
Friday 13 October 2017

The moon will guide you....

Hi Everybody!
This week has been busy and gone by really quickly.
Yesterday I went on an outing with my buddy G
to Kaarster See, a lake with glorious paths all round
to walk along and enjoy the scenery. When we got back
here I baked waffles, which we enjoyed with vanilla
ice-cream and coffee - yummy!

For Elke's lovely 'landscape of the soul' theme at
Art Journal Journey I made a hybrid piece using photos and 
elements from me and Serif:

We had good weather for our trip yesterday. It takes about an hour to 
walk around the lake, and was very enjoyable. The lake is in an old 
gravel pit with a surface measurement of  645834.60 square feet.

The masts at least ensure a good telephone reception:

The swans were swimming on the other side of the lake. When we got
 there, they had moved over to the other side again....

I loved this fairy garden in the rotting
tree stump:

Light and shadow give great effects:

More photos to come!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oooh, I love this piece, very atmospheric and a little bit creepy - just right! Glad you enjoyed your outing yesterday, and that you had such good weather. Hope the weather will be nice over the weekend for you. We're off to see Mum now. Take care, hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful hybrid piece and fabulous photos! Thank you for yet another fantastic entry linked to Elke's theme. Happy weekend!

  3. Great piece. I just love that moon and those stars. I thought the leaves looked like ground stars. Lovely scenery around the lake. The swans are so beautiful. I loved the sunspots caught in the last photo. Fall polka dots. Have a good day!

  4. gorgeous, still spookie,,,jlove your mushrooms pictures to

  5. Your moon creation is divine ~ and those mushrooms growing in the tree ~ what a find and great photography ~ ^_^

    A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Wow! That is amazing! I absolutely love the composition! Gorgeous photos too. -- Mary Elizabeth

  7. Enchanting moon art, very beautiful! and love all those gorgeous trees, too beautiful for words.( and those charming mushrooms spirits too)
    Have a sweet day

  8. Love the contrast in the moon scene, Valerie. The photos of the walk around the gravel pit lake are beautiful. Several look like they could be painted, especially those of mushrooms.

  9. What a unique and truly wonderful piece! Lovely! And your photos are great.

  10. fantasievoll das Thema Nacht und Vollmond! Grossartig ausgesucht und der Satz!
    Dankeschön fürs verlinken liebe Valerie zu meinem Thema by AJJ!
    Kaarster See wie oft sind wir dort am Restaurant gesessen haben die Enten an geschaut und umrundet oder Picknick gemacht auf der Wiesenfläche.. Es ist ja nicht weit weg von Neuss mit dem Fahrrad 30 Minuten entfernt! Es ist toll auch der Springbrunnen dort.
    Da hast du einen wunderschönen Ausflug gemacht und leckeren Waffeln gegessen!
    Die Fotos sind ja super vom See und mit den Pilzen!
    Schönen Abend wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  11. Very cool digital piece. I love the silhouette against the moon! Your pics from the walk around the lake are lovely! My favorite is the tree stump with the mushrooms. So picturesque! The ice cream and waffles sound like the perfect way to end a stroll. Yummy!

  12. A simply wonderful AJJ entry. I thought the difference between dark and light made the focal image stand out even more.

    Filling in an old gravel pit with water is a good way to environmentally restore the land. It's a beautiful lake and looks HUGE. I was really impressed by the number of trees I saw. It must be a very old pit, or some company planted a whole lot of trees once they decided to turn it into a lake. It was fun to see the swans, and I adored the fairy garden, too. Good eye! I'm sure many would have missed it.

  13. Such fabulous details in your Hybrid piece Valerie xx I love the sentiment too xx
    Looks like a lovely walk and the fairy garden in the tree stump is beautiful xx

    TFS and have a lovely weekend

    Annie xx

  14. Super art piece! I love the figure against the moon backdrop. It looks fabulous! Super photos too. The mushroom pieces are my favourites. Are they good enough to eat?

    1. I wouldn't eat the, you might end up flying with the fairies!

  15. Very cool art page. I like the lantern. That tree stump is magical. hugs, Teresa

  16. Love the art and that tree stump Fairy Garden is magical ♥

  17. Fabulous photographs ... I just adore a walk by a lake, and that tree stump is truly amazing.

    Have a great weekend

    All the best Jan

  18. Good to see you are up and about again, taking wonderful photos! Beautiful page today too!

  19. Another fabulous piece!!! BUT, the fairy house was such a joy to see, thank you(again)!

  20. What a beautiful piece, I love the words with it as well. The fairy house is also so lovely.

  21. Oh, I love how you outlined that tree. Gives it an eerie glow, very unusual. Happy PPF!

  22. It was good to read you enjoyed your walk Valerie, the photos were lovely, I especially liked the fairy mushrooms growing in the tree stump.
    The journal page looked awesome, I loved the words and the atmosphere the moon created as the background for figure.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Great moon piece and the words with it are wonderful! The lake looks so peaceful and like a perfect place to relax the mind along with getting exercise. It is so neat when mushrooms grow out of trees. The stump really does look like something out of a fantasy.

  24. Lovely moon piece! I love the magical owl, swirl of leaves and the golden moon and stars - beautiful 😁. The fairy garden you found in the tree stump is amazing! Wishing you a happy weekend! J 😊

  25. A beautiful page, the images are lovely and so are the photos of your walk, I love the tree with the mushrooms growing.
    xxx Hazel

  26. Love the new blog header, and I really adore this page. It is spooky but different than traditional Halloween or night images. It reminds me of a fairy tale a bit. And what a beautiful lake. I bet you enjoyed your walk! The fall is a great time to do a walk like that asits not too hot. Hugs-Erika

  27. Beautiful photos, Valerie. My favourite is the mushrooms on the tree! And a great card, my friend. Great image and sentiment and a fantastic background!

  28. Schöne märchenhafte Szene hast du gestaltet, gefällt mir sehr.
    Von deiner Fotostrecke mag ich die Pilzkolonie im Baumstumpf am liebsten. Auch bei uns im Garten sprießen die Pilze, hab sogar in einem Blumen Topf welche entdeckt.
    Liebe Grüße und schönes Wochenende.
    Sabine xox

  29. Hi Valerie! I LOVE Halloween and your wonderfully spooky hybrid piece! Absolutely gorgeous! I especially like the sentiment. And your photos from your trip are wonderful. I love how you capture all of the little details, too. And thanks SO MUCH for always stopping by my blog, too. HUGS!!!

  30. Love your piece today! The big glittery moon, the trail of autumn leaves, the sweet owl perched in the tree.. love it all!! Looks like such a beautiful place you visited, so much lovely scenery! I think my favourite is that fairy garden, that is fantastic! There was an entire fantasy story brewing in my head as I scrolled through your photos of the little fairy houses (mushrooms)! haha! sending wishes for a happy weekend :)

  31. Oh my gosh!! That tree stump is wonderful! Did you see any gnomes or fairies flitting around?? I love your hybrid- again your moon shots work so well with these pieces!
    Beautiful photos of your adventure, and now may I also have a waffle with ice cream? teeheehee
    Jackie xo

  32. I love your photos Valerie! It looks like a wonderful walk! xx

  33. Wonderful art! Love your photos from your walK!

  34. Beautiful moon artwork! I love things related to the moon. :)

    Your outing looks like fun. I especially love the fairy garden in the stump. LOVE IT! :) It looks magical to me.

  35. As always your art is to touching. Love these photos too.

  36. I love your October piece! That gorgeous old tree and the mushrooms in the stump are wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing!

  37. I love your piece Valerie, beautiful colours, and your photographs are wonderful xx

  38. Waffles, ice-cream and a fairy garden! What a perfect post! Love your moon art! Beautiful! Big Hugs!

  39. Wow - stunning! I love that silhouette against the moon, and the whole page is so atmospheric. More great fungi in the photos... I'll have to let my mother know - she's fungi mad!
    Alison x

  40. Woooo! You have created a brilliant spooky atmosphere here Valeris! Love the colours around the lake - what a treat to find the hidden fairy garden! Hugs, Chrisx


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