
Tuesday 1 August 2017

Cats and a mystery.

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well!

Donna recently sent me a whole sheet of cat stamps, and I
needed wanted to try them out. I made a quick background using 
distress oxides in peacock feather, salty ocean and twisted citron, with 
a hint of black soot to add depth. I stamped the cats in rows using 
Archival black, and added some colour to their eyes 
and noses using Gelatos. I sewed the 8" tag to a background
made from a recycled calendar, and added a black bow and a cat
charm. I am linking to Moo Mania and More, cats,
and Country View Challenges, blues and greens, and to
Tag Tuesday, my fave colour combination:

I made this digital piece using 
 a freebie set from Mischief Circus, called
Songbirdy debut. Now you might be wondering
why those people are where they are, and what they are doing there. 
Who is the ghostly woman in the background? Why are they
with a zebra and not a horse? And above all - what is hidden in that box
at the front right? And could it all change when the clock strikes 12.00?
If YOU know the answers, please let me know!

And this piece, made a year or so back is meant for Elizabeth's
2nd on the 2nd. It shows my late husband as a rather
rebellious school boy:

The photos were taken yesterday morning,
I love watching the sun rise:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fabulous cat tag Valerie with wonderful colours

    Really terrific artwork on the page with a story to tell of illegally Importing wild animals at dead of night and a ghostly keeper who looks after them.

    Usual wonderful sunrise pictures from you as well

    A great post

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. The questions make the artwork that much more mysterious. I am thinking it has something to do with teleportation. :)

    I love watching the sunrise and set. So many beautiful variations. Thanks for sharing your photos.

  3. Love the fun cat tag, the repetitions somehow play tricks on the eyes, great! Your mysterious art is cool, I think they are have run away from a circus and don't know the way home - perhaps there's a map or a magic carpet in the box?? Thanks for the suspense!
    Great photos, too, as always. Hugs, Sarah

  4. A fabulous tag - love to see it linked to Moo Mania & More - Thank you very much and the digital collage is super - but I am sorry I can't help with answers! Great sunrise photos!

  5. wow aww gorgeous tag, love it. and the"circus" is awsome to

  6. Beautiful cat tag. Your digital piece certainly inspires a lot of questions! Wonderful sunrise photos too.

  7. Love your tag full of cats, and the digi page is full of quirky mysteries and atmosphere - such fun to tell stories from the images you've combined. Amazing, amazing skyscapes. I'm not often up for sunrise, so thank you for sharing those!
    Alison x

  8. wie süss das Katzenbild mit dem Rand umnäht und mystisch schön die Seite grossartig gelungen dir. Ein schönes Erinnerungsbild von deinem Verstorbenen Mann das Layout ist super.
    Deine Sonnenuntergänge sind so romantisch!
    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche!!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  9. I love those cats
    Happy second on the 2nd

  10. The cats of course get a thumbs up. I always love what you pull off Mischief Circus, so steam punk. And your husband was a hottie.
    The sunrise....glorious.
    Have a great one, my friend.

  11. Those cats look ook great fun against that beautiful background and of course I love your mysterious digi creation, specially like that couple, I'm sure they have an amazing story to tell. But, my absolute favourite piece for today is the second of the second one, such a wonderful photo of your late hubby, - and those skies, what can I say, they look amazing!

  12. The new cat stamps look great Valerie, it is a fantastic tag and I like the sweet tiny cat you added.
    Its an awesome digital page, love all the layers and the area of mystery with the shadow figures in the background. Perhaps the woman in the background is his lover who wants to see what he is up to with her sister, when they say they are just going for a walk in the wood. Could be they plan a surprise gift for her and cannot make up their minds. Mind you I think the contents of the box could be something like a new hat, how disappointing, when there is so many stories that can be woven when looking at this page.
    Its a great post to read tonight and all the photos look lovely.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Supersüß dein Katzen-Tag, sogar noch mit Katzenanhängerchen. Deine digitale Collage sieht märchenhaft und superklasse aus, regt die Fantasie an. Die Collage mit dem Foto deines Mannes ist auch sehr gelungen. Er kuckt da sehr energisch oder auch kritisch drein. Die Sonnenaufgangs-Fotos sind auch wieder so schön, kann man nie genug davon kriegen.
    Liebe Grüße

  14. Oh I love the kitty tag, it is wonderful! I do not have any answers to your questions about your mysterious piece, but I like it very much. The 2nd 2nd piece is also excellent and the photos are lovely...

  15. I love all of the artwork you shared today!! Such fabulous digital work - very mysterious indeed!

  16. Well I love your cat tag Valerie (of course) and you digi piece has me intrigued, if anyone comes up with the answers please let me know :-) xx

  17. A lovely lover of art, nature and mystery. Love your page today...xx

  18. Those are great cat images. I think you got a good set stamps for sure. And your digital piece must be a movie poster for some slightly sci-fi/fantasy themed movie. :) I enjoyed seeing your page with your school boy view of your husband again. I do remember this page you made. Enjoy those beautiful summer sunrises. Hugs-Erika

  19. i love the kitty tag especially the cat's eyes.I think the zebra will turn into a horse of a different color at midnight. The box is a mounting box. So fun to make up stories. Your husband was a handsome young man. Such mesmerizing eyes. I love the contrails the plane make. You caught one in mid-flight. I wonder there the plane is headed?

  20. das katzentag ist sehr schön,und deine digiseite mag ich besonders,sehr klasse gemacht.
    deine seite mit deinem ehemann finde ich auch klasse,und die sonnenuntergangsbilder sind ein traum.
    einen schönen tag wünsch ich dir.

    hugs jenny

  21. so many awesome cats! i'm glad you got that free songbirdy kit -- wonderful isn't it? your husband was very handsome. take good care. xo

  22. Here I am in the dark, so to speak, because your blog was not updated as of an hour ago. It seems so many people have seen your lovely art already and I was not even aware it was there.

    Golly, I love, love, love those cat stamps. The repetition is wonderful and they are simply adorable stamps.

    I was quite puzzled by the scene. I think the dog has magical powers and turned a horse into the zebra at the stroke of midnight. So, do YOU know the answer?

    I remember this photo of your husband, and noted then what a handsome man he was. Gosh, you two must have been a stunning couple wherever you went. Thanks for sharing this for a second look on the 2nd.

    1. The blog has been up since yesterday afternoon!

  23. Fabulous Tag, the cats look gorgeous on that scrummy background. Thanks for playing along with us at Country View Crafts hugs Debsxx

  24. Valerie, Your cat tag is Purrrrrrr-fectly wonderful!! I love that you used all the stamps and the kitty hanging as well!!
    Your digi piece is enchanting and looks like there is a story behind these characters....
    What a most handsome lad your husband was, and yes, the look of mischievous is in his eyes! heehee
    sending hugs my friend,Jackie xx

  25. Your husband was a very handsome young man. You must miss him terribly. He has such a kind face.

    Love the cats!

  26. Hi Valerie!! What a wonderful post! I love your cool and creative cat tag! And both of your works of art are fabulous as always, my friend! I love the stories they tell. And your photos are, well, just WOW!!!!

  27. What a truly amazing post from top to bottom!! I really love that tag and your digital art is stunning! :)

  28. Hope you enjoyed your coffee and sunrise this morning:)

  29. I love the cats on your fabulous cat tag and your mystery piece is stunning - your husband certainly was very handsome.
    xxx Hazel.

  30. Das sind alles wundervolle Kunstwerke und Fotos von Dir, Valerie.

    Danke für's Teilen bei MOO MANIA & MORE

  31. The sunrise just makes your heart soar ... lovely pictures.

    Really liked the photograph showing your husband.

    All the best Jan

  32. I love your cat tag! The oxides have made a brilliant background for these gorgeous cats! I do remember the journal page featuring your hubby! I so wish we had a decent view of the sunrise! When I was growing up the sun rise from my Mum and Dad's room was always lovely - it is a great reminder when I see yours! As for the mystery page - well all I can say is that if we were party to the answer we might regret it! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Hmm, you might be right there, there's probably a lot of bad stuff hiding in that box!

  33. I love your cat tag! Priceless! Very mysterious digital piece! Cool! Wonderful art with your hubby!! Love your photos! Truly breath taking! Big Hugs!

  34. Beautiful work today! I love your oxide background on the tag, and those kitty stamps are so much fun! What a wonderful piece with your hubby, and the mystery zebra piece really had me conjuring some unusual stories! Fantastic sky pics, I have been enjoying my sunrises on the new patio! hugs :)

  35. Gorgeous cat tag! The eyes are a bit scary but it's great fun... Thanks for joining us at Country View Challenges this month!

  36. Great cat tag ! Thank you for joining me in my challenge over at Country View Crafts !
    Corrie x


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