
Saturday 6 January 2018

A bit of this and a bit of that

Hi Everybody!

I stayed home today, watched TV, read a book and 
rested. I need to take antibiotics again for another
10 days, as my cold and cough have got bad again.
I had some computer playtime, and made a
hybrid page with spring colours. I used elements
from Serif and me placed on a handpainted
and textured background:

The water in the stream next to the house and in
the Rhine is very high:

The walkway along the embankment is closed,
but people were still walking there

Here the water is already on the level of the path and fields:

And Here are some more of my birthday presents.
These lovely presents were from my buddy G: 

Here you can see it from the other side:

And here the contents of the packages:

From N & N I got this voucher for a day out at the wonderful
zoo in Arnhem, Holland, and I am looking forward
to this trip very much:

This huge orchid plant was a gift from H, it is about a yard
high.  I was very lucky to get such lovely gifts.
Thanks you guys!

 The wolf's moon this week shone through the

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wie schön das bearbeitete Foto mit dem schönen Hintergrund und Blumen! Tolle Geschenke hast du bekommen sind,viel Freude damit. Och Valerie erhol dich gut und pass auf dich auf gerade dieses warm und kalt wieder mit dem Schmuddelwetter und Wind machts schwer gesund zu werden.
    Das Hochwasser ist schlimm bei mir hat es nicht so schlimme Auswirkungen gebracht die Sturmflut ging über Nacht bei mir. Da habt ihr daunten schlimm erwischt.
    Deine Fotos zeigen es und der Mond ist klasse fotografiert.
    Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  2. Love your beautiful creation today, the delicate colouring really makes me long for spring, too. You got some wonderful presents, enjoy. I do hope you are soon feeling really better, look after yourself and keep warm. Great moon photos again. Hugs, Sarah

  3. such a beautiful spot you live in, even the high water makes it beautiful, I hope no flooding. I really like the birthday presents,, beautiful canvas paint and pastels I think? I can't wait to see what comes from these!!! I'm so sorry that cold is taking hold of you,, I hope this course of anti biotics clears it.

  4. It is a beautiful hybrid page Valerie, a super background of colour and wonderful additions to the page.
    The river looks ready to flood again, I hope it doesn't cause to much damage.
    You received some lovely birthday gifts which I am sure you will enjoy using soon.
    I hope the new course of anti-biotic get to work soon for you.
    Take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  5. G knows how to shop for a woman like you! What wonderful gifts. And I hope you didn't get flooded but I have to say it really is quite beautiful! Every day -- one day closer to "all better."

  6. Hi Valerie wow your page is amazing i love the colours and the pic you have used,hope you feel better soon and love your gifts that your friend gave you ,such lovely gifts,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  7. Wow! Your art piece is stunning and so very pretty. I'm sorry to hear you are still struggling with that nasty cold, but I'm glad you got treated so well for your birthday. You certainly deserve it.

    BTW, guess who got Brushos for Christmas? I hadn't even told anyone that I wanted them. My son did some research on art supplies and thought it was something I might like. Might like? I have wanted them since I first saw the results on your beautiful art pages.

    I hope you are well soon and that the water levels settle down too.


  8. Oh no Valerie. Sorry to hear you are back on antibiotics. These infections this year have NOT been nice at all. be sure you rest and read. I am impressed by 14 books already. I love today's art piece and I totally agree with the sentiment. And nice gifts. I hope you share the zoo photos with us when you go. But not until you are better I hope. And love the moon shots and all those fun looking gifts. Get some rest and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  9. Those black and white butterflies among the subtle colors are so striking! Excellent presents - especially all the canvases!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  10. Yes to your beautiful page. I am so sick of snow and freezing cold weather. Playing with your birthday presents will be a good way to rest and recuperate Have you had so much rain that the river is rising? Too cold to go out to look at the moon here. Stay warm and dry

    1. The weather has been very wet, and we also get the water which flows down past here from the south of Germany and likes to flood the very flat Rhineland! I took the Rhine photo through the window!

  11. So sorry to hear you are not well. Beautiful spring page and the gifts are thoughtful and lovely. Enjoyed your photos today, hope the water level subsides soon.

  12. Take care of yourself, Valerie. I hope you feel better soon. I love your photos and your beautiful page. Kisses, my friend.

  13. wow,ein traumhaftes bild und schöne bilder,bei uns hat die flut auch einiges unter wasser gestellt.
    zum glück ist nicht mehr passiert.
    schönen sonntag.

    hugs jenny

  14. I really wish you felt better, and having to take antibiotics for another 10 days will not be fun, especially for someone as active as you. Please, please, please take care of yourself.

    I am SO impressed with that fabulous hybrid art. It looks SO realistic, I have trouble wrapping my head around the digital part. It is GORGEOUS.

    You HAVE had lots of rain. I bet for once you are glad you are on the fourth floor. It's still a beautiful area, rain or no rain.

  15. Hello dear Valeria!
    Wishing you a good recovery soon!
    Love your beautiful page and the background you made!
    Your moon shots are gorgeous and your pictures with your town very impressive from the floods!
    Enjoy your lovely gifts and I’m sure you will love Holland,my daughter lives in The Hague and I visit her very often!Take care!Much love!

  16. What a gorgeous hybrid page Valerie. The flowers and elements are so dimensional, they just pop right off the page. Beautiful photos, so odd to see grass at this time of year, especially this year. Love the sky shots, we had a super moon last week, boy was that ever cool! hugs :)

  17. Sorry to hear you are still unwell Valerie. I hope the antibiotics help. Your page is beautiful, and great photos. We have had a lot of rain here too.
    Alison xox

  18. I hope you ´ll be very soon full of health Valérie !!
    this page is really gorgeous, love all the so beautiful details and the fabulous background. Great!
    Those presents are wonderful!! Happy happy Birthday !! ♥
    Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful photographs!
    Take care of yourself and have a very quiet evening, big hugs,

  19. Sorry to read you are still having to take antibiotics - sending get well wishes to you.

    I do like hybrid page with the spring colours, and lovely to see your presents.

    Take Care of yourself

    All the best Jan

  20. SO SORRY you are not feeling well. Hope the antibiotics help and you are feeling better quickly. In the meantime I'll send all the healing prayers I can.
    Love your art today. It's so pretty ♥ I'm not quite ready for Spring yet. I still want some down time to recharge... but it would be nice if it wasn't so bitter cold. Today we are suppose to get ice... but it be gone bu late tomorrow as it's suppose to warm up a LOT :)
    Love your moon photos. The moon has been beautiful all month even though it has left the full moon stage it has been extremely bright still. It's been so cold that I've only gotten a few photos .

  21. Oh no I do hope you will be more on the mend soon-more antibiotics not good-do take good care of yourself
    Your art is always so beautiful Loved the moon shots, and wow is that high water from a snow melt? we are actually finally getting a little rain today we are in so of need of it.
    Wonderful gifts-happy birthday, and I love the orchid-that is just gorgeous.
    feel better-hugs Kathy

    1. It's partly snow melt flowing down from the south to the sea and partly Too much rain

  22. What lovely gifts, I hope you feel better soon. The spring piece is beautiful.

  23. Oh wow Valerie, what an amazing digi page/hybrid, - wow, it looks so 3D!
    Wonderful photos too, those moon pictures just look totally magical!
    I went to see a Turner exhibition this afternoon, they are only shown in January so that the light can't damge the colours. There are several pictures depicting the Rhine and I had to think of some of your photos....

    I really hope you will start to feel better soon and that Spring soon will be on its way!

  24. Love those joyful Spring colours! I do hope you feel better soon Valerie!You certainly received some lovely gifts! Hugs, Chrisxx

  25. I'm sorry you're still not feeling well! Keep warm and have some chicken noodle soup!
    Love your spring piece of art! Truly beautiful!
    Such wonderful birthday gifts you got! I love everything!!
    Love the moon photos! WOW!
    Big Hugs!

  26. I am loving the bright blue and the flowers. So pretty! And what beautiful gifts from your friend. I can tell your are loved.
    I hope you feel better Valerie. Sorry to hear that you are sick again. Hopefully that antibiotic does its job and you are up and around in no time.

  27. Sorry to hear you are on antibiotics again, I hope that you are fully recovered soon! Your hybrid page is a delight, you always put the images together so beautifully 😁. The water looks really high, we had very high tides last week and combined with the high winds that we had, it actually removed some of the sand dunes. Your birthday presents are amazing and so thoughtful too 😁. Take care and wishing you a great new week dear Valerie! J 😊

  28. Your hybrid is gorgeous dear Valerie!!
    awe geesh! This cold has taken it's hold on you and having your condition sure does not help recovery I am sure.I am praying for you and sending you wishes for recovery. Please take rest and try not to extend yourself, give your body the time it needs!!
    Sending lots of love and huge hugs!
    Jackie xx

  29. Your hybrid page is really stunning - love the colours.
    Sorry to hear you are on antibiotics again Valerie - there seems to be awful flu viruses everywhere at present so rest up and take it easy and get well soon.
    Love from Gill xxx

  30. A beautiful spring collage! So pretty! And that water, wow! That is really high.

    Hope you feel better soon :)

  31. So many glories today.
    I grabbed those photos. The colors in them are bewitching.
    And your gifts were simply wondrous. Let's hear it for good friends.
    This piece IS my favorite. It takes my breath away.
    Hope today is filled with comfort and energy.

  32. So sorry to hear you are struck down by the 'dreaded-lurgy'. This cough thing began in Australia and has swept around the world. I caught it in Australia and, four months later, only just got rid of it. Now I can tell you how to cure it in a second ... but... it will cost you some toffee.

    There are so many wonderful images to comment on here, Valerie, but the one that grabs me - and screams out to be painted - is the 'Wolf's moon' .... wow++

  33. Wunderschön deine Frühlings-Seite. Ja man kriegt langsam Verlangen nach etwas mehr Licht und Farbe Draußen. Ich habe mir auch schon ein pinkes Primelchen und kleine Narzissen für die Küchenfensterbank gekauft.
    Deine Geburtstagsgeschenke sind sehr liebevoll ausgesucht. Genau richtig für eine tolle Foto Safari ist der Besuch im Zoo. Da wird deine Kamera heiß laufen.😀
    Liebe Grüße

  34. Great gifts you got!
    Our winter has been weird, wet, snow, rain, grey...Today is third day I can see a little bit sun and nothing is coming down from the sky. Miracle!
    Hope you get better soon. Meanwhile drink a lot and enjoy being in horizontal position :)

  35. Wow what lovley artwork Valerie, this one really is special! I'm sorry to hear that you're not well, but I can't imagine you staying in for long ( as long as you don't get washed away) I hope you feel better soon xx

  36. Happy belated birthday dear lady! What perfectly beautiful gifts! You are blessed! Sounds like you and I had the same virus! Feel better and many good wishes for the year ahead!

    Peace Giggles

    1. Thanks. This virus seems to love me, doesn't want to go!


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