
Tuesday 25 July 2017

This n that again

Hi Everybody!

I have enjoyed sitting on my balcony watching the rain pour down,
listening to the lovely sound of the wind and rain
on the leaves of the trees, and it was so refreshing
and relaxing, just the thing after so many hot, summer days.

For Go Tag Thursday, flags or bunting, I made a tag using 2 of the
little Union Flag tags that Donna recently sent me. I collaged a paper
napkin onto an 8" tag and sewed it onto a piece of recycled
black calendar. In case you're wondering, 'ONDO' is London without the
first and last letters - they didn't fit! Or perhaps they sold off
The L and the N to pay for the Brexit....
I let the little flag tags fly as

This is the other set of mixed media ATCs I made for 
Elizabeth's TSFT. One is
already en Route to the States, one will soon be on its way, and one 
is staying with me. The background was painted, the cups were stamped first to create a shadow, and then stamped and fussy cut from white
card before being mounted on the ATCs. The 'text' was stamped
with my typewriter-key alphas and glazed with
liquid glass:

Yesterday evening, shortly before dusk, I spotted this very 
dishevelled magpie sitting right at the top of the tree in
the field. I zoomed it in and got some photos of
its evening feather-care-time:

Looks like a punk here:

More bales of hay have appeared in the field:

 The roses in my kingdom Queendom of Balconia will be
blooming soon:

I love this variegated clover I bought this year - the bees love it, too!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love, love, LOVE that tag. Big Ben never looked more beautiful. And those ATCs are simply out of this world. Lucky recipients. Yours are so much nicer than mine.

    That poor magpie was a sight. So glad you shared these photos of it trying to clean itself. Other photos of the hay bales made me think of Kansas. Have a super day. I'm off to the grocery store and other shopping today.

  2. Love your 'ONDO' tag, too funny! The ATCs are wonderful, you always have such original ideas, and I am sure the recipients will love them. I've never seen a punk magpie before, what fun. I'm sure the poor bird thought he could comb himself without onlookers! Have a nice evening! Hugs, Sarah

  3. awww poor mag pie, love the tag with big ben. and all your photos ofcause ;O))

  4. Loving the colours and beautiful flowers. I truly adore your London card. Very well done and original.
    Hugs June x

  5. Your tag looks like a travel poster. The moving Union flags make me think of an old son. England swings like a pendulum, do...I really like the typewriter key stamps. I thought they were buttons.I enjoyed the view of your realm and the magpie with the punk do made me smile. Have a great day!

  6. Die Elster sieht verzaust aus die mag lieber trockenes Wetter. Nah da hast du doch auch genossen den Regen bei mir ging es und so ahbe ich an einen Blog rum gebastelt dafür. Dein Tag ist toll mit den Flaggen die wehen dürfen!
    Der ATC ist sehr schön mit dem Hintergrund und dem genähten Rand... toll ausgedacht!!!!!
    Schönen Abend dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  7. Beautiful 'ONDO' tags and sweet ATC's! Your rose and clover look lovely!

  8. The flag tag is amazing and we would all recognise Ondo for sure. Always good to add a touch of humour to things.

    Beautiful ATCs and I forgot to join sob sob.

    Love the magpie and his grooming ritual and all seen from where you sit admit the wonderful plants. The clover looks like a must have plant so I will add that to my list..we cleared a bit of space in the garden today so room for a couple of plants.

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. I love the London tag. The coloufurflags against the neutral buildings just perfect! Love the teacups. The variegated clover is very unusual.

  10. The London tag is gorgeous and the ATCs are so charming... What sweet photos of the bird as well.

  11. love your punky silhouettes, your tags and the london theme

  12. Its a fabulous Ondo tag, but we all know where we are when we see Big Ben. Fabulous background and the flags make it look really festive.
    More super ATC's as well.
    I loved the photos of your Queendom, the clover plant looks beautiful, something I would like to grow as well.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Your Ondo tag and ATCs are fabulous and I love the photos of the magpie.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Your ONDO tag is great, and I had a good little chuckle about selling the L and N to pay for Brexit. And Mr. Magpie, he looks like he had quite the night. Maybe he took the L and N to buy some breakfast-ha ha. Great photos. Hugs-Erika

  15. I love your ONDO Tag..what a fabulous napkin, I've never seen one with that image on before..
    As always your blog is full of beautiful photos, it puts mine to shame...
    Thank you so much for joining in our challenge this week at Go Tag Thursday x

  16. Beautiful post Val. What perfect stitchingon those ATCs. Love and Hugs Rita xxx

  17. Fantastic art and photos!Happy day!

  18. Lovely tag with the flags and the stitching always looks fabulous. LOVE your photos.xx [aNNie]

  19. That's a great napkin you found - fab photo of Big Ben, and it works brilliantly on the tag. I think ONDO is a super word! Much better than London...

    Your garden flowers are looking wonderful. I haven't been here to take care of the pots this year, so everything is a bit wild, but I'm just happy it's green!
    Alison x

  20. Hello Valerie!
    I just love your tag! You and your stitching have me quite taken! and those atc's are just my cup of tea! heehee
    Been missing you and thought it was time for me to push forward out of my funk!
    sending hugs and love to you,Jackie

  21. Your London tag looks very patriotic. And the teacups are fun. Love the typewriter keys. Our Queen, your flowers are beautiful:) I hadn't seen variegated clover before.

  22. I love your card Valerie, I should feel more patriotic, but living in the North I'm sure they would just sell Yorkshire off rather than the L & N lol. Your ATC's are fab too, I love your stitching. The magpie made me smile, they normally look so sleek - he's definitely been busted! xx

  23. Your ATCs are cute but that London! WOW! That napkin really works and I love the stitching. Beautiful work, my friend.

  24. I love your tag! My Mum's middle name was Ellen so maybe some called Ellen has your letters! Your ATCs look lovely! Great photos of the punk magpie! I am quite envious of the variegated clover! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Your London tag is cool! "Ondo" made me laugh! LOL! Love the ATC'S you created! You are brilliant with your creativity!! Love punky bird! LOL! Your Queendom is beautiful! Big Hugs!


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