
Thursday 22 March 2018

Climbing the Magic Mountain

Hi Everybody!

This week has flown by again, and tomorrow it's Friday and time for the weekend and for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.
I have another page in my family journal to share today, using photos from my great Auntie Fanny and my grandparents. I used elements from me and Serif:

On Wednesday G and I went for a great meal at the local Chinese restaurant, where they do a wonderful buffet. I will show the pics of that another day. Afterwards we went to the Magic Mountain, also called Tiger and Turtle, a walkable sculpture from Heike Mutter and  Ulrich Genth. We looked at it recently from the bottom of the hill, and today was the day to walk over it. It was very exciting watching it get larger and larger as we climbed the path up the hill:

There were great views in all directions, of the harbour, the Rhine and the industries that are at home there, and we could see far across the Ruhr Valley:

Here I was getting scared of going up....

And then it was time:

Lots of love-locks:

The loop in the middle is just to look at:

This really was skywalking:

Hope you enjoyed your skywalker trip!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely family page and the added elements are placed beautifully.
    Magic mountain looks like what I'd love to see along with all the beautiful places here in your pics. Do you walk all the way around the structure? Upside down? Now I can hear you laughing but had to ask.xx💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

    1. Yes, you walk all the way,up and down, down and up, but not the upside-down part, that's just for decoration. But it was a fantastic feeling up there!

  2. Hi Val, what a fantastic place you visited. I must try to get their with the kids, they would love it. Glad you got out and had a nice day. Your family scrap-book page is wonderful, too. Enjoy today, have a good rest! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely page, it is good that you have good photos of your grandparents and great aunt. We only recently got a photo of my maternal grandfather from an uncle in law. That is a fabulous walking sculpture.

  4. Lovely page. Wouldn't it be a dream to be able to talk to our Elders from the past? Wish I had done this when they were still around. Just wasn't interested in the olden days and now that I'm older, I am. The Skywalk is amazing. The views are spectacular and I'm relieved the center loop is just part of the sculpture.

  5. I was most impressed with the page that included your grandparents. Such a welcoming journal page.

    Originally I was going to ask about the loop, but saw quite soon that the sign showed you weren't allowed in that area. It seemed like a fun day trip and good exercise, too. I liked how it explained the steps etc. were curved I'm glad you finally found your courage and took us to the top and back so we could see the beauty of the area. Yes, rust is beauty in my world.

    Hope your day is going well.

  6. What an amazing stunning collage - I am in love here! Beautiful! And this contraption is the neatest thing I've ever seen. How I would love to go for a walk! I thought it was a roller coaster when I first glanced. Neato! Hugs, Autumn

  7. What a gorgeous collage Valerie!! I just love that photo of your grandparents! How old do you think they were in this picture? around what year was it taken? This collage is absolutely one of my very favorites of yours! The design, elements used and layout are just perfect!!

    ps...that is one heck of a sky walk! I think I might be afraid of it's height! yikes! ")

  8. Hello dear Valerie!
    What a gorgeous page with your grandparents and your auntie Fanny!
    Your pictures from the sculpture are breathtaking!! Wow!!! I sky walk!
    I’m so impressed!!! Wishing you a lovely afternoon !Hugs!

  9. A stunning page, the photos of your family are beautiful. The Skywalk looks amazing, I’d love to walk on it.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. The walking loop is is so cool but the love locks wouldn't be enough to get me on it. I'm afraid of heights. Kudos to you for doing it. Also thanks for the info on the center loop. I wondered about that.
    I love your family journal. Very, very special.

  11. Wow. Magic Mountain is so impressive. At first I thought it a rollercoaster (not my thing!) but the shapes were hypnotizing. Then seeing the steps... oh my! I'm not sure I could pull off walking the loop but I certainly would love to see this one in person. Your photos are magnificent!

  12. Love your page for your family journal. If I ever start doing art again I think I'll create a family journal too.
    I love "Magic Mountain " and was happy to see the loop was not part of the walk. I have issues with heights sometimes so don't know if I could really walk the thing but I would love to try :)

  13. Oh my, that is an amazing destination. I loved seeing all your photos, but I would have had to pass stepping on to it. You were so brave to walk it, the views looked fantastic.
    Your journal page is beautiful with all the extra details you added to compliment your super family photos.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Your digital layout with family photos is beautiful. I think I love everything about this. The colors in the background, the birds and of course the photos steal the show. Beautiful! And I loved seeing the sculptures.

  15. Hi Val boy love your layouts,just so pretty and meaningful.OMG i have never seen anything like magical mountain before,its amazing and the veiws just awesome,thankyou for sharing my friend xx

  16. What a beautiful family journal page. :)

    Magic Mountain is fascinating. I was very curious about the loop- so it is good to know that isn't part of the climb. What gorgeous views and I loved your pictures.

  17. I do love your latest family page. The digital elements you chose work very well and are beautiful I did enjoy your photos of Magic Mountain. I would have been scared since the steps are open grates-had they been closed I don't think it would have been quite so scary, but you are up high, aren't you? And I did wonder about the loop and walking upside down. Thank you for sharing that cool place and all the views. happy almost Friday-or maybe it is Friday. Hugs-Erika

  18. Love the art but this week the photos take the cake for me. Wonderful.

  19. Love your journal page, and what a wonderful installation, however, how does one walk in the upside down part of it...😱

  20. Beautiful images surround those treasured pictures of your Auntie & Grand Parents. I wish I had photographs like these to look back on. I bet your family journal holds magnificent memories.
    I am amazed by the Magic Mountain, what a fabulous construction allowing as you say to sky walk. Although I think I would be scared to do so I believe I could holding onto the rails either side.
    Before taking a closer look it appeared that there may have been someone upside down on the upper circle but I see and read that it is not accessible which is a relief..! I'm sure there has been a Daredevil or two that's had to try it??
    Thank you for sharing those this genius piece of engineering.
    Creative hugs Tracey xx

  21. MY goodness, what a walk on that...magic get more exercise Mountain...awsome thanks for sharing and sharing a gorgeous family page. I have just started journaling so now we will see how it goes

  22. Beautiful art and what a sculpture. I would love it to be in my neighborhood thanks for sharing it.

  23. Lovely family inspired page. It must bring back some happy memories doing something like this. That sculpture is wonderful. Looks like some sort of crazy roller-coaster. Too scary for me though. I'm terrified of heights.

  24. Yikes, that would scare me to death but your photos are amazing. Also love your family collage. Happy PPF

  25. beautiful family page Valerie. And wow-what a walk-it looks quite intimidating but the views are spectacular-great shots!! Happy PPF!

  26. I love the collage page so much, especially seeing the olden times couple. The skywalker sculpture is fascinating. One would have to be in fit condition to manage all those stairs. Like Tracy I wondered about the loop until I read that it was inaccessible.

  27. Your collage is so beautiful Valerie! I think the ones where you use your own family photos are always my favourites!
    Wow! A massive Thank You for climbing those steps - it is a fascinating construction and it was good to see the curves on the way and those great views!
    Hugs, Chrisx

  28. What a beautiful hybrid page you created and as always I love the way you put these pages together with your family photos, images and quotes! Wow, your skywalk was spectacular and I so enjoyed joining you and seeing the views - amazing 😁. Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend! J 😊

  29. Lovely collage creations and loved the photography of the skywalk ~ great find!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. Glad you told me that the loop in the middle was just for looking at cause I was quite perplexed as to how that was to be traversed, lol

  31. I love how you incorporate old family photos into your artwork. It's a unique and lovely way to present them. About those three wishes? For one, I wish I'd spent more time asking now-deceased family members about their earlier lives... even about their never-shared recipes. Now all of those things are gone with them.

    Whew! I'm reeeeeally glad to hear that loop was just for appearances. (I don't even like roller coasters that go upside down... no way in hell I'd walk upside down!)

  32. Lovely art, beautiful tributes of family, very meaningful.. and such fabulous photos. wonderful.

  33. That family journal page is beautiful. Is it a digital piece? I like how all the elements fade into the background. The walking sculpture is amazing. That must have been quite a walk you did there! Happy PPF!

  34. It's a hybrid piece, a mix of real and digital

  35. A beautiful journal page Valerie and what a wonderful day you must have had. The structure looks amazing and I can imagine it would feel like sky walking, I think I would have had to hold on very tightly, although those views would make it it worth while.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  36. That magic mountain is just fascinating! Such an amazing sculpture.

  37. I adore your drawing, but your photos are just stunning! They fill my eyes to the brim--which is the greatest compliment I can give. Wowzerz!

  38. What wonderful views from and through the Tiger and the Turtle! I love seeing the page from your Family Journal. Very inspiring post!
    ~~ Irene

  39. The page is amazing and so is the beehive piece but I am breathless just looking at the amazing photographs of the sculpture you can walk around. Would love to have been able to do the walk and it is such a fabulous idea. Thank you for sharing it.

    Love Chrissie xx

  40. Your art is wonderful to look at. So very creative! I love the swans in the next post, too!

  41. A beautiful page in your family journal Valerie, and that sculpture is amazing! Great photos!

  42. That walkable sculpture is amazing and the views were just brilliant.

    All the best Jan

  43. Your art piece is beautiful! I love it! Very touching!
    That sculpture you walked on was so cool, but scary! I don't know if I could have done it! Way to go! Loved the pictures! Big Hugs!

  44. Yikes, I love the pictures from the loops. Looks tricky to me. You family idea is terrific and full of love. Blessings, Janet


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