
Thursday 27 December 2018

Light in the darkness

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your holidays and were able to spend quality time with friends and family. I had a quiet couple of days here, with lots of reading, some binge-watching of old Agatha Christie films and some walks through the crisp air. We had sunny days here, and yesterday I visited my friend N - who cooked a magnificent meal, very yummy. She lives on the other side of the river and town, so I took the tram into the town-centre of Düsseldorf, and then did my favourite walk across the bridge, past the Altstadt, and enjoyed myself immensely.

Today I am re-sharing some older mixed media pieces with the theme light and darkness, which I find very appropriate for this time of the year. I am linking to Paint Party Friday:

Perhaps it was being born on the winter solstice that always made me very conscious of the light/darkness theme. As a child, I was convinced that I had less birthday than others because it was the shortest day of the year! And I am still obsessed with the theme, so here some more photos of the moon taken in the past few days. The first photos were taken on Thursday evening, and the moon looks dark and mysterious :

This was Christmas Eve:

And this was Christmas day - I love to see the moon waxing or waning, as here:

And last but not least, a few of the photos taken whilst crossing the bridge yesterday:

So, if you're still awake after all that, well done! I know I am rather crazy about the sun and the moon, the word 'lunatic' comes to mind....But I don't mind having a screw loose, as  long as it's not in one of my cameras, coffee-makers or my sewing machine!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a wonderful post, full of smiles! I'm so pleased that you had a lovely Christmas and the walk across the bridge looks amazing, so many people about too 😁. Your artwork is perfect for New Year with all those inspirational sentiments and wow, the moon looks very atmospheric with those clouds. Enjoy your week and wishing you a happy and creative New Year! J 😊 x

  2. This is a really, really beautiful post, Val. So much gorgeous art for your theme, and lots of inspirational quotes. Glad you had a good time, and your walk across the bridge looks great, I know we went that walk several times, too. Love the fantastic moon photos, I hope you put a coat on when you go outside to take them! Have lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely Light and Dark pieces for PPF! Enjoyed the winter solstice photos in honour of your birthday! My birthday is the summer solstice. Beautiful moon study.

  4. The light and darkness pieces are wonderful and so timely. My favorite is the we both have light and darkness inside us. Beautiful moon photos and I enjoyed the walk across the bridge. Have an amazing day

  5. I love revisiting your light and dark pieces. I remember that AJJ challenge. It was a good one. And I also love seeing your photos. Wow, you do get the moon shots. Mine always seem fuzzy. Glad you had a nice dinner with friends and had some down time. I thought I would get some today with my daughter leaving for work and then her apartment and my husband off but this morning there seemed to be water issues and mouse issues for my daughter. First thing she does is call me, which is ok but also at 6 AM not so exciting. :) Hope you are having a fantastic day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks. But sorry about the early telephone call. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  6. It was good to see some of your awesome art again, your light. dark and shadow pages look fabulous.
    The photos always get my attention, you get such clear and crisp images of the moon, so beautiful to see.
    I am glad you had a good time over the holidays and it looks like you had super weather, for your walk to visit with your friend. The view from the bridge looked lovely.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Every time I see photos of scenes like your walk, my desire for a Ferris wheel grows. Why don't we have one here, I ask myself, and how can I move to a place that has one ;)

    I have always been drawn to seasonal changes, moon phases, and other seasonal events, so you sound perfectly rightly-focused to me. Your moon photos are lovely, and I wish I could get shots as good :)

  8. I enjoyed seeing your light and darkness art pieces.

    What a super selection of photographs, those moon-shots are gorgeous and I enjoyed the walk across the bridge too!

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  9. Wow what an enjoyable post-Great art pieces and I love all of your photos too-especially the moon photos. You are an awesome photographer
    Had never thought about a birthday being short hanged during the winter soltice lol but I can see how you would have thought that
    Your trip over the bridge sounds wonderful-Happy Friday hugs Kathy

  10. Hallo liebe Valerie, deine Kunstwerke aus vergangenen Tagen sind echt super und immer wieder sehenswert. Aber die Sonnen und Mondfotos sind atemberaubend schön, so stimmungsvoll wie du das Licht eingefangen hast,herrlich.
    Liebe Grüße und Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr.

  11. I love the beauty of these reshown pieces of glorious light and dark art. They are gorgeous. Boy can I relate to the loose screw in my sewing machine (grin).

  12. I think you are very lucky Valerie to be a Winter Solstice baby, holding hands with one season and dipping your toes into the next gives the best of both. Living with one of the same I know how fun life can be. I on the other hand am a Libran and there can be at times a little too much balance hee hee!!
    Thank you for resharing your stunning works of art, I get to indulge in those that have escaped me. So true with those words, there is always light within darkness we just need to take time to look a little deeper to find it.
    Thank you for being a great light source to me this year, wishing you a wonderful New Year. Happy & Healthy.
    Creative Hugs Tracey xx

  13. Love everything, I have a hat with Lunatic on the front. I have had people start to talk to me then notice the hat, stop and walk away. At first I thought It took several instances before I realized why. Now when I want to be left alone I wear that hat. Works most of the time. Have a wonderful New Year.

    Love, Big Hugs and Many Blessings

    1. I need a hat like that! Thanks for the Smile!

  14. Not awake yet. Meant to say At first I thought I needed better deodorant. Oh well, LOL.

  15. Valerie-Jael thank you for another year of beauty through your art and photographs. There is a special quality in that you keep steady with all you do and then share it with us. I can't wait to see all that you share next year. Happy 2019 to you.

  16. Love your light and dark theme! Happy PPF
    You are so right Valerie, to have a shadow, you must have a light source.
    Your photos are always so fantastic!
    I especially love the moon shots... mysteriously gorgeous!!!

    Hugs ❤

  17. How fun to have a friend visit -- and watch Agatha Christie! I would have been watching with you! They say the Christmas moon is one of the biggest. Sure looks it here!

  18. I really love these pieces Valerie, brilliant light and shadow. I do envy you your binge of Agatha Christie, we're having to put up with Game of Thrones here! Have a wonderful 2019, Sue xx

  19. Wonderful art Valerie, I love all of those quotes!
    Gorgeous photos too, I especially love the moons!
    Alison xox

  20. Amazing to see again some of your light and dark creations Valerie and interesting to hear your thoughts about your birthdate

    We saw the same wonderful moon in Cumbris and I waxed lyrically about your photographs of the skies. Graham got out his best camera and took some pics of the moon for me. Not seen then yet.

    Looks like lots of people enjoy the bridge walk and I am so pleased you enjoyed your meal with N

    Love and hugs Chrissie

  21. You always make me smile!
    I love all your art pieces! There is so much meaning in them! Thanks for sharing them!
    Your moon photos are breath taking, WOW!
    All your photos are amazing!
    Happy Birthday! Big Hugs!

  22. Wonderful art in this post Valerie and lovely photos from your walk across the bridge.
    A Belated Happy Birthday and I'm pleased you had an enjoyable Christmas, and sending my Best Wishes for the New Year.
    Avril xx

  23. Loving your mixed media pieces. Such wonderful details.

  24. BRILLIANT post, love the TH stamps.xx

  25. Light and Darkness is indeed such a poignant theme for this time of year as all of your stunning pages illustrate! So dramatic and expressive. As are the photos that carry the theme through too....

    Happy Sunday and all the best for a happy healthy and above all creative new year!!

  26. Your moon and sun photos are very beautiful. I love the moon and almost always keep track in my head of what phase it's in -- so my husband says I'm a lunatic!

    best... mae at

  27. Fabulous artwork and beautiful photos Valerie. Happy New Year.
    xxx Hazel.

  28. thank you for once again for sharing your stunning art and amazing photos. wishing you a very happy and healthy new year! so glad to know you in blogland. xo, michele

  29. wow,was für grandiose seiten und tolle bilder.
    einen guten rutsch ins jahr 2019.

    hugs jenny

  30. Wishing you and your lovely family a magical New Year and a healthy one too..big hugs.xx

  31. I love your Light and Dark choices! Glad you got to take one of your favourite walks too as well as lunch with your friend! There seem to be plenty of folk about walking by the river! Great shots of the moon! Hugs, Chrisx


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