
Monday 25 June 2018

T stands for a SaTurday walk

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are staring a new challenge at TIOT -
Things with wings. This could include birds, butterflies, winged insects, planes etc - let your fantasy fly!
I made a piece using an altered sunrise photo as a background. The birds were die cut and placed onto the photo, the text (from Thomas a Kempis) was added digitally. The town where he came from, Kempen, is an ancient walled town not far from here.

And you still have a week to join in Wilma's lovely 'Gemini' (twins) theme at 
I made a hybrid tag using elements from Mischief Circus on a hand-painted background:

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang. My drink can be seen in one of the photos below.
On Saturday I went for  a hike with 2 of my buddies, G and H. It was not too hot, sunny/cloudy and no rain, so ideal walking weather. We walked along the road to Wittlaer, the next little township down the Rhine. We then walked along this narrow path named after Max Clarenbacha German artist who lived and worked here for many years, and the landscapes we see today can easily be recognised in many of his paintings:

We met some friendly cows who came to the fence to talk to us:

Morning gymnastics:

This is the ancient church:

And we visited his favourite pub, 'Brand's Jupp' next to which he lived.
This shows the history of the place:

Here is the Max Clarenbach Stübchen (Parlour) in the pub:

We took our drinks outside to the beautiful beer-garden, which overlooks the Rhine. The men chose alcohol-free beer and I had water:

It's a wonderful place to sit with beautiful views:

More photos to follow!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art, the first piece is so serene and the tag is really fun. I bet you enjoyed seeing the cows, that calf looks so funny. Glad you enjoyed the lovely walk with your friends. Have a nice week, hugs, Sarah

  2. Lovely tag! Beautiful wings! And the great photos!!!!!

  3. What a lovely page Valérie! I love those colours of the sunset, and that sun throwing fire, wonderful! Love the quote. Your tag is also lovely, the details are fabulous, and this blue color so beautiful!
    Thank you very much for sharing the beautiful photos with us, love these landscapes, and the cows are adorable. So beautiful ancient church and the pub looks warm atmosphere.
    Wish you a very nice evening, hugss Caty

  4. I think that looks like my kind of walk. The cows are adorable. :) How can anyone not like a cow? And I love your latest art piece. Things with wings is a super theme and I love how you put all those swirly effects into the background. And nice tag. I like this theme and people are really playing wit the twins idea. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  5. Lovely work for the challenges today. Beautiful photos and water's the best drink!

  6. Its a gorgeous page using your sunrise photo, the birds look free to fly, it is really serene scene to look at.
    The tag looks great as well, fun cats.
    As always it was a joy to take a walk and see the lovely photo you shared of your day.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I am in awe of your lovely journal page. It is quite beautiful with the lovely birds at sunrise. I also like the Gemini twins. Bleubeard will especially love the two colorful and creative cats.

    And then there's your walk. You must have outdone yourself to go from one town to another. Good company, awesome scenery, and cows that came to join in the conversation. What more could you ask for. Well, since it's T time, you can ask for sparkling water and alcohol free beer for your friends.

    Great photos, super art, and a fun time seeing what you did through your camera's eye made this a fabulous T event today. So glad you shared these with us.

    1. Everything here is very small, the places are half an hour's walk apart!

  8. What you did with the sunrise photo is amazing and beautiful, Valerie. I love the Thomas a Kempis quote and info your shared as well. Your countryside is wonderful - especially this time of year. Beautiful views all around.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  9. the sky in your page looks like it's on fire and makes me thing of the story of Icarus. I love the twin cats on your tag. Your walk covered from country to town. The little calf is cute. Amazing artwork so cool to be able to see where the artist lived, worked, and relaxed. Beautiful scenery from the beer garden. Happy T Day!

  10. A stunning page Valerie,, glorious colours, like the phoenix rising out of the fire! Beautiful words.. The sights you see along your strolls are always so appealing.
    That pub looks so quaint with its snugs, iced water seems the perfect drink to enjoy the outdoor scenery.
    Happy T Day Tracey x

  11. Hi Valerie love your page and your tag is amazing,well done my friend and such beautiful pics you have shown us today ,thankyou xx

  12. LOVE your journal page- everything about it. Fun Gemini tag! And i would so love to tag along with you on your many adventures out and about. Sweet looking cows. Happy T day!

  13. The altered photo and the tag are absolutely amazing, Valerie.
    Oh thank you so much for sharing with us your beautiful photos. Kisses, my friend.

  14. Beautiful art work - thanks for another fantastic Gemini tag, Valerie. Your photos are just so inviting and I feel as though I have visited these places too. Love the cosy parlour of the pub.

  15. Lovely journal page, Valerie but I am really loving your whimsical hybrid tag. I enjoy seeing pictures of cows. We live in the country and see them almost every time we drive but I never tire of them.
    Happy Tea Day,

  16. Really beautiful artwork Valerie and each piece so individual but so you. Love the photos too and glad to hear you managed to go for a walk in such a lovely place.
    Have a great week.
    Fliss xx

  17. Colourful artwork and fabulous photos. A journey into your world I love.xx

  18. I enjoyed the walk. What a beautioful place. I had not heard of the painter but will google him later. The Stübchen looks wonderful.
    Your art is beautiful too. I like the fiery colours of the sun and it looks very van Gogh-ish.
    Have a good week. I hope the weather lasts.

  19. Such a beautiful page! Your die cut birds look stunning against that golden digitally textured sky 😁. Wonderful tag and photos too, the beer-garden looks like a lovely place to sit with all the pretty views too. Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  20. You always such wonderful and unique pictures, and it's almost like being there too. Wouldn't it be great if we could grow wings for just a moment to explore the skies? Hugs...RO

  21. Hi Valerie, I love your art, and I really enjoyed all the photos on your walk. Those cows were too fun. A lovely spot for a rest and a beverage with friends.
    Happy T Day Hugs Kathy

    1. They were a really friendly group. And they have such lovely eyes

  22. Wunderschöne Kunstwerke und Fotos - wie immer -, Valerie

  23. A fabulous dramatic scene, love the altered sunrise background


  24. Those cattle pictures are outstanding, as is the pub.
    I especially liked your first piece.
    Have a great one.

  25. Wonderful photos here -- I love the pub and its parlour as well as the wonderful outside for your drinks. Gemini is turning into a fun theme!

  26. Valerie your bird silhouette hybrid piece is lovely ... the background is gorgeous! i can remember the first time i petted a I never realized they had such long tongues..His tongue came out and wrapped around my wrist and i thought he was going to eat my hand! lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  27. The first piece is a real beauty Valerie - could imagine this up on a wall.
    I love your tag and the fabulous whimsical imagery - that was very cool.
    Great photos as always :)
    Happy Tuesday - Gill z

  28. Such pretty views from the pub, and wonderful framed works on the walls! Your art work is quite lovely...the twins stole my heart! happy T day!

  29. Love the art and the photos from your walk!!! I love looking at cows. They are such gentle creatures.
    Thanks for stopping by today. It's raining bunches here so I"m inside for the day :(
    Happy T Day

  30. Two beautiful pieces Valerie, and the gymnastic cow really made me laugh. Hope you're having a good week - it was so hot here today - shouldn't complain though, it beats the rain! xx

  31. A walk through that lovely landscape and a companionable drink with friends overlooking that view sounds delightful! Cheers :) Happy T Tuesday

  32. Your wings piece is just wonderful - all the more so for using one of your photos! I hope to get some twins ready soon - your two even have twin dogs -wow! The walk you took looks great but even better is the view from the beer garden - good choice! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  33. A fabulous page Valerie, your background using the altered sunrise photo looks magical. Love the Gemini tag and the pictures from your walk look lovely and a gorgeous view to relax with a drink.
    Avril xx

  34. It was perfect how you created the background photo for your birds. It's beaut to get double use from images isn't it 😊

    Thanks for the charming walk. I do love cows and you found a happy group of them, more than willing to pose for you.
    You live in such beautiful surroundings and as someone said earlier, you always find such interesting things to show us.
    What a great place to stop, rest and have a drink.
    All the best 😊 xx

  35. Lovely projects! And , I am so envious of where you can walk and what you get to see! Thanks for sharing theses photos! Happy T Day!

  36. schöne bilder aus deiner umgebung,die vogelseite ist ganz fantastisch,das feuer unter den adlern ist so klasse,das sieht so toll aus.
    dein tag ist auch klasse.
    eine schöne woche für dich,liebe valerie.

    hugs jenny

  37. Tolle Werke
    und sehr schöne Bilder.

  38. Fabulous page and tag, love the photo with the birds. Lovely pictures of your walk, too hot to do anything here.
    Hugs Wendy

  39. I love to visit restaurants with a view. I always especially enjoy the ones that overlook the ocean.
    Hope all is well.

  40. That really is a gorgeous page using your sunrise photograph.

    Brilliant photographs you've shared here, love those cows/cattle.

    All the best Jan

  41. Both your art pieces are so beautiful! Love them!
    Love the morning gymnastics! LOL!
    Truly gorgeous photos!! What an amazing area!
    Big Hugs!

  42. Valerie, what a beautiful post! I enjoyed walking with you and seeing the beautiful pub and greeting those handsome cows! Such a delight to live in your world, if only in a blog post! thank you dear friend! xo

  43. I'm a sucker for sunrise/sunset pics, and of sky pics in general, and you know how much I love bird silhouettes... so natch, I love your first piece. The wings are majestic, and the image is uplifting. Great job!

    That old church and pub are beautiful, too. If there were a pub around here that looked as pretty as that one, I'd be tempted to do some "uplifting" of a pint myself. :)

  44. Another post filled with stunning artwork and photos too!!! Love the fabulous Gemini tag!


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