
Saturday 9 December 2017

Snowy Saturday

Hi Everybody!

It's a freezing cold day here. We had a lot of snow in
the night, and it's been snowing more this morning,
so I've declared it to be a stay-home-and-keep-warm
day. I'm not as steady on my legs as I was a year ago, 
and I don't want to slip and hurt myself. The pics were 
taken early this morning; standing in the cold taking
photos in your pyjamas is a great way to wake
up quickly. The snow will probably be gone by

I have another of my heads to share today. This is 
number 6 in this series, and probably the last one for
 the time being, but who knows? I did make quite
a lot of other ones in the course of the year, so
perhaps I will put them together to make a collage.
The quote is from Harry Potter  and the Order of
the Phoenix by J.K.Rowling:

Early morning snow:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie,love your head,well done and i love your nature pics so pretty,thankyou for sharing xx

  2. I like the head thinking profound thoughts. We're getting our first snow storm of the season today. Stay inside, stay warm, make art, and stay safe.

  3. I always love your heads - those on paper and the real one! This one is definitely no exception. We got some snow, the kids are playing in the garden enjoying it, I'm enjoying watching them have fun. Have a lovely day, have fun, hugs, Sarah

  4. Hi Valerie I hope you are doing well. Your art has a great message, fantastic! It's been freezing cold here the last couple of days as well, we have to bundle up to go outside. Life has been very busy over here. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  5. todays art has a very strong and truthful message,, beautiful photos,, lots of snow here as well, I love the frosty tree photos

  6. Your Yin and Yang head is wonderful and I love the quote you used, it is so true 😁. Your snow photos look so magical and staying at home in the warm sounds perfect to me too. Wishing you a very Happy Weekend! J 😊

  7. It’s cold here today too but no snow yet. I had to go out to Sainsbury’s this morning, and I’m very glad to be back in the warm now.
    I like that quote from Harry Potter it is a perfect match for your design. Your snowy pictures are great, thanks for sharing them.
    Keep warm and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Hugs.

  8. Inside your head....wonderful BUT I am so admiring your snow photos and envy you in your part of the world...You make sure you stay indoors and don't slip...hugs.xx[aNNie]🎄

  9. The snowy photos looks very pretty Valerie. Just enough without being too much. I think lots of us are getting snow-ours hasn't started but is coming later today. And I do love your heads and I hope you have a few more along the way. This one is very true and interesting with the light and dark. Great quote. The Harry Potter series has some wise inspiration for sure. Stay nd and dry. hugs-Erika

  10. I love that Harry Potter quote and the picture you created it wonderful!

    It is snowing here too. Your pictures look lovely. Hope you stay warm today!

  11. Perfect sentiments for your piece. And isn't it the truth?
    Your pictures are Winter Wonderland shots.
    Stay toasty warm and enjoy your day.

  12. great insightful art, and love the pics we have a ton of snow here as well, it
    looks like a long cold winter in store for us

  13. Ganz wunderschön deine neue Kopfkreation und die Worte dazu sind Etwas welches man immer bedenken sollte. Die Naturfotos mit Schnee sind auch wieder sehr gelungen. Du hast gut daran getan bei diesem Wetter im Haus zu bleiben, denn ganz NRW hatte mit Glatteis zu tun heute Morgen. Da sollte man besser nicht raus, wenn man nicht muß.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  14. I love the dynamic nature of your piece, it's a lovely quote too. The snow is so beautiful...

  15. Nice head and inspiring quote. Glad you will stay inside safely. Beautiful cold photos.

  16. I can imagine the cold when I saw your snowy photos, its freezing here, but no snow yet. You made a wise choice to stay in the warm today.
    The head page is fantastic and its a good quote as well.
    Yvonne xx

  17. What a perfect Winter Wonderland outside your window. Lovely. I would choose to stay at home too.I hope you got a lot done.
    Love this head. It fits just right with your quote.
    Happy Saturday,

  18. deine seite mit diesen kopf ist genial,was für eine tolle idee mit dem yin und yang und dazu die personen,der text ist auch klasse,ich hatte mal angefangen das buch von harry potter zu lesen,bin aber nicht bis zum ende gelangt,j.k rowling ist eine tolle autorin und schriftstellerin,ich mag sie sehr.
    bei euch hat es ja dick geschneit,die bäume sehen klasse aus mit dem puderzucker von schnee drauf,hier hat es auch geschneit und wir hatten gerade eine fahradtour gemacht als unds der schnee überfiel,beide waren wir klatschnass,pui.
    ich wünsche dir einen schönen advendstsonntag.

    hugs jenny

  19. I'm probably one of three people in the world who didn't get into Harry Potter, but I certainly love your head. I adored how you used the birds to surround the head and the stars inside. It's a lovely piece.

    It's good you didn't venture out because it looked brutal outside, especially the longer you took photos. It was so warm here yesterday and today is supposed to be even warmer: 65 F (~ 19 C). I really like your photos and maybe they will get me in the mood for celebrating or at least making Christmas gifts.

  20. Just done a whole week of catching up on your amazing blog with so much beautiful work and wonderful photographs. Love the shop windows as always.

    Hope the snow soon clears and you can get out and about again. No snow here yet though we are on the fringe of it according to the forecast for today

    Love Chrissie xx

  21. Such true words - another head full of wisdom! The snowy pics are lovely - we've got even more than that this morning, which is very unusual for where I live, but I don't know how long it will stay.
    Alison x

  22. Quite an interesting head page today. Something to really think on Valerie.
    I am so happy to hear you stayed at the doorway to take your lovely photos, the first snow is always the back breaker!
    We just got ours this morn!

  23. Another fabulous head page and I love that quote, it's one of my favourites and very apt for this one! Lovely snowy pictures too! Even though large parts of the UK are covered in snow, so far we have not had one flake, just cold and frosty...
    Have a good week and stay warm!

  24. Cool art page and gorgeous photography. We got our first snowfall last night. Hugs, Teresa

  25. Brrrr, don't catch cold!
    A very unique and thoughtful head design!

  26. Another wonderful head Valerie and lovely photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  27. Snow seems to be everywhere right now! We have it too.
    I love your photos and head page Valerie!
    Keep warm and have a lovely week!
    Alison xx

  28. Lovely to see your snowy photographs, I always thinks it makes for a quieter world somehow seems to have quiet beauty.

    Stay safe
    Stay warm

    All the best Jan

  29. I love your head and I love your quote!!!
    Gorgeous winter pictures! We are getting tones right now!
    Big Hugs!

  30. I'm with you on the concern for slip-and-fall. We've had snow all day -- lots of it and deep and I haven't ventured out either. I'm probably way behind on your posts. I don't think I've been online for several days! But I promise to catch up!


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