick on stamps were sent to me as a present by Sue, the Victorian lady stamp is a very old one from Paper Artsy and the others were part of a mail-art set from an American firm which doesn't exist any more, sorry!

  30. OMG, Val, those icy steps sound scary!
    Love the piece.
    What a beautiful sky.

  31. Love your project! tag is a wonderful addition! Thanks for joining us this week on Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! Barbara

  32. I hate going out on the ice more than anything! You deserved a nap after that.

    Your spread is just beautiful. I love the layers of color and elements. And so, too, are your photos. That moon is magnificent!

  33. Your Tag is gorgeous..I love all the vintage images..just beautiful..x

  34. Please take care of yourself, when you are walking!! I don't like icy steps!!!
    Gorgeous art piece! So pretty! So full of life!
    Amazing photos! Wow to everyone on of them, especially the moon ones! Big Hugs!

  35. Schöne Seiten mit den hübschen Briefmarken darauf. Die hellen Farben gefallen mir auch sehr . Die Sonnen und Mondbilder sehen großartig aus, immer wieder beeindruckend.
    Liebe Grüße

  36. Another fabulous display Valerie, I really should have walked forwards rather than backwards with posts. Glad you walked forward on those icy steps and hope you caught up on that sleep too? I've been down with a bug/virus so in need of more sleep myself and a little more energy.
    That winter sunrise is amazing!!
    Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S A Very belated Happy PPF x

  37. The colours in this page spread are so beautiful - and I especially love the extra warmth of the tag layered over the top. Another delightful post.
    Alison x

  38. I love this kind of ART. The photography is right on. . . gorgeous pictures. Blessings, Janet


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