
Wednesday 20 September 2017

Girls' day out

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday I got my new hearing aids. I have been spending a lot
of time getting measured and tested these past weeks
after my doc discovered that my hearing had diminished
alarmingly. I didn't realise that it was so complicated and
needed so many 2 hour sessions testing this and that, but
now the tests are over and I have temporary ear thingies
to get used to them. Next week there will be more tests,
and if all is well, sooner or later I will get the permanent ones.
Now I realise just how little I have been hearing lately - the world
suddenly got very loud! I need to adjust to them,
but I suppose this is just another milestone on the way to 
becoming a senior citizen! To cheer me up after all that I
had a 'girls' day out' with my lovely friend Nelya.

For Yvonne's lovely theme of 'colour in my world'  at At 
Art Journal Journey I have another piece made from recycled
materials - cardboard, tyvek and canvas.  The cut out figures
are from a vintage postcard of a Rembrandt painting. I got a whole
pack of vintage cards for a few cents at the thrift shop.
Once again, I did lots of sewing. The background was coloured
with oil pastels, and the tyvek was painted with metallics
and then bubbled with the heat gun.

Our day out yesterday took us to the Altstadt of Düseldorf. We visited
the Nautical museum, had lunch up in the lantern of the tower,
and then walked along the river to the Media Harbour. I will show the
 pics from inside the museum another day.

The post office tower:

No, this is not me taking my morning exercise routine,
but an advert for the Variety theatre:

Looking into the harbour with the Gehry buildings on the left:

This strange sign has been placed on the Rhine promenade to
show how many cycles pedal past hourly, daily, monthly etc.
I think the money might have been better spent making 
improvements to schools etc!

Loved this Art Nouveau doorway:

Beautiful Graffiti:

The ancient harbour with an old eel catcher boat:

 This statue of the man with the brass nose is in one of the little
streets in the Altstadt. If you rub his nose and make a wish your wish
is supposed to come true....I will let you know if it works!

In the evening dear Nathalie came and brought a delicious 
cheese soup packed full of good things
which we all enjoyed to make a happy ending to our
girls' day out.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hope you soon get used to those hearing aids, I know it can be unpleasant at first. Glad you had a fun day out, that turned it into a good beginning anyway, that was clever! Did you get up in the middle of the night? You were up really early. Love the Rembrandt art, and the photos. I remember the man with the brass nose, too! Have a good day, and take thing easy, it's been a lot for you lately. Hugs, Sarah

  2. The creation of yours today is amazing. I am always astounded at what you come up with. Your imagination is always overflowing with goodies.
    Great graffiti I must agree, very angelic and colourful.

    I do hope you get used to the hearing aids, I am sure like everything it all takes time and patience...xx [aNNie]

  3. I was tested for hearing loss in my 20s, and I know I had it then, and even more now. I hope you get used to those temporary hearing aids, at least till the "real" ones come. The ads for these devices make it seem so quick and easy.

    Your art today is fabulous. I love what you did with the tyvek, and of course, the sewing, too.

    I really enjoyed your girls day out. Your photos of the harbor/river were outstanding, and the shots from town were great. I really enjoyed the older architecture you shared, and look forward to seeing more, too. BTW, that graffiti was priceless.

  4. Ohh congrats with your new hearing aids, I to got some 2 month ago you have to get used to them and it will take time i still try to adjust to them and gets very tired in my head hearing alllll that NOICE..but i am happy for them hope you will be to.
    and as usual i do love your art.

  5. Great artwork and lovely D'dorf impressions! Thank you for joining AJJ.Good luck with the hearing aid fitting ! Happy day!

  6. es ist gut dass es jetzt raus gefunden wurde dass du schlechter hörst und jetzt wieder alles richtig wahr nehmen kannst!
    Deine Kreation auf dienem Journal vom Rembrandt ist toll!
    Die Fotos vom Düsseldorfer Mädeltag ist wieder intressant.
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  7. I was so pleased to read that you had a good girls day out with your friends after the hearing aid fitting.
    I hope that all goes well and you get your permanent ones soon.
    great photos from your walk, the graffiti was a great piece of artwork. I hope your wish from rubbing the nose worKs out for you, it good to read about traditional customs, we all have them.
    Your art page is awesome with the layers and sewing you used as well as the main Rembrandt image you used. Thank you for all you support at AJJ form my theme Valerie, so glad you like it.
    Yvonne xx

  8. If it makes you feel any better I know plenty of very young people who have hearing issues. In fact I have to use a speaker for one of my students so they can hear ok. My hubby could use some hearing aids too. He's in denial. Glad you had a good day out afterwards. It sounds like fun. I love all the texture in your art piece too. You've been really doing some great texture pieces lately. Hope the adjustment period goes well. Hugs-Erika

  9. So much texture on your page. I love all the lace and the fan with tassle. Parts of the Altstadt look more like Neustadt. Very modern looking for the old part of the city. One wonders how the city decides to use money. A few years ago, my state spent $$ having signs announcing the building projects. Like you, I thought the money could have been better spent. I love the building with the bears. the statue with the brass nose, reminds me of Tycho Brahe, the 16th c. Danish astonomer. He had a brass nose. Supposedly lost his nose in a duel. Bet he would't be happy to have his nose rubbed for luck. Sounds like you had a wonderful day out.

  10. I love your recycled page Valerie, it's wonderful!
    Great photos too, especially that beautiful graffiti angel!
    Good luck with the hearing aid!
    Alison x

  11. What an excellent adventure for you gals! Looks like it was full of interesting sights- can't wait to see if your wish comes true!

  12. I am glad you are getting your hearings aids. It is amazing what can be done in the medical field. It will be nice to have something in the ears that you can turn up or down.
    What a fun day out! I love seeing all the city bits. Street art is one of my favorite aspects of a city. It is always colorful and thought provoking.
    I laughed at your comment about the biking sign since we have an administration that would like to spend an incredible amount of tax dollars on a country border wall. Meanwhile we have areas of states devastated by hurricanes (which I feel is where tax dollars are needed).
    I hope the nose rubbing works for you! :) It looks like many believe in this guy's knees too.

    1. Yes, I am always astonished how money is wasted for prestigious or useless projects, when other people are starving, homeless or in danger...

  13. Welcome to a new world of noise!!! Got hearing aids 3 years ago! They were hard to get used to at first cause I was now hearing EVERYTHING!!! Used to them now, kinda!
    Thanks for my fun day!

  14. Great artwork today Valerie. Sounds like a good day with a great ending, I loved the photos and it looks like the 'little man' has been asked for lots of wishes by the looks of his nose.
    Avril xx

  15. a very cool girls day out adventure loved all the photos too. I did not know it was so involving to get fitted for hearing aids I thought it was just a one size fits all-that must have been difficult all those tests--hope the permanent ones will work out good for you hugs Kathy

  16. What a wonderful piece, the sewing aspects are beautiful. I hope the hearing aid works out. Your photos are lovely too.

  17. Glad you enjoyed your girl's day out, thanks for all the interesting photos of Duseldorf. I didn't know getting a hearing aid was such a long process. It's worth it if it makes you hear better. Lovely piece for AJJ.

  18. Oooh! SO pretty! I love the image and the stitching. The little embellishments you have added are so perfect for your tribal/folk piece.

  19. Lots of good things here but the best is the hearing aids. I sometimes wonder about me. I think half of my uttered vocabulary to Rick is "What?" or "I can't hear you!" I thought it was me but I seem to hear other things people say or even the cat walking down the hall so I'm beginning to think he either mumbles or is trying to drive me crazy. It's not working!

  20. Yes, the older we get we do sometimes need some additional help in our day to day lives. I'm sure you will soon get used to your hearing aids.
    Your girls day out sounds perfect, always a good idea...

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

  21. Your art piece is gorgeous Valerie!!
    Have fun with your hearing aids! I think my mom needs them, but she just keeps turning up the TV! LOL!
    Love the photos! Rub that man's nose for me! LOL! I think that was you exercising! LOL!
    Take care my friend! Big Hugs!

  22. Oh good for you getting hearing aids. I know it's an adjustment. Good thing is you can opt to turn them off! Great artwork and photos!

    Peace Giggles


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