
Saturday 8 July 2017

Summer, swine and stones

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well. I had an enjoyable day out
with a friend yesterday. We visited the botanical gardens at the
Heinrich Heine University, and I will be showing the pictures
when I have them sorted.

For Elizabeth' s 'summertime love' at Art Journal Journey I made a 
digital page using elements from Mischief Circus, Serif and me:

I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, red, white and blue,
and to digitally made, summer fun/patriotic.

And some more photos of Zons. Sabine is sitting on one of the bronze swine
at the 'Swine Fountain'

The graffiti are just chalk: 

And here is the story behind it:
'In the year 1577 a 'swine war' broke out between the people of Zons 
and the Archbishop Salentin of Cologne, caused by different 
opinions over the taxes.
This fountain was created to commemorate the victory of the people 
of Zons, who re-captured 
their herd of swine under the leadership of Von Lauenburg  '

I always love to see flowers and grass sprouting from old
brick and stones:

We saw lots of tiny cottage gardens in front of the houses:

This one had rusty cats - extra for Elizabeth!:

Have a great day, enjoy summer,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a remarkable Art Journal Journey page. I am truly impressed with your digital skills and how beautiful you look in a swimsuit.

    Oh golly. Not only do I adore the cats, but to see a RUSTY one makes my heart flutter. How sweet of you to think of me with them.

    Loved the story of the swine. Looks like the town of Zons knew how to get their swine back.

    Again, I simply adore your AJJ entry with the huge ship and all the goodies. Thanks for sharing it today.

    1. Elizabeth, I didn't really want everyone to know that's me in the swimsuit, now you've let the cat out of the bag! :)

  2. Hi Val, glad you posted early today, we're off to collect my Mum, and then visiting friends in Taunus. LOVE the journal page, I recognise the bathing suit, but can't remember the ship....hihi! Great photos, too, hugs, Sarah

  3. Absolutely adore your summer art journal. Its so fun and delightful. Then of course the swine's are so cute too. A great visit you had.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  4. Terrific page Valerie and so summery. I have never been on a cruise and never wanted to but I do like to see cruise ships on the horizon here as they make their way to other places.

    That's it now I have saved so many of the beautiful brick walls I feel guilty. Vic just joined me to look at the pics today so I had to confess and tell him about all the beautiful walls you found and why Zons is so special.

    Must say Sabine's pig seat looks very comfortable. Given me an idea to knit a pig as well. Not big enough to sit on I hasten to add.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. ohhh this is so gorgeous love the swine and all very lovely surroundings, and atlast i got through to be your follower it just would not work but now it did ;O))

  6. ***wunderschön Sommerpower pur dein Journal****
    hihii da sass ich auch drauf sind sie nicht süss die Schweinchen!!!
    Toll deine Fotos weider von diesem Platz und so schön dekoriert ihre Vorgärten so schön!
    Schönen Samstag wünsche ich dir!!!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  7. Fantastic page for Elizabeth and super photos - I like the story of the swine, happy Saturday - great you have had another fantastic day with a friend out - lookinfg forward to many new photos.

  8. Hi Valerie! How are you doing this fine day? As always, I absolutely LOVED seeing your amazing photos! thanks so much for sharing them with all of us. I always feel like I was there with you in that beautiful place!!!!! I loved seeing the flowers popping out of the rocks, and the little cottage gardens in front of homes. So pretty!!! And WOW! Your art journal page is absolutely amazing. It truly made me feel like summer love!!! Hugs to you, my friend! xoxo

  9. Wonders of the world can always be seen here on this wonderful blog....thank you.xxHave a lovely weekend.♥

  10. I feel like the girl on that summertime page! Thanks for sharing the Zons photos and the background behind those swine.

  11. Love your pictures especially the pigs!
    sandy xx

  12. Such a fun digital layout and the focal image is smashingly awesome sauce! That cottage is breathtaking and beautiful! Hugz. ~Niki

  13. It was realy interesting to read your post today, super photos and wonderful art.
    Zons is a place that keeps giving, as we see the photos you are sharing.
    Yvonne xx

  14. What wonderful summer art! It isn't my favorite season, but I love your art about it. The photos are lovely too.

  15. Great art journaling page. It really captures summer fun. Thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.

    Cathe ♥

  16. That's a super page Valerie. I bet she is ready for sea, sun and some fun! :) Perfect for summer love. And I must say, I adore all those little piggies. What a unique sculpture. It commemorates an interesting story. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

  17. Fun layering of elements in your digital page, thanks for sharing with us at Digitally Made !

  18. Fab page Valerie - would make a great poster.
    The Swine fountain was interesting and the photos made me smile - the ones one the fountain look like they are smiling also :)
    Gill xx

  19. I love this Valerie, sooo happy, and you do visit some fun places xx

  20. Another great post and I'm always ready to see the pigs and the swine fountain ♥ Sorry I"m so late... my week has been super busy with taking care of the rescued dog. She is looking better.

  21. What a funny fountain. It looks like you had a lovely day out with your friend. Great page too - lots of fun elements there.

  22. Love your digital page. Amazing! Just Love the photography. The old architecture of Zons is beautiful.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

  23. Wonderful digital art. Thanks for joining us at Digitally Made for our "Summer/BBQ Fun" Challenge..

  24. I love your happy page! The girl certainly looks as though she is enjoying Summer! I love the photos of Sabine and the story about the Swine fountain! Zons looks such a lovely place to visit! Chrisx

  25. Your art piece is adorable! Loved it!
    Thanks for sharing about the pigs! I love the statues and I love the history!
    Me too, I love plants growing out of rocks.
    Big Hugs!

  26. Lovely work. Thank you for joining the challenge at Digitally Made. Hope to see you again next time.


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