
Saturday 4 August 2018


Hi Everybody!
On the 5th of each month we start a new challenge at
As always, our challenges are anything goes, this time with 'bright' as the option.  You have 4 weeks to join in. All formats are allowed as long as they are mixed media.
My page is so bright you might want to wear shades! I brayered the BG with acrylics, added some acrylic sprays and the frame, cut from a magazine. The heads were stamped with Jane Davenport head stamps. I gave the girls big hair in bright colours and added some glitter.

Some photos of doors and gates around here:

Here it is still extremely hot, we are all hoping and praying that it will soon cool down. The crops are badly damaged, trees are losing their leaves like in Autumn, and there have been forest fires and fields burning - not good!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The JD stamps are fabulous Valerie, love their bright coloured hair picking out those background sprays. Looks like a great challenge, I will have to take a peep.
    Those doors are so unique, so much time has gone into making each one, not like the mass produced we see now a days.
    It's another dull but very warm day here, hoping that more rain will come soon. Autumn will be skipped and we will miss out on those beautiful oranges and reds of the leaves we all love to see.
    Have a super weekend hugs Tracey xx

    1. The leaves are already falling off the trees here, too hot and no rain!

  2. The three 'B's' for this post my friend...BRILLIANT, BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL.

  3. Hi Val, this is FABULOUS! I love it when you do bright and jazzy, and you should do it more often. Wow! Great photos of all those doors, you have some beauties your way, that's for sure. Keep cool, hugs, Sarah

  4. That is one bright and happy page. My favorite is the girl with the blue curly hair on the left. Seems that bright blue is popular color for doors, too.Or maybe those were just my favorites. I hope the jet stream shifts and cooler weather comes your way.

  5. Beautiful bright page and love your doors and gates of all kinds. So sorry about that damaging heat.

  6. What fascinating array of doors. I bet those buildings are each dressed up by the door that they have. And I hope you have cooled down today. Wow- you have had some hot weather. We are hot, but the humidity is far worse making it feel tropical. But not that oven like heat. Love your page today too. It feels quite tropical. :) Happy weekend and hope it is far cooler for you today. Hugs-Erika

    1. It's still extremely hot with high humidity, no chance of a break for days.

  7. Wow! I do like your bright page.
    Enjoyed seeing the doors and gates in your photographs.

    Yes, the European heat is beyond ridiculous and has gone on way too long.
    Keep as cool as you can.

    All the best Jan

  8. Your journal page truly IS bright and beautiful. I adore how you colored their hair.

    I was truly in awe of those doors. Even high end homes can't compare to this craftsmanship. I loved all your photos today and kept scrolling back and forth seeing one I liked then another, then back, then another.

    It's HOT here, too. The difference is, many (most) homes in the states have AC, either central, or a window unit. We are actually used to dealing with this heat, unlike you, who seldom see this kind of heat. I hope it breaks soon for you, dear.

  9. I LOVE the girls!
    What unique and inviting doors and gates.
    Stay cool and have a wondrous weekend, my friend.

  10. oohh wie schön deine girls sind,die fantastischen türen und eisentore sind so wunderschön und magisch,ich liebe auch türen sehr.
    hier ist es auch sehr heiß und mittags geh ich gar nicht raus,ich geh abends immer nochmal eine runde wenn es etwas abgekühlt hat.
    einen schönen sonntag.

    schöne grüße jenny

  11. Valerie, your bright pages are gorgeous!!! Love those portrait stamps!
    Fantastic photos! What elegantly designed doors and walls!
    I do hope your heat wave breaks soon! What a year everywhere!!!


  12. The photo with door knob in middle I have to wonder how the mechenics works.
    Coffee is on

  13. Deine Damen mit den leuchtend bunten Haaren sind originell, schöne Seite.
    Schöne alte Türen, Torbögen und Torgitter mag ich auch sehr. Deine Fotos zeigen eine schöne Auswahl davon, super Idee das mal zu zeigen.
    Liebe Grüße und schönen Sonntag.
    Big Hugs

  14. Hi Valerie,lovely work my friend and i love your pics xx

  15. A fabulous page, those hair styles and colour look awesome.
    I liked your photos of the doors, individual and unique and made my craftsmen was what I thought when I saw them.
    We are in the same band of weather, it is so hot. They are telling us to be warned that food prices will rise as all the crops, fruits and vegetable growers are suffering.
    Have a good Sunday and stay as cool as you can.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Here too, veggies, fruit, bread, milk, meat etc will all get more expensive!

  16. Great "Brights" page the heads with the glitter in their hair..xx

  17. I love your bright page Valerie! Great photos too!
    Alison xxx

  18. the lovely ladies with beautiful colored hair are amazing! I always have loved a blue door and wow, is there ever a lot of blue doors, every hue imaginable! Its hot here as well, crazy hot, thanks so much visitng and please know you are on my list as one of my treasured friends, we have a long history of paint party Friday don't we lol,, the years are slipping by so fast, your imagination and talent in multi mediums always inspires me, your love of your craft shows in your work,, thank you for sharing it with us, the photo graphs you share have allowed me to see your country in such an intimate manner, the best guided tour ever lol,, my husband enjoys looking at your photos as well, thank Valerie for being such a good friend, sending you a big virtual hug!

  19. Wonderful colours and ideas on your arty page Valerie

    The doors and gates are wonderful and your photographs show them at their best

    It sounds awful for you all where you live and I hope it gets cooler soon. Still hot here but a nice breeze from the sea as well.

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  20. A beautifully bright page! The splatters and colours are amazing 😀. I love the doors and gates, they are fascinating and your photos are fabulous! Happy Sunday! J 😊 x

  21. Ooh I love this, you can't beat some nice bright colours! Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  22. I love the beautiful women on your page, they look lovely.
    I enjoyed all your photos of doors and gates - they are simply beautiful. It seems it's hot and dry everywhere this year. I hope it will cool down soon. We have again wildfires close by which bring up painful memories of our firestorm from last October. Let's hope for some good rain.

  23. Again, I am so sorry about the heat!!! Praying for cooler temperatures for you!
    Loving your bright art piece! It is amazing!!
    Love all your doors and gates! Love all the designs!
    Big Hugs!

  24. I have such a hard time going out of my creative comfort zone so when you do this, well, I think you have mastered it and I applaud and admire that! And the doors -- oh my! I do love doors, more than almost any other consistent architectural feature. They offer so much!

  25. Totally digging on the bright hair-dos! heeheee
    WOW What an interesting display of doors Valerie! I was amazed to see how many different types were actually in these photos! No two the same! Great post!
    Jackie xx


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