
Friday 1 September 2017

Friday this and that

Hi Everybody!

For Paint Party Friday I have an A4 mixed media piece,
once again using a photo of my great Auntie Fanny.

 I collaged her photo and all the fabric, lace, netting and feathers
etc onto a hand-painted background. I am also linking to 
Art Journal Journey, Yvonne's lovely theme of 'colour in my world'. 
The photo was printed onto a transparency and placed 
over a piece of collaged and stamped canvas.

These photos were taken on a trip into Düsseldorf last year, where I had
 time after an appointment to take some photos of the Altstadt. I don't 
go there often as there's always too much going on for my taste,
I prefer our quiet little place:

The Town Hall (Rathaus)

Jan Wellem (the one who had our castle destroyed!):

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. LOVE this new collage with auntie Fanny, you had a great relationship with her. Your collage is really beautiful, and she would have loved the colours and embellishments, I am sure. Great photos of D'dorf, too, we had some fun times there! Those were the days....Hugs, Sarah

  2. Gorgeous your Pretty in Pink. Great needlework. Also lovely photos of your city in that golden autumn light.
    Dear Greetings and a happy weekend to you.

  3. so fantasievoll und buntes Seite ist perfekt für unsere bunte Welt!!!
    Ja was bin ich da schon gestanden habe den Hoppeditz´s erwachen gefeiert am 11.11. empfangen geschunkelt und gefeiert mit all den lustigen Menschen oder den Weihnachtsmarkt besucht, im Uerige meine letzte Himmel und Erde gessen als wir am 2013 um gezogen sind nach der Nordseeküste... ja das sind wunderschöne Erlebnisse die ich immer mir bewahre. Wehmut ist da schon was drin auch wenn ich nur 5 Jahre dort wohnte in der Nähe.
    Schöne Fotos sind das wieder von der Altstadt ich liebe sie die längste Theke dort. Was habe ich da Musik gehört in einer Kneipe der Bär o man war das eine tolle Zeit so anders wie jetzt und ich bin froh dieses von meinem Schatz zeigen gelassen zu haben, sein Düsseldorf, ich als Schwäbin!
    Ich wünsche dir eine schönen Freitag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Mein Mann hat die auch Altstadt immer geliebt, er ist dort geboren, aber ich bin viel lieber dort wo es ruhig zugeht!

  4. Beautiful collage and photos of D'dorf!
    Nice of you to link to
    Art Journal Journey.

  5. Its a gorgeous page on canvas Valerie. The colours of the materials you added are beautiful, each piece looks lovely. The photo transfer is fantastic, your Aunt looks like she was a very stylish lady. I'm glad you like my choice of theme for AJJ ,this is an awesome colourful page.
    The photos also looked good, it looked like a dull day when you were there, I hope your next trip will have sunshine, but like you I am not a fan of large towns.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Eine wunderbares und fantasievolles Mix-Media-Werk! Klasse, was du aus allen diesen verschiedenen Material geschaffen hast!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  7. LOVE that gorgeous hot pink, wow, fabulous photos.xxxHave a lovely weekend.♥

  8. I love how you made Aunt Fanny transparent. She's a beauty in pink. I like how you dressed her in lace and silk/satin. too.

    Beautiful photos from Düsseldorf. I remember you showing us the ferris wheel, too.

    There's been a great deal of notoriety about the Confederate statues that had to be removed. I was surprised the one of Jan Wellem was still standing. Apparently people are far more tolerant in Germany.

    Hope your day is fantastic.

  9. Valerie!
    Aunt Fannie looks gorgeous in all of her colorful finery! So beautiful!
    Your photos are beautiful and one in particular looks like a vintage postcard!
    Happy Friday! Jackie xx

  10. Wonderful fabric collaging, and the colours are really uplifting. I agree it's nice to visit a larger town once in a while, but I prefer peace and quiet!
    Alison x

  11. Gorgeous fabric collage, unique and creative. Have a wonderful weekend, Shirleyxx

  12. gorgeous fabric project Valerie! I bet your Aunt Fannie would have gotten a kick out of this:) Great new theme for AJJ too. Wonderful photos of Dusseldorf!!

  13. Great Aunt Fanny looks pretty in pink. A lovely tour of Altstadt. The town hall in my town is so tiny and plain to the Ratshaus. The building with the bells and the clock over the front door. Do the bells chime the hour? Enjoy the weekend!

    1. The bells play melodies. It used to be a watch and clock shop.

  14. Those would be fun buildings to paint! (Dusseldorf)

    Lots of wonderful texture going on in your piece. LOVE the pink! So cheery.

    Can you believe it is September?

  15. Truly a beautiful piece of art. Wonderful photos as always.

  16. Great collage of your Aunt, she looks quite lovely dressed in pinks and purple. Yvonne chose a great challenge for this month.......September already.....sheeesh!!!

  17. The piece is wonderful...Aunt Fannie looks like a happy, celebrating gal! Dusseldorf is a lovely city! Nice post!

  18. Very creative and colourful collage. Lovely photographs.

  19. A wonderful collage such beautiful colours. Have a lovely weekend.
    xxx Hazel.

  20. Wow! Your collage is so beautiful Valerie! I love it!
    Great photos too! I'm not fond of cities either, too many people.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend,
    Alison xx

  21. Really liked the colours you used in your art piece today.
    Enjoyed your photographs, liked the buildings especially The Town Hall (Rathaus).

    Happy September Wishes, and have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  22. Beautiful Art piece. Love the layers and colours. Very pretty and colourful. I love your Düsseldorf photos! I love travel photos and they are truly lovely! Beautiful post and happy PPF! Have a beautiful September!

  23. Oh that's so wonderful and the pictures are amazing too.

  24. Fanny looks gorgeous in pink!! I LOVE all the fabric in the collage, and your pictures, as always, are just stunning! xoxo

  25. Beautiful mixed media featuring your Aunt Fanny, and thanks for sharing the Dusseldorf photos with us!

  26. Oh so pretty! The bright pinks are so fun. And I love all your crazy stitching!
    Your photos are so lovely.Looks like a beautiful place to visit.

  27. I love your pink art piece! It is so pretty!
    Such beautiful photos! So much history!
    Big Hugs! (hope your arm is doing better!)

  28. love your fabric piece beautiful colours and hope your arm heals

  29. Fabulous colours, and your aunt looks very happy surrounded by all that finery.


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