
Sunday 3 September 2017

Lots of colour

Hi Everybody!

For Yvonne's 'colour in my world' theme at Art Journal Journey
I have an A5 mixed media piece. The image is a 1930's
b/w postcard from Georg Kolbe, coloured with oil pastels
and sewn onto various backgrounds. I am not a fan of these
'heroic' statues he made, but think the colours change them enough
to make them palatable for me:

For Tag Tuesday, Michele's theme of 'Back to school' I have one more
tag, using a Gecko Galz image coloured with brush pens. I am
also linking to Simon Monday challenge, school or study

And last not least some photos taken in the woods at Hösel, at
a farm we visited to buy eggs and in Kettwig:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your colorful page is beautiful. It was fun seeing it from different spots, because I loved the bright colors you chose.

    LOVED the Back to School tag. It was a fun piece and very retro. I enjoyed it a lot.

    Your photos are fabulous today, too. Those chickens are well fed and healthy, so I bet they put out good eggs. I especially enjoyed the statue at the end. Hope your day is great. I'll be off to bed soon.

  2. Wonderful and colourful piece, love how the colours soften the hard lines. You do these pieces so well. I was never a fan of Barlach or Kolbe either. Very pretty tag, little R loves it, too. We're collecting my mum later and going out for lunch somewhere, the weather seems to be okay, she likes seeing the kids. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Your colour piece is amazing Valerie with beautiful sewing as well
    The school tag is colourful and fun and nice to have the sideways shape

    It must be great to see the hens that lay ypur ehhs ans such a beautiful place for them to live

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Farbenspiel auf deiner Seite mit dem Mann ist dir gelungen! Schön diese Pappe und die einzelnen Stoffe mit den genähten Ränder dazu machst wieder so schön!
    Tolle Fotos ein beschaulicher Ort, wie schön der Lichteinfall zwischen den Bäumen und die Frauenfigur. Frische Eier direkt vom Bauer ist doch was leckeres ...
    schönen Sonntag dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. Wow, the colours have so changed the photo you used. I would have to say that I think your version is far way better to view than the original would have been, glorious colours and a much happier feeling when seeing it.
    I think you can tell I love your fabulous page with its bright colours, great layers and awesome stitching.
    Its a fun school tag with the children enjoying the lessons.
    Nothing tastes nicer I think than fresh farm eggs, they are super photos and the sunlight through the trees looked beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Beautiful overpainting project - goes very well and looks even more interesting with the stitching- lovely entry for Yvonne's nice theme!Very cute tag and nice photos. Happy Sunday!

  7. Oh my word, the colours of your first project is a really stunning one, just love it. The stitching is awesome and fabulous. love the photos'/xx [aNNie]

  8. The colors in your page bring the statue to life. The back to school tag is cute though I'm still trying to hang onto Summer. the orange flowers look like they are trying to be fluffy chickens. My favorite pictures are the way you captured the sunlight through the trees. Happy Sunday!

  9. Just love your 'Back to school' tag here, it's perfect!
    Lovely to see your photographs, especially the hens - bet your eggs will be delicious!

    Happy Sunday

    All the best Jan

  10. Wonderful colour for your AJJ piece today and a fun back to school tag. Thanks for the farm photos too.

  11. I like both of these for different reasons. The school one is just so darned fun! THe colorful one -- I agree, the statue doesn't knock me out but what you did with the color turns it to an entirely different, magnificent piece.

  12. Totally beautiful postcard makeover !!
    I just love all of that color play,Valerie!
    Oh your photos of the sun streaming in are stunning! Magical even! And the last one of the statue of the woman- is heavenly! May I copy it to maybe use in my art sometime?
    Happy Sunday my friend!
    hugs xx

  13. Wow this is stunning. The colors on the body are magical. The best part of your blog posts for me are you photos. Thank you.

  14. Another amazing page Valerie! I love the stitching!
    Wonderful photos too!
    Alison xx

  15. I wouldn't have thought that was a heroic statue with all those cool colors you added. It looks great. And what a cute vintage piece. Plus the sunshine coming through the trees in your photos is gorgeous. :) And it's looking like early fall in many of your photos. Very pretty. happy rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  16. So fun that you've added so many bright colors to it, it really shines now. And the other card is so sweet with the vintage picture. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  17. How lovely your piece is, it shimmers with color. The school tag is also cute! I love your photos, the way the light is shining through in the trees is gorgeous.

  18. Very colorful and fun now! Awesome sauce stitching and details!

  19. This is so very unusual and artistic. I love the various bright colors and the stitching. Just curious but what do you do with these amazing pieces after you make them? Do you display or gift them?

  20. You have done a good job. Paintings looks good:)Enjoyed seeing all the pictures in the post:)

  21. I can’t say I like the statue, but I do like what you’ve done with it. The back to school tag is much more to my liking – in fact, I love it!
    Your photographs are amazing as always. I really enjoyed the chickens and the sun coming through the trees. Have a lovely week, hugs Barbara

  22. Du hast den Bärlach sehr stilvoll eingefärbt,gefällt mir sehr gut. Auch das Genähte ringsum sieht gut dazu aus.
    Niedlich ist das Schul-Tag.
    Von deiner Fotostrecke gefallen mir die Bilder wo das Sonnenlicht so schön durch die Bäume scheint am besten.
    Hab eine schöne neue Woche
    Big Hugs

  23. What a wonderful mixed media piece, the colours look so amazing and vibrant! Your school tag is fantastic and so much fun 😁. Sorry I haven't been visiting of late, we have family staying and I've found I've not had much time! So it looks like I'll be catching up with you before bedtime or early in the morning, if I can stay awake 😉. Wishing you a happy start to the week! J 😊

  24. Gorgeous pieces both of them! I actually love Barlach's sculptures just as they are but your colouring has definitely added a further dimension!

  25. I love the colours on your fabulous page and your tag is lovely - beautiful photos too.
    xxx Hazel.

  26. Love the colors in the first piece and don't those kids look happy in the second?
    What a lovely visit. I LOVE to see free ranging chickens.
    YOU, have a wondrous day.

  27. ich mag die tollen farben auf deiner seite und die waldbilder sind wunderschön.
    die hühner sind auch toll,worüber sie sich wohl unterhalten??
    einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  28. great colours and very great page. love your photos to, like always ;O))

  29. Love your art! Such colour. Wonderful photos as well.

  30. Wow, I really love the colourful portrait art today. It's so cool looking. And the vintage photo art is awesome too :)

  31. I love your first art piece! Great colours! The kids in the second one are adorable! Those photos with the sun coming through the trees is breath taking!!! Big Hugs! Hope your arm is healing well!

  32. Wonderful pieces Valerie, I really like those postcards, especially how you've coloured them, and back to school pieces are always fun (since I left school) xx


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