
Monday 12 March 2018

T stands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Joan is hosting. Her chosen theme is Spring /Easter, and tags of all formats are allowed and welcome. I hope to see lots of you joining us there.
I made a hybrid tag using elements from Serif and me:

You still have a week to join in the 'Mum's the word' challenge at TIOT,
for which I made this hybrid journal page as a reminder. The photos show my late husband as a toddler and with his beloved grandmother,
with whom he had a very loving relationship, much more so than with his own mother.

Today is also Elizabeth's Tea stands for Tuesday, where we share a drink, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T group.

On Saturday G and I visited this wonderful cafe in a room at the flea market, and enjoyed our breakfast. The room was furnished with groups of chairs, sofas and tables where you could sit and eat from old china and enjoy the bizarre surroundings:

I had a cheese plate for breakfast, G a sausage and cheese one:

These ladies were above the serving hatch:

All in all we had a fun time there. And later in the day we went to a second cafe, but I will save those pics for another time....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Bizarre is a very good descriptive word here Valerie and so unique. I just loved it. Your post always bring back wonderful forgotten memories of my time spent in Germany. The food and just the atmosphere of places. Thanks so much. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  2. What a fantastic post again today. Love your art, especially the piece with Peter. That cafe is wonderful, the kids would love it, perhaps we can go there one day. So much to see and enjoy. Hugs, Sarah

  3. This is a glorious post. Everything is wonderful. That first tag is just perfect for spring, so soft and cheerful. And the piece with your late husband and his grandmother touches the heart.
    What an amazing place to eat!
    I want that carousel horse table! What a marvelous idea.

  4. Hello dear Valerie!
    What a great post!Your Easter tag is adorable!!!
    Your hybrid journal page is so touching with your late husband and his grandmother.
    I really enjoyed all your wonderful pictures of this beautiful and so well decorated cafe!
    Wishing you a lovely new week!Hugs!

  5. Love the art and the cafe absolutely beautiful! I agree with Sandra, that carousel horse table is amazing and I want it. :)

  6. Bizarre yes, but very intriguing! I love the cheese plate,looks simply delish!
    Oh the journal page for Mum is just absolutely stunning Valerie- such a tribute page! I love your work with photos- it is always such a pleasure to see!
    hugs,Jackie xx

  7. Oh Valerie -- I love every single bit here! Your pages are wonderful. I especially love the one of your husband and his grandmother. And that breakfast is WOW! I love cheese (and sausage) any time of day. Breakfast would be perfect.

    What a great day you had playing about!

  8. I hope the sentiment on your sweet tag is true. Love the birds they are adorable. A lovely homage to your husband and his grandma. What a fun place to have breakfast at a flea market among all the bric a brac. Happy T Day

  9. Wow I just love the cafe that goes along with the flea market-what an awesome place. I am loving your breakfast plate too. and the carousel horse table too cool
    Your tag is soooo sweet and your Mum's journal page is so lovely.
    Loved the post Happy T Day

  10. Love your tag, so pretty and a lovely page with your family photos too. Your breakfast at the cafe looks very tempting !


  11. Wonderful tag and page, and a great setting for breakfast! xx

  12. You are definitely a talented artist. I love the journal pages.

    The other photos are 'bizarely' inviting!

  13. Fabulous tag and page of your hubby! You do hybrid so well!!! And I love the photos of that quirky cafe and the food looks amazing too, - oh what I would give for a yummy German breakfast.....

  14. Lovely tag. Your hubby was so cute too. The cafe and food look wonderful.

  15. Frühstück mit Napoleon, das nenne ich genial. So gemütlich und urig möchte ich auch gerne mal frühstücken. Schöne Fotos. Dein Tag mit den süßen Vögelchen mag ich sehr, aber auch deine Fotocollage sieht großartig aus. Tja Omas sind manchmal die besseren Mütter. Freut mich, daß du all die schönen Dinge auf dem Flohmarkt genießen konntest.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  16. wie süss dein Tag mit den Spatzen und den Ostersachen und eine wunderbare Familiecollage!
    Gefrühtsückt mitten in diesen tollen Flohmarkt mit all den Mauern das ist doch was besonderes finde ich. Ich sass da mal und haben Kuchen gegessen, es kommt mir vor wie wenn ich gestern dort war klasse Fotos.
    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne neue Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  17. Its a wonderful sweet tag, those birds have the cutest expressions .
    Also a fabulous journal page, it was lovely to see more of your cherished family photos.
    A big Wow to the photos, that Cafe is awesome, I could have spent quite a while there just looking at all the furnishings and objects on the walls.
    Your breakfast plate looked delicious. Was your coffee in the paper cup? It just seemed a bit odd seeing it served like that in such a vintage styled cafe.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  18. I love your Spring tag Valerie, so happy, and the family picture is lovely. What a great place to eat breakfast (and what a breakfast) 😁 xx

  19. Your tag is great for Spring Valerie! I don't know where Spring has gone around here! Yesterday was warm, though not sunny, but today we have gone back to cold with a warning for colder weather at the weekend! I love your journal page - how lovely to use those photos of your husband and his Grandmother!
    The Flea market cafe area does look amazing and I would love your plate of cheese - I'm guessing your coffee was in the paper cup!? Happy T day! Chrisx

  20. beautiful tag and journal page Valerie. And oh my, I wouldn't even care about eating, I'd be walking about and going from object to object in that fantastic and eclectic looking café! Happy T day!

  21. I love that tag Valerie. Those images are just adorable, and it makes a really fun piece. That quote though...I am convinced we are not going to get spring here since we have a giant snowstorm coming. We could get 20 inches tomorrow. Eeks. And your Mum's the word piece is just beautiful. I like seeing the photo of your young husband and I bet he grew up into a very handsome man. And wow-what a cool cafe. There is certainly a lot to see and talk about there. Happy T day-hope its a good one. Hugs-Erika

  22. I like your artwork, but I think there are some people up in the NE of the U.S. who are probably wondering if this winter will ever end... :) (I think it's already vacated the premises where I live.)

    I'm ready to write the acknowledgements for my book and I want to make sure I have your name exactly as you want it to appear. Would you please send me an email to let me know how you want me to properly acknowledge your photo? Also, if you give me your mailing address, I'd be happy to mail you a signed copy of the book as soon as it's ready. :)

  23. Wow Valerie such a beautiful tag so cute and love your media page,very clever my friend and i so enjoyed your pics xx

  24. I love the unique cafe! Beautiful furniture and surroundings. Plus your hybrid page and tag are lovely. I am loving the spring birds. We had a bit of snow today with the fluffiest flakes I have seen in a while. It looks beautiful on the tree branches but I am ready for green grass and colorful blooms.
    Happy Tea Day,

  25. EVERYTHING is fabulous and so creatively gorgeous.xx 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  26. Your spring inspired tag is beautiful and the page with your husband and his grandmother is lovely. What fond memories those must have created.

    I'm not sure I would have used bizarre, but I would have used eclectic for the place in the station flea market where you and G had breakfast. All those old photos on the walls would have had me studying them for hours. And did I see a "wanna be" rocking (rolling) horse against a wall? Clever use of the carousel horse, too. Quite eclectic and took my mind off how hungry your breakfasts made me. Thanks for sharing your coffee/cappuccino, food, and art with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

  27. your tag and journal page both contain such elements of hopefulness. i adore them both. and how i wish i could have enjoyed breakfast in that unusual spot! looks like good food and good fun! i promise to get back on board with tag tuesday this round! xo

    1. Don't worry, I know that life is not always easy!

  28. A really beautiful page with your late husband and his Nan. Also the amazing tag for Easter and Spring. The quote is just right

    As always you found another dreamlike place to eat and drink. I would have wanted to stay there all day.

    Love Chrissie xx

  29. What a lovely post! I have been looking at it for a while now and I can't get enough of it.
    The tag is beautiful and the page with your late husband and grandmother-in-law is very moving.
    The breakfast place is intriguing. I would love to spend some time there. I abolutely love it! The whole decor, the old chairs and decoration. I'm sure Elizabeth will love the caroussel horse .
    The breakfast itself looks scrummy. I love that cheese platter and I think that would have been my choice too. I can't find the sausage on your friend' plate so he must have eaten it already. I also spotted a sign on the wall saying they serve waffles. I haven't had waffle for years. That and a cup of coffee....yumm.
    Happy T-Day,

  30. Such a cute tag and those little birds are so adorable! Your Mum's the Word page is beautiful too, I love how you used the family photos and added all the lovely images 😁. The flea market is an amazing place and your breakfast looks delicious - Happy T Day! J 😊

  31. That place is amazing! The cheese plate looks delicious. And I'm absolutely in love with you hybrid journal piece. Happy T day!

  32. Good morning. (Well, it's morning here at least:)
    Was the second café as fun as the first?
    Again, I just love these pieces. Spring is just bursting from the first tag and I adore the pics of your hubby in the second. Wasn't he a cutie?

  33. What a wonderful post. I love the tag and the journal page is brilliant. The cafe is unbelievable, what a wonderful place to have breakfast. I love cheese, so I'll share yours if that's OK.
    Hugs Wendy xx

  34. As the snow is falling fast and furiously out my window right now- I really needed the spring quote you shared. I am ready for spring!

    What a beautiful collage of your late husband and his grandmother. Just beautiful!

    What a place to have cheese and coffee or tea. Very unique! I love the large windows and there is certainly a lot to look at while snacking. :)

  35. That's a cafe that would draw me back. I'd see something new every time :) The food looks good, too. Happy T Tuesday

  36. The bird tag is just darling, Valerie. I'm very touched by your beautiful page honoring your late husband's grandnmother. Wonderful tribute.

    That flea market cafe is incredible. You'd be shocked to see what passes for a flea market in North America. It's usually an open field. Vendors drag their own folding tables and display items to set up. One time I was assigned a spot for my table right on top of a fire ant hill. Hubby and I didn't notice ... I'll let you guess the rest!

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Oh my, poor you. That must have been very nasty.

  37. Thats such a sweet tag Valerie - I love that digikit too it has such lovely birds and creatures in doesn't it. And your hybrid page is especially beautiful - wonderful photos.
    I loved the flea market too - great photos - would have loved to looked at the photos on the wall there.
    Hope all ok with you.
    Gill xx

  38. What a sweet tag and beautiful tribute journal page, I love them! The place you ate at looks like a very fun place...

  39. Gorgeous journal! And what a fun place for your breakfast! Lovely post! Happy T Day!

  40. I truly love both your art pieces! The one with your husband and his Grandma is so special!!! I love the place where you had breakfast!! So much fun!!! And, I love what you ate! Yummy!!!!! I love cheese! Big Hugs!

  41. Jus love your tag and the journal page is brilliant!
    Breakfast looks delicious.

    All the best Jan

  42. What a lovely Spring tag - such soft colors and sweet images!! Your journal page is fantastic, with such a great family photo!! Love it all.

  43. Wonderful collage with your late hubby and his grandma...those vintage photos are so cool! What an interesting all the eye candy there! Thanks for sharing!

    Peace Giggles


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