
Monday 10 July 2017

T stands for coffee and cake

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at
Tag Tuesday
and our lovely Wilma is hosting this time and has chosen the theme of
As always, tags of all formats are welcome, and you have
2 weeks to link your sweet creations to our blog -
Hope to see YOU there!
I made a mixed media muffin tag:

And please remember, our theme at TIOT will be running
for another week, and it is TAGS, so you could
kill 2 birds with one stone!

For Elizabeth's 'summertime love' at Art Journal Journey 
I have a hybrid piece, using photos and elements from
Serif on a hand-painted background:

so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies
of the T Gang.

At my fave ice parlour they have new cups:

I saw these flowers with lots of busy bees last week when
 I went to the clinic:

In our local library there is an exhibition of a painter from
Düsseldorf, Ferdinand Paethel. He paints a lot of scenes
from our corner of the world, but there were also good ones
of Venice and classical still lifes. I love the colours he uses.
Some of the photos are not quite straight, the book-shelves 
were in the way!

This shows the Martin's lantern Procession which takes
place every November:

Next time I will be showing photos taken at the Botanical Gardens.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, another wonderful post, love it from beginning to end. The tag is great, love the witty quote! Wonderful journal page, too, love the colours. The paintings in the exhibition are really good, lovely flowers, too. We're still with mum, and looking forward to going back home. Hugs Sarah

  2. Oh my goodness, there is so much goodness here! I love the tag and I love that the journal page features mermaids... Lovely photos and the paintings are also wonderful.

  3. Fun tag and great summertime journaling. The paintings and flowers look amazing!

  4. Cute tag and I love that mermaid piece of art. Fab photos too

  5. Valerie happy happy early T day!! Hubby is going fishing so i have the afternoon to myself and thought i'd get started with the T party!! I just love your cupcake tag and Your Mermaid ArtJournal Hybrid page... Beautiful. I think those flowers are HollyHocks... i love them too... So nice to see so much of that artist's work. I think my favorite is Martin's Lantern Procession...... Happy happy T day!! Hugs! deb

  6. wunderschöner Tag und das sommertimejournal ist grossartig ich liebe es und Die Düsseldorferbilder sind klasse und die Blumen sind immer so schön gross wenn sie aufblühen tolle Fotos hat sud mit gebracht davon!
    Gute Nacht, träum schön!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  7. Your cupcake tag is fabulous. I adore the beautiful rose you added, and of course, I always love sewing. It elevates your tags to true art.

    I was so in awe of the paintings. I'd never heard of Ferdinand Paethel, but he is a fantastic artist. Very impressive. One was a beautiful as the next.

    I really enjoyed the darling summertime hybrid piece. I like the gulls and the saying, too. Of course, I haven't seen any mermaids yet, so they were a great addition to your Art Journal Journey entry.

    New cups at the ice parlor? They are certainly fun to read. I wonder if there are more sayings.

    Thanks for sharing Ferdinand Paethel's art, your cupcake tag, your mug of cappuccino from the ice parlor, and your simply stunning Art Journal Journey entry for T this Tuesday.

  8. I love the cake theme, your sentiment and you tag, Valerie. Let there be cake!

    Ferdinand Paethel's work is so varied. I especially like the Martin's lantern procession one.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  9. Love your tag and (I assume) page. The flowers look like hollyhocks, my all time old favorite. The art is beautiful.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

  10. Cute muffin tag, lovely work for the challenges. Beautiful exhibition photos, thanks for sharing!

  11. Such a lovely challenge, and those paintings are so nice to see. Greetings!

  12. It looks like you are surrounded by beauty these days, from the hollyhock flowers to the painting exhibit at your library. And of course your own artwork as well. Your muffin tag makes me want to eat more of the cherry muffins that I just made recently. And I love your beach scene, especially the mermaids and the nautilus! Happy T-Day. :)

  13. a post filled to the brim with artistic inspiration Valerie! Great tag and new theme. You know I love the AJJ entry:):) And what beautiful flowers- if only I had the talent to paint them...thanks for sharing the wonderful paintings too! Happy T day!

  14. Now that's a yummy new theme at Tag Tuesday. Love your big cupcake. And those quite the sexy mermaids on your summer journal page. Perfect for summer and the AJJ theme. I also enjoyed the paintings. You always find such interesting art. :) Happy T day Valerie. Hugs-Erika

  15. I love hollyhocks and you saw some amazing ones. I hope the clinic visit was simply a routine check-up.

    Fabulous paintings -- I like his style and the colors! Happy day!

  16. Lovely hollyhocks! I used to grow those years ago. The photos make me want to grow them again :) Super tag and mermaids journal page!

  17. A fantastic post Valerie full,of wonders and happy things

    Happy T Day and nice to see the new cups at the parlour.

    The tag is a great idea and terrific shapes to create the cupcake.

    Beautiful page with the enchanting scene. What fabulous images

    Love the hollyhocks and I have never seen red ones before. There semi to be loads of bees this year we have two bumble bee nests in our garden this year and they are very busy on lots of the flowers. Strange how they chose some over others.

    Amazing paintings with such detail. Not an artist I have heard of before but I love all the colours and scenes.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  18. Hi Valerie, Love this post - you lead such a wonderful life and thank you for sharing with us. Your cake tag is great - what a perfectly sensible quote to match your beautifully created cupcake. I thoroughly enjoy looking at your beautiful photos and the art exhibition looks so alive with colour. regards, Wilma

  19. Its a delicious new theme for Tag Tuesday, the cup cake tag looks awesome and had a super quote.
    Your page also is fabulous, the mermaids look like they are having a great time in summer.
    Wonderful painting photos, there are many talented artists around and its good that their work get shown to the public. You are lucky that you can get to see so many exhibitions close by.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Such a cute tag, the muffin looks fabulous! The sentiment on your lovely mermaid page made me smile. Beautiful flowers and paintings too 😀. Wishing you happiness this T Day! J 😊

  21. So much to see and take in. Lovely post.xx [aNNie]

  22. So much eye candy from your wonderful tag and journal page to the hollyhocks and paintings. Have a great day!

  23. Fabulous artwork - your's and the exhibited pieces as well!Lovely post!
    Happy T-Day - Thank you for joining AJJ!
    Sorry in advance for not visiting your blog the next days - I am not at home.

  24. What a great cup, no wonder they chose them to use in their place. The flowers are lovely. The color! I enjoyed the photos of the art. I'm unfamiliar with the artist. I like the colors he uses, too! :)

  25. I'm not familiar with Paethel. I'm with you, Val. I love the colors he uses.
    Everybody has hollyhocks in their garden but me. Sigh.
    I adore your pieces. They put a smile on my face:)
    YOU, have a great one.

  26. Love the beach art today.... wish I was at the beach! It's HOT here!!!! Great art display at the library . Love the hollyhock too. I have decided to plant more of them in my front flower garden. I finally found the seeds I got from my Dad a few years ago and now I'm going to test them to see if the will still grow. Keep your fingers crossed. Can't wait to see the Botanical Garden photos ♥ Happy T Day!

  27. Your tag is great, as are your holihocks. But the best thing in your blog today were the painting of Ferdinand Paether. Absolutely fab. I love his urban art particularly. Thank you so much for sharing those paintings. i had never Heard of him but would gladly hang one of those pictures on my Wall.
    Happy T-Day,

  28. What a great post with so many pretty things to see!! Love the cake tag. My favorite picture is the one with the Martin's Lantern Procession. Off to research it right now!

  29. Wow! I am still smiling! Your tag, your journal page and the pink and white coffee cup are a lovely start to your post! The hollyhocks remind me of my Dad!I loved seeing those paintings! Such vibrant colours in some of them! Happy T day! Chrisx

  30. Love that tag. You had me with pink polka dots. :) I'd forgotten all about hollyhocks! My aunt Jean used to call me that when I was little. Thanks for the eye candy and trip down memory lane.
    Happy T Day!

  31. Fantastique Art Journal Page Valérie !! really lovely ! Love the so beautiful card, and the lovely photos you share with us. Wonderful! Congratulation!! I wish you a very nice day, big hugs.

  32. Fabulous artwork/ tags Valerie - I adore the sea themed one especially. Those seagulls are so 3d .
    Great photos as always but the paintings were such a lovely treat to see :) not sure which one I love the most - all were fab - thanks for sharing.
    Gill xx p.s hope you had a nice time at the art group earlier in week.

  33. Great post Valerie!! I love your art!!! Always makes me smile! And, thank you for sharing this other artist! Amazing!! Big Hugs and Thanks for being you!


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