
Thursday 17 August 2017

Summer Queen.

Hi Everybody!

For Paint Party Friday I have another collaged, mixed media piece, 
about A4 size. I did lots of sewing, adding scraps that were flying about 
on my sewing table. The face is a stamp from LaBlanche, stamped onto
canvas collaged with old paper. For the BG I used corrugated
cardboard, freshly peeled and picked, and then a layer of tyvek,
which was painted, burnt and bubbled. I have called it
'Queen of the summer'

I also made a hybrid version with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi
and am linking to Jo's 'Poetry in Motion' challenge

 For the use your scraps challenge at Tag Tuesday
I have another scrappy mixed media tag - how to clear your table
 without really trying!

Yesterday my buddy G and I went on a little outing
to the other side of the Rhine. First we had to wait for the Ferry,
which was still at the other side:

Here it comes:

Then we drove on. The signs tell you to put the brakes on!

This sign tells people to let cars off first - before bikes and pedestrians:

Another look back at 'our' side:

Then we were off up the ramp to our 'adventures'

Watching the ferry sail away:

Tomorrow I will show more photos, including a sharp-toothed
crocodile we met along the way....

The postcard draw from Tuesday's blog was won by  Kathyinozarks.
I also picked a second name, so another card will be going to
  Lisa Isabella Russo. Congratulations! Please
send me your snail-mail addies via the contact link .

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The photos bring back nice memories of a trip on the ferry to the other side, what fun we all had! Wonderful art today, both pieces are fantastic, and the first piece is really fit for a queen, just out of this world. Glad you had such a fun day out!
    Hugs, Sarah

  2. I am speechless at the wonders on your artwork project today. It must have been so much fun to make it-hopefully as much fun as I am having looking at it.

    The tag is fantastic and it is wonderful what can be made with things that are just waiting for something to happen.

    Great trip across the Rhine but the looks of things and terrific that the weather was fine. Always nice to share a trip with someone as well

    Have a great day and thanks for the inspiring post

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Your summer queen is so beautiful - thank you for sharing the digital extra version of that piece with AJJ - great quote ! Your tag is pretty and the ferry photos are super interesting!
    Happy Thursday!

  4. Nah das ist wirklich die Quenn of Summer grosstarig und hübsch sie ist und was du alles benutzt hast, toll!Der Spruch von Ghandi ist so schön passend dazu!!!
    Dein Tag ist bezaubernd mit den Vögel und all den Ticket und Briefmarken. Die Überfahrt ist toll mit diesen kleinen Fähren und die Ruine von Kaiserswerth, tolle Fotos wieder!
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir genauso
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. Love your Summer Queen and love looking at the tiny scraps you used for your beautiful tag! Looks like quite an adventure you are going on so I hope I can get a connection tomorrow! Hugs, Chrisx

  6. Your " Queen of Summer" is spectacular and I'm overjoyed that you added a quote to join Art Journal Journey - thank you! The quote you choose is so thought provoking and is so apt for your queen of summer too 😁. The layers of colourful fabrics and stitching is amazing and as you know from my comments on your Frida page, I adore those beautiful beads - perfect! Your collage tag is wonderful too and such a good way to clear your table ... lol 😉. Looks like you had a great day out with your friend and I can't wait to see the crocodile 😁. Thanks again and Happy Thursday! J 😊

  7. Beautiful photos of the ferry, Valerie! I love "traveling" with you!!!! And your collage is absolutely beautiful and perfect for this month's AJJ theme! I love the gorgeous tag you made, too! I always enjoy visiting your blog, my friend! Happy Thursday!!!

  8. Thanks for the ferry ride and congrats to the lucky winners! Your summer queen inspiration is marvelous! And a cute tag from scraps too.

  9. Love the lady's hat on your journal page. I'm amazed at the sewing as I can barely sew on buttons. I enjoyed the ferry ride across the Rhine. The Charles River separates Boston from Cambridge. To get from one side to the other, you either drive across one of the bridges or take the subway.

  10. I was in love with the first piece till I saw the second. So much talent, so little time:) If you get tired of art maybe you should start designing hats:)

  11. Your piece is amazing! Enjoyed your pics as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday too! So kind of you. My best, Yvonne

  12. Cool new header and I love the ferry photos. I bet it was fun just to take the ferry across the Rhine. And loving the tags for sure. The texture on the first one is amazing, and I wouldn't have thought to put postage stamps and birds together-but they work so well. Hope its been a good day. hugs-erika

  13. Totally amazing mixed media artwork Valerie and especially love the first piece. Great photos too as always.
    Fliss xx

  14. Beautiful mixed media creation and great photos! Kisses, my friend.

  15. It's amazing how you use so many elements to create such wonderful art! I especially love the tag. Wonderful photos as well.

  16. Beautiful textured collage with so many elements to look at :) Your scrappy tag is gorgeous as well. And as always, you've included wonderful photographs... Take care Shirleyxx

  17. I absolutely love your Queen of Summer. Love the quote you added too. Great photos from your ferry ride too.
    Your lazy American Friend,

    1. If you're lazy I'm a panda bear, and as I don't like bamboo that is hardly possible!

  18. Your Summer Queen is a beautiful, so much to see with the layers and materials you used, it is an awesome page .
    The tag is also fantastic, its amazing what can be done with bits and pieces.
    Super photos from the ferry.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Wow! That is an amazing textile collage! So stunning!!! The colors make it pop. Love this!

  20. Queen of the Summer is fabulous. I adore her face and simply LOVE her hat. The background is lovely, too.

    LOVED your scraps tag. Laughed at your take of how to clear your table without really trying. It's a fabulous tag, indeed.

    I love the new blogger heading and was very impressed with the photos from both sides of the Rhine. It looked like a wonderful adventure, although it probably wasn't as much of one for you as it was for me!

  21. Nice new blog layout! Beautiful and eclectic designs! Hilarious about using the bits flying in the craft room! Haha! Hugz!

  22. OOh I love the way this piece is put together! Fabulous hat and dress details!! Wonderful work!

    Hugs Giggles

  23. Sehr schön die Sommer-Lady mit den Federn als Kopfschmuck und dem raffinierten Perlenschmuck, auch die fröhlichen Farben der Stoffe für Hut und Kleid mag ich sehr. Ein Augenschmaus! Das Recycling-Tag mit den zauberhaften Vögeln darauf ist auch total klasse gemacht. Dein Materialmix ist immer spannend anzuschaun.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  24. I absolutely love all the colors you used in the first piece. The birds are well done, just with scraps! Happy PPF.

  25. wow,die lady mit ihrem fedehut gebettet in tüll und perlen ist ganz zauberhaft,die farben sind auch hübsch,und dein vogel tag ist auch wunderschön.
    deinen neuen header mit der fähre find ich auch toll.
    einen schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  26. In love with your Queen of Summer. She has so much texture and color. I am really drawn to the bead work that looks like fans. Its the colors and textures of the hat with the feathers that give her an endearing quality.

  27. Your Queen of Summer certainly knows how to dress...especially when wearing feathers!
    The scraps as you say have certainly made a beautiful tag. I love the colourful birds. One looks like a Bullfinch?
    Thanks also for taking me on the ferry trip too.
    Happy PPF to you :D

  28. love your fabulous summer queen, and the tag is delightful! What lovely scenrey and ferry ride to fun! Happy PPF!

  29. I love the red stitching! And that face stamp is really pretty. The beadwork fans may be my favorite part tho. It really draws your eye. Happy PPF!

  30. OMG your collage is stunning, so much going on there. Luv the crop where the feathers are highlighted

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today.

    Creative hours to you

    Much love...

  31. Creative art pieces! And looks like you had fun on the water! :)

  32. Awww, thank you! I didn't notice I had won, I was so taken with your art...

  33. So creative. And loved the look of the ferry trip

  34. Just love your bird tag.
    Always nice to see your photo's, looks a good ferry trip.

    Congrats to Lisa ...

    All the best Jan

  35. Seriously, do you sleep? LOL! Love both your pieces!! The first one is so beautiful and the second is so much fun! Love your ferry ride! Big Hugs!

  36. I enjoyed seeing everything you incorporated into this marvelous art piece. Great pictures. . .how wonderful to be close enough to have an adventure like this. Blessings, Janet

  37. Love both pieces, Valerie -- and also your new header, which corresponds so well with the photos in this post. It looks like a fun ride!

  38. Both piece are just exquisite Valerie!!
    I must admit, I finally took the plunge and starting sewing more on my pieces like you have inspired me- and I am so loving it!
    hugs my friend!


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