
Saturday 31 March 2018

Happy Everything

Hi Everybody!

I would like to wish all those celebrating this weekend a happy Passover
and /or a happy Easter:

The 2nd of the month is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd where we re-show stuff from previous posts, so I will be linking to her blog when it's time. These pieces were both made in April 2015. The first is a mixed media using acrylics, brushos and a stencil from

The 2nd piece is a semi-abstract piece, made by just pushing colours around, and with some birds and trees doodled in:

The weather here seems to be leaning towards spring with warm days still being interspersed with cold and wet ones:

Loved this crack in the wall:

Last week when we wandered along the Rhine, G broke off some twigs, which I placed in water. Now I have spring blossoms at home:

 Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, just a quickie, we are off out this evening. Beautiful art and photos as always. Have a lovely weekend, hope you get more sunshine. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your wonderful mixed media and piece!
    Lovely colors and techniques!
    Gorgeous pictures from the beautiful Spring scenery!
    Such preety blossoms decorating your house!
    Wishing to you and your family a Happy Easter !Enjoy your weekend! Big hug!!

    1. Thanks Dimi! Enjoy the time with your daughter!

  3. Fabulous art pieces, the page is beautiful and so is the the sweet vintage style Easter Greeting.
    Your second visit pages and the photos are fantastic. I did like the shot of the ivy growing from the wall.
    It was lovely to see some of your glass pieces again as well.
    Have a good weekend Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Happy Easter/Passover Valerie. Lovely older work pieces and beautiful spring photos.

  5. Such beautiful work. So colorful and alive. So nice to see flowers. We're not quite there, yet. So nice to be able to bring Spring into the house. Enjoy the weekend

  6. Liebe Valerie,
    *wunderschön dein Posting*
    ich wünsche dir genauso ein fröhliches Osterfest!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  7. Wishing you a very Happy Easter/Passover too! Lovely artwork and I loved seeing all the spring flowers on your walk, they are so beautiful 😁. I'm pleased to here it's feels more like spring too. Have a wonderful weekend! J 😊 x

  8. Your spring is definitely ahead of ours and it is good to see those blooms, colors and a bit of green. I do enjoy seeing your art again too. Hard to believe it is April, but I am sure ready for it. Happy Passover and happy April. Hugs-Erika

    1. I think we are all desperate for spring and warmer temperatures!

  9. My keyboard STILL isn't working properly. Happy Easter. Wanted you to know I stopped by, though. I don't remember your second on the 2nd post before, and HOPE my keyboard is more cooperative on that day.

  10. Spring love is in the air on your part of the world, love seeing your flower pics and wow your brusho pages are exquisite... have a love Easter.xx💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  11. awsome post love your photos your journal pages is stunning. Happy Easter for you and your family hope you have great days

  12. Lots of beautiful artwork and lovely photos Valerie, have a Happy Easter/Passover.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. Good morning, Happy Easter, Happy April Fool's Day, Happy April and Happy second on the 2md.haha I always love your art pieces and your lovely photos-looking like Spring there. Today we are in for a wintry mix and very cold brrrr.
    Loved all that pretty glass too hugs Kathy

    1. That's a fun and comprehensive way of saying it, thanks!

  14. Frohe Ostern liebe Valerie!
    Diese Vintage Osterbilder sind sehr schön,mag ich sehr. Aber auch deine effektvollen Kreationen sind wieder sehr gelungen. Auf deinen Fotos hast du schon schön den Frühling eingefangen, besonders gefällt mir die Großaufnahme deiner Blüten Zuhause mit dem schönen Blau der Glas Objekte im Hintergrund.
    Heute ist es naß und kalt, aber wir hatten auch schon warme Tage, die wir für die ersten Gartenarbeiten nutzen konnten. Ja und im Garten da treibt das Grün und die ersten Blümchen.
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine xox

  15. That Spring Blossom looks great!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Happy Easter

    All the best Jan

  16. I love your piece Valerie, Brusho's always look amazing! Only you could bring a twig back to life lol. Happy everything to you too xx

    1. The brushos were the ones you sent me. Thanks!

  17. What a beautiful and compelling art piece! Your photos are so pretty as well. Happy Easter if you celebrate it!

  18. Two great pieces, love the quote on the first and the colours look lovely on the second. Lovely spring photos and blossoming twig is beautiful to see. Happy Easter to you. Hugs Avril xx

  19. your true worth is very very high given all the colors and textures you have shared here and are always sharing. beautiful beautiful things. xo

  20. Beautiful paintings and beautiful flowers!
    Happy Easter,

  21. Beautiful pages, Valerie! I love your pretty flowers! Happy Easter, my friend.

  22. Great ideas on the pages and so colourful Valerie.

    Beautiful photographs with a hint of Spring though here it is cold, very wet and a forecast for snow so spring isn't springing yet.

    Fave photo today are the wonderful sprouting twigs against your amazing glass ornaments.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  23. These are wondrous pieces. In the second I swear I can feel the wind.
    Love your photos. It looks like spring has come to your corner of the world.

  24. That piece at the top with the Hebrew lettering -- one of the most beautiful I have ever seen.

    And I would say G is one smart and thoughtful guy. So glad you have blooms in your home.

  25. Aaaahhh Forsythia and Daffodils and is that Climbing Fig going up the wall... ? Beginning to look like Spring!! Lovely post Valerie.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  26. That looks like forsythia, but it's so _tall_! I love your spring nature photos :)

  27. Beautiful art work, well worth a scond look! Enjoyed the photos too, especially the spring blooms and your lovely glassware!

  28. I don't remember this second look art but I do love it! I also love the Mediaeval image at the top of your post! The Spring blossom from your lovely walk looks beautiful! Hugs, Chrisx

  29. What beautiful and thought-provoking pages, Valerie. I didn't see them the 1st time so am glad you shared them for 2nd on the 2nd. Love the Schweitzer quote.

  30. Hi My Friend! Sorry I'm so late in blog land! I hope you had a good holiday weekend!
    Both your art pieces are so beautiful! I love the words on the first one! Gorgeous photos! Love that crack in the wall too! Big Hugs!

  31. I'm sorry I'm so late in commenting. But, oh well, better late than never!
    Your two art pages from some years ago are beautiful. I love the quote. I hadn't realised Albert Schweitzer had said that.
    Thank you for taking me on a walk to see all the new growth and yellow blossom/flowers etc. That crack in the wall is amazing.
    The flowering twig is gorgeous. (By the time you read this, it will have finished flowering I'm sure)Have a great weekend and CU on Tuesday,


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