
Friday 30 November 2018

Last day of November

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by, and it's already the last day of November, time flies indeed.  The weather here has been wild, wet and windy these past couple of days, but today is mild with a mix of sun and clouds, and it will probably be wet at the weekend. We need rain so much, so I'm not beefing about it! There are some places here where you can walk across the Rhine. Fortunately not here, but we have developed a lot of wide and sandy beaches!

I made another mixed media journal spread using  scraps of JD tissues, stamping, stenciling and washi-tape on a gessoed background. I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin:

And I have a last tag for Tag Tuesday, tic tac toe. I took more photos of it, but they seem to have evaporated. I chose the middle line across, and a bit more:

On Sunday it's Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, and as I won't be posting then, I have included my piece here. It is an A3 mixed media page made in autumn 2017:

Last but not least, I have some photos from my icy / misty walk early on Wednesday morning:

And in case anyone is wondering - yes, my fingers were deep frozen by the time I got home!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow Valerie! It must be dry if the river is that low. But rain is good, isn't it? Funny how you have been so dry and we have been so wet this fall. I love your fun page with such playful colors. I also love the tag and to review of the autumn bird. And the icy photos. They are really amazing my friend. Have a wonderful start to December and weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. It's been extremely dry here since May, and we had three very hot months to make it worse. It's getting to be very problematic.

  2. Hi Val, love the art today, old and new. As always, just fabulous. And those photos really blow me away, they are so fantastic. You must have been totally deep frozen, not just your fingers! Off to make lunch now, we've got veggie soup and garlic bread. Have a fun afternoon, hugs, Sarah

  3. I love all of your artwork, but it should come as no surprise that the last one is my favorite. I'm a real sucker for silhouettes of birds. :)

    BRRR! Just looking at those icy pics makes me want another cuppa tea. Since you're enjoying(?) such cold weather, maybe you'd like to try a photographic experiment. One of my blogging buddies in Australia blows bubbles and takes fascinating pictures of them in their frozen state. If it ever gets that cold here, I'll try it...

    Have a super weekend!

    1. I used to do that with the kids when I was teaching, it's great fun!

  4. That is some drought if you can walk across parts of a river! We've had more than our fair share of rain. I'll try to wish any wet weather your way. Your dream world page is very ethereal. The little angel on your tag reminds me of the school Christmas pageants. She's even taking a bow. I like how you transitioned from the bright Autumn colors on the 2nd time page to the frosty pictures of your morning walk. Winter is here. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Hello dear Valerie!
    I love your mixed media pages and your vintage tag! Gorgeous creations!
    Love how you colored the backgrounds and the little angel image!
    Wonderful pictures of your morning walk and the frosty nature!
    The morning mist looks so mysterious do you agree?
    Here it’s very windy,cold and wet! I don’t like Winter! I get depressed!
    Have a warm afternoon and a lovely weekend! Hugs!

    1. I love mist and frost, and prefer winter to summer! Hope the weather won't depress you too much!

  6. Hearts and unicorns. Got me with that one, though the bird stencils also tugs at my heart.
    Happy you dropped by my blog today Valerie


  7. Beautiful blend on your colors. Wow -- those roses. Looks like it's getting nippy out in your neighborhood!

    Thanks for coming over to Modern Creative Life today!

  8. Drought is not a problem here in the states at present. Even California is getting drenched.It is endlessly amazing how your mixed media is so well composed. It is not my forte. Your second mixed media creation is no exception. A lot to look at. Love it. Fog is something that will cause me to pause and grab the camera. Pair that with freezing weather and I am off to a photo session. Your photos are wonderful. Be careful on the ice. Best wishes for the holiday season.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  9. Those frosty images make me cold lol but are lovely to look at.

  10. Goodness, dear Valerie. This post is packed with fun, love, and great art. Your journal entry is full of texture, beauty, and loads of movement. You use those JD tapes and tissues to your advantage, that's for sure.

    Your last tic-tac-toe tag is wonderful. I like how you used the TH girl. I would never have thought of using her that way. What a fun and inspiring idea.

    I remember your second on the 2nd post from before. I adored it then, and still do. The birds are fabulous, the autumn colors are divine, and the background is beautiful. Of course, the entire piece is wrapped up in a great quote that truly speaks of autumn. Thank you beyond belief for participating in Second on the 2nd, dear friend. Your art ALWAYS makes me happy, happy.

    Those are some scary cold photos you captured. Now I want to put on another sweater after seeing these. I can only imagine how cold your fingers were when you got home. You have some really impressive shots to show for it, though.

  11. Dynamic and colorful mixed media creations and wonderful nature photos ~ Weather is erratic and at times wild in New England too ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Your header photo is amazing!!
    Such beautiful art Valerie. I love how you've sewn the lady's hair in gold thread - it's nice seeing close up for those little details.
    A sweet and happy little girl with her paper doily additions!
    Gorgeous ode to the end of Autumn. You're so creative and talented.
    It all looks crisp and cool ('nippy' as we sometimes say in Australia) out on your walks, beautiful photos.
    I hope your region does get some rain, it's very worrying when the water levels go down. Good wishes to you and Happy PPF :D)

  13. Beautiful artwork! I love the last smile- autumn is just so glorious. ;)

    Your walk looks like it was super chilly- but it also looks like you were able to see lots of special moments.

    Hope you have a nice weekend!

  14. Awesome art pieces today Valerie. I love the JD page, so bright and happy and the tag looks fabulous as well.
    Great photos and many look so mysterious, I can imagine it being very quiet on your walk.
    Your new header looks fantastic.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Beautiful, bright and brilliant works of art. I so love the photos and it looks like Heaven to me....cold to you I know, but the pictures of nature are exhilirating not to mention the spider, wonder if he was frozen?

  16. Wow, I just love your art pieces :)

    Brrr it does look cold in your photographs, but many thanks for sharing them here, lovely to see them.

    Hope you have a great weekend.

    All the best Jan

  17. Dear Valerie, your post is filled with colorful, beautiful art.
    Your magnificent photos gave me the chills...they are so gorgeous!
    I do hope the weather behaves for everyone.

    Big Hugs 🎄❄🎄

  18. A gorgeous bright journal spread, and I love your sweet tag Valerie! Beautiful frosty photos too.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
    Alison xxx

  19. The spread is stunning Valerie with such wonderful colours and details.

    Another amazing tag as well and such an inventive idea for the wings and dress triming.

    A very beautiful Autumn page with the birds and the rich colours.

    Now to the best bit-your wonderful photographs. My it does look cold where you are. Just rain and dull here and I am sure it would have filled the Rhine by now if we could redirect it.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  20. Beautiful spread, tag and mixed media piece, oh it looks cold there!

  21. hübsche seiten und ein tolles tag,auch schöne bilder vom nebel hast du gemacht.

    mir geht es nicht so gut,werde bald operiert und die nase kommt ab,das ist für mich nicht einfach,aber der tumor ist schon zu groß *SNIEF*
    ich wünsch dir einen schönen abend.

    hugs jenny

    1. Jenny, es tut mir so leid, ich Weiss einfach nicht was ich sagen soll. Ich wuensche dir viel Kraft.

  22. Warm your hands up my friend! I love your icy pictures! They are glorious! And, speaking of glorious, amazing art! Love your tags and love your journal pages! Love the colours!! Big Hugs!

  23. Hi Valerie wow you make the most amazing journal pages and I love your tag and as usual I have enjoyed your pics xx

  24. Wow Valerie, that is really dry-you are much need of rain or snow.
    Very fun page with the wasabi tape, love the tag, but my favorite is the share for second on the 2nd-I really love that piece.
    You captured some lovely ice photos-I loved everything-Happy weekend and second on the 2nd hugs Kathy

  25. What wonderful beauties I can admire Valerie !! They are fantastique. I love your Art journal page, the colours, the heart, the beautiful unicorn, it has a lot of life. Your tag is also beautiful, I like it a lot, as well as your 2nd page, admirable!
    Thank you very much for the lovely photographs that you have shared, how beautiful it is to see those countries with fog and ice, Flowers are also very beautiful. Around here it has refreshed a little bit, even so, we continue enjoying beautiful sunny days.
    I wish you a very nice evening, big hugs, Caty

  26. These are all fabulous Valerie, and your photographs are stunning. We've had nothing but rain here for the last 4 days, I wish I could send it over to you! Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  27. Yes, I remember that Second on the second piece. I remember it as the colours are my favorites.
    I love the photos of your frosty walk. Absolutely beautiful.

  28. I can't believe how quickly November went! I love your JD spread and your tag, apart from being beautiful reminded me again just how quickly the time is passing! I loved seeing your misty, frosty walk! Hugs, Chrisx

  29. I came to see your Second on the 2nd and got so distracted by your photos forgot to say how great it loks! Hugs,Chrisx

  30. I always love seeing your art work, Valerie. The 3 pieces here are creative and beautiful. And your photos are simply amazing and truly depict the icy, misty day. Another big WOW!!!

  31. A post full of your beautiful artworks as well as Mother Nature's!
    Stunning photos Valerie! Love the berries!


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