
Thursday 3 August 2017

Going shopping

Hi Everybody!
Hope your week is going well - here it's just
going too fast to catch up on it!

For Paint Party Friday I have a mixed media collage
using  an altered postcard. Once again I used
a b/w postcard from the 1930's, showing a statue from Georg Kolbe.
He was a prolific artist and sculptor,  but a little too eager to please the Nazis 
for my taste. I coloured the card with soft, feminine colours to soften
the hard lines of his work, using oil pastels.
 I did a lot of sewing, and stitched it all onto
corrugated card, adding some coordinating colours of burlap
and feathers:

I am also linking to altered eclectics, anything goes, and 
eclectic Elapu, anything goes

For Art Journal Journey, Jo's theme of 'poetry in motion', I have
a digitally made piece using freebies from Serif and Foxie Squirrel.
The little girl in the centre of the rusty frames is Erika

Today I had planned to go for a walk along the Rhine, but as the
weather was very inclement, I changed my plans and went on
the tram to Nord Strasse, a shopping street almost in the centre of 
Düsseldorf,very 'towny', always busy, and 
with lots of 'normal' shops - in comparison to the beautiful
 and for me much too expensive
shops in our little place here.
There are lots of street cafés, and there is always something going on:

The road is always busy; bikes, cars, buses, pedestrians and trams
 often struggle to get through:

There are some quiet yards behind the houses:

This shop only sells candies and chocolates -
I did not go in!

Organic fruit and veggies:

A cow guarding the snack bar:

Kebabs with and without meat:


The street also boasts several Euro-shops and 2 thrift stores,
so I did not come home without some bargains. More
pictures to follow tomorrow!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Once again I love the art. I do love the changes you made to the postcard ♥ That street does look very busy!! For some reason I am no longer getting your postings notifications y emails. It just started this week. I haven't had time to check it out as I have been at my parents. My Dad had a bad spell with his heart again and had to have emergency surgery to install a pacemaker . Of course nothing goes smoothly and his right lung filled with fluid. So he is still in the hospital but getting better every day. I came home late last night and now have 300 plus emails to sort through . Don't know when I'll get back to my blog.

  2. Amazing artwork - bith pieces so unique - thank you for the beautiful digital piece linked to Jo's theme and such interesting photos - great that you had a nice shopping day.

  3. The tag is wonderful, but I was really moved by the page you created. I love the nostalgia it evokes. Or maybe because I'm watching Doctor Who, I thought the page reflects all that she was, all that she is, all that she would be.

    I really enjoyed a look at Düsseldorf. So much to see and I was surprised how green with so many trees. the trolley is so modern, and shiny. A good foil to the city around it. I love the shops, especially the chocolate shop. You'll have to promise to go back there and to go in!

    1. I'm glad you picked up the vibes I was trying to send with my journal page.

  4. Love the mixed media collage with all the sewing, and the Erika page is wonderful. I know you loved her a lot, as she did you. Great photos of Nord Strasse, lots of memories for us there! Have a great evening, hugs, Sarah

  5. Beautiful creations! All such gorgeous works..magical and soulful...truly wonderful art! Fantastic photos...awesome to see all of these places!
    have a beautiful day

  6. I love your collage! Your art journal page is like a lovely dream!I loved seeing Dusseldorf but those shopping streets look busy! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. The tag is really nicely done and detailed too. Great walk around town, looks like a wonderful place to visit. Nice of you to share!

  8. enjoyed shopping with you today! Lovely mixed media collage for PPF and lovely piece for AJJ!

  9. Really love your brilliant collage with all of the fibers! Your digital layout is amazing with the Vintage images! This is a totally different view from where I live...what a fun place to see!! Thanks for sharing! :) HUGS

  10. Great tag, love the sewing embellishments. Your journal page is beautiful, love how the white butterflies pop. A shopping trip is always fun. Your transportation system looks very nee. We could use an update here.

  11. oohh wow,so schöne werke wider und toll das du soviel spass hattst bei deiner shopping tour,ich war auch letzte woche shoppen und hab mir sportslipper und sportklamotten gekauft,im moment muss bei mir alles gemütlich sein.
    schöne bilder hast du gemacht,die strassenbahn ist ja toll, früher hatten wir auch noch eine,nun fahren nur noch busse und bahnen.
    hab einen schönen abend,liebe val.

    hugs jenny

  12. great city photos..yes ;O)) and i do love the soft feminine colours on your art.

  13. The soft feminine colours of you altered postcard are lovely and the ribbons (and such) finish it wonderfully! Your digital piece for Art Journal Journey is beautiful, I love the vintage feel and both the images and quote fill it with a lovely sense of nostalgia 😁. There is just so much to look at and you always layer your images so seamlessly, it is a stunning page! I think you were wise walking round the shops to avoid the weather and they look great especially that chocolate shop, yum ... it's probably best if I avoid it too 😉. Thanks joining in the fun and have a great day! J 😊

  14. Amazing colours on the first piece Valerie and bold additions as well. Love the sewing.

    Your Erika collage is wonderful and the words so moving. You captured everything in this piece.

    Thank you for sharing the photographs of Dusseldorf as O often wonder what it looks like when my daughter visits there with her work. I don't think she sees much of it at she is always too busy

    Have a nice evening

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. As always, the tag you created is wonderful, and filled with pain, I'm sure. Erika looks beautiful in that AJJ entry. I think the mood of the piece is dark, yet hopeful.

    LOVED the photos of Düsseldorf today. I was surprised at the Woolworth store. I haven't seen one of those in the States since the late 80s. I especially liked the colorful flower pots sitting on the balcony above Rossmann. But the best of all was the cow guarding the pulled pork and pulled beef. I laughed and laughed when I saw it.

  16. Das Dinner-Tag hast du super gestaltet,da gefallen mir die fröhlichen Farben, auch der Bänder-Deko. Die digitale Seite ist einfach ein Traum, so schöne Motive und du hast Alles wieder meisterlich zusammen gefügt. Die Poesie darauf gefällt mir auch sehr. Schöne Fotostrecke, da mag ich die schöne Hof-Szene am liebsten.
    Liebe Grüße

  17. That dude is seriously scary.
    I love the second piece. There's so many interesting parts to it. And the poem is perfect.
    What a fun walk. I love to gawk, er, gaze at all the novelty shops:)

  18. Lovely pieces Valerie, so different, and Erika looks wonderful again. Dusseldorf looks a fabulous place, not full of Poundland and empty shops that we have here xx

  19. I liked how you made over the card for your tag, that figure wouldn't be left without altering for me either.
    It is an awesome journal page using Erika's photo again. The words were beautiful.
    Super photos from the town, I wonder what bargains you managed to find in the shops.
    Yvonne xx

  20. I love so very much of your work but the ones that seem to speak to me most are either loaded with color (and Paris!) or very vintage. I think Erika speaks to you when you use her image. Every piece I've seen you do that features her is exquisite.

  21. toll deine Karte mit dem Läufer und dein Art journal ein Kunstwerk das ist so wunderschön und berührend mit dem Spruch!
    Ja da habe ich den Woolworth das erstemal kennen gelernt dort und den Weihnachtsmarkt in der Strasse.. nein Danke das würde mir heute nicht mehr gefallen dieser Betrieb auf der Strasse... wenn ich mri vorstelle da Fahrrad zu fahren grausig für mich.

    Lieben Gruss Elke

  22. Wonderful texture on your altered postcard collage. Your art journal page is splendid. I love the details of print on the lady's clothing. It was fun going shopping with you today. Sorry for leaving you on the curb while I went into the candy shop. :) hugs, Teresa

  23. I love what you did with the postcard. It makes a cool tag. And also a very cool piece for AJJ. It has a great vintage feel but isn't all brown like so much vintage. And can't wait to see your treasures. I love seeing this busy shopping area. Looks like you had a fun day. :) Hugs-Erika

  24. First you know how much I enjoy seeing your art. Today I am loving these photos. The busy streets, lots of color and great shops.

  25. Lovely collage with great textures! Great street photos. Happy PPF!

  26. Terrific, dynamic piece. Visiting from PPF, have a great weekend!

  27. Love these quaint photos of the shops! Lovely art too!

    Hugs Giggles

  28. Love the shop pics so interesting and love your fabulous textures on your collage.xxEnjoy your weekend.♥

  29. You create such textured pieces...and wow...thanks for the glimpse into your world....I live in the streets of suburbia in Western Sydney...happy ppf...xx

  30. Lovely textured art and digitally created art ~ love the poem and fun day shopping with you via your fascinating photos ~ ^_^

  31. Absolutely wonderful art, I love the poem!
    Great photos too!

  32. Really nice pieces. I especially the one of little Erika with her fur muff. (I had one of rabbit fur. I had completely forgotten it till I saw Erika's. Love the photos too. The cow guarding the snack shop was a surprise!

  33. Love your collages! And great street scenes.

  34. Lovely pieces today but I was drawn the lovely grungy/vintage one with that wonderful photo of Erika.
    Lots to see and lots going on in your street photos - I assume you didn't go in to the sweet shop because you were laden with bargains and had no free hands :)
    Gill xx

  35. Love your mixed-media piece. You used so much and the little details you added were great. Going shopping with you was fun too. Actually going anywhere via pictures with you is one of my favorites! Big hugs and Happy PPF!!!

  36. That shopping street is lovely and I loved seeing the cow... we have a street with several painted cows along it not to far from where I live... It is a favourite to visit... those trams look amazing too... very futuristic in design...

  37. I really enjoyed the words on your artwork ...
    Lovely to see your photographs, love the cow and the Organic fruit and veg.

    All the best Jan

  38. Wanted to see the canvas you mentioned in your current post, love it and the poem -like a before and after.
    Glad to hear you got some bargains on your shopping trip.
    Avril xx

  39. Fabulous pieces today! The tag is wonderful, love the stitching and the corrugated background. The digital piece is so vintage, at first I didn't even realize it was a digital piece!! What a great little shopping shop. I adore the shops that sell flowers out on the street, brightens up the whole place. Thrift shops!!!!! YAY!!!! Sending hugs :)

  40. Great postcard!
    And oh how I love to go visiting and sight seeing with you!
    The candy shop would have surely lured me in- good for you to hold your ground!

  41. You softened the hard edges and memory of a talented artist whose leanings were toward pleasing the Nazis in that way changing the whole feeling of the piece and making it your own. I have never visited Düsseldorf. I like seeing it from your eyes.

  42. Both art pieces are amazing Val! No candy or chocolate? LOL! I love where you live! It looks so beautiful! Big Hugs!

  43. How lovely! great stitching! Thank you for sharing with us at Altered Eclectics this month. Sammy-x


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