
Monday 9 October 2017

T stands for FrighT NighT

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at
Try it on Tuesday - Halloween.
As always, projects of all formats are allowed and you have
2 weeks to join us with your  spooky and chilling creations.
Hope to see you haunting us!
I made an A5 mixed media piece. The image is from
Gecko Galz and was printed onto canvas to give
a nice texture. I layered DP and recycled black
cardboard, held together with lot of sewing. I distressed
the edges with gilding wax from Pentart in incandescent green. 
The bats (Sizzix die-cuts) were also similarly distressed.
I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Elke's lovely
'landscapes of the soul' challenge

Today is also Elizabeth's TSFT, so a hearty welcome to all
of the nice ladies of the T gang. My drink is coffee, and I'm
pleased to say that I am enjoying it again!

Help yourselves to a slice of poppy seed and cinnamon cake:

Some mornings were sunny:

On some days we had autumn mists:

I think the seed-heads are even nicer than the flowers:

 The horses are well wrapped up against the chilly days
and cold nights:

Autumn colours are prevalent:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your piece. So fun. I had to take a second look to catch the bat hats.
    OMG that cake has me drooling. I'll be right over.
    Someone sure loves their horses and takes wonderful care of them. So good to see.
    YOU, have a pleasant, productive week.

  2. Gorgeous piece, love the wonderful stitching and the fun image. And your cake looks great, I'll help myself to a slice or two. Great photos as always. Have a nice evening and enjoy your day tomorrow, hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful piece. The cake looks so good! Enjoyed your fall photos today.

  4. I like how you created a spooky feel without using the traditional black and orange color scheme. So glad you are able to enjoy your coffee and a little something and we can enjoy the pictures from your walks. The misty rain pictures are eerily beautiful

    1. I love watching the morning mist swirling over the fields....

  5. was für ein Bild für mein Thema,Valerie ich finde es wundervoll die Nacht und die Eulen so was geheimnisvolles und die Machart grossartig!
    Ich bedenke mich und frue mich fürs verlinken zu AJJ.
    Die leckere Mohnrolle und deine intressanten Fotos vom Herbstwetter sind toll, moment bin ich froh kein morgendlichen Nebel zu haben dafür wieder Regnet es seit dem Nachmittag bei mir.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  6. Its a fabulous Halloween page Valerie, I and how you stitch all the layers together do love the look of the images printed onto canvas.
    The colours of autumn in your photos are lovely and the horses look well prepared for the weather getting cooler.
    It was good to read you are enjoying your coffee again, the cake looks delicious.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I am glad you drink your coffee again, Valerie, and thank you for the delicious cake. I love your spooky card and the beautiful photos showing the colours of the autumn. It is the first time I see a horse wrapped no nice! Kisses, my friend.

    1. I think sometimes the people look after their horses like their children!

  8. First of all, I am glad to hear you are getting out and about again. Second of all I love your fall post today. Fright night it very cool. Love the owls and the cloth texture. I also want to try some of that poppy seed roll. It looks yummy. And I think your autumn photos are beautiful. Fall is such a pretty time of year, isn't it? Happy T day and new week. hugs-Erika

  9. Fabulous piece, the owls look so cool in their hats and their expressions made me smile 😁. The cinnamon and poppy cake looks so yummy, I've never had it before and would love to give it a try. Those sunny mornings and flower seed heads are amazing too. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊

  10. I'm having problems getting your photos to show. There were two of the beautiful owls on the hat that didn't open and neither did the cake. I refreshed THREE times and finally got the cake photo, but not the others.

    I DO like your owls and the bats. It looks like Halloween, but not in a traditional sense.

    What is the frosting on the cake? I really am hungry and even more so, now. It's beautiful and looks yummy.

    I'd have taken some of those seed heads if they were along the road and not in someone's yard. I can see numerous uses for them in mixed media art. Simply lovely, as were the horses and the mist.

    Thanks for sharing your not-too-spooky Halloween art, your beautiful photos, your cinnamon poppy cake, and your cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday. I'm thrilled you are feeling better, too.

    1. Sorry the photos didn't want to reveal themselves to you! The frosting is ground nuts and cinnamon, yummy!

  11. Loving the printed canvas. So cool..I never thought about printing on canvas. I really love the owls.
    Tea and Poppy cake sound so yummy!
    Happy Tea day!

  12. Oh isn't is wonderful to enjoy coffee again! Love the Halloween art-and the owls! The poppyseed roll is one indulgence I used to enjoy (and make)but it's been a long time.
    I'd like to give that horse an apple:) Thanks for the lovely autumn scenery and the cuppa with you. Happy T day!

  13. Beautiful post, glad you are enjoying your coffee n cakes, I am still not in the mood for much still unwell but as always your delightful post is a cheery [aNNie]

  14. wow,deine Eulenseite ist ganz wunderbar,schön auch wieder das genähte dazu,passt jetzt gut zu halloween bald.
    deine bilder aus der natur sind wunderschön,tolle farben und blüten,die nebligen felder find ich so klasse.
    eine schöne neue woche,liebe valerie.

    hugs jenny

  15. A fabulous collage and a great idea to print on canvas, the cake looks yummy and photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. A wonderful collage. I love the owls and bats Valerie!
    Beautiful Autumn photos too!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Alison xx

  17. Gorgeous piece and great photos but the star today for me is the tempting lookin poppy seed roll!Looks yummie.Thank you for joining AJJ and happy T-Day.

  18. Boah, was für ein wundervoller, herbstlicher und halloweeniger Post. Ich liebe Mohnkuchen

  19. Brilliant Halloween Project and your photos are so beautiful.

  20. What a great piece Valerie and beautiful image... just LOVE owls... Lovely pictures! Hugs! deb

  21. Fright Night is terrific. So many layers and textures. I'll bet it is even better to see in person. Looks like Autumn has settled in at your place. Lovely photo's.

  22. A fabulous piece Valerie, the owls do look good printed on tour canvas.
    Lovely autumnal photos and I'm glad to read you are now enjoying your coffee again.
    Avril xx

  23. I like your bats. I appreciate seed heads as much as I do the flowers. I dob't dead-head mine anymore and they add a lot to my flower bed once the flowers are gone :) The landscape there looks like autumn has come to you. It's still hot here. Happy T Tuesday

  24. Well, there is oddles of texture here in this piece. I love it -- and very Halloween. And your poppyseed roll looks delicious!

  25. Thanks for sharing your art, cake, and photos! Love the owl piece-really stunning, and cake looks so yummy. Beautiful mysterious skies in your pics... happy T day!

  26. OH I LOVE the art today ♥ I do love Halloween art and decor. Perhaps I"ll get something done this week. Your fall photos are great too. We are having one of those misty fall mornings and I love it. Finally our grass is green again I haven't had to use "HANK" for a week :)
    Happy T DAY!!!!!

  27. Good afternoon, I so enjoyed all the photos just beautiful-I love the dry seed heads too. Your art was awesome! love those owls very much.and you poppy seed cake looks delicious-hubs would really enjoy it
    Happy T day Kathy

  28. What a brilliant Halloween piece, Valerie! The owls are totally fabulous. Love the colours too. The poppy seed and cinnamon cake looks delicious!
    Hugs, Mar

  29. Deine spooky Seite gefällt mir richtig gut mit den witzigen Eulchen auf dem Hut der Dame. Das Genähte gibt dem Ganzen die besondere Note. Der Mohnkuchen sieht lecker aus, mag ich auch gerne. Die stimmungsvollen Herbst Fotos sind ein Träumchen, witzig auch das Pferd im Mantel. Die Nebelbilder gefallen mir besonders gut.
    Liebe Grüße

  30. Outstanding Halloween piece, Valerie. I love the added texture the canvas gives. It goes well with all your fab stitching too.

    Lovely nature photos once again. You certainly live in a beautiful area.

    I tried to get a shot of a pretty sunrise the other day to share at the T-party. I don't know if it's the camera or me, but I just can't capture the range of colors.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  31. Love those owls and the texture of the canvas. Beautiful photos too


  32. I love this! Those owls look very mean and moody xx

  33. Fright Night looks fabulous. The 3D bat is excellent!

    Beautiful photos too. The fog/mist looks really cool. :)

  34. I love those owls - a truly beautiful piece of art Valerie! The photos really do sum up Autumn - absolutely gorgeous photos and I agree that the seed heads look beautiful! Glad you are enjoying your coffee again! I had hoped by now that I would have caught up with everyones blogs but I think I am just going to try and keep up for now as I still can't sit for long! At least I can craft standing up! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  35. I love your Halloween art! Truly cool and spooky! So happy you are drinking your coffee and having yummy desert! Love the pictures! I agree, I like the seed heads! Horses so cute! Big Hugs!

  36. So pleased that you are enjoying your coffee again. The poppy seed and cinnamon cake looks delicious.
    Great selection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  37. Fabulous texture - it looks like an antique textile.Thank you for letting me join in as GD.

    Sorry to be so late in making T-day rounds, this week just got away from me.
    LOVE your misty morning photos.


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