
Wednesday 23 January 2019

Mid-week this and that and the postman's cat

Hi Everybody!

It's still very cold here and it snowed all night, I even have some snow on my balcony. And as I write, the sun is trying to break through the grey clouds, so that's great! Some people asked about my hospital /doctor's visits. Some of my toes have turned a rather nasty blue colour, and the fingers on my right hand are starting to go the same way, so they are trying to find a solution. I hope I am not turning into a Smurf! It looks like a necrosis, but the circulation is absolutely okay, and now I have to visit some more doctors (ugh!) to try to find the reason why and how it can be treated. I'll keep you posted, thanks for asking! I am hoping it's something simple which can be cured easily!

I put a postcard on offer on my blog from Monday, and the first name out of the hat was CJ, so she gets the coffee card. I pulled out 2 other names, Lisca and Mia, and will be sending them other postcards, so please let me know your snail-mail addresses.

I have been making lots of collaged/mixed media pages in my journal, as I cleared off my table, and filled a large shoe box with scraps. Here is one of them. I gessoed the background, added some  tissue from Sue and some JD and other tissue scraps saved from the UFOs on my table. I did some stenciling in the background using a light grey, and then doodled more branches across the pages. I added the feathers and a TH quote as embellishments, and a bird stamp which literally fell onto the page and was rewarded with being included:

For Tag Tuesday I made a tag using an image of Postman Pat - which I often watched daily (sigh!) with my grandkids when they were small. The image is from a kid's colouring book, painted with acrylic markers. The postage stamp on the left also shows Postman Pat, he was even honoured by the British post!

I am linking to Paint Party Friday.

On Monday afternoon I took a walk down to the Rhine to enjoy the sunset:

Our Patron Saint Swidbert is also over the gateway to the old hospital:

And lastly some progress shots of my kitchen hyacinths, taken each morning at sunrise:

Yes, the windows are dirty, but I will not be cleaning them till the temps rise a bit!

The blue ones have grown more quickly than the pink ones:

This is how they are today:

May your day be as sweet as their perfume!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am starting at the end as I found the photographs this morning so very beautiful. The sky ones are so dreamy. Then the wonderful hyacinths in such a rich blue but best of all the cutouts of the birds on your window. Sometimes I look at the things you make and do and think 'why didn't I think of that?' I know you don't mind us copying so I can have some of those on my window.

    So sorry to hear about your fingers and toes. Will be wishing you good luck with the new doctors ideas on this.

    Just love the pages with thoughts of winter and better days to follow hopefully.

    Terrific tag and I can't believe that I was just looking for Postman Pat images to make another tag for TT. I am thinking of something different now lol.

    Have a great day-we have snow as well but not much so far

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Thanks so much Chrissie - great minds think alike, and we often seem to think along the same tracks!

  2. Good morning Val, pleased I caught this before I go out. Love your beautiful journal pages, and the PP tag, he is still a very big favourite with my kids, I sometimes wonder that the DVD isn't worn out yet! Wonderful photos at the Rhine, and love the photos of your hyacinths, too, they look good. I have some which are much smaller. Take care of yourself, keep warm, and be good! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your journal pages and the adorable tag with the postman! Great ideas and beautiful images!
    Stunning pictures of the gorgeous sunset and your beautiful hyacinths!
    Hyacinths are my favorite Winter flowers! Hope you will solve the problem with your fingers.
    Take care my friend! Have a lovely day! Hugs!

    1. Thank you so much dear Dimi! Hyacinths are my winter favourite, too, and the fragrance is heavenly!

  4. What a great tag! Postman Pat is perfect for the theme. I didn't know he was honoured by his very own stamp!
    Your photos are stunning as usual.
    And seeing your hyacinths growing is an absolute pleasure. I can just imagine the frangrance!
    I love the birds on your window. Are they glass? Or a paper cut-out? They are very beautiful.
    Thank you so much for offering to send me a beautiful postcard. I havejust this minute sent you my address. I shall be looking forward to it.
    Big hug,

    1. The birds on the window are self sticking plastic, it adheres to the glass without glue. I got them years ago from Lidle! Your postcard will be sent tomorrow!

  5. My dear friend Valerie,
    First of all, please take care of yourself. I hope everything will be OK with you. I will think of you in my prayers.
    Great tag and beautiful journal page, as always, sweety. Today's page is really inspiring. And your hyacints are gorgeous. I also love the hummingbirds on the windows.
    And THANK YOU so much for sending me a postcard. Be sure that I will use it to make my first ever mixed media journal page and it will be dedicated to you!!!
    Hugs, my dear lady.

    1. Your card will be posted tomorrow dear Mia, and I am looking forward to seeing your first mixed media piece!

  6. Beautiful mixed media as always, your photos are full of life and colour.
    Take care and hope all goes well with your issues....sending you hugs.xx

  7. Hi Valerie what beautiful mixed media pages you made and wow postman Pat my grandies love watching the TV show,great tag and Thankyou for sharing your lovely pics with us xx

  8. Beautiful work for the challenges and your photos are gorgeous. Congrats to the lucky winners. I do hope they find what is wrong with your fingers and toes and that it is treatable.

  9. Hooray for me! Thank you! Your spread is so pretty and Spring like. I'm afraid I'm not living in the moment as I'm hoping for warm weather. Pat the Postman is cute and I love his cat. As always your pics of your area are spectacular. Your hyacinths are gorgeous. I love hyacinths especially the blue ones, but they make me sneeze. Hope the doctor has an answer for you soon. Take care.

    1. It was funny - your name was first in and first out of the hat!

  10. A beautiful journal page Valerie, gorgeous images providing the pops of colour. Love the PP tag and the little letter greeting. Lovely photos and I bet the hyacinths smell fabulous. Hope you get a solution to the fingers and toes issue.
    Take care, Avril xx

  11. WOW! what a great post, just filled with gorgeous stuff!
    I absolutely love your journal pages, and your tag is adorable.
    Now the pictures of the Rhine took my breath away, what an awesome sunset! Lucky YOU!
    Your hyacinths made me smile too. I had them many years ago and love the fragrance they give.
    So sorry to hear about your Smurf-ism hope they quickly find and resolve the problem. Is it also painful?

    1. Thanks Krisha. Yes, it's painful, unfortunately!

  12. I love your kitchen hyacinths and I bet they smell divine!

    Thank you for sharing your medical stuff. I was concerned and wanted to ask but hesitated, knowing that some things are private and I didn't want to intrude. I'm somewhat relieved but hope they can get to the bottom of things quickly. Hugs,

  13. I am so sorry you are having these issues. Hope they get to the bottom of it soon.
    I love the nature collage. So fresh and lovely.
    Those red splotches from the sunset are fascinating.
    The hyacinths are beautiful:)
    Hope your day is full of energy and good health.

  14. I trust they'll get to the root of your medical issue soon and you can start on the road to full recovery. I remember having hyacinths, but they had slipped my mind as a flower I could grow in my kitchen. They bloom early here outside, and I'm always happy to see the early spring flowers :)

  15. Deine mit Servietten-Motiven gestalteten Seiten sehen sehr schön aus, die gestempelten Vögel und die hübschen Federn ergänzen das Ganze perfekt. Das Tag mit dem lustigen Postman und der katze ist niedlich, klasse daß du sogar die passende Briefmarke dafür noch hattest. Deine Fotos mit den roten Lichtreflexen sehen ganz zauberhaft aus, mein Favorit ist das mit dem Anker, einfach nur schön. Aber schön sind ja alle Anderen auch.
    Hoffe du entwickelst dich nicht zum Schlumpf und der Doktor kann dir helfen und es geht wieder weg. Alles Gute, drück dir die Daumen.
    Liebe Grüße

  16. Gorgeous nature inspired journal pages Valerie and the Postman Pat tag made me smile and brought memories flooding back as well of the children singing the song at school.
    The photos of the moon were lovely and the hyacinth must give a wonderful perfume in your kitchen.
    I hope they quickly find a solution for your fingers and toes problems, waiting for tests and results can take a while here, so I hope your results will be available for you quickly.
    Take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  17. I'm really liking those journal pages. The birds make me smile ♥ I love the kitchen hyacinths too. I wish I had saved a few of the bulbs I planted outside last fall. I love their smell too. All of the photos are great ♥

  18. Your art is always so beautiful-I love the birds and the postman and the cat are too sweet. I hope a doctor can figure out the medical issue-that is a bit scary
    Your photos are always so lovely too-Loving your spring bulbs. I bought an amaraylis bulb but it only grew to three leaves no bulb-perhaps next year it will bloom at the lake house

  19. Oh I hope your fingers and toes are okay and there's a simple solution. I love the journal page and the tag is charming. Your photos are also lovely!

  20. oohh valerie ich hoffe deinen fingern und zehen geht es schon besser.
    deine doppelseite sieht fantastisch aus,da denkt man gleich an den frühling.
    die bilder von deinem hübschen fenster sind bildschön,die hyazhinte hat ja schöne blüten,einen tollen ausblick hast du,wunderschön.
    dein postmann ist witzig,ein tolles tag.
    ich genieße auch die bilder von der sonne die sich auf dem wasser spiegelt,traumhaft.
    einen gute nacht,ich geh ins bett.

    hugs jenny

  21. I have never heard of anyone having their fingers and toes turned blue like that. Hope they can find the problem and the fix ASAP. And spring flowers in house are the best. I bought some daffodils and they are blooming now too. The red spots in your photos make those sunsets look warm and beautiful. Loving the nature journal page. Nature always make a great subject, doesn't it? And I also have never heard of Pat the Postman. I guess I have learned 2 things today. :) And he does make a really fun tag topic. Hope it warms up a bit for you. Hugs-Erika

  22. I love your beautiful artwork Valerie, Postman Pat brings back fond memories for me too. Great photos, and I hope the hospital can help with your problems.
    Alison xox

  23. I hope you get your fingers and toes sorted out Valerie, it's good to know that your circulation is ok though, that's a good start. I love your artwork, especially Postman Pat, he was a fabourite with my kids too (I still know the song lol) Have a good day, Sue xx

  24. Wow Valerie - you were quick I'd only just pressed the publish post button and then found you'd commented - thanks :)
    As always your post is full of wonderful artwork and photos. I love your new blog header also.
    I'm sorry to read about your health issues, it sounds awful and I do hope everything is better and soon sorted out.
    Look after yourself.
    Gill xx

  25. Hello Valerie, sending good wishes for your health matters :D)
    I love those photos of the Rhine - very cooling to look at (today we are having a Furnace Friday).
    Your window ledge hyacinths are so very pretty - they love their position. Such lovely window dressings too, very sweet.
    Your art is delightful and I adore your use of feathers too... I have a soft spot for them.
    Good cheer to you :D) xx

  26. I love your bird sitting in the branches on the first piece and, of course, the kitty cat in the second:)

  27. the journal page is gorgeous and postman pat (plus cat) is tres cute. sending healing thoughts that they can figure out your blueing extremities. symptoms remind me of some version of reynaud's syndrom secondary to something or else. whatever it is may it be simple, not dangerous and easy to address. sending love. xo

  28. I hope you discover a solution to your medical woes soon Val! I wonder what it is? I love your birdie art and also postman Pat! (with his black and white cat). The view out of your window is inspiring. I look out at other houses.

  29. I'm keeping everything crossed for a simple solution to the fingers and toes issue Valerie, hopefully they will discover it's an ink or paint you have used that is more permanent than you thought.. It's a great feeling having paint between the toes hee hee!! Lovely journal pages using the TH collage paper and your fun Postman Pat Tag, I always thought he was a strange looking fella, far too happy :))
    Stay warm this weekend, it's supposed to have warmed up here but I think Birmingham has been missed.
    Healing Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Happy PPF

  30. Wow, your collage pages are stunning! I love the clean and fresh style that you created with the TH papers and wording 😁. Your tag made me smile too! The sunset over the Rhine is wonderful and I love your hyacinths, the blue one especially. I hope that your week has been as sweet as their perfume too! J 😊 x

  31. Glad to know that despite the bluing of your extremities it is NOT due to bad circulation. Hope they find the answer for you soon and can treat it. beautiful collage art- love the imagery. Fun tag! And I always love your oh so scenic walks, gorgeous flowers and sunrises. Happy PPF!

  32. I am sorry to read about your health issues, I hope the Doctors can find a solution for you.

    Your sunset on the Rhine photographs are so nice to see and I'm sure I can smell the scent of those beautiful hyacinths. I think they are so nice to have on a window sill.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  33. Sending lots of healing light your way. As always your are and photos are amazing.

  34. I love your collage pages! They have so many fun details! I do hope they figure out what is wrong. Hang in there!

  35. Postman Pat..what a star that little fellow is.
    Such a fun Tag and perfect for the theme, it xx

  36. Blue?? Please take care of yourself! You are special to us!
    I love your journal pages! They are beautiful! Your postal tag is so cute!!!
    Amazing photos! So pretty! I love your flowers!
    Big Hugs!

  37. Oh Valerie, this must be such a worry - I hope that a solution is found soon! I love your collage pages and of course good old Postman Pat who I used to watch with my boys! Your photos as ever are wonderful - the sunsets looks so warm!! Hugs, Chrisx


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