
Thursday 13 July 2017

Thursday This and That

Hi Everybody!

We had a really cool and splishy-splashy wet day here - 
it poured non stop, and it was so good to feel some cooler
air and listen to the sound of the wind in the trees and the
rain-drops on the leaves. I am sure the plants will also
be grateful for their water, too!

For Elizabeth's summertime love theme at Art Journal Journey
I have a digital creation, using elements from me and 
Mischief Circus. The words are part of a great song from
Joe Cocker. I made the figures partly transparent to show
them melting in the summer sun in the city,
and the girls look like they need a cool drink. I am
also linking to Paint Party Friday, and Digitally made:

Last week I had fun making some embellishments from plaster
of Paris, and it was even more fun playing with them

I recycled a triangular canvas, which I smeared with
grainy structure paste, pressing  2 roses into it before letting it dry.
Then it got 2 coats of gesso before I could distress it.

I gave it 2 coats of Royal Flash metallic paint in black, and sprinkled
iron powder over it while still wet. When it was dry I used various
rust patinas from Pentart and Ranger to add colour. Some parts were
glazed to make a contrast to the rough textures, and here I used
some metallic waxes from Pentart to give colour.
I am linking my rusty roses to Simon Monday Challenge, distress; 
Altered eclectics both anything goes, and Mixed Media Monthly, altered embellishments.

And I have more photos from my visit to the botanical garden:

I haven't seen snapdragons for years, so was glad to find this
childhood favourite again:

There were also plenty of bees and other insects buzzing happily around:

And an insect hotel:

 These wild artichokes were huge, and looked a bit like
over-sized thistles:

More photos to follow!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful post! Love the cool piece you did for summer in the city, and the black and rusty roses are more than fabulous, love them very much. I didn't know that artichokes looked like that either, they are gorgeous. Glad you had such a fun day there. Have a nice day, have fun with your friend. Hugs, Sarah

  2. I'll be singing that song all night. It's a beautiful entry and a wonderful representation of the song and the heat of the city. I've noticed how much hotter it is downtown than it is in the burbs. You have shown it well.

    I'm in awe of your plaster of paris. I may have to try some of that next month. I even have a big jar of plaster that I got at my Household Hazardous Waste Swap and Shop one year. Your canvas is fabulous.

    I have never seen an artichoke growing, much less a wild one. They are really lovely. I enjoyed the bug hotel, and was trying to describe them to Scott last night. Simply lovely photos today, and a great Art Journal Journey entry. Thanks for joining in today. It's always appreciated!

  3. Your creativity and artistic spirits really inspires me, love all of this as always.. wow.. [aNNie]

  4. das Journal Paris ist interessant und fantastisch gestaltet und ob mit den Engelflügel oder das Dreieck *wow*ist das faszinierend wie du das von der Farbe gemacht hast auch. Klasse!!!
    Der botanische Garten ist wunderschön mit den Blumen!!!
    Ich wünsche dir noch eine schönen Tag
    Lieben Gruss Elke
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. What a terrific post full of wonders.

    The page is fantastic with such a great song to choose.I will be singing that all day. Such interesting ideas on the page as well. As I looked at it in more detail I noticed all sorts of interesting stuff.

    Wonderful metal effects you created on your plaster casts and I am sure you had lots of fun making those.

    Beautiful photographs and I just love the simple path with the wooden fence and the delicate planting--a very clever arrangement for sure--wish I had a bigger garden to recreate it.

    Lots of people here still grow snapdragons and the choice of colours these days is wonderful. Will try to find some and take pictures for you as you seem to like those. We used to take of the flowers and you could make them open and shut their 'jaws'. Kept me amused for hours:)

    Have a great day and I hope it stays dry for you today

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. awww the journal is just fab love it alot. Love the canwas really Arty ;O)) and the photos from botanical garden is fab specially love the logs with all the holes in so so great photo, I love wood and logs and always take a photo of them my self

  7. Great post Valerie - your AJJ page is really cool!
    The triangle canvas is fantastic - love the pieces you made in the moulds.
    Have you tried the moulds with layers of wet scrunched up tissue in?
    Thanks for sharing more of your great photos of the botanical gardens.
    Have a great day...
    Gill xx

    1. No, I haven't tried it yet, but I will next time I have a messy play-time!

  8. Beautiful page with the 'melting girls'. Your plaster of Paris piece is good. Stunning flowers at the gardens and happy PPF!

  9. It's been wet here too. Love your pieces -- great graphics you used -- and your plaster is really impressive. Don't you love working in molds/three dimensional? Haven't done it for awhile and I think I must again! Love the gorgeous blooms!

    1. Sometimes I just get an itch in my fingers and need to do 3D stuff!

  10. An awesome journal page, so many great image layers. The triangular canvas was stunning, I think you must have had a great time making the embellishments.
    Loved today's photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  11. What gorgeous art! I especially love your triangular piece, it is wonderful. What beautiful photos too, the artichokes are so lovely.

  12. Love the digital art, you're very good at it! I also LOVE the pictures from the Botanical garden, how lovely!

  13. such a great addition to PPF, your photography is spectacular and the plaster looks like such fun. I"m betting on a nice rainy day its fun to get your hands gooshy. We could use some rain up here if you don't mind sending some of those clouds in an envelope right away, lol. Have a great upcoming weekend.

  14. That is a fantastic piece of art. Quite challenging for me. The flower garden/bushes are extraordinary and grand. I am in love totally. Blessings, Janet

  15. Loving your art...and glorious photos from the pretty...xx

  16. An awesome work of everything about it..
    Fab entry for our challenge over at Rhedd's Creative Spirit..x

  17. fabulous digital ppage Valerie!! Beautiful botanical gardens . I can see how you were inspired to make your plaster roses. Happy PPF!

  18. Beautiful work today. Your altered piece is just gorgeous, love your handmade embellishments! Fabulous photos, especially enjoy the insect hotel. Lots of rain for us as well, a little dark and cold but that's ok. hugs :)

  19. Thanks for sharing your fun digital piece with us at Digitally made. Beautiful flower photos and mixed media piece, too.

  20. Valerie what amazing art! Your digi piece is brilliant and I love this song (showing my age now) and your plaster piece is amazing. I'm enjoying making plaster of Paris pieces too at the moment so great minds eh ;-) xx

  21. Wonderful, wonderful you have wow-ed me, photos and collages all superb
    Favourites: Collage 1, and Photo of Thistle

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  22. Your art is compelling. I love the colors and the layering just brings me in more. Lovely to see the flowers. The artichoke has interesting contrasts, beautiful color but you don't dare touch without care.

  23. I want to build one of those insect hotels. I think it works because you have so many bees in those beautiful garden photos. :) I love the digital page you made-I especially like the layering and how some of the image seem to really pop off the page. And I also like your molded pieces. I have a bunch I made awhile back and I think I now know what I should do with them. I like how you painted and colored them. That's what I need to do. :) Hugs-Erika

  24. A charming and warm digital work you've made here. as I said in your post above, a lovely botanical garden. and I think I mixed these two posts, as I find the insect hotel in this post. there are insect hotels in "our" botanical garden, too. There is a shortage of bumblebees and bees this summer.

  25. omg, that is so gorgeous! Love the transparency of the figures, it gives it a dreamlike quality. Really beautiful...

  26. Your work with the roses on the triangular canvas is awesome! And what a fun trip to the botanical garden, I love the Magentaspreen! (With the magenta tipped leaves) yummy!
    Happy PPF

  27. First off I love being greeted by the gorgeous blue background of your blog and wonderful banner!! It made me so happy!! Kind of took my breath away and I'm not a blue person. Maybe I am Your rusty roses are stunning...that plaque is soooo beautiful... I love it so much!! Wonderful journal page too...filled with lovely details!! Your photos are all so stunning...what camera do you use? WOW!

    Hugs Giggles

  28. I've not seen a triangular canvas Valerie! Very Cool....I also totally love the image of the insect hotel....Bees need all the help we can give them!
    Thank you for joining us again at Rhedd's Creative Spirit Challenge this month.

  29. Love the way you turned it out into a grungy piece. Greart texture too. Thank you for joining Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge and Distress It with us! Hugs, Macarena

  30. Your art pieces are amazing!!! Love what you did to the canvas! WOW!
    Great photos! I can't believe those artichokes!!! Insect hotel! Very cool! LOL!
    Big Hugs!

  31. Wonderful digital piece. Thanks for joining us at Digitally Made for our "Summer/BBQ Fun" Challenge..

  32. oh my gosh!! like simply oh my gosh!! amazing piece. thanks for joining us on the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge (and for sharing your beautiful pictures as well!)

  33. gorgeous deep dramatic statement piece. Thank you for sharing with us over at Rhedd's Creative Spirit this month and hope to see you again in future challenges.

    Handcrafted by Ellapu
    Mother Hen for Altered Eclectics
    Mother Hen for Eclectic Ellapu
    DT Rhedd's Creative Spirit

  34. Fab! Love the texture, and need to look out for triangular canvases now! Thank you for sharing with us at Altered Eclectics this month. Sammy-x

  35. I like the transparent idea of them melting in the sun!


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