
Monday 30 July 2018

T stands for Too HoT yet again!

Hi Everybody!

I'm moaning again - it's still much too hot here for my taste, and I was really ill at the weekend because of it, so I'm hoping that sooner or later our climate will get back to normal. But I did notice more people up and about early this morning to get a walk in before it heats up too much.

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at 
Tag Tuesday and this time our lovely Michele has chosen the theme -
You can read more about it at our Tag Tuesday Blog.

This is a difficult theme for me, as I must confess to not really feeling inspired by Bingo, but I did my best, mixed it with Alice and this was the result:

(Images courtesy of Wikipedia)

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a hearty welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang. I have 2 photos of some refreshing drinks taken when we made a break at 'The old Ferry' a couple of weeks back. I had cola light and H. had an apple Schorle, which is apple juice mixed with mineral water:

We had some beautiful sunrise scenes again this week:

I counted about 20 people on my walk today - that's a record!

And a visit to the shops -lots of crockery on show!

Summer decorations at the stationer's:

And more pretty cups and beakers:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie i think your bingo tag is excellent,well done my friend xx

  2. Your tag is fabulous Val, well done! I'm with you on it being much too hot, it's getting to everybody. Love the photos, as always. Try to stay cool, hugs, Sarah

  3. lOVELY POST and your photo of the sun sure shows how hot it is for your in your part of the world....sending Aussie cooling hugs..xx

  4. Those sunrise photos look like Africa-you can tell it's hot by the color of that sun. We have cooled down for a couple of days-finally. It's been a humid July here too-not my favorite. :) I think you really nailed the bingo tag. And your T day photo looks very nice. But I notice no ice in the drinks. Here they give so a lot of ice so there isn't as much room for the drink. :) Hoping it cools down for you. An happy T day my friend. hugs-Erika

  5. Lovely bingo piece despite that you are not interesting in bingo! Sorry you are sweltering in the heat, maybe next year will be different. Enjoyed your window shopping today and your drinks look refreshing!

  6. Love your Bingo piece. Great job including the theme with Alice. :)

    Sounds like the morning is the best time for a walk right now. When it is too hot- it's best to get out when the weather is a little better.

    What beautiful sunrise photos. Gorgeous!

    Hope all is well with you. :)

  7. What a glorious sunrise! And I love your bingo piece! Kudos.
    Stay cool. Hope you are feeling MUCH better.

  8. I love your Alice in Wonderland tag, the images are wonderful and the mad hatter's hat is the perfect inspiration for bingo 😁. So funny that I have Alice on my T Day post too 😉. I enjoyed walking with you and I hope you are feeling better after the weekend, we have some cooler weather at the moment so I hope that you have some soon as well. Your drinks looks very refreshing and I so enjoyed window shopping with you, there are some amazing shops which I would love to explore and probably spend too much money in 😉. Take care and sending you happy T Day wishes! Hugs J 😊 x
    p.s. Not sure if you get a notification but you may have seen that I have unsubscribed from following your blog by email as I'm managing the blogs I follow another way, so I'll still be visiting as normal. Hugs J x

  9. You Bingo tag made me smile. Alicedoesn't look too happy about playing Bingo in the heat. Our weather broke so for a day or two we have less humidity, but then it's back on the rise. Your sunrise photos are just gorgeous and H's Apfel Schorle sounds refreshing. The shop windows are just so pretty. I wish our stores took as much pride and care with their wares. Hope the weather breaks for you and you feel better soon.

  10. Wonderful fun Alice tag Valerie, this sounds an interesting new Tag Tuesday theme.
    I loved the sunrise photos and all the ones of the displays in the shop windows. The china looked lovely.
    I hope you are feeling a bit better today Valerie, its been much cooler here with some welcome rain.
    Happy T day wishes for tomorrow.
    Yvonne xx

  11. I feel so bad that you have to suffer in this heat. I wish I could pipe some of my AC to you, so you could cool down a bit and get a decent night's sleep.

    I thought you did a wonderful job with your bingo tag. It is adorable and I am in awe.

    Your sunrise photos show how hot it is in your part of the world. The sunrise may be through your camera lens, but the heat still translates through those photos.

    I always love your shop windows you show. We have nothing this lovely here. In fact, I can't think of any shops that have such lovely displays. I love all those cups. They made my day.

    What a fun outing with H and the apple Schorle. I can't tell you how long it's been since I've seen an ashtray on a table, even one outdoors. Thanks for sharing your tag, your lovely photos, and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday.

  12. I enjoyed the photos of your walk-about, Valerie. The sunrise shots are spectacular! I wonder if the heat creates better conditions. I love the tag, you clever girl! I wouldn't know what to do with the Bingo theme that wouldn't be trite. You pulled a rabbit out of the hat ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  13. Sorry you haven't been feeling too well … hope you start feeling better soon.
    The heat has been ridiculous hasn't it. Here in the UK, we did have some rain over the weekend, but need more!

    I thought your tag was very good, and really enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  14. I make it 22 people on your walk!!! Wonderful Alice!!!

  15. I have never gotten into bingo either-but I really love your bingo piece!
    So sorry it is still so hot there-we finally got a break this past week. we still need rain though.
    I always enjoy going on walk with you-lots to see-
    Your drink sounds so refreshing-Happy T Day Hugs

  16. I am a great fan of anything Alice in Wonderland; in fact I have a couple of
    Alice in Wonderland boards on Pinterest! I like your interpretation of the bingo challenge. What a lovely tea shop! And those are gorgeous sunrises! I am just a little bit jealous of both of these! Happy Tea Day!

  17. Oh so clever, Valerie - love the idea of Alice playing Bingo at the Mad Hatter's table - it would have been perfectly "normal" for them! The photos of your outdoor adventures are wonderful but sorry that the heat has been intolerable for you. I really love the happy summer shop window displays.

  18. i love what you did with the bingo theme even if it is not a theme that resonates for you! such beautiful sunrise scenes! here's hoping things cool off and you can enjoy cool walks and fun times soon. xo

  19. I am loving your alice tag! And some really amazing photos today. I love the sunsets and all the window displays. So many wonderful sights from your walk.
    Happy Tea Day,

  20. What a fab Alice tag Valerie, I must admit Bingo has never excited me either but I did giggle at that added sentiment hee hee!! Beautiful shop displays, loving those bright coloured mugs and cups. Hoping the weather breaks for you soon, we have had a weekend of rain and a drop in temperature which has been very welcomed.
    Happy T Day Hugs Tracey xx

  21. Tolle Binge Kreation!
    sehr schöne Bilder.

  22. Hello Valerie, hope you get some cooler weather soon. Our temperatures have dropped by 10 degrees in the last few days so maybe the cool air will reach you too.
    What a tease showing us the shop windows, I would have loved to go in to each of these shops - the colourful china looks marvellous and I think I see a teddy bear who would have loved to come home with me.
    That's an "interesting" challenge theme - "Bingo". I do like Alice playing at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
    Happy T Day, Valerie.

  23. was für ein tolles alice tag,und deine shoppingtour war bestimmt schön,tolle sachen gibt es ja in euren läden.
    die bilder vom sonnenuntergang sind traumhaft, der rhein hat echt schöne ecken.
    ich wünsch dir noch ganz viel spass bei deinen spaziergängen,ich bin auch fast nur draußen,wir haben jetzt den balkon sauber gemacht,wir wollen dort wieder sitzen,besonders abends ist es sehr schön,wenn frische luft weht.
    ein paar pflanzen werde ich auch wieder machen,im winter ist alles kaputt gegangen.

    schöne grüße jenny

  24. Thanks for all the photos. They all look so gorgeous. Hope you get nicer weather soon!

  25. Eine sehr schöne Bingo-Kreation und wie immer tolle Fotos

  26. You know I always admire the photos of your beautiful place, Valerie.
    I love Alice! And combined the bingo theme great! Kisses, my friend.

  27. The sunrise photos are wonderful! I can feel the heat through them. You do have a great place to walk. I'm particularly drawn towards those colorful mugs (beakers?) and am sure one might find its way home with me if I were to see them in a shop window. Happy T Tuesday!

  28. I love your piece Valerie, you can almost believe that Alice is playing bingo! It's a little bit cooler here today, but everyone's feeling a little bit meh! I hope you're feeling better, and have a fun week, Sue xx

  29. I’m sorry you suffered so much with the heat. It’s hot here too but it’s a dry heat and I don’t mind that so much. We don’t have air conditioning only ceiling fans. We keep all the blinds down of course, all the time.
    Your sunrise photos are spectacular! Such deep colors, as someone else has commented, very African.
    I suppose I wouldn’t be inspired by bingo either, but you did a good job with Alice and the mad hatter.
    Thank you for taking me window shopping. I loved it. I never think of photographing shop windows. So many pretty things.
    Happy T Day,

    1. We have high humidity here. My flat has all rooms on the sunny side, so there is no place here to cool off. I keep the blinds closed all day, but I still have temperatures of over 30° inside, and this has been going on since May! Too much is too much!

  30. What a fun place to shop! Your sunrise photos are amazing!

  31. The Old Ferry looks like a wonderful place to sit and relax at.

  32. I think your Alice piece is charming and your sunrise photos are so gorgeous!

  33. I really love your Alice tag and how you incorporated the Bingo theme!! Very creative!!!!

  34. A fabulous Alice tag and beautiful photos. Have a lovely day.
    xxx Hazel.

  35. OMG - those teacups are amazing and so unique! I need to have them on display at my house. And now you've taught me about a new drink that sounds fab! Hugs...RO

  36. For somebody who isn't inspired by BINGO, you sure came up with an inspired piece of artwork for it. Great job!

    Oooooh, and those sunrise pics. The vivid reds are amazing. I wonder what it is about sunrises, sunsets, moon shots, and photos of the sky, in general, that make them so captivating. I never tire of them, and they never fail to make me "feel" something... maybe a sense of awe?... in my chest. Kinda like listening to my favorite symphony or aria.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Stay cool! (Chin up... the heat can't last forever!)

  37. Great photos, and I love your Alice page Valerie!
    Alison xx

  38. The temps have fallen a little up North here so it has been a bit more comfortable! I love your take on 'Bingo', I have already got a bingo card ready, just don't know where to start! I love seeing you cool drinks then those hot sunsets! I think I would be buying at least couple of those mugs - even though I don't NEED them! Thanks for the photos of your area once again! Hugs, Chrisx

  39. Die Kombination von Alice und Bingo finde ich originell, den Spruch dazu auch.
    Deine Sonnenaufgänge sehen wieder spektakulär aus, so schön.
    Ja die Hitze nervt langsam und man kann nur ganz früh Morgens raus um etwas Kühle zu genießen. Da hilft nur viel trinken und ab und an Hände und auch Füsse mal unters kalte Wasser zu halten,
    Liebe Grüße

  40. Even your sunrises look hot! I do love your stationers' store and your Alice card really makes me smile. I hope you are feeling much better by now -- I'm late visiting!

  41. I am so sorry about the heat for you! I truly hope it cools down soon!!! I love your bingo art! So cute! LOL!
    Gorgeous sunrise pictures! I love the pictures of your shops! Beautiful items! Big Hugs!

  42. Just love your Bingo tag, it looks as if Alice isn't winning though. Your photos are fabulous, what a sky. I know how you feel about the heat, I'm useless when it's this hot, and my vertigo doesn't like it either.
    Take care, Wendy

  43. I am giggling all over this morning as this is the second blog post I read from someone sharing "Alice" and next week is my annual art retreat and our Theme is Alice! How fun!!

    Those coffee/tea mugs in the windows are explosive with color! I would like one of each please! heehee
    Jackie xo


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