
Monday 6 November 2017

T stands for Home Sweet Home

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT -
💖Home Sweet Home💜
As always, projects of all formats are allowed and you
 have 2 weeks to link your creations to us -
 hope to see you there!

I have a hybrid piece to share today.
I am also linking to Chris' '101 ways to keep warm' 
challenge at Art Journal Journey
a place to call home keeps your heart warm!

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here 
I would like to welcome all of the nice ladies of the
 T Gang.  My fave drink is, as always,   

Recently I visited 'Fischer's Lagerhaus' with G. This is
a place that imports furniture, cloth and decorative items 
from the Far East. The furniture is often made of 
old doors or other antique wood, there is always 
incense burning there, and it's a great place to 
wander around:

I love the hand-made tiles:

The Buddha head is a huge fountain:

And these are the last survivors on my balcony:

A lonely little petunia....

Once again we had a spooky moon show in the evening:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful journal page, I like the stamp more each time I see it. I think I was in that Lagerhaus, or a similar one last year. Nice photos, and the moon is very special again. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  2. Your 'hangers on' are beautiful.
    More inspiring moon shots:)
    What a fun place to visit!
    And I loved the 'using your head again'. Heh heh.
    Have a day full of color:)

  3. Hi Valerie - just sent you an e-mail!

  4. Just looking at this makes me feel warm - the quote you have used is so apt! I love the little girl all wrapped up too! Thank you so much for the AJJ entry! I would love to visit that shop - although I need a lottery win first I think! I love that some flowers are still holding on to their Summer colours still - we noticed it in the gardens around here on our walk! The lady behind your coffee cup looks well wrapped up too! Happy T Day ! Chrisx

  5. One of my favorite quotes! Your tag is beautiful, love the colors you chose. That shop has some really different lovely items. Love the flowers that are lingering and your beautiful photographs. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, Your kind comments are very much appreciated. Happy Monday!

  6. What a lovely hybrid page! The painted background is beautiful with the clouds and sun, those pretty cottages look very idyllic and would be a wonderful place to live - perfect 😁. The furniture shop is amazing, I would love to visit there and look around, probably for hours 😉. Nice to see you still have flowers on your balcony and your lonely petunia reminds me of the song "I'm A Lonely Little Petunia (In An Onion Patch)", do you know it? Spook-tacular moon photos too 😁. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊

    1. Yes, I used to love that song when I was a kid!

  7. It is a beautiful page Valerie, I always love to see your precious photos on the pages.
    It is a warm welcoming scene and it would be a super place to live.
    The shop you visited looks great, lots to see, it does look like the products could be a bit expensive there.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  8. I adore your home at TioT. It's a beauty. I like that you used Erika, too.
    She's such a doll and very special.

    WoW, that building is fabulous. I would love to take some of those pieces home, as I'm sure you would, too. I especially liked the fountain. My friend Joseph has one he keeps on his back patio that has ripples where the Buddha face is on the one in the store. Just listening to the sound of the water falling over the ripples onto the stones below was heaven. I think the one at the store is even nicer because of the face.

    I see it's gotten cold where you are, but obviously NOT cold enough yet to move inside. That cappuccino always looks so good.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your photos of the furniture store, your balcony flowers, and your moon shots with us as well as your cappuccino for T this Tuesday.

    I almost sent you a note because my Firefox is acting up. Luckily, I was able to fix it enough to have a T post ready. I only finished my post minutes ago.

    1. And my internet is acting up this evening, o I'm going to bed!

  9. wunderschön ist dein Journal geworden und deine Mondfotos und das Lagerhaus ist ja toll, da würde ich auch gerne stöbern!
    Moment bin ich viel unterwegs Dinge zu erledigen die liegen geblieben sind in den 8 Wochen mit meinem Schatz.Vielleicht komme ich morgen mal was zu machen. zu malen, hab was gestrickt abends lieber.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  10. I like this home theme such a comforting page you made! Thanks for the browse through the furniture store, enjoyed the shopping! Your balcony flowers still look beautiful and the moon shots are lovely.

  11. Beautiful page, Valery. I love your pretty house. And how great photos once again, my friend. I love the flowers in your garden, the handmade tiles and Buddhas! Kisses!

  12. Did you hand paint the watercolor background and house "sticker" for your journal page, Valerie? Whether yes or no, they're lovely. "A place to call home keeps your heart warm" is very true.

    I'm sensitive to many incense smells, so I was happy to tour Fischer's Lagerhaus via your photos. It looks like a very cool store with wonderful things on offer.

    As always, your nature photos are gorgeous. I giggled at your "lonely little petunia" and wondered whether you were deliberately alluding to the tune, "I'm a little petunia in an onion patch" from the Captain Kangaroo kiddie show.

    Happy T-day! Hugs Eileen

  13. I like your homes. Home Sweet Home is a great challenge theme. I like how you added Erika too. I like this shop you visited. There are some interesting pieces there. And it was a spooky moon, wasn't it. More great photos of it, but I must say again, I do love your header a lot. Hugs-Erika

  14. such a beautiful "home sweet home " page Valerie! Would love that shop and most likely would not leave empty handed:):) Isn't it wonderful to still have some gorgeous blooms so late...
    happy T day!

  15. Beautiful journal page Valerie, and I love the owls on your home page banner.
    What a fun place to browse for treasures-I would love to visit
    Lovely photos-I always enjoy them
    Happy T Day Kathy

  16. Wonderful page. So cozy. Like the little girl with her muff. What a cool shop to poke around in. Love the pairing of the blue and green tiles. I love the flowers still holding on. I have a lonely petunia, too. I'm afraid the flowers will take their Winter nap by the end of the week as temps are supposed to plummet by the weekend. The moon in your photo looks very spooky. I half expected to see a witch flying across. Have a Happy T Day!

  17. "Home sweet Home" what a beautiful post along with your gorgeous moons again...hugs..xx[aNNie]🎄

  18. Such interesting photos and a lovely page with personal touch! Happy T-Day!

  19. I love your cosy page, and what a fabulous shop!
    And, Happy T-Day!
    Alison x

  20. Eine wundervolle Seite, Valerie, die Fotos sind wieder der Oberhammer

  21. Deine Journal Seite sieht klasse aus Valerie. Das Mädchen mit dem Muff ist wirklich entzückend!
    In diesem Lagerhaus würde ich auch gerne mal stöbern, da gibt es bestimmt einiges zu entdecken. Der bemalte Schrank -letztes Bild- gefällt mir besonders gut!
    Deine Mond Fotos sind genial...wie immer!

    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche!
    LG Gaby

  22. Love your fantastic journal pages, it`s so beautiful.

  23. That piece is so warm and beckoning. You expect the secondary figure (Is that you?) to just keep walking up the path.
    Have a day filled with sparkle.

  24. A beautiful journal page Valerie and lovely photos, the shop looks very interesting.
    xxx Hazel.

  25. Valerie..oh i think i would love to meander around that store too and get lost for awhile... even if i had no intention of buying.. Thank you for sharing that and your latte and beautiful AJJ pages... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  26. I'll join you on that patio for coffee, thx. What a sunny spot :)

    I have a plant (oxalis) that looks similar to the one in the photo below the petunia, only mine is solid green. The color in yours is gorgeous!

    Happy T Tuesday :)

  27. A lovely hybrid piece. I ike the wáter color bit you did. The quote is good too of course. There is that thing about home that the English language has no Word for. Hygge in Danish and 'gezelligheid' in Dutch have no translation in English.
    Fischer's Lagerhaus is just the place I would love to walk around. I fell in love with that White cabinet in the first picture. Such lovely things! Large chests are still very much in use here. I would love to get another one, but they are not easy to find as most people hang on to theirs, and even in the second hand market it is not easy.
    The cappuccino looks lush as always. I have just had a nice coffee. I usually have a café carajillo which has liquor in it. I treat myself once a week.
    Thank you for sharing your (last) flowers and that mysterious moon.
    Happy T-Day

  28. Just love the home theme and the words used are just right!
    It's always nice to see your photograph selection, I especially enjoyed the colourful flowers.

    All the best Jan

  29. Lovely piece or art , love those quaint cottages and the sweet little girl. Your photos are superb as ever, love the moon one


  30. Love your Home Sweet Home page, and the spooky moon photos always get my attention!
    Happy T-day........yep, I finally posted :)

  31. Always admire your hybrid pieces- and what a wonderful take on our theme!
    Lula oxo

  32. Love your journal page and your spooky moon photos. I really love shopping in stores like that :) All of the statues are great and that fountain is fantastic ♥♥♥

  33. A gorgeous page, love the little scene. Wonderful photos and the import shop looks like my kind of place for browsing.
    Avril xx

  34. Your hybrid page is so pretty! I am loving the adorable houses and that little vintage cutie!
    And how about that amazing Store!!! Right up my alley! I could spend hours browsing and loads of money. Unfortunately, we don't have any stores like that where I live. My husband would probably say thank goodness!
    Happy Tea Day,

  35. Your art piece is amazing! I love it! Priceless!
    That store is fantastic! I love all the furniture! That Buddha fountain is huge! Wow! Love your flowers and the moon picture! Big Hugs!

  36. What a beautiful painting, I love how the sun is glowing. It looks like an amazing store too.

  37. Valerie, is that watercolor or digital work in your background? It is just beautiful!!
    Wow What a fabulous place to shop! I would love one of those Buddhas and those tiles...mmmmm- gorgeousness!

  38. Beautiful digital art piece you've created! Love the combination of vintage images.

  39. Your piece here is beautiful with such a soft, sweet vintage look. And I loved your visit to the Fischer's Lagerhaus. What a wonderful place this is -- I fear I could have done all my holiday shopping here!


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