
Thursday 15 February 2018

The thoughts in my head

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. Mine has somehow disappeared much too quickly, as usual. Yesterday I was out and about with a friend, and then we
had a wonderful breakfast at a fun cafe in the Altstadt of Düsseldorf. I will save the photos of that for TSFT next week. Some people asked about the heart-shaped canvas I used in my last post. It's from a supplier called Van Bleiswijck, a Dutch firm, and is from a discounter here who sells art supplies - among other things - for a very good price. The canvas was 1,29€. 

Today I have an A3 mixed media piece to share, which was  brayered, drawn, collaged and doodled - I just had fun. I am linking to Paint Party Friday
and  A bit more time to craft challenge, anything goes

We had several very frosty but sunny days:

Yesterday we traveled on a new-to-me part of the metro which has only been in use for a few months. I am not a big metro fan, but it was roomy and bright and well made. I like how they have made the protection around the cameras and loudspeakers look arty:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I have that same problem where my thoughts sometimes exit through my mouth. Sometimes they are OK, and sometimes I regret I said something as soon as I said it. Of course, my head doesn't contain the beautiful art and zentangles that yours does. This is an unusual and lovely piece.

    I loved the art tiles and the overall look of the metro. It looked lovely and didn't look too busy, either. You got some awesome shots, at least. Hope your day is going well. I think I'm finally able to down some food today.

  2. Beautiful page, love the tangles. Sorry I haven't been around blogland lately, hope you are doing well :) (all is good here :) )

  3. Just got your mail as I was about to shut up shop and go for a nap with the littl'uns. I usually fall asleep faster than they do....Love your fabulous head, and the great quote to go with it. Is that the Wehrhahn line where you took the photos? It looks great, thanks for showing the pics. Have a fun afternoon, hugs, Sarah

  4. a very cool page you are always so creative.
    enjoyed the photos too Happy weekend

  5. eine wunderschöne fasziniernde Seite hast du wieder gemacht mit dem tangle dazu!
    Toll deine Fotos von den Unterführungen und dem Himmel!
    Schönen Nachmittag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  6. Hello dear Valerie!
    Gorgeous doodled page and great collage!
    Very beautiful background with lovely colors!
    Wonderful pictures of the sunrise with the colorful sky and from the Metro Station!
    Thank you for sharing!Enjoy your afternoon!Hugs!

  7. I love your collaged and doodled head. The quote made me laugh, too. Oh, that subway looks very nice and clean. Have a great day!

  8. The new metro looks nice. Beautiful page and funny quote for PPF!

  9. Beautiful art and photos Valerie!
    Hope you're having a lovely week,
    Alison x

  10. A great doodled piece Valerie and I love your quote.
    The Metro Station looks very modern and airy and I love the wall at the back of the track.
    Avril xx

  11. Love this fabulous collaged and tangled head! The quote made me laugh! (I happens to me too!) We have had a lovely sunny day today after yesterdays grey all day! I love your photos! The metro looks very bright and I love the crinkly looking wall by the rails! I feel a tangle time coming on! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. Love the art!!! The combination of doodles and collage works great and the quote could be the story of my life :) Nice photos of the metro.

  13. wow Valerie what an awesome mixed media page,it looks terrific ,i always love your pics thankyou fr sharing my friend xx

  14. Hhaha! This is so funny and very well illustrated too.

  15. Wow, the mixed media page and collage of the things in your head is fabulous. I did have a good smile when I read the words you added.
    You reminded me of something that my gran used to say....'You've opened your mouth and put your foot in it again'.... especially when we said things without thinking first. Thank you for jogging my memories.
    The metro station looks so clean and spacious, not many folk around and the wall art does look interesting.
    Yvonne xx

  16. I was scrolling down slowly so to see all the detail then those red lips. Wow this is awesome!!! Very nice indeed.

  17. mmm, yes, indeed I also do that with my thoughts... still haven't learnt ;D)
    A beautifully created collage, complete with gorgeous doodling - I love it!
    Happy PPF :D) xx

  18. Lovely work. Thank you for joining the challenge at A Bit More Time to Craft. Hope to see you again next time.

  19. BRILLIANT post, and can I relate to your sentiment? Oh yes indeedy.xx [aNNie]

  20. This is wonderful! So unique, interesting and fun!

  21. Ooooo really cool, collage! The boxes on the ceiling almost look like a flying robot, the space very modernistic, always nice to see new places!

  22. Your doodling is magnificent Valerie and I adore how you have collage within it with your vivid images. My head is full of a jumble of thoughts and I wish I could be braver at letting them escape more often.
    Your photographs show wonderful shots of art, I hope passers by appreciate what is around them as they travel on through.
    Warmest of wishes Tracey xx

  23. Really like this. I love all the patterns and the colours. And that quote is oh so true.

  24. Ein echtes Kunstwerk deine Kopfcollage. Gefällt mir sehr gut diese Kombination von Collage und Doodling.
    Liebe Grüße und schönes Wochenende.
    Sabine xox

  25. I'm glad you've had a wonderful time with your friend! Wow, your art today is amazing, I love the eclectic look and feel with all the images and doodles - beautiful 😁. What stunning morning skies and the metro looks wonderful with the lovely art work that you captured 😁. Happy Friday and wishing you a lovely weekend! J 😊

  26. Sometimes these public places look are little informal art museums. This subway station sure is. I wonder how the white stays so white? And you definitely had fun with your page. I love all the personality in the head this time. We all have a little bit of lots people in us, don't we? Hope your Friday is a great day. Hugs-Erika

  27. It's been years since I rode the subway or metro, but this looks absolutely fabulous and artsy. I would probably miss the train looking at the artwork.(lol) Speaking of lovely, once again, you've created such creative work with your page. What a great idea! Hugs...RO

  28. This is amazing, i like this!

  29. fun journal page Valerie!! I have never seen a subway/metro that looked this nice, but then, it has been almost 10 years since I last was on one in Europe. Lovely photos out and about. Happy PPF!

  30. Hi Valerie! I absolutely LOVE your gorgeous and very creative page! The quote is wonderful and you depicted it beautifully here. And of course, I always enjoy your photos! The sunrise photos are beautiful and the ones you took in the metro are so cool!!! Have a great weekend, my friend! Hugs, Sharon

  31. HA! The older I get, the more frayed my speech filter gets, so I sometimes blurt out thoughts "before they're ready." Reminds me of that old saying, "Engage brain before putting mouth into operation." At least the things I sometimes blurt make me look a little foolish... not mean. :)

    Great artwork, as always. And whimsical, too.

    Have you been watching the Olympics? The German couple who won gold for couples' figure skating were amaaaaazing. Made me cry, especially since she has worked soooo long for it. (I think this is her fifth Olympics...)

    Have a super weekend!

    1. I saw them on the news, they were really fascinating

  32. That's such a beautiful collage! It looks so intricate and cool!

  33. Your metro looks so clean and elegant. I like metros, but maybe because it's a novelty to me as we don't have them in our town.

    Your piece had loads of layers and it really looked lovely.

  34. My goodness, this is so clever! I love the idea expressed by your fantastic art work. I know a lot of times things come out of my mouth that would have been better just thought of, not said. As for the Metro, it looked great to me. I just wish we had more public transportation here.

  35. Your collage is exquisite and sooooo creative ~ wonderful photography too!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  36. Your mixed media piece is gorgeous!!!
    Sometimes my mouth talks before my brain tells it to shut up.
    I am so not into public transportation...especially subways!
    This one is bright and clean though :)

    Happy PPF 🎨

  37. Luv your strolling thoughts; and Sunny Winted shots Valerie. Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  38. Amazing artwork and a wonderful place you found to photograph. You find great places to show us

    Love Chrissie xx

  39. So much fun! I love the quote! Very clever. The artwork at the metro station is so interesting too. And pretty photos!

  40. Fantastic page! So cool and I love he zettie doodles, very clever! Great photos too!

  41. I really like the combination of all the colorful images and the black and white doodling. Gives a very cool result! And the quote is fun and very true :-) Happy PPF!

  42. What a wonderful page, it definitely has a feeling of many thoughts! Your photos are so lovely too.

  43. Love you zendoodling....😍😍 and gorgeous photos and that place looks in the real the every day...gotta love that...x

  44. I agree, this week has went by so fast!
    I love your art piece! Made me laugh! LOL!
    Beautiful photos and I love your Metro! Wow!
    I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day! Big Hugs!

  45. Beautiful page with words I can relate to. I would imagine a lot of us could. I rarely think before opening my mouth. Your Metro is beautiful. I love how they concealed the necessary safety needs with art. It makes your Metro look so sophisticated and modern. Your chilly mornings look beautiful. I keep seeing the bare trees and I think I need to paint some. So very peaceful. Happy PPF! Hugz, Rasz

  46. Beautiful! I love all the photos crammed into the head art. Those zentangles steal the show though. Love them.
    Happy Weekend,

  47. Wow Valerie, this is brilliant, I love it! I'm a bit of a blurter too, and even if I keep my mouth shut my face says it all! Have a wonderful weekend, Sue xx

  48. This made me laugh because sometimes I have the same problem! :)

    The metro looks like it has lots of interesting art!

  49. Love the collage and the doodling, especially the quote!

  50. When I first saw your art on this post, my thought was, "that's so cool!" I loved it...then when I read the quote, I literally laughed out loud and loved it even more. Creative and fun project with such true words! Enjoyed your pics as well. :)

  51. Valerie, this is such a cool collage!! I so love the way you have combined your cut and paste with your doodling/tangling. It rally makes for such cool designs!

  52. love all those lights hanging down, your beautiful heart coffees, the sculptures and the art pages

  53. This piece of art is a snapshot into my brain...and an appropriate quote becoming of my personality. Thankfully I edit myself on my blog!

    Peace Giggles

  54. Wow! So awesome! Congrats Valerie! Fabulous artwork! Happy PPF :) awesome photos too!


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