
Monday 12 June 2017

T stands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we start another challenge at Tag Tuesday,
and this time our lovely Wendy is our host and has chosen 
as her theme. Tags of all formats are allowed,
as long as there's texture on them, which you can create any way
you like. Hope to see you there!
Karen of Lunagirl chose a winner from last week' entries,
but you'll have to go to Tag Tuesday to see who the
winner is!
I was not feeling good over the weekend, so had to make a 
rather quick tag today. I painted a 10" tag with blue/green metallic
 paint, which shimmers in all shades of purple, blue and green. 
The peacock feather was stenciled with pearl structure paste. I added
 flowers and pearls to give more texture. The quote (when
feathers appear angels are near) was
written by hand. I added 2 acetate butterflies with
pearls. I sewed the tag onto  a white corrugated background
I am also linking to 'touchy feely' at Simon Monday Challenge

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so I would
like to extend  a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies
of the T gang. Today I have some yummy muffins with
chocolate chips for you, so help yourselves:

And my drink is cappuccino:

 At the farm/petting zoo/museum they had a lot of antique
farm implements,  old household items etc:

I remember being bathed in a tub like that as a kid!

Some rooms were furnished as they were in the
good old days:

The attics were full of cobwebs:

And this little chappy was hopping around by the chickens - I will
show you their photos tomorrow:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a gorgeous tag! I love the colors, it's beautiful! The photos are fun too, what a sweet birdie.

  2. Love your wonderful tag and all the lovely textural details. Great photos of the old farming implements, and the little birdie is really sweet. Hope you are feeling better! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Sorry to hear you were feeling poorly:(
    Love the tag. It's wondrous.
    Ah, the good ole days. Taking a bath then wasn't as easy as it is now, was it.
    My sis in law always makes me banana chocolate chip muffins. My fav.
    Hope today is a good day for you.

  4. awww gorgeous tag and very LOVELY photos from very nice place i can imagin.

  5. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well Valerie and hope you're better now.
    Gorgeous tag and love the quote on there. Great pics too and thanks for sharing.
    Fliss xx

  6. Lovely tag! Your muffins look so good too. Thanks also for the interesting tour today.

  7. So pretty, great feather and feathered friend at the end of your fab tour. xox

  8. Its a gorgeous tag Valerie, there is a beautiful shimmer effect with the colours you used. I thought at first it may have been a silk background.
    I am in love with the photos, the old machines. implements and buildings, just the kind of museum I could spend a while in as well.
    Your cookies looked delicious. I would readily reach out for one to have with my cuppa.
    I hope you are feeling a bit better today, I was sorry to read that you had been feeling poorly.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  9. dein Tag ist so wunderschön geworden mit diesem Druck und die Blümchen goldig an zuschauen!
    Und der Kinderbauerhof ich habe heute erst ein Video an geschaut als ich vor Jahren dort, ich find ihn so toll und es hat sich kaum was verändert dort.Schöne Fotos hast du mit gebracht!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Ja, es ist schön dort, und es ist gut, dass manche Orte bleiben so wie wir sie in Erinnerung haben.

  10. Sorry to hear you have been unwell, I hope you are feeling much better now! That's such a beautiful tag, I love the shimmering metallic paint with its different shades of colour! Everything about it is stunning from the sentiment, to the feathers, textures and pretty embellishments. I enjoyed visiting the museum with you, there is so much to see and your little chaffinch looks a cheeky chappy too. I bet the chocolate chip muffins taste delicious (I don't mind if I do ... grin!). Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  11. Gosh, I'm sorry to read you are not feeling well. I have been a bit under the weather, too, which kept me from creating art, unlike you. That tag is fabulous and really beautiful. I love the calming colors you chose, too.

    Of course, I didn't feel up to cooking, much less making muffins. Yours look wonderful. You bake wonderful things, and these muffins look out of this world. They go perfectly with your cappuccino.

    The zoo photos were wonderful. I had to laugh because there are things (tidbits) there that I have in my home, too. Of course, I've never seen or used one of those tubs to bathe in. Mine have all been porcelain. I really enjoyed this tour with you, and was really glad to see this beautiful old place through your eyes.

    Thanks for sharing your tag, your lovely photos from the zoo, and your muffins and cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

  12. Sorry you weren't feeling well. Hope you are feeling better now! :) Can't believe you made that TAG quickly- it looks great!

    Love seeing all those photos. Such interesting pieces! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Hope you'r feeling better Valerie and it wasn't anything serious you had. That tag is gorgeous though, so even when you were feeling down your talent still came through. I love how you made the feather pop off the page! And I'll have 2 of those muffins, even though I shouldn't. They look yummy. I think the farm museum had some cool things. I'm glad there are places that kids can go and see those antiques, and I guess even a lot of things would surprise me and I'm not a kid. LOL. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  14. Lovely Tag. I absolutely love that feather. I hope you feel better soon. I loved seeing those farm antiques!

  15. Beautiful tag Valerie. Hope you're feeling better by the time you read this:)
    Hubby will have at least 2 of those muffins- and I'll have a cappuccino.
    I am so impressed how every post you make has such a fabulous collection of interesting photos around your area and visits about. Happy T day!

  16. Fantastic tag 💖 I love going to places that have so many antiques on display..that little birdie is tryi g to steal the show ☺ Happy T Day

  17. Sorry you didn't feel well at the weekend hope you feel a lot better now dear Valerie

    Beautiful tag you made with lots of wonderful textures added to it and a very beautiful quote.

    Yummy buns and coffee. Happy T Day and I would love both of those.

    What terrific photographs and just the sort of place I love to visit. The pig ornament is wonderful among the other things all beautiful arranged.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  18. Fabulous post as always your pics leave me intrigued...get well and hugs.xx

  19. Hello Dear Valerie, I hope that by now you're feeling a little better.
    Your tag is gorgeous! Such a beautiful theme, so soft and flowing and I really love how you chose your lettering to complete the scene.
    The antiques were lovely to see - that oven would produce such special baked goods indeed! It's always nice to look at items from days gone by isn't it.
    Thanks very much for the cupcakes (I took two!! ;D)). Yummy coffee too.
    Sending good cheer to you from over the way xx

  20. Such a beautiful tag Valerie and I love the colours, finished off with the feather xx Gorgeous photos too xx TFS and sending my best wishes
    Annie x

  21. Sorry to hear you were feeling a bit off colour. I hope you are back to you goold old self again now.
    The tag is beautiful nevertheless. I love the quote and will think of angels when I see a feather.
    I loved the museum/farm. I recognised so many things! (A sign that I am getting old). Yep, I was bathed in a bath like that, only smaller. I love the toy stove. I had one like that in Italy and couldn't get to grips with it. I had a modern kitchen put in. Now I regret getting rid of it.
    The bread oven is fab. I wish I could have one here. (One day....)
    I would love a choc chip muffin, thank you.
    Thanks for taking us to the farm, and for the coffee and muffins,
    Happy T-Day,

  22. A fantastic tag, yummie looking muffins and brilliant photos of the lovely antique farm - get well soon.
    Happy T-Day!

  23. Sorry to hear you have not been well - hope you are better now! I was hoping that my last year in my 60's was going to be one where the time didn't rush so much and that I would be getting loads done - pah!!! Your tag is wonderful - really lovely texture! I loved seeing the goats and pigs but I must say these old farm and household items are fascinating! Yes I remember a bath like that too - in front of the fire with a clothes horse around to protect my modesty!!! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. The clothes horse was always used as screen at my auntie's, too - fun memories!

  24. Fab tag, Valerie! Also I love the pics :) Hope you are feeling better.

  25. Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well, but hope you are much better now. Great photos this week - love the old farm setting and the implements . Your tag is beautiful - perfect for Texture . I really like the way you stitched onto corrugated cardboard for even more surface texture.

  26. I'm so sorry for this fly by visit but things are crazy busy at the moment..Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  27. Hope you are feeling better now. Gorgeous tag in my favourite colours, love the stencil. Great photos again, love all the old implements.
    Hugs Wendy

  28. Valerie, your feathers tag is stunning! I hope you're feeling better. When I'm not well but not sick enough to stay in bed, I find creating helps take my mind off my misery. Thank you for the lovely muffin ;-)

    Hmmm, I don't see a bath tub in that photo. Could it be the boat on the wall? Or perhaps the box with the lid? I've seen ones like that in TV Westerns, but surely you're no that old! lol

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. I grew up in London after the second world war. Housing was at a premium as so much had been bombed, Our playgrounds were bombsites, and many people, like my aunt and uncle, had an outside toilet and a tin bath, like the 'boat' on the wall, which was placed in front of the fire, behind a screen, and the kids got bathed one by one or 2 by 2, as the case may be.

    2. The feather tag is beautiful. Love the colors and the sentiment. I'll gladly help myself to a muffin or two. Fun looking at the antique machinery. So glad for indoor plumbing and my modern washing machine. Happy T Day!

  29. The muffins look delicious! Thanks!

    I always enjoy displays of antiques farm and home equipment, especially set up as they would have originally furnished a farm or house. Thank you for such delightful photos :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  30. I love today's field trip! What a fun place to visit. And of course you mastered texture in your tag perfectly. It's light as a feather!

  31. What a beautiful tag!! I love the quote and texture you used! Hope you are feeling much better.

  32. get well the fairy cakes, old photos and wonderful angel tag

  33. Sorry to read you were not feeling good over the weekend - hope you feel a lot better now.

    Lovely to see all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  34. a very beuatiful tag!
    wonderful Photo's of the farm!

  35. I am a farm girl at heart so I loved all those farm photos-my favorite was the wood cook stove and that wood fired oven-always wanted one of those.
    Your tag is gorgeous and I can just feel all the softness.
    I didn't get a chance to post yesterday but still wanted to stop by for a visist

  36. the feather tag is lovely, especially the sentiment! the muffins look wonderful. i'm a little glad i can't get at them as i would probably eat too many! i love the photos from the farm house museum. such old-timey things. very fascinating. have a great week. xo

  37. Zauberhaftes Tag mit den zarten Blüten und Federn. Deine Fotos sind wie immer sehr einladen und spitzenmäßig gemacht. Danke für teilen.
    Liebe Grüße

  38. I hope you are feeling better my friend! Your tag is gorgeous! Breath taking! I love your photos!!! That is a cool tub! LOL! Big Hugs!

  39. WOW, oh wow! This is stunning, Valerie-Jael! Your feather looks amazing against the dark background of the tag, and lots of lovely textures. I so enjoyed the photos you added also! Thanks for sharing your wonderful project with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge! hugs, Maura


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