
Monday 11 September 2017

T stands for ....

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -
My friend.

This can be a real or imaginary friend, and as always, 
projects of all formats are allowed. I'm looking 
forward to seeing your creation linked to our blog!

I made a digital collage showing my best friends -
memories and books. I started reading very early at the
age of 3, and always found adventures and friends in
them. The 'memories' I have included here show Erika, my great Auntie
Fanny and my husband as a little boy - his Grandma kept him in
knitteds from head to foot! I am also linking to Art Journal Journey,
Yvonne's lovely theme of colour in my world:

The 'Paris' challenge at Tag Tuesday runs for another week, and you
have plenty of time to join in. I made a digital tag:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday 
get-together, so here a big welcome to all of the nice ladies of the 
T Gang. Last week's postcards went to Deb and Hazel. 
Deb's is on its way, Hazel, I still need your addy!
This week's card is one composed last year from a painting
of hollyhocks superimposed over a photo of the Rhine. If you 
would like it, let me know in a comment:

I baked a wonderful cake at the weekend, apples filled with raisins,
bedded in vanilla and almond cream in a butter short crust pastry,
and liberally topped with cinnamon and sugar - yummy!
Help yourselves to a slice!

My drink is, as always, cappuccino:

On Sunday I went on the tram to a neighbouring town, Neuss,
and met up with my buddy G. This is where I waited for the tram:

The main shopping street through the centre of town was closed to trams
 and cars and the whole length of it was lined with booths where people 
were selling everything you could imagine. There were also plenty of places to eat and drink, with delicious smells greeting us at every turn:

I loved the golden unicorn on the chemist's shop:

We also visited some old walls from the middle ages and lots more,
so watch this space!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A wonderful post Valerie
    The TIOT piece is fantastic and I think we all used to be dressed loke that way back when

    Love the tag it is very Parisian

    Yummy baking for a Happy T Day

    Wonderful bright and cheerful postcard and photographs

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Wonderful post with so much to see. I have photos from me in woolies from head to foot, too. Lovely composition. Fun Paris tag, too. The cake is making me drool, I know that you can bake very well. Great photos from Neuss, too, glad you enjoyed your day out. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely family memories in your first page. Pretty Paris tag. Your dessert looks soooo good. It looks like a wonderful outing with your friend thanks for sharing the colourful photos.

  4. A really lovely post from you today Valerie with so much to see on here. Gorgeous artwork, yummy cake and such a lot of pics of where you visited it felt like being there. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  5. der Kuchen ist der aber lecker und das Neusser Hansefest da habe ich damals ein wunderschönes, grosses, weiches, schwarzes Stoffpferd für nur 5 Euro gekauft das sitzt jetzt auf meinem Sofa.

    Deine Projekte sind alle wunderschön ausgedacht und bearbeitet... ich liebe deine Art!
    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Nacht und träum schön!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  6. Beautiful Paris again! And oh, your tea treat is making me very hungry. I guess it's after 4 and I never really ate lunch. I love the dishes spread out there... I might have got into serious trouble!

  7. Ja schöne E3rinnerungen und Bücher sind wirklich gute Freunde und deine zauberhafte Collage zeigt das sehr schön. Das Tag zum Thema "Paris" ist auch so klasse zusammengestellt, da bekomme ich glatt Lust in den Zug zu steigen und nach Paris zu fahren. Deine Fotos vom Stadtfest sind wieder sehr stimmungsvoll und bieten einen guten Überblick. Dein Kuchen läßt mir das Wasser im Munde zusammen laufen, da hätte ich bitte gerne das Rezept davon. :)
    Liebe Grüße und eine schöne neue Woche.

    1. Thanks Sabine, I will send you a link to the recipe tomorrow.

  8. Oh how I love that tag and the friends piece is also so special. How yummy what you baked looks and that unicorn is so wonderful. I love your postcards too, that one's a beauty, I'd love to have it if it isn't snagged by someone who hasn't had one yet.

  9. I love the sentiment you added to the fantastic page. How true it is to have good memories and of course we can hide from what is going on around us in a good book.
    Its a great Paris tag, wonderful images, I noticed that the Lovely lady is also reading a book.
    Great photos of your trip out on Sunday, it looks a lovely sunny day and the street stalls all looked so interesting.
    The cake looks delicious, I'd love to have a small taste with my cuppa.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Your TioT entry is beautiful. I was so impressed and would never have thought of a book being a friend, but I guess they are!

    I also adore your tag. Your attention to detail with this digital piece, from the bicycle with the baguettes to the girl sitting at an outdoor cafe with the Eiffel Tower in the background, was simply stunning.

    Your trip was filled with fantastic photos of some nice items. I would have stopped to look at the geodes and crystals. Not for "healing" purposes, but because I like them. I had to laugh at the clown standing in front of the beautiful woman's poster. The incongruent nature of it is what got me.

    I want the entire cake you made. I'm really drooling right now. And I'll gladly join you for a cappuccino, which would go great with the cake.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful art, your FABULOUS photos, and your incredible cake and cappuccino with us for T this nearly Tuesday.

  11. Love your page....beautiful Paris tag, cake looks scrumptious and the ingredients sound like it would be absolutely delicious. The market seems to have a good amount of interesting objects. I agree with Elizabeth's comment about the clown...although a beautiful woman can often make a clown of a man. ;-)

  12. Oh my- I could never comment on every photo much as I love them all-but let's just say that that M&M photo really made me want him:):) Your baked treat looks delicious.
    And your art-always a feast for the eyes. Beautiful heartwarming page depicting friendship. And your Paris tag-of course I adore it!! Happy T day and happy week ahead!

  13. Oh Wow I love your post--loving your Paris tag, and love your memories piece too. Great photos-looks like soo much fun! and your cake-so pretty I bet it was delicious
    Happy T Day Kathy

  14. ALL are fantastic, one word for them all, FANTASTIC.XXX [aNNie]

  15. You always gift me with such interesting photos and I do love your friends! I am a your friend too!!

  16. Wow, tolle Kunstwerke und Fotos, Valerie

  17. Where to begin? I love the art today. Memories and books-that sounds like my world. At least cleaning out the attic the other day. :) The Paris tag is just fun! And yummy! I'll take a slice please. :) And looks like you had a fun day out. I like that rock table, and also all the dishes. Looks like a some good shopping. And a pretty town too. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. It's a pretty place and I love all the history attached to it.

  18. Wonderful page and quote, memories are definitely one of my best friends 😁. Such a lovely Paris tag too and your cake looks wonderful, I'd love a slice - yum! Neuss looks like a lovely place to visit and your photos are great, thanks for sharing 😁. Happy T Day! J 😊

  19. I love the old-fashioned feel of your page. Perfect for memories. I enjoyed my visit to Paris via your tag. You should open up a bakery. That cake looks amazing. Neuss looks like a fun place to visit. Nice to be able to walk around without worrying about motor traffic. And so many pretty things to look at. Thanks for sharing and have a Happy T Day

  20. A wonderful post! Happy T-Day and thank you for joining AJJ with your amazing art !

  21. So many beautiful challenges Valerie! I'm not normally into crowds but i love a street faire like that with all the vendors and their wares.. Its been a few years since i've walked thru one.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  22. Love the colourful background for your little friends and the sentiments are fabulous.
    Lula xx

  23. Beautiful art you've created...what a precious image of your hubby as a boy- so sweet!! love your photos too...i would have been afraid that I'd step on those pretty tea cups all displayed on the ground! happy T day! ♥

  24. That cake sounds and looks tasty :)

    I'd love walking along that street when so much is on offer. Wow! I'd have needed a shopping basket, I think, and I'm trying not to accumulate more lol I see irresistible goodies in your pics, tho. Fun!

    Happy T Tuesday

  25. I love streets and markets like that..its also very important to have good friends too and I love your page

  26. I know I said it before, but you live in the nicest place! Gorgeous artwork as always - I bet your husband was glad when he grew of of his knitted outfits! xx

  27. What a great post Valerie! I love your fabulous collage for TIOT and that quote is brilliant! Your Paris tag is, is she reading or is she thinking what to put in her journal! The stalls at Neuss look very enticing-I hope you didn't spend too much money! Your cake looks delicious but maybe I should say 'No Thank you' as I had cake earlier today! Happy T day,Chrisx

  28. What a great post Valerie! I love your fabulous collage for TIOT and that quote is brilliant! Your Paris tag is, is she reading or is she thinking what to put in her journal! The stalls at Neuss look very enticing-I hope you didn't spend too much money! Your cake looks delicious but maybe I should say 'No Thank you' as I had cake earlier today! Happy T day,Chrisx

  29. A fabulous page Valerie, lots of lovely images and it's a wonderful sentiment. Love the Paris tag. Ness looks a lovely place and the flea market looks interesting. Your cake sounds delicious and looks yummy.
    Avril xx

  30. What a sweet vintage collage. The images are so pretty! And your tag looks like a place that I would love to visit...A little Parisian cafe.

  31. I'm completely in love with your vintage collage - such lovely images, and I especially like the floral framing of the central photograph. The Paris digi-tag is really great too, and thank you for sharing another wonderful day out with all these fab photos.
    Alison x

  32. Love your friends piece of art, such lovely images. Also lots more interesting photos too


  33. Valerie, what a wonderful post! I love your first art piece with your husband in it! So adorable!! Priceless! Your Paris tag is so pretty! I love the card you are giving away for this week too! What fun photos! I would have been buying everything! LOL! Were you a baker?? Your treats that you make are so yummy!!!! Big Hugs!

  34. Beautiful art pieces! I just love your photos of the market, looks like such a wonderful affair!

  35. I couldn't make it to tea this week - we're traveling - but I just wanted to pop by and say, "hi."

    I'd love your hollyhock card. These giveaways you've been doing are so nice. Your cake looks divine, Valerie! Thank you ;-)

    Hugs, Eileen

  36. GREAT post Valerie, sorry I'm so late in getting to read it.
    Belated T-day wishes!!


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