
Monday 28 August 2017

T stands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT -
-Stitch it-
We want to see some stitching, real or faux on your work!
As always, projects of all formats are allowed and you have 
2 weeks to link your creations to us. Hope to see YOU there!
I made an A4 mixed media piece, using collage and stitching
on a painted, stenciled and stamped BG. My great Auntie Fanny
was a seamstress and very skilled at embroidery and beading, too,
so I think it's good to use her photo here:

This is a hybrid version, as I want to make it my last entry for Jo's
'Poetry in Motion' challenge at Art Journal Journey, and would like to 
thank Jo for all the lovely comments she left on my blog:

And I would like to remind you that you still have a week to enter
 into Michele's 'Back to school' challenge at

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party ,
so I would like to welcome all the nice ladies of the T Gang.
Last week when my cousins were here we had an art-museum day,
and went to an organic and vegan restaurant for lunch. We enjoyed the 
good food, and sitting outside watching the world go by. My drink was
water. Some money from the sale of this water goes to provide
clean water for those who live where it is not normally
available, a dreadful scandal in the world today.

In case you'r wondering where my coffee is, I did have coffee before and 
after my meal!

Last weeks postcards went to Chrissie and CJ. This week
there are 2 unique postcards up for grabs, both with pictures
I painted from photos. If you would like one, please put your name in 
a comment:

 And some photos from out and about:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lots of loveliness in your post again today. Gorgeous journal page with Auntie Danny, love all the neat additions. Fun tag, too, and lovely photos. Great postcards, you will make some people happy with them. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Your auntie would be so proud of you for the creative embroidery and using bits and bobs to create her outfit. I love the schoolgirl practicing her pensmanship, something that sadly isn't taught in many schools here anymore. Lunch looks delicious and kind of the restaurant to help with providing clean water for those in need. Must have been fun watching the world go by while enjoying your lunch. Could you see the ferries on the river? Such happy colors for the ferry. Happy T Day.

    1. Can't wait for your treasure to arrive. Thank you.

  3. so schöne und kreative Arbeiten sind das und wahnsinns tolle Fotos zeigst du wieder!!!
    Gute Nacht und träum schön!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  4. I think your aunt would be proud of you for creating this awesome page Valerie, she looks very regal in her new outfit. Its a fabulous page.
    I was worried when I saw you with water to go with your yummy looking food, where was your coffee? But, can understand why you had it to help people to get clean drinking water in other countries.
    Good to read you had your coffee later. The photos were all lovely today.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  5. Nice work on the mixed media stitched piece and tag. The vegan plate looks delicious! Lovely photos today.

  6. I love your stitched collage, I think your Aunt Fanny would be impressed (my Gran was called Fanny too)
    I love how you made a journal page with it! Of course you had coffee, never imagined that you wouldn't have had one (at least!) Your food looks appetising! Loved the photos once again too! As for your postcards - I love flowers and cows so I would love either of these if I should be lucky! Happy T day! Hugs,Chrisx

  7. Your posts are always full of wonderfulness! Loved your latest art, the food looks delicious, and I loved all the photos. great post cards! I love the cow I already won one that I love so will not enter again.
    Happy T Day Kathy

  8. super art projects Valerie! I do love the vintage piece with the lovely fibers and lace...and that's a great quote for the back to school piece. Love your photos- especially that butterfly. Fabulous postcards, and i do love them both ....but that cow is pulling at my heartstrings.Thank you for offering them up, and happy T day!

  9. I love your stitching page. You created some amazing texture and I love all the trim and fabric pieces you used. Is that photo of your aunt another transfer ? I love how it looks on the beautiful background. And not tryin to be greedy but you can put my name in for one of your gorgeous postcard this week too. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. I just used an ordinary collaged print here!

  10. Aunt Fanny looks beautiful in her regal gear and would probably love that you chose her for TioT's theme, something I also can sink my teeth into. Just wish I felt more like sewing, but at least I have two weeks to get well.

    I simply adore your back to school offering. It's a fabulous tag and very impressive digital art.

    I've read about that program that supplies fresh drinking water to those in need, especially in Africa, India, and third world countries where there is no access to water, or the water is so contaminated it's unsafe to drink. Of course, I really want to visit a vegan restaurant, because there are none in my town.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your beautiful photos for the day, your vegan lunch, and your worthwhile water with us for T this Tuesday. Now I'm off to see what else I've missed in the past three days.

  11. Full of beauty and wonder throughout the whole post...xx [aNNie]

  12. Beautiful T stands for This and ThaT post!

  13. What a wonderful tribute to your Aunt and such beautiful words! Thanks so much for all your amazing entries for Art Journal Journey and it's easy to write lovely comments when the art is so inspirational, thank you and you are very welcome! I also appreciate you asking me to host this month's theme at AJJ in the first place 😁. I love the fabrics you have used for this piece and the photo of your Aunt and stars shining in the background are perfect for the quote you used! The organic and vegan restaurant looks lovely, definitely somewhere I'd like to try, the food looks delicious! It's nice to know they are helping others too and I agree, it's terrible that some people still don't have clean drinking water in the world. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊

  14. Eine sehr schöne Näh-Kreation und wundervolle Fotos, Valerie

  15. I would like to do mail art with you -- only if you provide your return address so I can reciprocate! We'll swap addresses in email, OK?!

    Oh, and love the art -- stitching would stop me cold. You'd see faux ink stitching instead of thread!

  16. Valerie what lovely pictures you showed us today... the embroidery is beautiful.. what a great picture of your Fanny... and the sun pictures are beautiful... Happy happy T day my friend... Hugs! deb

  17. Hi Valerie, your art work is always incredible. Love this stitched piece and the back to school design is beautiful. I love the quote. Great photos as always.
    Happy Tuesday. xo

  18. Valerie, I love your mixed media piece, using collage and stitching.
    Fabulous idea to put your great Auntie Fanny, too!

  19. I bet Aunt Fanny is smiling, Valerie. I like your "back to school" tag and the quote you chose. Lovely mail art paintings. I would be delighted to receive either one.

    Your lunch looks delicious.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  20. Love your stitching on your homage to Aunt Fanny. I would love to receive one of your cards. I also had photos of butterflies on my page,so I do believe we are in sync. Love the boat with all the color. Happy t day!

  21. Gorgeous! A rainbow of colors in the background. The lace is such a pretty addition.

  22. What a wonderful tribute to your aunt! Adore it!
    Very hot here, so I really enjoyed your photos of the river...always do, but today even more.
    Happy T-day

  23. What a perfect tribute to your Aunt Fanny.
    Those postcards are amazing! I'm not entering because you were already kind enough to send a 'pretty' across the way for me. But they are beautiful.
    I love the butterfly shot.
    Have a day filled with sparkle.

  24. I agree it really is a scandal that there are people in the world without access to clean water. It is a suitable cause for that company, I think. Very appropriate.

    Your "out and about" photos are wonderful! Scenic :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  25. How wonderful to feature your great aunt, the piece is lovely and is your school inspired piece. I also love the postcards, but I'm not sure if it would be greedy to say I'd like one as I'm lucky enough to have one one the way as is! Your photos are beautiful, the rainbow one is especially gorgeous.

  26. Absolutely love your first piece of artwork Valerie, the background is amazing and your great aunt's image looks beautiful against it. Lovely photos too.
    Fliss xx

  27. such lovely art work and photos! I am always drawn to vintage images, and you can't go wrong with stitching! Happy T day!

  28. A fabulous piece Valerie and lovely to use a picture of your Great Aunt Fanny, I'm sure she'd be pleased. Great photos and it's a stunning one of the butterfly.
    Avril xx

  29. Fabulous page with beautiful details and a great tribute to your aunt Fanny!
    Your tag is so creative too!
    Hugs, Mar

  30. What a very nice idea to use the picture of your Great Aunt.
    Always good to see your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  31. I always love your stitching on your pieces Valerie! I do believe you are an inspiration to me and that is why I now have too tried my hand at this!Now I need to start using my own relatives as well! heehee
    Love that School tag with the look of the open window- so clever!!
    Another great visit here- I will always be back for more- thank you!

  32. A fabulous piece , I love how you used your ancestors photo. I spend so much time on your blog as there is so much of interest on here.


  33. Absolutely beautiful...pages and photos!

  34. Your Great Aunt Fanny looks wonderful here, very regal, and fabulous photographs as always xx

  35. What can I say, another beautiful post! I love the art piece with your Aunt!! The back to school piece is wonderful! Your food looks so yummy! It is sad about the water! I love your nature photos! The sky is glorious! Big Hugs! (You know I love your postcards, just incase anyone else doesn't put their names in!)

  36. your stitched tag is most impressive. and boy did you ever make a lot of school themed tags! and all of them stunning. take good care. xo


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