
Thursday 28 December 2017

Getting better

Hi Everybody!

Sorry I have been MIA these past few days.  I woke
up on Christmas Eve with a temperature, 
accompanied by a nasty cold, cough and
sore throat, and had to spend some time in bed
trying to recover.  It is slowly getting better,
although my cough is still rather disturbing. 
I sincerely hope
you all planned your days better, and that your
holidays were more fun!

Today I am re-showing an A3 mixed media 
'clear-off the-table' collage made three years back.
I gave it  a work over some weeks back to correct some
things I didn't like. I am linking to
Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

The photos were taken on this day I year ago:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie love your mixed media work and I do hope you are feeling much better now my friend and I love your nature pics,thankyou for sharing 💋

  2. I am so sorry you haven't been well, and hope you are getting some help with shopping etc. Look after yourself. Love the journal page you shared, your work is always a feast for the eyes. I'll ring you tomorrow when P goes! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Brilliant collage Valerie - love the imagery on there.
    Sorry to hear that you've bben poorly - I do hope that cough goes quickly and you're feeling better very soon.
    Gill x

  4. such beautiful creations, love the colors!!! so sorry to hear you've been sick, I had that flu also, or cold, I think I had flu but I managed to get rid of it quite quickly. Your photos are beautiful, I love the silhouette sky photos so much, I gargled with a sea salt water, dranks lots of hot water with lemon, ginger slices and honey, I hope you continue to improve,,take care my friend,, sending warm healing thoughts to you,

  5. Your page certainly looks like a dreamscape. Love the pics of the birds hanging out. Some of them looked puffed up trying to keep warm. Like here. temp. this morning is 4 oF. Brrrr. Stay warm and feel better

  6. great page, lOVE the giraf´s great post

  7. Valerie, I am SO sorry you've been so sick. It's a horrible time of year for it, isn't it? Although really, any time is horrible when you don't feel well. Those colds stick on so I'm glad you are taking good care.

    I loved that you went back to your old work and fixed some things up. I've done that too. And why not?! We grow! I love the pieces you shared.

  8. Happy New Year Valerie, I hope you feel better soon. Fantastic journal page and photos! xx

  9. Beautiful photos, as always, Valerie. Your journal page is amazing! Happy Holidays, my friend.

  10. Sorry you haven’t been well Valerie and I hope you soon feel well again.

    Love your recycled page and the beautiful pictures from last year

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. I was hoping you weren't down and out with and just off having fun, but I guess you were down and out. Hope you are improving quickly Valerie. Seems there are all kinds of things going around so just keep washing your hands and get rest. I do LOVE your fixed up page. It is great for the end of the year and appears to me the woman's looking back on her previous year's adventures. :) Take care of yourself my friend. But it is good to see you back online. Hugs-Erika

  12. Its good to see you back in blogland Valerie. I hope each day sees your health improving and the cough getting better.
    The re-purposed page looks fabulous, I love all the interesting details.
    Look after your self Valerie and keep warm.
    Yvonne xx

  13. I have been SO worried about you. You have no idea how much you are missed in blogland.

    There's a LOT going on in your altered art entry. I couldn't take it all in the first time, so had to see it again. It's a genuine beauty.

    It's amazing how much different a year is when you look back and see the photos from that day last year. Thanks for sharing it. And PLEASE, please get better soon. I'm working on it too, so we'll see who get better first!

  14. So sorry to hear you have been sick. Your mixed media piece is beautiful. Lovely photos from last year.

  15. I very much hope you feel better soon. I love your piece. I am recently enjoying reworking some of my pieces as well. Pretty photos too!

  16. Again some very special art and lovely(always) photos! thank you!
    Now, GET WELL! Hoping the new year is merry for you!

  17. Da hat es dich wirklich so erwischt o das ist ja schlimm aber ich bin froh dass es dir wieder besser geht.
    Dein Bild ist wunderschön und so toll Ideenreich was darin dargestellt alles ist! Bei mir hat es auch lange gebraucht zum erholen jetzt bin ich froh dass alles wieder weg ist, so schlimm hatte ich schon lange nicht mehr gehabt!
    Deine Fotos sind auch sehr schön von den Tauben mit dem Sonnenlicht!
    Gute Besserung liebe Valerie!!!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  18. I am so sorry you have been sick. Sending healing energy to you. I love this piece. There is so much going on in it. Happy New Year!

  19. your art piece is gorgeous, with so many wonderful elements to look at. i hope you'll continue to take good care of yourself and your cough! i got sick over christmas too to my dismay but luckily still enjoyed the holidays well enough. happy new year! xo

  20. Super journal page. Hope u soon feel better

  21. Beautiful collage. I love the guy with wings. I do hope your cough clears up soon! I hate when I get persistent coughs. I had that earlier in NOvember..all gone now.

  22. So sorry to hear you have been so unwell Valerie and I hope your cough gets better soon xxx I am in awe of this fabulous creation....totally love it !!!! Gorgeous pictures as always xx Sending you my best wishes for all that you wish for in New Year 2018

    Annie xx

  23. Oh da hat dich die Erkältungswelle doch noch erwischt. Da wünsche ich dir schnelle Genesung.
    Wunderbar fantasievoll ist deine Seite gestaltet, gefällt mir sehr. Auch die stimmungsvollen Morgenbilder sind wieder sehr gelungen.
    Liebe Grüße

  24. So many lovely things to look at, and it makes my Friday. Feel better soon! Hugs...RO

  25. I hope you will be fit as a fiddle to greet the New Year (or say good bye to the old year). You do such a nice job with these mixed media pieces. Happy PPF

  26. I am sorry to hear you have been so sick. Not a fun way to spend the holidays. I hope you are feeling better now and that the nasty cough has gone away. Hugs and healing thoughts to you!

    Your mixed media piece looks great. Hope the changes you made felt good!

    I love the photos from a year ago. Stunning tree against sky photos (you know I love them). Plus- the bird silhouettes. :)

    Wishing you a happy and healthy 2018.

  27. Tfs all the pictures, I hope you feel better soon! Best wishes for 2018!

  28. Glad to hear you are on the mend, - no fun at all to be ill, speically over Christmas....
    This remake looks wonderful, as are last year's photos!

    All the best for a healthy, happy and creative 2018!!

  29. Beautiful collage and also photos. Sorry you have been sick. I was under the weather before Christmas, but it was over in time for the festivities. Hope you get over yours soon too.

  30. So much to see. . .I remember that painting, thanks for the reminder. Love it. The pictures are worth a painting. Blessings into the New Year, Janet

  31. Sending you lots of healing hugs to be well soon ~ Lovely recreation and dynamic photos ~

    Happy New Year ^_^

  32. Beautiful collage piece, Valerie. I do hope you are feeling much better soon. hugs, Teresa

  33. So very sorry to hear you have been unwell, I do hope the cough improves soon.
    I thought your mixed media piece looked beautiful, and I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    Sending good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  34. What a fun collage - I love the sweet lady's face. Glad you are feeling better. Happy New Year!

  35. What an amazing collage - I'm not sure I saw it at the time so it's great to get a chance to visit it again. Another fantastic collection of photos too - real beauty.
    Alison x

  36. Oh dear Valerie! I do hope you are feeling better as of this writing! This flu thing seems to get worse and worse as the years go on! Wish I was closer to bring you some of my special homemade,guaranteed to make you better,chicken soup!
    hugs,Jackie xo

  37. I hope you're feeling better my friend! Stay warm and drink some honey and tea!!
    I love your art piece! So much fun and such gorgeous photos!!
    Big Hugs!!

  38. Happy New Year!! Here's to a great 2018!!!

  39. Hope you are well now!!!
    Lovely journal page! :)
    Wishing you a wonderful year ahead, Valerie! :)

  40. Wow! I love the mixed media many fun elements! Your pictures from last year are lovely as well. Hope you are on the road to recovery and feeling better very soon. Take care!


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