
Sunday 2 July 2017

2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

For Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I am re-showing a piece made 
in November 2014:

"Today I was inspired  by Wilhelm Morgner, an expressionist painter who lived from 1891 to 1917, when he was killed in WWI. He lived in Soest, a little town in Westphalia. He knew Franz Marc and Kandinsky, and was much influenced by Vincent van Gogh.

The Blue Sower (der blauer Sämann) from 1911 is one of my fave paintings from him, I have often admired it in the Art Museum here in Düsseldorf.
This is the original, which shows much evidence of the influence of Van Gogh.

I decided to make a torn paper edition of this painting. I tore my paper and glued it to an A3 sheet of paper after painting the yellow sky. Then I sewed as many of the contours as I could. I drew the lines and circles  with felt-pens. 


I seem to have been using stitching in my work for a long time!

This week I got a huge parcel from my lovely friend Donna
in Canada:

It was filled with supplies and embellishments, I feel so
lucky and blessed to have such good friends as Donna.

Here are a few things shown a bit larger:

And when I saw this lovely fabric it called out to me and asked me
to turn it into a journal cover....

Yesterday I visited Zons, a little medieval town not far from here,
together with Sabine.
Sabine collected me, and after skilfully threading her way
through heavy traffic
in Düsseldorf, we arrived at the ferry , with which
we crossed over . Here it is still on the other side:

 The gate house to the town:

Sabine with the bishop:

The lantern looks like it hasn't been dusted off for a few centuries:

Love this lion:

The view from the town back towards the Rhine:

This is where we had an excellent lunch:

A nice way of telling people not to park bikes here!

We had a fun day, which included lots of good food, before
we drove back here, once again with poor Sabine having to brave
Düsseldorf's rush-hour traffic!
Thanks Sabine!
There are lots more photos to come, I will show some
each day. In the meantime, you can read more about Zons here
(English) and here  (German)

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Awe. SO much beauty here! So many beautiful art supplies, pieces and pictures! Eye candy here! xo

  2. Hi Val! Oh my, you were up early again this morning! Sorry if you couldn't sleep. Your post is lovely. I remember that piece you made, and love it. Love all the goodies you got from Donna, enjoy! And great that you had such a wonderful outing with Sabine, she is a lovely lady! Have a great day, take it easy, hugs, Sarah

  3. I absolutely adored your second look today. I thought the same thing about your sewing even before you mentioned it. I adore the piece and it looks as good as the one by Wilhelm Morgner.

    Düsseldorf looks wonderful and so does Zons. Had to laugh at the lamp. Now I need to check mine, which may look as bad as the one you captured with your camera. That Bishop was interesting.

    Thanks for sharing your visit to Zons and your Wilhelm Morgner inspired art piece for your second look on the 2nd.

  4. Forgot to mention what lovely gifts you received from Donna. You are one well liked lady.

  5. Such a wonderful sewn copy of the painting and it must have taken forever to do all the stitching.

    An amazing package from Donna and I bet your eyes lit up with the beautiful London pieces.

    Great photographs of a very beautiful day out with Sabine. She looks very happy with the bishop. Thanks for sharing those with us.

    Have a good day=very hot here today so we are off on a bus to a coastal place--see how far we get

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Amazing grace of beautiful pleasures.xx [aNNie]

  7. Ein wunderschönes Posting mit intressantes und tolles zu sehen!
    Ich wünsche dir ein gemütlichen Sonntag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. I love your take on the Wilhelm Morgner painting and glad you had a lovely time with Sabine, the photos are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. What a lovely post Valerie, your stitched art is fabulous and all those goodies you received will keep you busy for a while! I love the London fabric. Enjoy your Sunday! Xx

  10. How cool is this? I not only get to sit with my cup of tea to look at your wonderful torn paper painting, but a road trip, too. I love the architectural details of Zons. The pennyfarthing no biking sign made me smile. It's too cute. I also like all red and white pennants. So happy and welcoming. Oh, and your goody box, I'll look forward to seeing your creations with the contents.

  11. I really enjoyed this second look post-I was not familiar with the artist so thank you and love your re created piece-You are so very creative and talented!
    LOved the tour too-and wow what a very fun goodie package in the mail--friends are just the best!
    Hugs Kathy

  12. Beautiful inspired piece, I always learn so much about art from you. Thoughtful gifts from Donna. Thanks for the tour of Zons so far.

  13. Love the art piece and of course the pics you show from your travels, Valerie!

  14. That is an amazing painting. Too bad Morgner was killed in the war and couldn't have years more to produce such wonderful art. I like your take-the stitching really gives it some wonderful texture as of course a field would have. And what an amazing package from Donna. You have lots of new supplies to play with I really AM expecting some wonderful new art from you. LOL. And as I mentioned in Sabine's comment, you were at a beautiful place and it looks like you had a wonderful day out. :) Always fun to spend a day out with a friend. Hope your cooler weather stays so you can enjoy your walks and other activities without too much sweat. :) Hugs-Erika

  15. Love the updated version of your painting, the stitiching adds a lovely dimension.
    Great photos, this looks a lovely place Valerie and what a wonderful day you and Sabine had.
    Avril xx

  16. Wow! Your painting with the sewing (and the sewer) is fab. You have got that sewer just right. And the surround is typical you, which makes it a very unique sort of artwork (not a copy of the sewer) It's a shame really that he got killed. I wonder how he would have developed over the years had he lived...
    Your visit to Zons is wonderful.What a lovely place! Will you be sharing photos of your lunch too? I will look out for them on Tuesday.
    Have a great Sunday,

  17. What a lovely adventure for you and Sabine. And what a wonderful surprise from Donna. I appreciated the history on Morgner. I didn't know anything about him. Your piece was such a great replication of his work:) Loved it.

  18. Great reproduction of the art. Lucky you to get such a lovely parcel and to have such a lovely day out too


  19. Diese Bildvorlage hast du meisterlich,auch nähtechnisch umgesetzt. Ja man kann die Farbwahl und Textur Van Gogh's gut erkennen. Was Van Gogh mit flachen Pinselstrichen gemacht hätte, hat Herr Morgner mit kleinen umrandeten Farbflächen nachgeahmt.
    Donna's Freupost ist fantastisch, da hast du ja nun genügend Futter für die nächsten Kunstwerke. Habe mal kurz auf Donna's Seite geschaut und war begeistert von ihren farbenfrohen Bilder,sehen indisch aus von der Farbwahl her. Gefallen mir sehr.
    Deine Fotostrecke ist super, genau wie unser Trip in diese schöne Stadt war. Danke daß du mich so vorteilhaft,nebst männlichem Beiwerk, abgelichtet hast. ;)
    Alles Liebe und eine schöne,kreative neue Woche.

  20. Good Evening Valerie. I lust love your paper piecing art, so very effective and the colours are so glorious too. Beautiful architecture all around you , just waiting for you and your camera. Hope you are well. Hugs Rita xxxxx

  21. Amazing paper piecing art, wow, so very clever. Blog friends are so generous, a wonderful treaure trove you received there, enjoy! And like I have said before, you live in such a wonderful part of the world, lovely photos!

  22. Fab piece for Second on the 2nd - so special and such a generous parcel from Donna and great photos from your day with Sabine! Glad to hear that you had such a good time together!
    Happy new week ahead!

  23. What a lovely piece, it's wonderful! The parcel looks very sweet and your trip looks like it was so much fun.

  24. Your sewn version of that Van Gogh is marvelous.

    What a lot of wonderful craft supplies you got. Those napkins will be great in collage work.


  25. Great pictures! so glad you had a nice day away.
    You rendition Of Wilhelm Morgner's THE BLUE SOWER is fantastic and you can certainly tell that Van Gogh influenced him.
    Sandy xx

  26. Wonderful projects for the 2nd on the 2nd posting.
    The photos of your outing with Sabine looked fantastic, I 'm sure you both would have had a great day out.
    Enjoy using your new goodies.
    Yvonne xx

  27. Loved seeing this fabulous second look! I think will be having some fun with your gifts from Donna too! Zons looks a great place to spend time with Sabine! Hugs, Chrisx

  28. your homage to Morgner is exquisite. i love your art. what a wonderful parcel of goodies you got -- winning! looks like you and Sabine had great fun. i love it. have a wonderful week! xo

  29. Fabulous artwork Valerie - what patience you have to sew around all those shapes.
    What a wonderful day out with Sabine - loved your photos!
    Have a great new week and fun with your new goodies.
    Gill xx

  30. Hope you are having a pleasant productive day, my friend.
    Love the little hedgehog piece that was in your package.

  31. Ooh I remember this too, it's amazing! Lots of lovely goodies in your package too xx

  32. Your art piece is so cool!! Love it! More happy mail! Love all your goodies!!! And, I love your photos! Breath taking! Big Hugs!

  33. I'm impressed with all your torn paper bits and your interpretation of the painting. Wonderful. And what fun elements to work with. (Love the London!)


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