
Friday 29 September 2017

Autumn trees

Hi Everybody!

Today I have an A5 mixed media piece, using distressed
canvas, corrugated cards and metal foil.
The foil was embossed in a TH folder, and then sanded. I added
the autumn leaves using various colours of gilding flakes. The
beads were sewn on to make some 'plants' along the bottom. I sewed
it all together, as per usual. I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge,
heavy metal, and to Yvonne's lovely 'Colour in my world' theme
at Art Journal Journey, which is now almost over.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday. Once again, I am happy
that I always have a good selection of not yet shown
creations in my 'store cupboard':

And some more Autumn photos from this time last year:

Thanks again for all the well wishes. I'm still feeling
rather tacky, but I think it's a tad better than it was,
so that's positive.

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow - love the foliage on your tree and the amazing metallic sheen of the background layers. Wonderful autumnal photos too - that blue sky is breathtaking. Do hope you feel properly better soon.
    Alison x

  2. Wonderful post, love the tree and the photos. Quick comment today, must dash, P will kill me if I'm late! Hugs, Sarah

  3. wunderschön diese Herbstbäume, wie toll du es gebastelt hast!
    Herrlich die Fotos gerade die Pferde, sie geniessen noch die wärme und die Kürbisse auch bei dir sieht man jetzt Herbstblätter!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Nachmittag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  4. That is a gorgeous autumn inspired piece of art you created. I was so impressed that you used an embossing folder to get the tree effect. It is fabulous. And of course, I also like how you layered the piece with the cardboard and pulled it all together with the sewing.

    I remember when you went to that farm last autumn and all the pumpkins looked so lovely.

    Please, please feel better soon. I am very, very worried about you, dear Valerie.

  5. WoW What a gorgeous piece!! I just LOVE the golden, warm colors of this Valerie! And yes, so glad you had something already to share,this so you may continue to rest!
    hugs from afar,Jackie xx

  6. Whoza! This is beautiful. Love the photos the horses the best.

  7. I'm sorry to hear that you are still unwell hope you feel much better soon 😁. Wow, that is the most amazing autumn tree I have ever seen - I love it! The texture and metallic finish are so beautiful. Wonderful autumnal photos too 😀. Happy Autumn and wishing you a lovely weekend! J 😊
    p.s. sorry I haven't been around for a while, we've been out and about this week with the nice weather we've been having. Now all I need to do is to catch up on everyone's posts 😉. J

    1. Don't worry, enjoy the sun as long as it's there!

  8. I love your beautiful Autumn tree page Valerie! Wonderful photos too!
    Wishing you a great weekend!
    Alison xx

  9. gorgeous autumn leaves journal. and great photos again.

  10. Feel better soon, lovely artwork and beautiful pictures. Many prayers your way. Have a lovely weekend!

  11. A simply lovely capture of autumn! Happy weekend and hope each day makes you healthier!

  12. Ganz tolle Baumcreation, wieder mit den schönen Perlen und der Metallschimmer sieht auch klasse aus. Kürbisse und der tolle Himmel sind meine Lieblinge diesmal von deiner Fotoserie. Weiterhin gute Besserung und ein schönes Wochenende.

  13. Wow ~ such dazzling creative art work and very meditative ~ wonderful photos ~ my favorite is the white horse ~ ^_^

    (A ShutterBug Explores) Thanks for coming by my blog and commenting. I am a bit late

  14. Wow, this page looks stunning. Gorgeous autumn colours the gilding flakes add a lovely atmosphere almost magical when looking at that awesome tree.
    The 'colours in your world', have been inspirational this month Valerie.
    Lovely photos, I remember the pumkins. I hope that you get your strength back and feel better as the days go by and will be able to go for a walk soon.
    Take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Beautiful mixed media piece the stitches add so much texture and pattern! Yes, it's pumpkin time.

  16. Dear Valerie, nice to know you're feeling a wee bit better - sending you a great big hug :D) xx
    Your Autumn Tree art glows with the brilliant colours that season brings. You've captured the essence of everything that nature shows us. It's an inspiring work and is completed so beautifully with those exquisite created bead flowers. So well done, a real joy to see and I keep going back to look at it.
    Love all your photos too. It's a real joy to take them isn't it, and then to look back on them.
    Really appreciate your post and I hope you have a very Happy PPF and a restful, healing weekend, Sue xx

  17. Oh your mixed media piece is amazing! I love the colors very much. That photo of the pumpkin table is quite wonderful. I hope you continue to feel better.

  18. Nice autumn tree.The beaded bottom really take it over the top and I love the texture they create. We're starting to get into the season now that it has finally cooled off. Brought all my plants inside when I got home from work. Its that time of year. Hope you are steadily improving. Hugs-Erika

  19. This is lovely. I like all the warm Autumn colours and the metallic sheen on the tree. The needlework looks very delicate. Great work.

  20. Wow! This is such a work of art! Just gorgeous.I love the trees.

  21. What a beautiful autumn tree, Valerie! And the photos are great! Kisses, my friend.

  22. Your beautiful Autumn piece reminds me of the tree of life. Love the bright blue sky in your photo. Like the sky on your blog background. Glad you're feeling a little better. Get well soon.

  23. A lovely Autumnal piece, the tree looks amazing. Lovely photos, love the pumpkin display. Hope you're on the mend and back to full strength soon.
    Avril xx

  24. Fantastic Mixed Media and amazing photos - thanks for joining AJJ yet again!
    Take good care of you and recovery completely soon!

  25. Mixed Media seems to be your passion, great work again.
    Your autumn looks the same as here. It's been 'warm' September here too but next week it will be cooler and I guess our trees are soon naked :)
    Have a good weekend!

  26. This is so pretty, the tree looks amazing and so does the beading. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  27. Beautiful post my friend, love the gorgeous mixed media, you do it so well...hugs.xx

  28. Oh I love how the tree looks in this piece. Beautifully done! The autumn photos are wonderful too. :)

  29. Truly, gorgeous post!! Love your art piece! Great tree! Amazing photos! Love seeing the pumpkins! Big Hugs!

  30. I almost missed this very special post, I'm so glad I didn't. :)

  31. This is a lovely post and always nice to see your fantastic photographs.
    Pleased to read that you're feeling a little better, sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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